* AFSCME launched a new radio ad today blasting Gov. Pat Quinn’s proposed budget cuts…
From the ad…
Why is Quinn pushing these cuts? To pay for hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks he gave to big corporations that turned around and eliminated hundreds of Illinois jobs.
Pat Quinn says he’s for shared sacrifice. Sounds like he means middle class people sacrifice and the CEOs get a bigger share.
Rate it.
* Meanwhile, this press release just came in from US Rep. Judy Biggert’s office…
According to a letter dated February 29, 2012 from [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] Director Cindy Mann to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, state health officials will be permitted to verify the residency of Medicaid applicants through program records, electric sources, and physical documents. “After review of the information provided, we believe the State’s proposal is permissible under the MOE [maintenance of effort] provisions of the law,” the letter said.
The decision follows months of discussions between Illinois heath officials and CMS, as well as a letter that Biggert and eleven other members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation sent to CMS protesting its previous decision to block new income and residency verification procedures.
CMS’s letter, however, addressed only residency verification procedures, and did not indicate that the agency would permit Illinois to also move forward with income verification, as provided in state law.
The state had said it was going ahead with verifying residency and income with or without federal approval, so this at least takes one bone of contention off the table.
- Anon - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 12:22 pm:
Great Ad! Four stars out of four.
- Reality Check - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 12:24 pm:
The Tribune talks about Quinncidences. This budget is full of Quinntradictions: He’s a job creator but he’s pushing huge layoffs. He wants to release inmates early but reduce parole oversight. The state is broke but can afford huge corporate tax giveaways.
- Jeff Park Mom - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 12:33 pm:
Pat’s traditional Nort’west Side supporters do not like the kinds of policies we hear in this ad. So that means it’s an effective ad.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 12:34 pm:
The “populist” Quinn takes care of the big corporations ,and “elitist” Obama tries to make the rich pay their fair share.
Talk about upside down perceptions.
Quinn is out of step with the mainstream of his party. No wonder the Governor’s poll numbers are in the toilet while the President remains popular in his home state.
Which side will the Dems in the legislature choose? That is the question!
- WizzardOfOzzie - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 12:41 pm:
Uh, I couldn’t disagree more about the effectiveness of this ad. What is the purpose of this? To get the Governor to change his mind? Well, he’s already put his budget proposal out there and now appropriations are in the hands of the legislature.
The ad will have no effect other than to further inflame the relationship… which is really dumb since the Governor’s Office is currently negotiating with AFSCME over their next collective bargaining agreement.
I would get if it were directed at legislators, but this is just a waste of money.
- Shock & Awww(e) - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 1:09 pm:
Excellent ad.
Depending on the size of the buy and campaign, may bear some fruit during budget negotiations.
- anon - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 1:35 pm:
I like it! The faux populist being called for helping Big Business while services suffer and our saftey is in jeapordy!
- mark walker - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 3:07 pm:
Good ad, but I am afraid the ship has mostly sailed.
- TCB - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 3:21 pm:
Don’t worry, the GOP will still accuse Quinn of bowing down to the unions for campaign funds. However, in reality, PQ is taking an almost walker-esque approach to collective bargaining.
- perplexed by it all - Friday, Mar 2, 12 @ 4:30 pm:
As TCB mentions, he did & lots of their collateral support too . Union , most specifically AFSCME got behind him & you now see the results of that. Ok ad.. but like mark walker @ 3:07pm the ship is over the horizon.