Question of the day
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * We followed this story earlier today…
* The Question: Do you favor immediate repeal of last year’s state income tax hike? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Thanks.
Here we go again
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * First one out of the gate was Michael Sneed…
* And then came Andy Shaw…
As of right now, Lisa Madigan is running for attorney general again. Only pundits are floating her name. I don’t see her running against Quinn. But, Daley? Who knows? The guy has floated his name for governor more times than Gov. Pat Quinn has, um, “changed his mind.” What do you think?
Tax hike anniversary - LIVE Coverage
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Today is the one-year anniversary of the income tax increase. The Illinois Policy Institute is holding a Chicago press conference with House Republican Leader Tom Cross and Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno at ten o’clock this morning. The live stream will be posted here. I’ll update this post when the presser begins. Later today, IPI will host a free reception for Statehouse reporters at Boone’s Saloon. I’m not sure who is attending, or if I’m going. Anyway, your thoughts on the tax hike anniversary? * OK, let’s start the ScribbleLive feed. Blackberry users click here. Everyone else can just watch…
Campaign roundup
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The tradition in Illinois is to not challenge petition signatures for presidential delegates. We’ll know by Friday if the tradition will continue…
* In other news, the Illinois AFL-CIO released its list of primary campaign endorsements this week. Click here to read the full list. From the press release…
No congressional Republican primary candidates were endorsed. Several state legislative candidates in tough primaries got the state fed’s nod, including Senate candidates Donna Miller (the wife of former Rep. David Miller) and Sen. Mike Jacobs (up against former Rep. Mike Boland). The labor umbrella group didn’t endorse anyone in the open seat race for Illinois Supreme Court. …Adding… 600 people? That’s some intense interest, man…
* Republican Congressman Don Manzullo continues to whack his primary opponent Congressman Adam Kinzinger as not conservative enough. From a press release…
* Kinzinger zings back…
* Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi has a new web video. Have a look… * Republican state Sen. Carole Pankau is running a new cable TV ad. Rate it… Pankau is up against Rep. Randy Ramey in the GOP primary. * Other stuff…
Quote of the day
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * President Barack Obama, speaking at a fundraiser last night…
Decatur likely to be hit hard by ADM layoffs
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Decatur’s unemployment rate in November was slightly lower than the statewide average, at 9.9 percent, but this is gonna hurt bad…
* Lots of those eliminated jobs will be in Decatur…
* More…
Oy. * Meanwhile…
* And here’s a spot of decent news…
* But…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller