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Reader comments closed for the weekend - But first, a little Brooke Thomas and the Blue Suns

Friday, Feb 24, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Brooke Thomas and the Blue Suns have a new release coming out this summer and I cannot wait. Finally, Springfield has a band that could break into the big time.

We have a lot of great music in this town and always have, but not nearly enough people know about it. Maybe they’re too lazy to look, or they have lousy taste, or whatever. But I’ll pit the per capita rate of talented, homegrown songwriters and musicians in Springfield against just about anyplace. What I’ve long believed we’ve needed, though, is for one band to jet into stardom so the scouts would start handing out contracts to everybody else around here. Brooke Thomas and the Blue Suns could very well be that band.

* If you haven’t seen this young woman and her solid band perform, you’re really missing out. Thomas fronts the group, but legendary local bandleader Mike Burnette (Suns of Circumstance) makes sure the train rocks on time. It seems to work well. This cover of Duffy’s “Mercy” is from their live album Live in the Capital City released last year before they added guitar god Luke Turasky (a good friend) to the lineup. It blows the original away…

* I do not understand how such a powerfully soulful voice could come out of such a young woman. Here they are doing Sara Bareilles’ “Many the Miles”…

* Most of the songs the band has released so far have been covers. Joe Dawkins (another old friend and a songwriter) has a tune on their live album, “Broken, Broken Hearted,” which has been rocked up since Luke Turaski joined the group. The last thing I said to Luke as I left the bar after their most recent show was, “Don’t quit this band, man.”

Their new album will be all originals and Burnette says some national producers have shown interest. Brooke is also, to say the least, an attractive woman, which certainly won’t hurt the band’s skyward push

* I’ll be posting songs from the band’s new release as soon as I can get my hands on them. You can hear one of the tunes at Mike Burnette’s website. For now, I’ll leave you with Brooke’s only original song on the group’s first album. It’s called “I Found You”…

Have a great weekend.

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The difficult Medicaid choices ahead

Friday, Feb 24, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn said this week that Medicaid has to be cut by $2.7 billion. According to the AP, Quinn’s administration has prepared a “menu” of doable Medicaid cuts totaling $1.9 billion, plus options for reducing provider payments by as much as 9 percent, which would save $825 million

The list includes some items that probably seem reasonable to people covered by private insurance plans: Limiting the number of eyeglasses paid for each year, for example, or eliminating coverage of chiropractors. The current Medicaid program has no annual limit on eyeglasses or chiropractors.

The menu includes limiting — or eliminating entirely — dental care for adults and “durable medical goods” such as walkers and wheelchairs. It includes axing smaller programs for sexual assault victims, people with hemophilia and refugees who’ve been victims of torture. Obesity surgery is on the list for limits or elimination. […]

The list also include more drastic cuts, such as changing eligibility rules for nursing homes and at-home help so that some incontinent elderly people who can’t prepare their own meals would be denied state-financed care… Also on the menu is excluding illegal immigrant children from the All Kids program. […]

The list states that a 9 percent reduction in payments to hospitals, doctors and pharmacies would reduce state and federal Medicaid spending by $825 million next year. A 6 percent rate cut would reduce spending by $550 million, according to the list.

* Chief Financial Officer Dave Storm of St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital in Effingham lays out his case

(I)f Medicaid is looked at historically, it’s not necessarily the costs that are major factors in funding, but the number of patients eligible for Medicaid, Storm said.

As the state increases eligibility for everything from Medicaid to education programs, more people are taking part in the assistance. However, funding hasn’t followed the furnishings.

“But they haven’t done anything to allocate more dollars for those programs. It’s the growth enrollment side of it,” Storm said, adding the cuts go deeper for St. Anthony’s than just losing a portion of Medicaid payments.

The hospital, as well as others in the state, already pay into the hospital assessment program, totaling about $900 million a year from those in Illinois that contribute. Approximately $770 million, is federally reimbursed through Medicaid.

* Another provider speaks

Dr. Paul DeHaan of Crystal Lake, an orthopedic surgeon with Mercy Health System in McHenry, said Medicaid already is in crisis, and that Quinn’s plan will make things worse.

“Access for Medicaid patients to get in to see a doctor is limited,” DeHaan said. “There are only a small number of practices that will accept new Medicaid patients. Too many doctors won’t or can’t see new Medicaid patients.”

“Private practices are small businesses, just like any small business,” DeHaan added. “They’re strangling under the financial burden of the Medicaid system as it already exists.”

DeHaan, who was in private practice in McHenry for 20 years before joining Mercy Health System six years ago, said Medicaid payments are less than the cost of providing services.

And health-care providers are paid “very, very late. It creates a cash-flow problem for doctors. They cannot make a profit.”

* And another

Patricia Comstock, executive director of the Springfield-based Health Care Council of Illinois, a group representing long-term care facilities, said reimbursement rates for Medicaid nursing home patients were $120 per day for 24-hour care.

“The funding the state of Illinois provides for our residents is already last in the nation,” she said. “It is impossible for us to think of doing what we are required to do with anything less.”

The providers are well-organized, well-funded and well-represented in Springfield. They’re also right that Illinois has kept reimbursement rates relatively low. Medicaid recipients have no high-powered lobbyists, aren’t all that organized and aren’t well-funded. In some ways, their interests coincide with the providers. In others, not so much.


Question of the day

Friday, Feb 24, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Another politician indicted – Where’s Lisa Madigan?

CHICAGO - In light of yesterday’s federal indictment of Democrat Cook County Commissioner William Beavers, Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady is questioning why Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has not undertaken any significant public corruption investigations in her nine years in office, despite her own criticism during her 2002 election campaign of the Attorney General’s office for not investigating allegations of public corruption at the time.

Beavers was indicted yesterday on federal tax charges for allegedly failing to pay taxes on campaign funds converted to personal use and using his county expense account for personal purposes.

Even though Commissioner Beavers’ offices are across the street from the Illinois Attorney General’s office, Lisa Madigan, daughter of powerful Democrat House Speaker and Illinois Democratic Party Chairman Mike Madigan, apparently missed this one as she has every other instance of public corruption in the state of Illinois during her tenure.

“It is mind boggling that in a state where the last two governors stand convicted of corruption, that ranks as the third most corrupt state in the country and is home to Chicago, ranked as the most corrupt city in the country that our chief law enforcement officer has yet to undertake any significant public corruption investigations in her nearly 10 years in office despite her campaign rhetoric that helped her get elected in the first place,” said Brady.

* The Question: Is this a fair attack on AG Madigan? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Thanks.



Friday, Feb 24, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The House is gone for the week but you can watch the Senate here.

* Blackberry users click here, everybody else can just kick back and watch…

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The meaning behind Quinn’s messages

Friday, Feb 24, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Sun-Times column

Yes, Illinois is worth saving, and it’s time to get started already.

I think if you listened carefully to both of Gov. Pat Quinn’s major public speeches this month, his State of the State address and his annual budget address, that’s the message you’re left with.

Illinois has had a rough run over the past dozen years or so, much of it self-inflicted.

First, there was the George Ryan saga, which landed him in prison. While he was still in office, though, Illinois took a big hit when an already-faltering national economy tumbled after the 9/11 attacks.

Then came Rod Blagojevich, who made things worse. He racked up bills that we still haven’t paid. He declared war on Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, and the resulting bloodbath led to two of the most counterproductive years in Illinois legislative history. It culminated with Blagojevich’s arrest, impeachment and removal from office, all of which happened during the most severe international economic collapse since the Great Depression.

By the time the dust settled, Statehouse denizens looked around and finally noticed that the whole world had literally fallen apart around them.

Attempts were made to address the crisis. An infrastructure program was enacted to help put folks back to work, for example.

But the state’s ever-growing budget problems were allowed to fester amid political paralysis. It didn’t help that the newly elevated Gov. Quinn just didn’t seem up to the task.

Quinn and the Democratic legislative leaders made a valiant attempt to stanch the red ink last year with an income tax increase, but it wasn’t nearly enough. And despite some cuts, this year’s budget is $2.4 billion out of balance with billions more in overdue, unpaid bills and skyrocketing Medicaid and pension costs.

While all this was going on, Republican governors throughout the country were ridiculing Illinois and promising to take companies away.

Quinn was slammed for his “too optimistic” State of the State address in early February. Quinn was trying, I think, to instill a bit of self-confidence so that we’d want to rescue our own future.

But after years of enduring seemingly intractable problems, Illinoisans have become adept at self-hate. We don’t want to hear about the positives.

Quinn’s budget address on Wednesday struck a chord with quite a lot of people. He finally demonstrated that he understood the huge budget problems facing Illinois and might even be up to the task of bringing all sides together to kick this state into gear.

Medicaid is too often seen by politicians as a tool to help friends. Democrats want the support of people who can’t afford health insurance and Republicans want to keep their backing from doctors, dentists, hospitals, nursing homes and other providers.

Nobody really wants to change anything. But Quinn demanded a solution, laid out a road map and threatened to keep the General Assembly in session throughout the summer if necessary. Let’s hope he sticks to his guns.

The pension payment schedule crafted in the 1990s put off tough choices and most investment for almost 20 years, skyrocketed the system’s unfunded liabilities, and is now seriously harming the state’s ability to fund other programs. Quinn said all reform ideas would be on the table and pledged a solution this year.

Basically, we need to pick ourselves up, stop acting like a bunch of losers and actually fix the damned problems here. I really hope Quinn is up to it, because this is the challenge of a lifetime.

I have to run out of the office for a bit, so chew on this until I get back. Thanks.


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Friday, Feb 24, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

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