* Gov. Pat Quinn was was in Toronto yesterday to promote Illinois business and went to a meeting with the premiere…
Illinois Governor Patrick Quinn paid a quick visit to Premier Dalton McGuinty on Monday to talk water, how to stop the Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes and to get tips on hosting a G8 summit. […]
Quinn added he is looking for advice from McGuinty on how to handle a G8 world political summit.
“We have a state that is hospitable and welcoming. We want to have a conference that is peaceable and where people can speak out on the issues they believe in but we want to have law and order.”
In June, 2010, Huntsville hosted the G8 summit and the federal government spent tens of millions on security and sprucing up the Muskoka area.
“We have to be prepared for anything and I am sure he has good advice for me.”
* Not much later in the day, the word came down that the G8 was canceled…
Gov. Pat Quinn’s office issued a statement Monday reacting to the relocation of the upcoming G-8 economic summit from Chicago to Camp David.
The statement doesn’t mention G-8. Instead it emphasizes that the NATO summit will still be held in Chicago and stresses that Illinois is “an excellent place to do business.”
The statement says the state of Illinois continues to look forward to hosting world leaders and their representatives in the “great city of Chicago” at the NATO meeting in May.
* Quinn wasn’t alone, however…
Despite the well-orchestrated spinning by Emanuel and the White House that it’s a “win-win” for everybody, the move seemed abrupt. Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy had just been interviewed by the Tribune about his preparations for the G-8/NATO summits, expressing confidence. Other political bureaucrats had been trotted out to play talking heads as well.
You don’t send them out there if you think the White House is going to yank the chain.
* Did the mayor keep Quinn and others in the dark?…
National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said Mayor Rahm Emanuel was consulted about the switch. Emanuel spokesman Sarah Hamilton said the White House called late morning or early afternoon to inform the mayor about the decision.
* Or was Emanuel caught off guard as well?…
Just hours before the White House stunner, Emanuel was still talking up the back-to-back summits at McCormick Place — and playing down the political risks.
That lends credence the claim that the decision came from Washington.
“This is a unique opportunity for Chicago to showcase itself to the world and the world to see the city of Chicago,” the mayor said before the White House announcement.
- PublicServant - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 9:37 am:
First, I don’t think it’s a big deal. It was done, I believe, for security reasons. Something popped up on the intelligence radar that caused Washington to reassess where to host the G8, and you can’t get more secure and isolated than Camp David. If it was done for security reasons, you don’t give people much of a heads up.
Nato is still coming, the protestors are still going to be protesting, so not much has changed from before, IMHO.
- Irish - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 9:53 am:
I realize this was a rather big deal to host both summits at the same city. Apparently it has never been done other than in the nation’s capital.
That being said I was rather surprised at the reaction from some of the news people who seemed to be rather miffed that this was happening. You could see them starting to don their foil hats to get to the bottom of some great conspiracy against the city. What did the Mayor know, there is an alderman who knew it was coming how did he know and not the mayor. It must be some fault of the city. The President must feel the city isn’t capable, blah…blah.
Given the things currently going on in the world, the possibility that some of them might escalate, and given the fact that we have to assume that the President has just a little more information than the local news guy, maybe something developed that made Camp David a little safer. And I am sure we are going to tip our hand to let the local Channel X news guy know and hope he keeps it from all the radicals out there. All I can say it must have been a slow news day because after 20 minutes of speculation, innuendos etc. I shut the news off and went to bed.
Personally after watching all of that, and they were at it again the morning, I think that if they DIDN’T change the venue there is something wrong with them. It would have been like trying to have a picnic in the midst of a huge flocks of crows.
And Andy Thayer OMG, I think the rest of the Occupiers better find a better spokesperson. He seemed to me to be the type who would cheer at a car wreck.
- Shore - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 10:03 am:
I think it is a very very big deal it goes directly to the credibility of healy, the obama and especially emanuel administrations. For a year people have questioned them on this and they blew off the media and citizens and the business community with bluster and spin and no one has a clue what they are doing.
They embarassed the city and wasted a year that should have been spent on far more important issues on total nonsense. Ms. Healy has no credibility with anyone and they need to find a better face for this project.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 10:21 am:
premiere of Canada?
I believe the White House caught everyone off guard by the various reactions of everyone on the topic.
OK by me since I work downtown a half block away from the Occupy group battle station.
- mokenavince - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 10:29 am:
The President used good judgement in moving it to a secure place like Camp David. Thats why he’s the
boss. Who needs your downtown torn up by a bunch of radicals.Makes perfect sense to me.
- Just Observing - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 10:29 am:
I echo the sentiments of others that this ain’t a big deal and done for a reason — not to jerk Chicago around. And I do believe Rahm knew in advance (whether that was hours or weeks I don’t know) — but who really cares if he knew or not.
- titan - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 10:51 am:
It makes one wonder if there is a national security issue the feds know about (but aren’t sharing with the public).
- Dirty Red - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 10:57 am:
Wouldn’t it have been better that the mayor and his staff didn’t know? If he did know, Rahm would be expected to lobby the White House to keep the event in Chicago no matter what. Not sure you want the image of two besties of the same party and previously of the same White House going back and forth with one another. Looks like POTUS did the party a favor by not letting Rahm in on this one.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 11:04 am:
I wonder if there is a credible threat out there. This all happened very fast.
- Aldyth - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 11:05 am:
Anonymous 11:04 was me.
- MrJM - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 11:10 am:
1. On Friday, a Cook County judge ruled the state’s controversial eavesdropping law unconstitutional. http://goo.gl/6BqAw
2. On Monday, the G8 meeting was pulled from Chicago. http://goo.gl/iokJC
3. Just sayin’…
– MrJM
- Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 11:17 am:
Why were NATO & G8 a package deal in the first place?
The Marxist critique is that military policy, industrial policy and foreign policy are all in alignment, if not one in the same. They are all tools to consolidate power for the elites. Capitalism consumes everything and then consumes itself.
Unless the Marxist critique is substantially correct, why would anyone suggest having NATO & G8 meet together?
For most activists I know, NATO is more offensive than the G8. But maybe Occupy has made economic policy more prominent.
NATO is in Afghanistan and planning to stay for a long time. The United States is using drones to kill civilians at weddings.
It’s hard to imagine there wouldn’t be protests against NATO.
The U.S. Military-Industrial Complex is attempting to graft itself onto as many European economies as possible through unnecessary military actions and the the mother load of scams: Star Wars.
- Oz - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 11:28 am:
Russia re-elects Putin
followed by..
G8 Moved to Camp David
As Russia — mass riots and protest over election.
Russia doesn’t belong to NATO does it?
Think about it.
- MrJM - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 11:33 am:
Come on, Oz…
We all know correlation doesn’t equal causation!
– MrJM
- Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 11:36 am:
Is there a shortage on tin foil today? I’m betting the reason is far more boring, but I am enjoying the theories. Perhaps a question of the day…
- amalia - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 12:00 pm:
could be a bunch of things, the Russia protests (yes), whatever Israel is up to, and the arrest of the hacker in Chicago….the BIG hacker group. better to be safe. good move.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 12:06 pm:
Maybe the tornados scared them off.
- Bigtwitch - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 12:14 pm:
I am sure it had something to so with the Moon being in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligned with Mars.
- amalia - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 12:22 pm:
think the intel group the Chicago hacker got into is the one that had an email re the whereabouts of the body of Osama. that could spell lots of trouble.
- globalguy - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 12:30 pm:
What I’m amazed by is that no has mentioned a siting Dem president possibly spooked by ‘68-esque rioting in Chicago streets 7 months before a second-term election.
- Downstate Illinois - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 1:39 pm:
Probably a security issue which is fine by me. We don’t need to deal with the cost of idiotic protestors. Now if they could just move the NATO summit Illinois’ budget situation could avoid another hit.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 1:49 pm:
This has nothing to do with Chicago. There are some cards being turned over. The Russian elections are over, Obama’s AIPAC speech, McCain’s Senate speech, the Israeli P.M.s visit…
If I were Mr. Assad, I’d check with my travel agent as to whether that villa in the south of France is still available.
He’s about to get a visit from the United States Air Force and Navy, and they’ll be dropping off a message for Mr. Ahmadijenad, as well.
NATO won’t meet here either. They’ll be busy.
- Truth Is Painful - Tuesday, Mar 6, 12 @ 8:46 pm:
Purely political, it’s an Election Year - DUH !
- Oz - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:56 am:
Oh come on MrJM.
Putin is friendly with Iran and he doesn’t want to be seen fraternizing with a Jewish mayor or he sees Chicago as a security risk for more than one reason imo.
The urgency on how this was done is troublesome.
It doesn’t make sense for the President to wake up one day and say: you know…I should invite these people to Camp David for whatever reason and then announce it leaving all your people on the inside hanging like fools. You make calls sends texts whatever and let the staff know and then you go public don’t you???
Failure to do any of that gives the appearance that you are reacting to something, that the decision was not planned.
Anyways who knows…we’ll all find out shortly though.