This just in… G-8 summit won’t be held in Chicago
Monday, Mar 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * 3:14 pm - Tribune…
That news will come as a relief to a whole lot of Chicagoans, and to some of the rest of us. It’s more trouble than it’s worth. * 3:51 pm - Sun-Times…
Unsolicited advice
Monday, Mar 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Dear state Sen. Bill Brady, Taking huge, multi-billion dollar short-term gains up front from long-term pension reform will only undermine the reforms, or mean that the reforms are so drastic they couldn’t possibly pass…
To me, this looks like a setup for voting “No” on a possible compromise. * Dear Illinois Senate,
Seems logical to me. * Dear Illinois House candidate Danielle Rowe, When you send out a press release with “Chicago Style Intimidation” in the e-mail subject line, I’m not sure I think of this particular charge…
Sign stealing is as old as political campaigns. It’s the height of geocentricity to claim that this is a Chicago thing. It ain’t. Besides, few in Chicago are silly enough to spend two grand on a yard sign. Also, your “bullying” headline just made me think of this recent story…
Later in the piece, you are quoted as saying, “I don’t even remember being on supervision.” Are you gonna remember your campaign promises? * Dear Chicago Tribune, More specifics, please…
“Several months” could be three months, which wouldn’t be in technical violation. How many months is several? And how many actual violations are occurring? * Dear Fran Eaton, I’m not sure we ridiculed you at all at the event you referenced today. We (or, perhaps just I) challenged some of your more out there assertions, but whatever…
The reason few take you seriously, Fran, is you say things like journalists “refused to reveal” the fact that state Sen. Barack Obama spoke after a Chicago play about Saul Alinksy, along with Cook County Clerk David Orr, Studs Terkel, AFSCME’s Roberta Lynch and a group of old, has-been lefties. We didn’t “know it well,” Fran. Actually, we didn’t know it at all. And I doubt anybody would’ve cared back then or care today. * Roundup…
Question of the day
Monday, Mar 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * From an op-ed by Charles W. Hoffman, an assistant defender in the Office of the Illinois State Appellate Defender…
* The Question: Do you think most of the furor over abolishing the death penalty has subsided? Or do you think the anger will reappear in this fall’s general election campaigns? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Thanks.
Candidate: State should be giving money to churches
Monday, Mar 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * A Democratic House candidate has one of the odder ideas I’ve ever seen. He’s campaigning on a platform to get state money for churches. From a press release…
Black churches have always been very influential on South Side politics, so this is a pretty darned blatant attempt to win over their support. * From the Illinois Constitution…
I asked the Wooten campaign how the candidate justified his proposal in light of the Constitution, but haven’t heard back. Whatever. This isn’t about constitutionality. It’s about votes. Plain and simple. Discuss.
Nobody is in for a pleasant experience
Monday, Mar 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * My weekly syndicated newspaper column looks at the upcoming budget…
* Related…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a Statehouse and campaign roundup
Monday, Mar 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Monday, Mar 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller