Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Afternoon campaign and spring session roundup
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Yesterday, I asked you to vote on which optional Medicaid services you would eliminate. Just one of those optional services received more than 50 percent “support”: Group Psychotherapy for Nursing Home Residents. But eliminating that program saves only $13 million out of a total of $1.8 billion in cuts I presented to you. Not so easy, is it? That won’t even make a dent in Gov. Pat Quinn’s demand for $2.7 billion in Medicaid reductions. * Today, let’s look at possible cuts to Medicaid eligibility. Rep. Greg Harris posted the Department of Healthcare and Family Services’ 14 ways to cut eligibility which totaled about $196 million. I can only put 10 at a time on my polling app, so I took most of the top ten. What we have here is the program name, followed by the number of human beings that will be cut off the rolls and then the total savings. “FPL” means federal poverty level. You can vote for as many cuts as you can stomach. Have at it, but make sure to explain your cuts in comments, please…
Auditor General rips into $7 billion health insurance contract process
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Auditor General Bill Holland released a scathing report yesterday about the state’s health insurance procurement process…
* The Department of Healthcare and Family Services, which oversaw the process, came in for some harsh criticism…
* From the audit comes this curious detail…
Somebody is apparently lying. Not good. * General Holland’s conclusion…
* And check out the DHFS response…
Nothing to see here. Move along. Sheesh. * More…
Let’s rate some ads
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * We have two new congressional TV ads to rate today. First up, Jesse Jackson, Jr… Among other things, the spot features a woman doing all the talking, probably because of the congressman’s problems in that regard. It also showcases a photo of President Obama and claims Debbie Halvorson “sat on the sidelines” during the healthcare debate. * Adam Kinzinger says 2012 “must be about our future, not our past”… The first time I heard the ad, it almost sounded like Kinzinger had something in his past he was trying to dismiss. Not sure it’s the greatest line, although it does make sense in the context of Don Manzullo’s long congressional tenure * Ward Room interviewed House Speaker Michael Madigan’s Democratic primary opponent Michele Piszczor…
* The margin of error on this poll is so high that anybody who reports these numbers as fact should be put under heavy sedation in order to keep them away from a computer…
Yes, 400 registered voters were surveyed. But 17 percent of them said they probably weren’t voting and another 17 percent said they weren’t sure if they were voting. Also, just 32 percent of those 400 registered voters are taking Republican ballots, meaning that a mere 128 people were polled on the presidential primary. That gives us a MoE of 8.66 percent. So, Santorum’s 29-21 lead over Romney is actually within the margin of error. * But this is very cool…
* Roundup…
Blagojevich to make public statement before he goes away
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * You gotta figure this will be a total zoolike experience…
Any predictions for what he says?
Conservative group climbs aboard Democratic plan
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Illinois Policy Institute will unveil its annual budget proposals today. I watched their preview video early this morning and noticed that the group’s plan includes pushing $800 million in state payments to the Teachers Retirement System off on local school districts. Chicago has its own teachers retirement system, but the state picks up the tab for suburban and downstate employers’ costs in TRS. The idea of moving the costs down the governmental food chain was proposed last year by Senate President John Cullerton. Gov. Pat Quinn has since said it was an idea worth considering, as has House Speaker Michael Madigan. However, the proposal has run into a buzzsaw of opposition from suburban and downstate legislators, teachers unions, media and local pols. * The group also favors cutting state employee paychecks by 10 percent, saying it would save $500 million. * In other budget-related news, Attorney General Lisa Madigan is objecting to the governor’s proposed 9.4 percent cut to her appropriation. Madigan claims her office generated $908 million last year, 30 times its taxpayer funding. She’s also saying that it’s tough to retain lawyers on her payroll as it is…
The starting salary for an attorney in Madigan’s office is just $50,500. That’s really pathetic. Most of her folks work there because they want to do public service. But that emotion only lasts so long for most people. Eventually, you gotta pay your bills and feed your family. * Secretary of State Jesse White issued his own warning yesterday…
* Indeed, just one statewide officer proposed a 9.4 percent cut in line with the governor’s wishes, Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon. The rest argued for less…
* Related…
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The House convenes at 2 this afternoon and the Senate convenes at noon. BlackBerry users click here. Everybody else can just kick back and watch today’s events unfold…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a campaign roundup
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Mar 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller