No question today
Thursday, Jan 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Instead of a question, how about we just give this man a moment of respect?…
As slain Chicago police Officer Clifton Lewis’ body was carried in to a West Side church Thursday morning, sources confirmed three suspects were in custody in his death.
His casket was draped in a Chicago city flag. Bagpipes played as the casket was carried in to United Baptist Church, as hundreds of police officers in dress uniforms looked on and saluted.
At the service, police Supt. Garry McCarthy told Lewis’ family: “We are indebted to you. … I promise we will not tire until we find and hold those responsible for this senseless act.”
* Officer Lewis had received 81 commendations from the CPD in just eight years…
The off-duty Chicago police officer slain in a West Side convenience store Thursday night had just gotten engaged on Christmas Day, family friends say.
Clifton Lewis, 41, an eight-year veteran assigned to the Austin District’s tactical team, was pronounced dead Thursday at Stroger Hospital, officials said. Two men had walked into the M & M Quick Foods about 8:30 p.m. at 1201 N. Austin Blvd. in the Austin neighborhood, shot the officer, and then grabbed his gun and star and fled, sources said. […]
At a press conference, Chicago Police Department Supt. Garry McCarthy said that both of the offenders were armed, one with a pistol and the other a weapon that appeared on video to be a TEC-9. He also said that Lewis, who was standing behind the counter, drew his own weapon and was “subsequently shot.”
“The officer didn’t stand a chance in this case. He did everything he could,” McCarthy said. “Both offenders were wearing masks when they entered the location. One of the two offenders immediately turned and started firing at Officer Lewis. And Officer Lewis engaged that individual … and was subsequently murdered.”
* This was a special man, and the community has responded…
Emanuel, who on Wednesday participated in a leafletting asking for the public’s help in finding Lewis’s killers, said the robbery and slaying do not embody Chicago.
“As I went door to door yesterday in Austin, I want you to know that I saw an outpouring of love and support for Officer Lewis,” Emanuel said. “…That is the city that we call home, and what happened the other night darkens our lives. That is not the city we know. That is not the city we love. And that is not the people we are.”
Quinn said that “Cliff truly was a hero” and someone who “understood you had to live in a community to protect a community.”
* So perhaps in our own little way we can help memorialize Officer Lewis…
In lieu of flowers, family members request donations be made to PAWS Chicago in the name of Ofc. Clifton Lewis.
* Click here to donate.
* Related…
* VIDEO: Lewis Death a ‘Tragic, Senseless Loss’: Emanuel
* VIDEO: Quinn Remembers Fallen Officer
* VIDEO: ‘Cliff Did Everything 100 Percent’: McCarthy
* Illinois switched from a “fair market” model to a “smoothing” model a few years ago to paper over falling pension funding rates. But with portfolio values increasing and the state making more timely contributions, it might want to switch back…
The latest review based on fiscal 2011 figures shows Illinois’ unfunded liabilities rose to $82.9 billion for a funded ratio of 43.4% from $75.7 billion for a funded ratio of 45.4% in fiscal 2010. The review was based on a model in which investment returns are smoothed over a five-year period. Asset growth helped stave off larger declines in the funded ratio.
The state shifted several years ago to the smoothing model. On a fair market valuation, the funded ratio actually improved. Unfunded liabilities fell in fiscal 2011 to $83.1 billion for a funded ratio of 43.3% from $85.6 billion and a funded ratio of just 38.3% in fiscal 2010.
* But then there’s this…
The state’s 30 pages of pension and other post-employment benefits disclosure note that while the method used for figuring the state’s contribution rate complies with state statutes, it does not meet guidelines established by the Government Accounting Standards Board. The contributions fall short of the actuarially required contribution, or ARC.
Illinois contributed $4.3 billion in fiscal 2011 to the funds, short of the $5.9 billion ARC payment based on GASB guidelines.
* And this…
Under the current plan to bring systems to a 90% level by 2045, funded ratios won’t rise above 50% until 2025, and without reforms the state faces huge increases to reach the 2045 goal.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I do not know why we need to have 90 percent of all possible pension payouts for the next 30 years on hand at once. I can understand why the feds want corporations to do this because most corporations eventually go under. But for a state, especially a state with the strongest constitutional pension payment mandate in the nation, having 10-15 years or so of all possible payouts for the next 30 years on hand ought to be more than enough. The requirement just seems onerous to me and wealth transfer to Wall Street.
* Now, on to Medicaid…
House Republican budgeteer state Rep. David Harris, R-Arlington Heights, said he expects Medicaid costs to grow at nearly 8 percent a year for the next few years. Illinois is slated to spend $7 billion on Medicaid in the current state budget, about a fifth of the $33.2 billion spending plan.
“The Medicaid system is going to have to recognize that the dollars from Springfield are not going to be there like they were in the past,” Harris said.
Harris and his fellow Republicans have said Illinois could save billions of dollars by “trimming” people from Medicaid.
Kraft said the governor proposed a Medicaid rate cut last year, but lawmakers and Medicaid providers “did not have an appetite” for that. Instead providers and legislators opted to delay payments.
Mautino said that’s not an option next year.
“The state is going to have to find another $700 million for rising Medicaid costs, and you have about $1.5 billion unpaid bills that will have to be addressed in next year’s budget,” Mautino said. “The spring session will be all about trimming Medicaid costs.”
That will be a painful process to watch.
* And this is from the latest COGFA state revenue report…
In terms of the economically related sources, both corporate income tax as well as sales tax could be viewed as somewhat outperforming expectations, while personal income tax has slightly underperformed and has struggled to achieve any real growth absent the tax increase. Looking ahead, the most likely scenario continues to call for modest growth over the remainder of the fiscal year and into FY 2013.
* Related…
* Editorial: Budget fix has to be top priority
* City job cuts hit black and Hispanic neighborhoods hardest
* Quinn signs pension reform into law
* Wagner Named Acting Director of Illinois Insurance Department
* The rest of the story, 2011
* Early in December, Attorney General Lisa Madigan and the Citizens Utility Board demanded that the Illinois Commerce Commission cut Ameren’s rates by $41.1 million…
The Citizens Utility Board and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan asked the Illinois Commerce Commission on Monday to force Ameren Illinois to cut customer electricity rates.
The utility had sought a $40 million rate hike but withdrew that request as promised when the Legislature overrode Gov. Pat Quinn’s veto and passed controversial smart grid legislation last month. The legislation alters the rate-making process in a way that is expected to increase utility profits.
Consumer advocates say Ameren’s withdrawal of its rate hike request isn’t enough. That’s because when the case came before the ICC, an administrative law judge recommended that Ameren decrease customer electricity rates by $41.1 million because of concerns the company was padding its profit.
An administrative law judge agreed.
* But on December 30th, Gov. Pat Quinn quietly signed the “smart grid” trailer bill, despite his fierce opposition to the proposal. Quinn’s signature killed the rate case…
The bill at first sounded like it would aid consumers by requiring the Illinois Commerce Commission to dump Ameren’s pending request for a rate hike. But it became an accidental detriment when the administrative law judge overseeing the case recommended a decrease for consumers instead.
In the last five years, the vast majority of rate requests that come before the ICC have resulted in an increase to consumers. If the case had continued, and the ICC had accepted that recommendation, Ameren customers would have been on track to receive savings of between $30 and $50 per year.
But with Quinn’s signing of the trailer bill — which lowers the return on equity utilities will receive under a new formula-based rate system and increases the amount ComEd and Ameren will pay to upgrade its aging infrastructure — the case is null and void.
* As a result, some Ameren customers will receive a much smaller rate cut, while others will see a rate increase…
Ameren Illinois made its initial filing under the state’s grid modernization law on Tuesday, one that will initially provide modest rate relief for many electric customers in the Metro East.
Overall, Ameren’s electric rates would decline by $19 million a year if the new rates are approved, Ameren spokesman Leigh Morris said.
But not everyone will benefit. Customers in Ameren rate zones 1 and 3 (formerly AmerenIP and CIPS) would see slight reductions in rates. Those in zone 2 (formerly Cilco) would see an increase, Morris said.
* And I don’t know if Mayor Emanuel was dinging the governor or not, but he sure did his best to celebrate Quinn’s trailer bill signature as soon as hizzoner returned from his vacation…
With a promise of 2,400 jobs for Chicago, ComEd on Wednesday launched the hiring blitz it promised in exchange for a $2.6 billion rate hike that will finance “smart-grid” technology.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel held a news conference with ComEd President Anne Pramaggiore to tout the benefits of legislation denounced by Gov. Pat Quinn as “smart greed” for the campaign contributions the utility lathered on state lawmakers who overrode the governor’s veto.
The hiring will begin with 350 to 400 Chicago jobs this year and up to 2,400 over the next decade, Pramaggiore said. […]
In his failed campaign to uphold his smart-grid veto, Quinn likened consumer-friendly improvements to the rate-hike bill to putting “perfume on a skunk.”
On Wednesday, Emanuel made the legislation sound and smell rosy.
* Related…
* What’s Next For The Illinois Power Agency?
* BlueStar sold to huge electric utility
* Ameren files controversial rate hike plan
* Ameren Illinois wants rate increase to upgrade distribution grid
* Ameren begins implementation of MAP
* Smart grid will create 2,400 jobs here, mayor says
* Mayor Emanuel: ComEd Smart Grid to Create 2,400 Jobs in Chicago
* ComEd’s switch to smart grid will create about 2,400 jobs for Chicago, officials say - About 1,000 of those jobs will be related to construction over the next five years; 2 out-of-state firms plan to open offices here
* As I told subscribers yesterday, Sen. John O. Jones has dropped out of his Republican primary bid after his inadequate petitions were challenged by fellow GOP state Sen. Kyle McCarter...
Jones, a 16-year veteran of the General Assembly, withdrew from his March 20 matchup against state Sen. Kyle McCarter, saying he wasn’t sure he could survive a challenge of his nominating petitions by his opponent. […]
McCarter challenged Jones’ nominating petitions and found enough potential problems that Jones exited the race rather than embark on a legal fight. To run in the Senate primary, a candidate must have at least 1,000 valid signatures from registered voters within the district. Jones said if each of McCarter’s challenges had been successful, he would have been dozens of signatures short of staying on the ballot. […]
It wasn’t clear Wednesday whether the move means an end to Jones career in Springfield, which began in 1995 when he was elected to the House. He moved into his Senate seat in 2003.
“I’m going to leave my options open,” Jones said.
Gathering enough signatures to run as an independent will be a whole lot harder than it was in a party primary, so he’d better get his act together if that’s what he’s going to do.
*** UPDATE 2 *** Adam Andrzejewski is alleging fraud. From an e-mail…
Furthermore, seven signed affidavits alleged petition signature forgery. Evidence of more forgery was gathered on five more petition sheets. Rather than fight these legal assertions, Jones decided to drop out of the race. In addition, the objector was prepared to allege that union reps circulated nine pages of petitions on government property: inside a state prison and a school.
[ *** End Of Update *** ]
* Only a relative handful of people, like Democratic Sen. Dave Koehler, had an easy time gathering petitions this year.
It used to be, candidates could just flood the Board of Elections with thousands of iffy petitions, making it very difficult if not impossible to find enough signatures to kick them off the ballot (that’s what happened with Scott Lee Cohen and his gigantic mountain of signatures in 2010, for instance). Now, there’s an upper limit, after which the Board stops counting. Candidates have to make extra sure they’re turning in their most valid signatures or face the boot.
* But the current political climate is so toxic for politicians of all stripes that just going out a couple of weekends and gathering tons of sigs is no longer a viable option. People are in no mood to cooperate, and lots of candidates ended up turning in petitions on the last day of filing this year because they weren’t prepared for the reaction at the doors.
“Hi, I’m running for the Illinois General Assembly, you know, the people who raised your taxes and your electric utility rates, haven’t solved the pension mess, can’t pay the state’s bills, are still handing out legislative scholarships, forced you to register with the government when you buy Drano, allowed Chicago to install speed cams…”
[Sound of door slamming.]
* And it isn’t just legislators and legislative candidates having trouble…
Chicago’s election board voted unanimously Wednesday to remove Ald. Rey Colon (35th) from the March 20 primary ballot for Democratic ward committeeman because he did not collect enough valid signatures from registered voters in the ward.
Colon has served as committeeman since 2004, and his exit leaves only one candidate for the top party post: Nancy Schiavone, a lawyer who unsuccessfully challenged Colon for alderman last year. Schiavone could not be reached for comment. […]
Colon is the third incumbent ward boss who has encountered trouble staying on the ballot for this year’s primary. Ald. Toni Foulkes (15th) dropped her re-election bid after her nomination papers were challenged. Raymond Lopez, who ran against Foulkes for alderman in last year’s election, will run unopposed for committeeman of that ward.
Ald. Howard Brookins (21st) is currently fighting to stay on the ballot after a preliminary examination by election board officials found he was about 100 signatures short of the required total.
That’s just craziness. These are ward committeemen. They’re supposed to have an organization. But, things are tough all over and sometimes people can get lazy.
Reformers thought the new signature requirements would work against challengers before filing started. So far though, more incumbents than usual are having real problems. Heck, even the Obama campaign didn’t file petitions on the first day, and, as of this moment, hasn’t filed yet.
* And this story probably won’t help, either…
A southwest side community activist who’s running for State Senate says he was offered a state job and money to drop out of his political race, and he said that offer was secretly taped by the FBI.
Democrat Raul Montes Junior is running in the 12th District, a job that is also being pursued by incumbent 11th District Democrat Steve Landek, who is also the mayor of southwest suburban Bridgeview.
Earlier this month, Montes says he got a call from a political consultant he believes was representing Landek. They met in a restaurant on Taylor Street, where Montes said the consultant tried to entice him to withdraw from the primary race.
“He said, ‘We could compensate you for your time,’” Montes said. “‘Thousands of dollars, and possibly get you a Chicago coordinating job, and you’ll be working for Senator Steve Landek. What do you think about it?’ I started smelling something fishy.”
Montes said he didn’t feel comfortable about the offer and called the FBI. On Christmas Eve, he said he received a voicemail from Landek asking to set up a face-to-face meeting.
Montes said the FBI equipped him with an undercover recording device when he met with Landek last Thursday in a suite at Toyota Park in Bridgeview. He said they talked for nearly two and a half hours, and at the end of the conversation, Landek asked Montes what it would take to get him out of the race.
“He said, ‘What if I offered you something to come on staff with me at the Senate? You’ d be making over $30,000 a year,’” Montes said. “I listened to him. He goes, ‘What about if I give you some money?’ I go, ‘Money?’ He says, ‘Yeah. I can give you a check right now for $3,000, but you gotta withdraw. Go on vacation. Go somewhere you want. Come back in a few days, and then you work for me on my campaign.’”
Sen. Landek insists he did nothing wrong. But, wow, what a story this is.
*** UPDATE *** Interesting…
Well-known election lawyer Burt Odelson says that he took a phone call from his friend Landek and advised him that it was perfectly legal for Landek to offer Montes a job for dropping out of the race.
“I talked to Steve in the middle of the meeting,” said Odelson, who is also representing a challenger to Montes’ nominating petitions. “Steve offered him a position on his campaign committee to help him in the campaign.
“Steve and I talked about this before he did it, because [Montes] did pass a lot of petitions and he did it all himself, and you can’t find people like that anymore who do that hard work.
“Especially, he lives in an area that’s new to Steve’s district. He’s Hispanic. It makes all the sense in the world to get young blood involved in the organization. Additionally, if you can get your opponent off the ballot, you get him off the ballot.”
Odelson said Landek did nothing wrong in offering Montes a job.
“It goes on every single day in politics,” Odelson said, “from every level of government including the judiciary. Steve offered a job on his campaign staff, and if that worked out he would consider him to work on his senate staff. … And it would save a lot of money not having to run against somebody run against him, even though Steve is going to beat him 80/20 or 75/25. He’s not a serious challenger. He lives with his parents in the basement.”
Unfortunate rhetoric
Thursday, Jan 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Congressman Don Manzullo was in Oglesby earlier this week at a Bureau La Salle Tea Party meeting. This is how he pitched himself…
“The Rockford area (where I live) has consistently led the nation in unemployment,” said Manzullo while he explained his philosophy on how to get American back to work.
Perhaps he needs a better angle.
* From that same story, I wish reporters who get quotes like this would make people explain themselves a little bit…
“I feel Kinzinger, whom I supported and campaigned for in the last election, has voted and works against our Bill of Rights,” [said George Richter, a Republican Earl Township precinct committeeman]
The guy essentially accuses his congressman of treason (or at least violating his oath of office) and there’s no follow-up?
* And if you thought the D300 people would go quietly into the night, now that they got pretty much everything they asked for from the General Assembly during the Sears debate, think again…
Community Unit School District 300 leaders questioned whether a $275 million tax deal the state offered Hoffman Estates-based Sears was more of a corporate bailout than a fair business incentive to keep the company in Illinois.
“At this point, some members of the D-300 community are asking whether these so-called ‘incentives’ for Sears were actually a bailout, along the lines of the bank bailouts and car company bailouts,” said District 300 spokeswoman Alison Strupeck.
The company is deeply in the red, but that “$275 million tax deal” as reported by the local paper is actually spread out over many years, not given to the company all at once. So, it’s not a bailout.
* A recent Sun-Times headline read “Felon William Cellini’s family still profits off state contracts.” But that’s not exactly what’s going on…
As a convicted felon, William F. Cellini — the longtime Republican power broker recently convicted of corruption tied to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s “pay-to-play” schemes — can no longer do business with the state of Illinois, as he has done for more than four decades.
But the Illinois law under which Cellini faces a five-year ban on getting any state contracts doesn’t apply to his vast network of business ventures, some of which have been turned over to his daughter and son, according to state officials.
Cellini companies — New Frontier Management and an affiliate, Pacific Management Corp., which is owned in part by his daughter and son-in-law — have agreements with private landlords to manage 18 buildings now occupied by state agencies that include the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Transportation, state officials say.
* Under current law, the state cannot force private property owners to hire or fire certain management companies…
Untangling the state’s relationship with Cellini-associated companies might be difficult. The state is not paying rent to Cellini-associated companies. The companies that own the buildings pay the Cellini-associated firms fees to manage them.
“I don’t think state has the authority to dictate for a landlord with whom they can do business,” said [Alka Nayyar, a spokeswoman for the Department of Central Management Services].
When the state seeks to lease property, it puts out a request for information from property owners, spelling out the amount of space needed and other requirements.
“We can’t pre-determine who responds to an RFI,” Nayyar said. “In all cases possible, we try to go with the lowest respondent as long as their particular proposal meets all the space requirements for the agencies.”
And since when do we start actively punishing children for their fathers’ crimes?
* And while this story is certainly heartbreaking…
A suspected drunken driver charged with killing a pedestrian on a northwest side of Chicago street last year is now on the run — and the victim’s family is pointing the finger at Cook County’s elected leaders.
William “Denny” McCann’s family believes the suspect, Saul Chavez, would still be in the custody of law enforcement — and not a fugitive — if the Cook County Board hadn’t passed an ordinance that the family argues paved the way for the suspect to disappear.
“They f—– up,” Kevin McCann, the victim’s brother, told the Sun-Times. “He (allegedly killed) my brother, and they let him out of jail.”
The alleged felon made bail. The reason this is garnering media heat is because he was an undocumented immigrant…
In the days after Chavez’s arrest, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued a “detainer” for him, asking that the county jail notify the agency when the suspect posted bond and to detain him up to 48 hours so agents could pick him up for possible deportation proceedings.
But in September, county commissioners passed an ordinance instructing the jail to ignore the immigration detainers, whether the charges are for misdemeanors or felonies — describing the detainers as requests and not arrest warrants, as a federal court ruled earlier in the year.
Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle championed the measure, saying the detainers sometimes targeted U.S. citizens and became costly as federal agents routinely would ask for the hold and forget about it. Both say they feel sympathy for the McCann family but that this points to problems with setting bonds.
The bond was set at $250,000. A family member scraped up the cash and he was let go. If Cook County had not passed the ordinance, he would’ve been turned over to Immigration, which would’ve then deported him south of the border. John Kass is riled up…
It wasn’t as if the politicians of the Cook County Board weren’t warned that they were creating a Willie Horton problem.
They were indeed warned, by Cook County Commissioner Timothy Schneider, as they passed a foolish new law.
But, as Kass himself notes…
The proposal passed. And the feds weren’t notified. Chavez, a Mexican national who had previously been convicted of a DUI, came up with $25,000, bonded out and disappeared. Now he’s believed to have skipped back home.
In other words, Chavez is right where the feds would’ve sent him anyway.
The problem in this particular instance is the bond, not necessarily the law.
…Adding… A couple of commenters have pointed out that the feds would likely have held Chavez in detention until his trial. So, yeah, this is a problem. Apologies all around. However, as another commenter pointed out, what bail bondsman in his right mind would agree to a $250,000 bond on a flight risk like this?
* Yes, I’m fully aware that both of these positions put me way out of the so-called “mainstream.” But when the media pack attacks, I usually try to take a couple of steps back to see if it’s a valid attack. Both of these stories allow people to get all worked up and fume at the powers that be, but, in my opinion, the outrage is misplaced.
*** UPDATE *** Via e-mail from Cook County Commissioner John Fritchey…
While there is no simple answer to this issue, what is being ignored in this story is that the suspect was being held in county jail for over FIVE MONTHS and ICE did nothing to take him into their custody.
The problem with the detainers is that they don’t require any probable cause and have been ruled to be voluntary detention requests. Candidly, some of you may be fine with this concept as long as it involves an undocumented person but what about if the detainer were erroneously used against a U.S. citizen or even a veteran, as has happened?
There are a few leading factors that allowed this situation to turn out the way it did.
Factor One: If the judge or State’s Attorney thought the suspect was a flight risk, they could have, and should have, set a higher bail or no bail.
Factor Two: If the feds wanted to deport him, they had five months to take him from county custody. They repeatedly choose not to because they don’t want to absorb the costs of processing and incarcerating these individuals.
Factor Three: And last June, a 7th Circuit Federal Court ruled that the ICE detainers are voluntary requests meaning that we have NO legal right to hold somebody once they post bond. To then comply with the detainer means that we would be unconstitutionally holding depriving somebody of their liberty.
And I am confident that once the county would be required to pay out the first million dollar plus judgment for a civil rights violation, there would be shouts that we shouldn’t be holding people without due process. Again, if the feds feel that they have a basis to hold somebody, they are more than able to take them from the county while we are legally detaining them.
Also not pointed out in the article is that the county ordinance provides that the Sheriff can still hold these individuals provided that the feds indemnify us for doing so.
To blame the outcome on the county policy is overly simplistic, misplaced and incorrect.
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