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Today’s quote

Wednesday, Jan 18, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Congressman Joe Walsh

“This governor, Gov. Quinn, is a tool,” he said. “This state is an embarrassment. People are leaving in droves because of taxes and regulations. One man runs this state, and it’s not Gov. Quinn; it’s (House Speaker) Mike Madigan.”



  1. - Randolph - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 5:05 am:

    “This governor, Gov. Quinn, is a tool”

    Sounds like a typical CapFax poster…

  2. - Steve Bartin - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 5:10 am:

    No individual is more responsible for the financial shape of Illinois. Joe Walsh is correct. Mike Madigan has put together a coalition of campaign contributors that benefit from the current system (which is not likely to be reformed anytime soon). Will Illinois lose another seat after the next census, or two? When it does: remember Mike Madigan.

  3. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 6:00 am:

    I always love the “regulations” comment from the right. The people making that comment can never cite to a bad regulation that makes a destroys jobs.

    Moreover, state regulations? In some twisted away (i.e. people who prefer to drink dirty water and breathe dirty air) there might be a complaint by some about the feds over regulation, but the state? Some state laws are pretty stupid, but at least in my field (mostly construction) I haven’t seen much “regulation” by the state at all.

    Perhaps some of the Republicans here can make sense of that part of his comment.

  4. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 6:22 am:

    “This governor, Gov. Quinn, is a tool”

    Takes one to know one. Way to keep it professional Joe.

  5. - The People Speak - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 6:24 am:

    Thats funny — someone running Pat Quinn — Joe Walsh is running for election in a new district — that’s really the explanation and he has decided that Pat Quinn will be his nemisis

  6. - pyrman - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 6:27 am:

    If the folks that are leaving are like Walsh…good riddance! Let them go to WI and eat cheese.

  7. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 6:34 am:

    Hey Steve, we also lost congressional seats under Edgar and Thompson. We’re NOT losing people. More than 400,000 people moved to Illinois in the last decade. It just happens that we’re not growing as fast as southern states and states in the southwest. Keep in mind, the census is a count of people, not citizens, so maybe everyone should rethink those hardline immigration stands because a flood of illegals might just get you more Congressmen? Somehow that seems fitting.

  8. - Bush Twins - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 6:41 am:

    Governor Quinnmay indeed be a tool… But Walsh is as well. Pot meet kettle….

  9. - Gregor - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 7:28 am:

    Way to elevate the level of debate, Joe. This is not the Rocky Mountain way.

  10. - Easy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 7:30 am:

    Joe Walsh working off the rosemary talking points

  11. - NotRMiller - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 7:48 am:

    Maybe the next “drove” leaving Illinois can include Walsh.

  12. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 7:48 am:

    Those child support regulations don’t seem to have cramped Joey’s lifestyle too much.

    Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Il., is an embarrassment to both Republicans and Illinois. And anyone named Walsh. Or Joe.

    As far as people leaving in droves, here are some stats from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, published in yesterday’s Trib.

    Net jobs gained or lost November 2010 to November 2011:

    Illinois: plus 57,100
    Indiana: minus 7,000 (say it ain’t so, Mitch)
    Iowa: plus 10,400
    Michigan: plus 59,400 (Detroit Rock City!)
    Minnesota: plus 9,400
    Wisconsin: plus 4,500

  13. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 7:59 am:

    So, Quinn’s a tool (what politician isn’t?) and Walsh is a fool. He would do us all a favor if he left the state. I’ll be more than happy to credit Quinn for the loss.

  14. - Shore - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:00 am:

    congressman walsh is energetically capturing the frustration that many throughout the state including on this blog as we read daily have with government in springfield.

    As for walsh’s tone, while I don’t always approve, the dillard/mckenna model of just playing nice and sitting on the sidelines hasn’t really done much for us. My view of Walsh is that he’s a little bit like what howard dean was to the democrats in early 2003, someone who’s bringing new energy and a solid vision but because of personal issues won’t ultimately be the leader of the movement within the party.

  15. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:03 am:

    Shore, some examples of Walsh’s “solid vision,” please.

  16. - Excessively Rabid - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:19 am:

    ==he’s a little bit like what howard dean was to the democrats==

    Or Newt without the brains?

  17. - bored now - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:32 am:

    Shore: joe walsh is nothing like howard dean. dean is intelligent, which you should be able to acknowledge even if you don’t agree with him. joe walsh is an idiot, which you should be able to acknowledge even if you agree with him…

  18. - MrJM - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:37 am:

    My view of Walsh is that he’s a little bit like what howard dean was to the democrats in early 2003, someone who’s bringing new energy and a solid vision but because of personal issues won’t ultimately be the leader of the movement within the party.

    Howard Dean was chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 2005 to 2009. During his tenure as head of the DNC, the Democratic Party took the White House and built majorities in both houses of Congress.

    He did alright.

    – MrJM

  19. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:38 am:

    I see Pat Quinn more as a utensil like a spoon, or even pasta scissors.

    A “tool” is a bit off.

  20. - Left Out - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:39 am:

    “This governor, Gov. Quinn, is a tool” - This is a very true statement. Rep. Walsh has also shown himself to be a tool of the rich. He has consistantly worked to advance such policies ending the estate tax (aka ‘death tax’). In many cases these policies aid only the rich while working agains the majority of voters in his district.

    “This state is an embarrassment.” - I agree fully with the congressman on this one also. A clear example of this is Rep. Walsh himself. One only needs to view the YouTube video of how he ‘interacts’ with the people from his district for an example.

    “People are leaving in droves because of taxes and regulations.” - Here he is way off base. The numbers leaving because of regulations is very small.

    “One man runs this state, and it’s not Gov. Quinn; it’s (House Speaker) Mike Madigan.” - The congressman is right again on this one. During the last session of the General Assembly Pat Quinn was a hard man to find when many of the big issues were being worked on. During last years GA session I feel that Madigan was the big winner followed the Chicago machine. One needs only to look at the new redistricting map for Illinois to see that.

  21. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:40 am:

    “State regulations”:

    Let’s see….

    How about state mandated elevator inspections (a racket if there ever was one).

    Or state mandated tanning facility inspections (got to keep those killer tanning beds under control…)

    Or our famous nanny state anti-smoking jihad against restaurants and bars.

    Or our soon-to-be state implementation of NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination Standards) here in IL. Wait for it….

  22. - MrJM - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:43 am:

    People are leaving in droves

    Hey! A buddy of mine works on the the Dodge Drove assembly line in Belvidere!

    – MrJM

  23. - Aldyth - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:45 am:

    Paid up that overdue child support, Congressman?

  24. - Informer - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:48 am:

    Total medicaid births in Illinois 2009 81,204. Sounds like the entitlement class is outrunning job growth in Illinois

  25. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:50 am:

    The truth hurts! At least he has the guts to say it.

  26. - thechampaignlife - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 8:50 am:

    Stay classy, San Diego.

  27. - Ahoy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:04 am:

    Both the State of Illinois and Joe Walsh do not pay their bills… just saying, I think they have more in common than he thinks.

  28. - curious - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:05 am:

    Does anyone have a link or a name of the article that wordslinger is citing. I’d like to see for myself.

  29. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:05 am:

    People are leaving to where? Any of states around Illinois who have similar taxes and regulations? Wisconsin is nice and calm these days. Indiana, didn’t they just eliminate all taxes and state regulations just to get Illinois jobs? Moving across country somewhere? Go read the CapFax versions in other states. Go to the library and read the papers from other major cities. Similar topics, problems, statements, and complaints.

    Howard Dean? Try Howard Stern instead.

  30. - Old Milwaukee - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:09 am:

    Joe Walsh is an embarrassment. When you call your Governor a tool, no matter how inept he is, you have lost your credibility. But, that happened a long time ago with Joe Walsh.

  31. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:23 am:

    “I see Pat Quinn more as a utensil like a spoon, or even pasta scissors.”

    A “Spork” maybe?

    or, how about…

    A Spork with the handle sharpened into a knife with a dull cutting edge.

  32. - mokenavince - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:23 am:

    I agree with nothing Joe Walsh says,however he may
    be on to something.Rergarding the Gov. and the Speaker.

  33. - John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:28 am:

    >>>>>>A “Spork” maybe?

    Let’s not soil the good name of Spork.

  34. - A.B. - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:30 am:

    I will be significantly happier when Joe Walsh no longer has the ability to gain the media’s attention.

  35. - JL - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:36 am:

    “This Congressman, Congressman Walsh, is a tool”
    – 95% of America

  36. - D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:37 am:

    PeeWee Herman: “That’s what you are, what am I?”

  37. - Obamas Puppy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:37 am:

    Takes one to know one

  38. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:43 am:

    I wish Joe Walsh would join the hoards leaving.

    PS–Like the anti-SOPA banner, Rich.

  39. - Fake Governor Quinn (regularly known as Old Shepherd) - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:43 am:

    Oh yeah? Well I’m rubber, and you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!

  40. - Irish - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:51 am:

    First of all, I pay little attention to what Joe Walsh says. there are some folks in this world that just don’t deserve to be listened to and Joe is one of them.

    Calling Governor Quinn a tool is wrong on several counts. One it is not respectful of the the Office of Governor. And it is an untruth. A tool is by definition something you use to fix or improve. PQ fails on both instances.

    One man does run this state and it is Mike Madigan. And the present condition of the State, worldwide economics aside, falls directly at his feet.

  41. - NIles Township - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:52 am:

    There is no bigger tool in Illinois politics than Joe Walsh. He was right about only one thing, Mike Madigan really runs this state, and he has for years through multiple governors. Only way a governor will ever truly govern Illinois again is for Madigan to step aside.

  42. - CicularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:53 am:

    Gags BraDy Billboards and Sen. Commando Make it must be so proud to have DeadbeatJoe as their spokesman this cyccle. He will elavate the debate

  43. - LakeviewJ - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:53 am:

    “The governor is not a leader, he’s a tool, like a hammer or a screwdriver or an alligator.” - Rep. Homer Walsh R-IL-8

  44. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:54 am:

    It would seem Congressman Walsh determined he had been off the media radar for a couple hours and he couldn’t take the lack of attention.

  45. - Bemused - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:01 am:

    One of the reasons I do not run for Congress is I feel there are folks who are much smarter and better qualified than I for the job. Mr. Walsh tends to make me wonder about all that.

  46. - RMWStanford - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:06 am:

    A bit of overstatement to say that Mike Madigan is the sole person that runs the state. I will say Quinn deserve a fair amount of the blame for the current state of the state not only for his actions as governor but for his part in helping to kill the mufti-memeber districts.

  47. - L.S. - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:11 am:

    If Pat Quinn is a tool, he’s the first tool that can’t fix anything.

    Shore: That’s an insult to Howard Dean. What personal issues did Dean have? He was a successful governor, ran a very effective insurgent campaign for president, had one weird moment on the back end of that groundbreaking campaign and then was an effective national party leader. How does that match up with being a one-term embarrasement who dodges child support? Weak and lazy analogy.

  48. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:12 am:

    @Wordslinger -

    Thanks for once again reminding folks that Illinois leads the Midwest in job creation coming out of the recession.

    It’s too bad that too many of Illinois’ reporters are unfamiliar with that new-fangled device called the IN-tur-net.

    Then they too could fact check quotes before printing them.

    After they’ve explored the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, they might want to check out the Census Bureau…you know, the data source that provides the foundation for capitalism’s long-range planning.

    A few facts from the Census Bureau:

    1. Illinois’ population increased by more than 400,000 over the last decade.

    2. The most recent projection from the Census Bureau has us topping 13.4 million in 2030.

    If people are leaving Illinois in “droves”, they are arriving here in “legions”.

    BTW, most policy experts consider Madigan to be one of the most fiscally conservative leaders in the state.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:18 am:

    Dear Capitol Fax Posters,

    One of the best things about Congressman Walsh (R-IL) is his positive attitude and the respect he has for others, and for the offices they hold. We would be hard-pressed to find a more gentlemanly member of the congressional delegation, who is dedicated to lifting the image of Illinois.

    We should all be thankful that true Statesmen like Cong. Walsh, (R-IL) are working for us to make things better. The trashing of the Suburban Republican is unfounded, petty, and downright mean, compared to the discussions Cong. Walsh (R-IL) tries to elevate us all to when searching for the answers to the Nation’s problems.

    Every single baiting post here should be stripped and every poster needs to apologize to Cong. Walsh (R-IL). Leaders say and do the “tough things” while we “Wallflowers” just stay on the sidelines and nip at the heels of greatness.

    I am embarrased for each and every poster. I am embarrased I am from an Illinois that does not appreciate Cong. Walsh (R-IL), and I am embarrased for an America who has too few … Cong. Walsh’s (R-IL)


    Congressman Walsh (R-IL)

  50. - Esquire - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:20 am:

    Joe Walsh is correct, but his style of ranting makes him look like the former Democratic Congressman Jim Traficant of Ohio (”Beam me up, Scotty) — a voice in the wilderness confined to the margins of US House of Representatives.

    It is one thing to criticize, but what is Walsh doing constructively to make things better?

  51. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:22 am:

    Has the Speaker stopped laughing yet? Does anyone control Quinn? Including Quinn himself?

    Going back to the other day, I’m sure Walsh would enjoy a less restrictive regulatory state that exists in Mississippi. He’s welcome to move there and tell us how it is a nirvana.

  52. - Shore - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:24 am:

    Howard Dean spent 2 years as a ski bum out of yale (and was admitted at a time when guys like him and bush whose fathers went there got in with bad grades) and only got into politics because he didn’t like that his local town council was building a bike path through his back yard. This was not an up from his boot straps rhodes scholar. He like Walsh was initially cast a nutcase outsider by his party which like the Illinois GOP now was too timid and afraid to fight for its principles. He has personal baggage and does not know when to shut up some times, but he brings actual passion and statements like this are things that most republicans think but which RINOS like topinka, dillard, and rutherford are too weak minded to say.

  53. - Tommydanger - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:28 am:

    -How about state mandated elevator inspections (a racket if there ever was one).
    Or state mandated tanning facility inspections (got to keep those killer tanning beds under control…)-

    I guess my response is if its not government that does the inspections than who would? If the answer is “no one” than I get a little uneasy. Maybe a tanning salon inspection is low hanging fruit, but elevator inspections? Really? Oh, that’s right, we can wait until the accident happens and then sue—how satisfying; to seek redress for an avoidable injury rather than prevent one. How wonderfully inefficient! No one likes the government doing anything until there is a problem and then they all scream for government to step in. You probably also don’t see the need for that little sticker on the gas pump that says some bureaucrat came out to make sure that the pump actually dispensed a gallon of gas when it said it did. Or that the premium grade gas was actually premium and not the lowest grade. I haven’t read where any tanning salon went out of business over paying the cost for a state inspection or license.

  54. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:30 am:

    ==Or our soon-to-be state implementation of NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination Standards) here in IL. Wait for it….

    It’s not “soon-to-be state implementation” of NPDES. We have had primacy for years.

  55. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:36 am:

    “Let’s not soil the good name of Spork.”

    True. Besides, Pat Quinn probably doesn’t even know what it is.

    I have this image in my mind of Pat Quinn holding up one of those plastic KFC sporks at a presser and talking about this example of innovation (the plastic spork) occurring right here in Illinois….

  56. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:39 am:

    === but he brings actual passion and statements like this are things that most republicans think but which RINOS like topinka, dillard, and rutherford are too weak minded to say. ===

    @Shore - If by weak-minded, you mean “fact-based”, I’d kind of have to agree with you.

    Illinois’ population has increased more than any other midwestern state. We’re expected to reach 13.4 million by 2030.

    Since the temporary tax increase passed, we’ve also added more jobs than any other Midwestern state. We’re even growing manufacturing jobs.

    And MOST of the manufacturing jobs lost in Illinois over the last 15 years were lost while George Ryan was governor and Republicans controlled the Illinois Senate.

    These are facts, and they are stubborn things.

    And I’m not sure what your definition of a “RINO” is, but I can tell you what my definition of a “HYPOCRITE” is: someone who preaches “fiscal conservatism” and “family values” but doesn’t pay their child support.

    Unless the Republican Party added “abandon all personal responsibility” to its platform when I wasn’t looking, I’d say Walsh is the fattest Rhino in the Zoo.

  57. - soccermom - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 10:56 am:

    @Informer – Yeah, it’s terrible when people who don’t have health insurance get coverage through the State when they have babies. It would be so much better if those moms didn’t get prenatal care, which is a complete racket. And all those physician-attended births, and the related decrease in infant and maternal mortality? They totally add to the surplus population. What horrible public policy. Who’s the socialist who decided that we all have an interest in healthy babies and healthy moms?

  58. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:10 am:

    “…but elevator inspections? Really? Oh, that’s right, we can wait until the accident happens and then sue—how satisfying; to seek redress for an avoidable injury rather than prevent one. How wonderfully inefficient!”

    Sounds great, but reality is far different from theory. Under this wonderful law, elevators are supposed to be inspected annually.

    Municipalities can opt out, and Chicago made sure they were out of it. Which explains why last year, when I made a stop at UIC, the elevators hadn’t been inspected for four (4) years. Oops.

    Btw, fyi, the biggest elevator problem isn’t mechanical, it’s electronic. Every time a set of severe thunderstorms roll through Illinois, you get lightening strikes, and resulting power spikes can overload the UPS/battery backups and kill the embedded controller cards which then have to be replaced.

    Maybe we need a new warning sticker in elevators: “Do not use elevator during fires or thunderstorms”.

    And don’t get me started on industrial boiler inspections. Another racket.

  59. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:13 am:

    So, JD, you’re wanting more regulations on elevators?

  60. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:14 am:


    but he brings actual passion and statements like –…this are things that most republicans think but which RINOS like topinka, dillard, and rutherford are too weak minded to say.–

    Shore, Walsh speaks for most Republicans? That’s a nasty thing to say about Republicans.

  61. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:19 am:

    “It’s not “soon-to-be state implementation” of NPDES. We have had primacy for years.”

    Actually, I should have said:

    the soon-to-be implementation of the IDPH Private Sewage Act requirements to comply with NPDES regulations.

    If you want to see insanity in action, take a close look at the state requirements for using larvicide and dealing with NPDES. What’s scary is that not only did somebody in IDPH/IEPA think the process up, but they were able to find higher up(s) who approved it.

  62. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:25 am:

    Attack dogs have their place in politics. Some are chosen (Dick Durbin and his ill-conceived comments on members of the armed forces) and others do so on their own. While I would not necessarily agree with what he is saying or how he is saying it he certainly is within his rights to do so. Noisy challengers of the status quo are all human beings - none of who are perfect. It is easy to dismiss the message because the messenger is flawed. The important thing is whether or not the message, perfectly accurate or not, strikes a chord in the electorate.

    In other words - throw mud against the wall and see what sticks. Both sides use the throwers, whether we like it or not.

  63. - Dan Shields, Springfield, IL - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:25 am:

    Wonder how MJM is handling this. Truth hurts.

  64. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:25 am:

    “So, JD, you’re wanting more regulations on elevators?”

    Last time I checked, the IL State Fire Marshall’s good offices hold monthly meetings in Chicago where they carefully discuss the finer points of elevator regulations ad infinitum.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it hasn’t already come up.

    After attending one of those downtown meetings once upon a time, I have no plans to go back.

  65. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:25 am:

    should be “none of (w)hom are perfect”.

  66. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:26 am:

    should be “none of who(m) are perfect”.

  67. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:26 am:

    Finally, some meat to the constant refrain that “regulations” are holding back the economy.

    It’s elevator and and tanning booth inspections. That’s what hinders job growth. Who knew?

  68. - bored now - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:33 am:


    Illinois: plus 57,100
    Michigan: plus 59,400

    in the real world, 59k > 57k. this is one reason why i’m support elgie sims — he can do math. i realize this is a low bar, but (unfortunately) politics is rife with people who can’t. (yes, this is a personal pet peeve; hence, my harping on a picayune error)…

  69. - bored now - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:34 am:

    but, apparently, i can’t spell (or spell words in the correct tense)…

  70. - Judgment Day - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:37 am:


    Many of us get to deal with all sorts of crazy stuff every day coming out of the State of Illinois. I can probably keep citing more and more examples. Your list is probably going to get longer…

    Btw, the real impact is going to happen when the USPS goes up in flames. What is the State of IL going to do when they can’t mail out everything?

  71. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 11:37 am:

    At least Congressperson Walsh best exemplifies some of his supporters. He speaks closest to the way many people are thinking. The L.A. Times did an article recently (yesterday?) about Kennedy, Reagan and public unions, and the comments section was gushing with hate and anger toward public unions.

  72. - Chuck - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 12:01 pm:

    Oh No! Say it ain’t so Joe..

  73. - mark walker - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 12:06 pm:

    Walsh gives a loud and direct voice to a substantial number of citizens who are disgusted with our current government and economy. And as disrespectful as he might be, at least he has many open public meetings, unlike some of his colleagues. These are good things on balance.

    Unfortunately, careful attention to his simple statements of our problems and possible solutions, show him to be remarkably ignorant or misleading in critical areas.

    He has been factually wrong about how the world and national economies work, how and by whom jobs are actually created, the causes and key players in the recent financial catastrophe, the actual impact of taxes, and how state government works or fails to work.

    Walsh’s style is one thing, and we can argue about whether it helps or harms the public conversation.

    But his content is so often wrong, and so righteously asserted, that he certainly does not help lead us to real solutions. We cannot solve our problems by promoting a false or simplistic reality, even when it does resonate with some in the audience.

  74. - Sue - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 12:08 pm:

    As much as is dislike Rep Walsh and wish he would disappear from Illinois politics- even a broken clock is right twice a day-

  75. - Steve Bartin - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 12:12 pm:

    Yellow Dog Democrat:

    When is Illinois going to gain population at the national growth rate??

  76. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 12:22 pm:

    “This governor, Gov. Quinn, is a tool,” he said. “This state is an embarrassment.

    Takes one to know one.

  77. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 12:49 pm:

    Dear Joe Walsh,

    Hey, don’t you know it’s a waste of your day?

    You’re caught up in endless solutions that have no meaning. Yours is just another hunch based upon jumping conclusions. You’re living a life of illusion (or quite possibly delusion).


    Joe Walsh

  78. - 3rd Generation Chicago - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 1:13 pm:

    Obviously Joe Walsh feels Madigan uses a lot of politicians as tools to do his work.

  79. - mokenavince - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 1:27 pm:

    I agree with Walsh on 2 issues today I must be dreaming.

  80. - Today - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 2:53 pm:

    This from Chicago Business

    Illinois’ population growth stalls
    December 21, 2011

    Population growth in Illinois has slowed to a virtual crawl, with the state adding just 27,000 residents since the 2010 census, new estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Wednesday indicate.

    According to the bureau, Illinois population climbed from 12,869,257 on July 1, 2010, to 12,841,980 a year later. That 0.2% hike placed Illinois 42nd among the 50 states and District of Columbia — and at about half the rate of increase in neighboring Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa.

    Illinois did match the 0.2% hike in Missouri, with Michigan losing an estimated 956 residents.

    Illinois has lagged national growth rates for several decades, but growth of just 27,000 a year, if true, would be the lowest since state population remained almost flat amid the economic turbulence of the 1980s.

    Overall, national growth has slowed to the lowest level since the 1940s. The leading gainers: Texas, with 529,000 net new residents; California, 438,000; Florida, 286,000; and Georgia, 128,000

  81. - Going nuclear - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 2:55 pm:

    Judgment Day, I don’t think you can blame Governor Quinn or his state agencies for the clean water (or NPDES) permit requirements that are being expanded to cover certain pesticide applications and septic systems. These new requirements are due to federal court decisions and mandates, and they will affect all states, not just Illinois.

  82. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 2:55 pm:

    U.S. Congress’ latest approval rating (13%, Gallup) says that many Americans think Mr. Walsh is a tool.

  83. - wishbone - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 3:42 pm:

    The Governor is not a tool whatever that means, but on the other hand he does not come across a serious person who is up to the burden of dealing with the state’s fiscal problems. He never talks straight to the public or treats them as if they were adults. Maybe a little closer to a fool than a tool.

  84. - Anon - Wednesday, Jan 18, 12 @ 9:48 pm:

    Earlier today I closed on a condominium in Florida. After 25 years I will be leaving Chicago at the end of May. One of the top two or three reasons that I’m moving are the high taxes in Illinois and the general incompetence of the state. county, and city governments.

  85. - northernIL - Thursday, Jan 19, 12 @ 12:07 am:

    Well, at least Walsh understands who runs Illinois government…

  86. - Skeeter - Thursday, Jan 19, 12 @ 6:08 am:

    I don’t know about that decision, Anon. I will take some incompetence to avoid living in a place where a nice little swim runs the risk of being eaten by Bull Sharks. Did you consider any place where the wildlife is not so troublesome? Illinois may have problems, but I’ve never heard of any perch attacks.

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