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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jan 4, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s late in the afternoon and I just realized that I forgot to post a question.

Anyway, Mitt Romney is the only person who has filed to run for president in Illinois so far

State Treasurer Dan Rutherford, chairman of the Romney effort in Illinois, was at the State Board of Elections Tuesday morning to file petitions for delegates and alternates – also a full slate of 54 — committed to Romney. Rutherford himself is among delegate candidates in the new 16th Congressional District.

Rick Santorum didn’t start circulating petitions until December 23rd, according to Jon Zahm.

* The Question: Which candidate are you supporting for president and why?

As usual, try your very best to avoid bumper sticker slogans and DC talking points in comments.


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Wednesday, Jan 4, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Food for thought

Wednesday, Jan 4, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Despite being born in Kankakee, living in Utah for a while and then Germany, Iroquois County is where I grew up. I was back there over the holidays and checked my “Around Me” app on my iPhone for something or another. The app also has a “Nearby” option that tells you a bit about where you happen to be at the moment. I clicked it and saw something that I never knew.

Iroquois County, population 29,718, has 26 townships. That’s just a little more than 1,000 people per township, on average. Milks Grove Township, where I grew up, has just 177 people. Here’s a township map…

Iroquois has 1,100 square miles, making it the third largest in Illinois. But it’s more farmland than people. They have 25 county board members there, again, about one for every thousand people, and ten school districts.

This is not some pro-government liberal bastion, either. Iroquois is one of the most rock-ribbed Republican counties you’ll ever find.

* I’ve always been partial to rural townships because I know that my former neck of the woods would’ve been shortchanged if the county took over everything, like roads, for instance. The resources would most likely go to the places with higher populations, like Watseka.

But, man, those stats are truly eye-openers.


The problem is far worse than they’re telling you

Wednesday, Jan 4, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The new “Budgeting for Results” law was supposed to provide us with more accurate budget projections from the governor’s office. One way of doing that was to require that the governor not use new revenue sources in his projections. But maybe the law also needs to be changed to force him to project expenditures using existing laws as well because his projection yesterday is basically a fantasy

The long-term forecast for the Illinois budget looks gloomy, with less state money available and government services facing cuts, Gov. Pat Quinn’s office said Tuesday.

Quinn’s three-year projection shows state revenues climbing for two years and then dropping sharply when the state income tax increase expires. More federal money could make up the difference, but Illinois government would wind up with roughly the same amount to spend in 2015 that it has now: a little over $33 billion.

Meanwhile, expenses will keep climbing unless officials take action.

The state’s contribution to government pension systems is projected to grow 43 percent, to about $5.9 billion. Quinn’s forecast shows health care costs holding steady, but that assumes something happens in the next few years to control expenses. Without that, Medicaid costs could rise by hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Most everybody reported that the governor’s forecast was “gloomy,” and it is gloomy, but it deliberately obscures some real spending pressures, so it’s the rosiest gloomy report I’ve seen in a while. Medicaid and state employee/retiree health insurance has been rising exponentially for years. How he plans to hold that spending to zero growth for the next three years is a question that went unanswered yesterday. Here are budget director David Vaught’s thoughts

“If we can get the rate of growth down, it will be a great victory.”

Yeah, OK, I agree. But totally flat growth for three years? The state will have to inflict serious pain to do that and it will require an enormous amount of political will.

* Vaught, however, also fired a warning shot at AFSCME

“We’re in a squeeze,” said David Vaught, Quinn’s budget director. “The pension costs and the Medicaid costs are going up more than the rate of inflation and more than the revenue growth. That squeezes everything else out.”

Consequently, Vaught said, other areas of government have to look at 9 percent reductions to compensate.

“Most likely (employee headcount) will go down,” Vaught said. “I don’t see a lot of prospect in the collective bargaining that’s going to be under way for a lot of good news for the employees.”

Vaught said programs also are likely to be cut. The administration is required to file a three-year budget projection as part of the report. It shows a $350 million reduction next year in human service programs, listed on the report as “protecting the most vulnerable among us.”

“These will be painful cuts,” Vaught said. “You don’t cut 9 percent out of budgets that have already been cut just by finding a little extra here and there. It’s going to be real cuts that affect real people.”

* More Vaught

The governor’s budget director, David Vaught, suggested it’s not so grim despite the “squeeze” but acknowledged, “we’re scrambling.”

“In cash terms, sure, we’re behind, and we need to catch up,” Vaught said.

But Vaught held out a silver lining: At this point, slightly more money is coming in than is going out. The problem, Vaught said, is a “hangover” of costs from the last budget that are slated to be paid before June 30. The state also has an older stack of bills worth more than $6 billion.

Quinn plans to renew his push to pay down that stack by borrowing the money, a move he has long argued would bolster the economy. But Republicans, whose votes are needed to pass the proposal, have opposed more borrowing.

* And I simply cannot understand why nobody reported the most important part of the governor’s forecast: Even with these cuts, Illinois will have an $818 million deficit in Fiscal Year 2015, when most of the tax hike expires. It’s right there in the report. Go look at it yourself.


Cullerton says no cellphone while driving ban yet, wants new gaming talks

Wednesday, Jan 4, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As mentioned below, Sen. John Cullerton held a press conference yesterday to announce that he was nominating Illinois Commerce Commission executive director Tim Anderson to be the new Secretary of the Senate. Reporters asked him several off-topic questions, including about the the National Transportation Safety Board’s urging of states to ban cellphone use while driving

Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, who helped put Illinois’ first seatbelt law on the books in the early 1980s, said Tuesday he doesn’t disagree with a National Transportation Safety Board recommendation that states ban all cellphone use — including hands-free devices — while driving.

But he said he’s unsure Illinois lawmakers are yet ready to take that step.

“I don’t think there is the political support yet to pass that but I think it’s something that might be inevitable,” Cullerton told reporters. “It could be something down the line, but certainly not right away.”

* More

It “might be inevitable” that Illinois eventually bans the use of cellular phones while people are in cars, Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, said Tuesday.

However, Cullerton said it won’t happen immediately. […]

“These are the kinds of things you take incrementally,” he said. “I’ve kind of gotten away from being the main sponsor. … I think that’s something which I’ll leave to the other senators.”

* And via we have the video

* Cullerton also answered questions about the stalled gaming bill

Senate President John Cullerton said Tuesday that he expects lawmakers to take another run at gambling expansion in 2012.

Cullerton took questions from reporters about his legislative agenda at the state Capitol, where he was asked if a gambling plan that included slot machines at Arlington Park and new casinos in Lake County, Chicago and elsewhere was dead.

“No, not at all,” Cullerton said.

The powerful Chicago Democrat said Sen. Terry Link of Waukegan and Rep. Lou Lang of Skokie will have to work with Gov. Pat Quinn to forge a compromise this year.

As I’ve pointed out time and time again over the years, no gaming bill can pass without the governor’s involvement. Quinn either cut himself out or was cut out by legislators during the spring session and that was a big mistake. Then again, Quinn was AWOL last spring on everything. Maybe now he’ll engage.

* Other stuff…

* Hearing requested on Cellini state business

* State hires firm to run video poker monitoring system - Decision points to operations not being ready until near year’s end

* Are investors hungry for new Illinois debt?

* Economic recovery coming?


Vaught, Cullerton outline some possible pension changes

Wednesday, Jan 4, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn’s budget director talked pensions with Doug Finke

Quinn is also working to convene a work group to discuss ways of controlling soaring pension costs. The state’s pension costs are expected to increase by $1 billion in the next budget.

There is heated disagreement about whether benefits for current employees can be reduced. But, Vaught said, many attorneys believe that annual cost-of-living increases for pensioners could be reduced without violating the state constitution.

He also said more money could be put into the system from someplace other than the state. That could include higher employee contributions or “more from the real employers of our K-12 educators.”

“Three quarters of pension payment is for employees that are not state employees,” Vaught said. “You have a different employer negotiating pay and benefits, but then the state picks up the pension.”

Not including pension bond costs, Illinois will spend over $1.1 billion to fund the State Employees Retirement System next fiscal year. But it will spend $2.7 billion on the Teachers Retirement System and another $1.4 billion on the State Universities Retirement System. Pushing some of those costs down to local school districts and universities would be quite painful for those guys, but could potentially free up a huge amount of cash for Illinois’ budget.

And as far as COLAs and making employees pay more into the system are concerned, let’s go to the Illinois Constitution

Membership in any pension or retirement system of the State, any unit of local government or school district, or
any agency or instrumentality thereof, shall be an enforceable contractual relationship, the benefits of which shall not be diminished or impaired.

* Meanwhile, Senate President John Cullerton said yesterday that he wants to look at different ways of getting pension costs under control

Cullerton said the sort of reduction in pension benefits for current employees under the House bill is forbidden by the state constitution.

Cullerton, who also is eyeing changes in city of Chicago pensions, said he wants to work closely with unions to negotiate changes to the House plan. Cullerton suggested one path to a constitutional solution would be by following “basic contract law.”

“If there’s a reduction in the benefit, there has to be a corresponding consideration, and there has to be acceptance,” Cullerton said.

The Senate president’s comments come during an election year when runaway pension costs could be an issue used against candidates. It remains uncertain at best whether meaningful pension cost reforms could be negotiated in an election year. Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn has announced he would pull together a task force to look at solutions.

“We’re not going to be relying on the Quinn administration to come up with a pension proposal, but if they do, it’s all the better,” Cullerton said.

* Via, here’s the Cullerton video



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Wednesday, Jan 4, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
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* Question of the day
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* Annual survey: Illinois educator shortage eases, but staffing pipeline challenges continue
* It’s just a bill
* Misguided Insurance Regulation Proposals Could Increase Premiums For The Majority Of Illinoisans
* Foster care services in jeopardy: 'We can't let that happen'
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