Non-endorsement of the week
Wednesday, Mar 7, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Chicago Tribune has been doing legislative endorsements this week and it finally got around to House Speaker Michael Madigan today…
Madigan’s a brilliant political strategist and an iron-fisted leader, but it’s hard to admire any of that considering the state of the state. We think — we hope — he’s finally ready to put that muscle behind some painful but necessary fixes.
Democrats often put up phantom opponents to dilute any anti-Madigan vote. This time he has a real opponent: 25-year-old Michele Piszczor, who speaks bluntly about corruption in Illinois.
We’re tempted … she has a lot of gumption … but we don’t think she’s ready yet for the job. So we offer no endorsement.
- 10th ward - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:17 pm:
Gutless!! C’mon Trib –take a stance…they lack of action will confuse voters who were waiting with baited breath and edge of their seat who the Tric endorsed? WHO CARES. Does anyone really use the Trib to make their votes?
- Dan Johnson - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:18 pm:
I love the Tribune’s hypocrisy. They essentially make anti-Madigan “independence” their key criterion for Democratic primary endorsements…and then call on the Speaker to muscle through Republican legislative priorities. That’s gumption.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:21 pm:
I posted this late January of this year and I feel the same as I did then …
===I have felt for as long as I can remember that a newspaper endorsement had no weight, was a waste of the paper it was printed on, and it should have no credibility in deciding a race….
Unless I can put it in a Mail or Walk pieice for MY candidate and tout it as the best thing ever for the voters to know … but I digress===
The Sun-Times made a statement, but in the 22nd District, 3 deep in Precinct Captains for MJM, and the reality that “the” Ward Organization is still “pretty good” and is good for the people in the Ward …
Difficult to think that even if the CS-T was for “…a real opponent: 25-year-old Michele Piszczor, who speaks bluntly about corruption in Illinois.”, an endorsement factors into a Ground Game election, with MJM having all the Home Court Advantages.
Who knows, knowing the 13th Ward Crew, they make a Walk Piece touting the non-endorsement as a “failure of the 25 year old novice” who can’t convince ANYONE she is ready for Springfield! Wouldn’t put it past that Crew.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:21 pm:
Sorry, meant Tribune …Brain #$%&
- No More AJ Wilhelmi - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:24 pm:
Wow, lots of “testicular virility” by not endorsing his opponent.
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:27 pm:
Wasn’t it the Tribune who wrote that dismissive editorial on the Sun-Times opting out of endorsements?
- Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:38 pm:
This editorial is almost Madigan-esque.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:39 pm:
If MJM wanted the Trib endorsement, he should have hired Paul Lis.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:40 pm:
===If MJM wanted the Trib endorsement, he should have hired Paul Lis.===
Made my day … Times have changed, indeed.
- phocion - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:40 pm:
I thought their non-endorsement of Ken Dunkin was pretty funny.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:43 pm:
Tribune to MJM …”You’ll be fine”
- titan - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:58 pm:
I am certain that left the Speaker just quaking in his boots.
- Dooley Dudright - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 12:59 pm:
Strangely, the Madigan-Piszczor nonendorsement is (at this moment) missing from the Trib’s online edition.,0,2676704.story
- Wumpus - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:11 pm:
Courageous! They don’t like either, that is what they said.
- ZC - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:14 pm:
It’s the thing about “We’re tempted …” that gets a little silly. The Tribune has a long-standing and understandable policy of refusing to endorse when it doesn’t like one of the candidates, but feels the other is flat-out unqualified. But this whole hokey-pokey about, “Ooh, we don’t know,” is a little childish.
- too obvious - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:15 pm:
Michele Piszczor was recruited by, and is supported by, Republicans only, to run in the Democratic Primary. Very dishonest Republicans I should say.
If that’s how the Trib defines “real opponent,” I think their preachy little missive says more about that newspaper than it does about Madigan.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:16 pm:
My favorite Capitol story thesed days is Speaker Madigan no longer reads the Chicago Tribune, and now we know why.
- JustaJoe - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:20 pm:
As long as editorial boards like the one at the Tribune, and others, take no credible stance in opposition to the status quo of corruption in this state, and as long as Chicago continues to have no real political competition for “the machine” with its “non-partisan” elections, the state will continue to be an object of national scorn.
- Colossus - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:31 pm:
It’s a shame the first sentence (with which I completely agree) is washed away in the river of (fill in the blank, get creative, folks!) that follows it.
- Sunshine - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:41 pm:
The Tribune has delusions of grandeur if they think people are swayed one way or the other by their endorsement. There was a day perhaps, but that time is long gone.
Madigan is arguably the most powerful man in this great state. Unfortunately he hasn’t used that power, or his leadership to help us move toward solutions, but instead has simply used his power for his own gain.
Perhaps Michele Piszczor is the person to deliver the message that we need leaders with the people in mind and not just the party. Of course, if she is in fact a Republican Party pawn, best that people do a write in for Rahm.
- Conservative Republican - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:56 pm:
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 1:59 pm:
Let us never forget it was the Tribbies who negotiated with Blagoof for a $100 million sweetheart deal….repeated meetings… repeated calls….no wonder they oppose someone who forced their biz partner out is it?
- D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 2:02 pm:
I laughed so hard the milk came out my nose all over the Trib editorial page…at last I’ve found a use for it!
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 2:04 pm:
- McCormick Place
- Proactive pension reforms
- Worker’s comp changes leading to 9% rate reduction
- Medical malpractice caps
- Education reform
- Ousting Blagojevich
I can’t figure out if the Tribune is holding out for Madigan to officially switch parties or if they just expect him to climb the stairs to the top of the Tribune Tower, kneel, and kiss their bare behinds.
But he’s achieved more of their agenda than any Republican ever has.
- mokenavince - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 2:08 pm:
The Trib keeper of the flame , the mere fact he’s a Democrat would be enough for Medill and Col. McCormick to not endorse him. No Guts.
- Siriusly - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 2:16 pm:
“Chicago Tribune once was a brilliant news paper with great analysis, but it’s hard to sympathize with a news outlet that has clung to a broken business model for too long considering the state of the news industry. Siriusly thinks — I hope — Tribune is finally ready to put that brainpower behind some painful but necessary fixes.
Editorial writers often embelish phantom political boogiemen to justify frequently contradictory themes. This time they have no real competition: 158-year-old Chicago Sun-Times, who used to endorse every candidate they opposed no longer does endorsements.
Siriusly is tempted … Sun-Times has a lot of gumption … but I don’t think voters are ready yet for to give up the job of thinking for themselves. So Tribune remains irrelivant because endorsements don’t matter.”
- formerpolitico - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 2:22 pm:
Since the Zell ownership, I’ve heard that the Trib endorsements are less on the level than they used to be. Didn’t a bunch of their panelists all leave recently? I wish one of them would talk.
- Robert - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 2:27 pm:
I’m definitely in the minority here, but if an opinion writer or newspaper isn’t impressed with either candidate, I don’t see anything wrong with saying that and not endorsing either.
- Just Observing - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 2:38 pm:
I don’t think newspaper endorsements carry tremendous weight, but I do think they are of some value, especially for lower-ballot races.
And for all you on here knocking the value of newspaper endorsements, I guarantee if you were running for office you would eagerly seek out their endorsement and be very happy/very upset if you got/didn’t get their nod.
- phocion - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 3:06 pm:
- Worker’s comp changes leading to 9% rate reduction –
Calling you on this YDD.
Whose rates were reduced 9%? Certainly not employers, who this bill was supposed to benefit. Most I have talked to have seen increases this year.
- SiilverBack - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 3:15 pm:
Tribune should reconsider its endorsement:
Filing a workers compensation claim and being granted the claim are two different things. I filed a workers compensation claim and was denied. The state said, emotional meltdowns due to PTSD from War (OEF 08-09) are not acceptable for workers compensation. Even if PTSD was aggravated by work. However, if I picked up a empty box and pulled my back- bingo, I’d be elegible for workers compensation. No disrespect to picking up an empty box (because that truly happens, happened to my mom many years ago). But to not cover PTSD that is aggravated because of work, well that’s outrageous! As I said earlier, I work for the state. I was assigned to work in a break-room/mailroom. I requested reasonable accommodation 3 times, and I was denied 3 times. Then, I had no other choice but to file a formal complaint to the Director of IDJJ. Upon return to work the next day after filing my complaint, I was removed from my job assignment with no reason given. After filing the formal complaint, I was denied promotion 2 times. In one of the promotions a person on probation with 5 months state employment was given the promotion over myself. I had and have 13-years seniority with the state, a Bachelors Degree in LEJA, a Master’s Degree in Counseling, Afghanistan War Combat Veteran, Zero Discipline, and Excellent Job Performance Evaluations. Retaliation is alive and well in the work place. As a result of all the weirdness I endured for over a year and a half, I finally had an emotional meltdown (PTSD was aggravated). And for the state to say PTSD is not an eligible reason for Worker’s Compensation is outrageous. I’m a progressive minded person, but to have the Speaker of the House insinuate that their is a culture of abuse is outrageous! I was denied a promotion after asking for a reasonable accommodation because I was working in a break-room (which I believe is 1. Discrimination; 2. Retliation. Evidently- management thinks they have the right to harrass, belittle, discriminate and retaliate against a person with PTSD for asking for a work area to do their work is OUTRAGEOUS! So, Mr. Speaker- Get your facts right and Quit misleading the Public to further YOUR agenda of PRIVITIZATION…
At this point a promotion is insignificant but the treatment of employee’s and public officials throwing them under the bus is unacceptable! This is what creates a culture of Abuse.
This issue of workers compensation and attacking state employees in and of itself should make the Tribune say: at a minimum we refuse to to endorse the Speaker… I don’t mean to be cynical but when you have to go on Food Stamps because you have a meltdown at work, yeah- it makes my blood boil.
- SiilverBack - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 3:18 pm:
Rich, I hope my post isn’t offensive and against your posting rules, thank you and God bless.
- Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 3:36 pm:
Consider that Madigan has maintained his majority thanks to continued support in the Chicago area and growing support in the suburbs — the two areas where the Tribune would arguably have the most sway.
the only place he’s lost ground is downstate — where the Tribune has the least … um … clout.
I’m not quite sure what that means but it is perhaps enlightening on the roll of newspaper endorsements in the modern era.
- L.S. - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 3:51 pm:
“but if memory serves, it was U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who cleaned that up. ”
Yeah, ok. It as Superman Fitzgerald who kept Blago in check for 6 years in Springfield? No, like him or not it was Madigan who was being blocked Blago from doing even more damage than he did. Let’s not forget that everyone other leader including Republicans were trying to get Madigan to go along with the capitol construction scheme that would have lead to millions in pay to play shakedowns. Fitz wasn’t there to stop them then was he.
- Easy - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 3:55 pm:
If you are the tribune, or for that matter any sane person connected to reality, and you believe the state is moving in the wrong direction, how could keep your integrity by endorsing the person most consider the most powerful politico in the state house.
At some point it all comes down to accountability, you can’t wear the mantle of being the most powerful politician but blame others for the mess we are in.
- soupperk - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 4:09 pm:
Perhaps John Kass of the Tribune was right. Welcome to Madiganistan — a barren, godforsaken place.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 4:19 pm:
== Calling you on this YDD. Whose rates were reduced 9%? Certainly not employers, who this bill was supposed to benefit. Most I have talked to have seen increases this year. ==
From the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Commission’s FY 2010 Report, published Sept. 2011:
“Illinois has become one of the most expensive states in the country in workers’ compensation premium costs. We ranked 23rd in 2004, but in 2010 we became the 3rd most expensive state. The good news is that the 2011 legislation produced future savings and a mid-year 9% advisory insurance rate decrease.”
Next time you feel the urge to call someone out, try Bill.
- amalia - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 5:05 pm:
what Michelle Flaherty said!
- sal-says - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 5:51 pm:
Chicago Tribune says: “…but we don’t think…’
Pretty much says it all? Just askin’.
- phocion - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 6:51 pm:
Do you even understand what you quoted? The WC Commission predicted in 2011 a decrease for 2012. It hasn’t happened. Try again.
- Old Dad - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 7:35 pm:
So Blago was the “Tribbies biz partner” eh Ste-uh. CFS? Really? Is that all you got?
Guess you’re still miffed at their teevee station for calling you the Iron Curtain.
- park - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 8:09 pm:
I think its great. yes, I know most of you have been conditioned to hate the Tribune. Information does not help the Establishment’s cause.
I’d have endorsed the opponent, but frankly the Tribune’s action is more responsible.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 9:39 pm:
The Tribune was lame here and on the Jesse Jackson Jr. endorsement.
So no more Madigan complaints from the Tribune. Or Triple J complaints. They had their chance to take a stand. And they did. They took a stand for the status quo.
Now all they had to do was be straight up with us over their actions. The Tribune wasn’t. It’s not Madigan’s or Triple J’s fault, It’s the Tribune’s fault,
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 9:49 pm:
@phocion -
Yeah, I understand who i quoted. The rates went down.
I don’t recall them saying they would keep going down, or they would never increase again.
As for rates going up, i know that several people you know said their rates went up. Thank you for that scientific study.
Whether the rates went up for everyone in Jan. 2012 or not, I dont know. I’ve not actually seen any published data.
My guess is that work comp insurance rates are just like every other insurance rate: they are primarily driven by investment return rates. When the insurers’ investments are doing well, they discount their rates to try to grow market share. When the stock market is sluggish, they raise their rates to compensate for lower returns.
- NorthernIL - Wednesday, Mar 7, 12 @ 11:03 pm:
At least Madigan had the cojones to answer it. I’m looking through and some of these people, like Carl Wasco, didn’t even answer it.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 8, 12 @ 12:36 am:
It will be interesting to see how the Trib, the media overall, and Kirk’s team especially, deal with the announcement that while the FDIC is suing some members of the Giannoulis family and other executives, they’re not suing Alexi.
- jake - Thursday, Mar 8, 12 @ 12:48 am:
re “Michele Piszczor, who speaks bluntly about corruption in Illinois”–bluntly yes, intelligently no. Whatever else one might want to criticize Madigan for, corruption is not one that is reasonable. Basically, he has a lot of power because he is very smart, works very hard, and values having power a lot. If one wants to level a legitimate criticism at him, it is that he too often has used the power he has to consolidate and extend his political power even further, rather than using his power to solve real problems of the state.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 8, 12 @ 8:45 am:
Madigan believes, as Daley said:
“Good government is good politics.”
The problem with that equation, as you point out, is there’s alot of disagreement about the transitive properties of that statement.
Do we mean literally that good government = good politics, and therefore good politics = good government?
That is the fundamental challenge in a democracy. Our elected officials often equate any policy that is good for their political survival with good government. Reformers would argue, I think, that these are actually intersecting sets, and we need better systems in place to ensure that both good governance and bad governance have driving political consequences.