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Family PAC claims “defamation” by Plummer

Monday, Mar 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Things took an ugly turn during a Republican congressional candidates’ forum when Jason Plummer alleged that a major pro-life PAC’s endorsements were for sale to the highest bidder

Cook, who served as Belleville mayor from 1993-97, said he’d been endorsed by the Family Political Action Committee, in suburban Chicago, which Cook described as the state’s largest pro-life group.

Plummer fired back, alleging that, based on his experience running for lieutenant governor in 2010, the FamPAC endorsement is obtained by paying for it.

“Rodger, I am offended you tried to trick people like that,” Plummer said.

Cook glared at Plummer.

“The truth will set you free,” Cook said. “Rodger Cook didn’t pay anything to Family PAC.”

“To say that i’m not happy about it would be the understated quote of the year,” Family PAC director Paul Caprio said this afternoon. “We have never sold an endorsement to anybody. We’ve never asked for any amount of money in return for an endorsement.”

Caprio also claimed that after the group endorsed someone else for lt. governor two years ago, Plummer called him and said, “I’m going to get you.” Caprio, who called Plummer a “miserable excuse for a candidate,” said the outburst demonstrated Plummer’s immaturity and temper problems, as well as highlighting Plummer’s reputation as “entitled.”

“We’re a giver, we’re not a taker from the candidates,” a “stunned” Caprio explained, adding that we would be hearing more about this soon. “We can’t allow that to stand,” Caprio said, adding that he would be taking “appropriate action” on “this defamation” unless he received an apology from Plummer.

* Meanwhile, there was yet another remote control endorsement of J3 over the weekend

Gov. Pat Quinn endorsed U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson over primary challenger Debbie Halvorson today, but did so in the way other prominent Democratic leaders have backed the incumbent — through a statement rather than appearing with him in person.

* Two candidates traded charges of desperation

Tammy Duckworth’s congressional campaign raised concerns Friday that supporters of rival Raja Krishnamoorthi have started up a “SuperPac” to raise money to run television commercials in support of his bid for Congress in the northwest suburbs.

Duckworth’s political strategist Pete Giangreco asked in a conference call with reporters Friday whether the SuperPac — “Suburban Voters for Choice” — might solocit money from “Big Oil” or “Wall Street” to run negative ads against Duckworth. That would be “unprecedented” in a Democratic primary in Illinois, Giangreco said.

* From Raja’s campaign…

Duckworth’s campaign made some pretty bold claims about SuperPACs today that amount to blatant lies. Raja has nothing to do with the creation of any SuperPAC and our campaign certainly did not “launch” a SuperPAC. Where is the evidence to support such a claim? There is none, and the claim is a flat-out lie.

Furthermore, Raja offered a pledge to Duckworth to take the influence of SuperPAC money as well as all PAC money out of this election. Duckworth refused to even respond to such a pledge, not surprising since Duckworth received a total of $102,847.96 in Washington special interest PAC money since she has entered race through February 28, 2012.

“It is pretty clear that Duckworth’s campaign is trying to make hay out of nothing in order to throw the spotlight off of all the special interest money backing their campaign,” said Deputy Campaign Manager Mike Murray. “Voters deserve better than the same old Washington political tricks.”

* And the explanation

Superpac Treasurer Michael Vainisi, who served as Finance Director of Krishnamoorthi’s run for state comptoller two years ago, laughed at Giangreco’s suggestion.

“This is going to be individual contributors, no corporate money,” Vainisi said. “Some of Raja’s supporters were interested in leveling the playing field since Tammy has outside money coming from Washington.”

* And, finally, you might want to rate Adam Kinzinger’s new TV ad

* Roundup…

* ADDED: Joe Walsh’s cash drying up: The Illinois freshman — and potentially most vulnerable House Republican in the country — raises just $38,300 during the first two months of the year, pre-primary Federal Election Commission reports show. A Democratic sources notes that number is barely enough to cover the $24,015 he still owes in legal fees.

* Bustos Leads Schilling In Fundraising During Last Filing Period

* Federal lawmakers make picks in Manzullo - Kinzinger GOP primary

* Kinzinger, Manzullo face off in 16th Congressional District - Republican primary race’s outcome is in question for the first time in two decades.

* Schneider Mailer Featuring Obama Pic Making Waves In 10th District Race: In the mailer, Schneider lists his endorsements, highlighting former congresswoman Melissa Bean and the Chicago Tribune and Daily Herald as supporters. Right next to those endorsements is a picture of a smiling President Barack Obama, who has not endorsed Schneider or anyone else in the 10th congressional district race.

* Voter Registration Down, Early Voting Numbers Up: Voter registration is down in Illinois from both the 2008 and 2010 elections, according to the State Board of Elections. As of yesterday, there were 7.28 million registered voters in the state, down from the 7.3 million who were registered for the 2008 election. There were 7.6 million registered voters for the 2010 elections.


  1. - 47th Ward - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 2:15 pm:

    Plummer v. Caprio = pass the popcorn!

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 2:17 pm:

    ===Caprio, who called Plummer a “miserable excuse for a candidate,” said the outburst demonstrated Plummer’s immaturity and temper problems, as well as highlighting Plummer’s reputation as “entitled.”===

    “DAAAADDDDD!!! Paul Caprio called me …priviledged … and entitled …immature even! Call him and beat him up or something … FAST!”

    Well, as the kid anchor once said “And Boom goes the dynamite”

    Mr. Caprio, Jason will match his experience up against anyone … or throw a tantrum … one or the other.

    Did Jason also say his experiece of running for LG was a GOOD thing?

    If you call his experience on Chicago Tonight and being hid in the “border” counties good … then Jason was the greatest candidate ever!

  3. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 2:22 pm:

    - Plummer fired back, alleging that, based on his experience running for lieutenant governor in 2010, the FamPAC endorsement is obtained by paying for it. -

    If this endorsement could be obtained by paying for it, I suspect Jason would have it.

  4. - The Captain - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 2:36 pm:

    - Plummer fired back, alleging that, based on his experience running for lieutenant governor in 2010, the FamPAC endorsement is obtained by paying for it. -

    Unlike a congressional seat, or a lt. gov nomination?

  5. - Shore - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 2:41 pm:

    The real story with plummer is that he was able to actually participate in a candidate forum. Guy makes sarah palin look like a rhodes scholar. Did he share any insights from his new career as a naval reserve officer?

    I know a lot of people poo poo negative ads in politics but that Kinzinger ad is exactly what politics is supposed to be about, it was clean, the issue is real and important, and it was peoples voting records as opposed to personal and issues off topic that we’re used to seeing from campaigns.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 2:42 pm:

    “Look, I think it’s wrong that anyone thinks I am buying an election”, said Jason Plummer with a straight face.

  7. - mark walker - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 2:43 pm:

    It would be nice if Family PAC supported anything that helped real families.

  8. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 2:57 pm:

    Those FamilyPac meanies should be nice t Daddy’sLittleDeduction or he’ll take his next allowance to buy spray paint to vandalize the offices.
    Guess this mean DLD aka/Jason is running behind.

  9. - Adam Smith - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 3:01 pm:

    Once again the politial handlers who see nothing but $$$ have their grubby hands in a rich guy’s wallet and are pushing an unprepared and unqualified candidate down the public’s throat.

    The big difference here is that everyone has been able to see in excrutiating detail just how bad a candidate Plummer is. And two years of sitting on a pile of daddy’s money didn’t make him any better.

    The Dems hand the GOP a gift in the 12 District and the GOP seems set on handing it right back to them.

  10. - ZC - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 3:22 pm:

    You do have to wonder about candidate projection here.

    I know nothing about FamPAC, but did Plummer figure its endorsement was for sale, to the candidate who pays for it, because that’s the main way he’s been able to garner support for his own political career thus far?

  11. - D.P. Gumby - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 3:41 pm:

    Just think…the next Congress could have both Joe the Plumber and Jason the Plummer…evidence that Congress is working to live down to its reputation.

  12. - Responsa - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 3:53 pm:

    I think Jason P. should move to another state, physically separate himself from his family’s name and perceived influence, establish himself, restart his political career anew and see what he might be able to accomplish without current baggage. I’m not talking about the witness protection plan or anything–just a fresh start. I offer this advice with the best possible intentions.

  13. - just sayin' - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 3:55 pm:

    Doesn’t Plummer have better things to do, like not releasing his tax returns?

    Just sayin’.

  14. - Siriusly - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 3:59 pm:

    Oh the irony of Plummer accusing anyone of buying something.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 4:13 pm:

    “My Dad asked Mr. Caprio if he could buy the ‘dorsement thingy and my Snoopy phone didn’t ring ’till Mr. Caprio said I didn’t get it.

    Yeah, I was mad right away but my Dad bought me ice cream and I was better.

    NOW … that I see Rodger and he is showin’ the ‘dorsement off like I do when I get a new bike, like I did last birfday, I got REALLY angry, ’cause Rodger bought it…”

    What scares me most … is no one is talking about the self-funding, that will come up if/when he is the Nominee.

    Someone, please, tackle Jason, and tell him he doesn’t have to make things more difficult for himself at every turn.

    It’s an endorsement, Plummer Camp, move on. You gave your opponent more juice on it then FamilyPac will.

    * I only respond to Jason’s luancy, I can’t help it if the lunacy is always in bloom. *

  16. - mokenavince - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 4:14 pm:

    Adam Kinzinger voted for a bunch of bills that never went any where. Did you forget? Manzullo
    voted with Pelozi maybe he got something in return to help his district. More than Adam did for the 11th, 24 months of nothing. NADA SILCH.

  17. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 4:18 pm:

    I voted early. I was walking past a polling place Saturday, had a little time, went in and got it over with. I could not bring myself to pull a Republican ballot–I couldn’t vote for Santorum even to mess with the ILGOP.

  18. - mokenavince - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 4:19 pm:

    Plummer running for office. Where’s Scott Cohen when you need him?

  19. - Shock & Awww(e) - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 4:57 pm:

    1.) Ummm…. did anyone request comment from the other party involved? Or did we just run this piece based on one phone call from (or to) Mr. Caprio? I like my journalism fair and balanced. Perhaps it’s all the Fox News brainwashing. Or maybe I just hold Rich to a higher standard because so much of his stuff is so solid.

    2.) @mokenavince - I will now be writing in Scott Lee Cohen for every race on my ballot sir. Thank you for the inspiration, haha!

  20. - Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 5:01 pm:

    ===did anyone request comment from the other party involved?===

    The “other party” was quoted in the story linked and excerpted above. Caprio, however, was not, so that’s why I called him.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 5:18 pm:

    ===I like my journalism fair and balanced.===

    Don’t forget, “Compelling and Rich” as well.

  22. - Shock & Awww(e) - Monday, Mar 12, 12 @ 5:29 pm:

    It quotes him as saying === Rodger, I am offended you tried to trick people like that ===. The portion relaying what Plummer claimed is written up by the BND journalist and does not quote what he said.

    Sometimes people’s words are unintentionally mischaracterized in reports. Then again, that may be a spot-on representation of what he said. Perhaps Plummer would have had an apology or explanation ready. Or perhaps he would have compounded the error.

    Just think it would have been interesting to hear both sides.

    You do great work and it’s your blog, of course. I’m just one of many who appreciate your work. Thank you for everything you put into this for our benefit.

  23. - East Sider - Tuesday, Mar 13, 12 @ 2:19 pm:

    Paul Caprio displayed his lack of credibility by weighing in on this race and endorsing Rodger Cook, the Newt Gingrich of this race. Cook left his first wife while she was ailing from an illness, for a younger, wealthier woman. When he was a cop and mayor in Belleville, he was in bed with Tom Venezia, Amiel Cueto & Co (aka, the St. Clair County mob). Cook was also charged with perjury. (just google: Rodger Cook perjury).

  24. - Hornet - Tuesday, Mar 13, 12 @ 9:08 pm:

    The Grand Jury did not pursue charges due to no basis for for the suit.

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