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Question of the day

Monday, Apr 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Doug Whitley, president and CEO of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, as quoted by Illinois Issues magazine about a year ago when Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was announcing a grand plan to take companies and jobs away from Illinois

Whitley, meanwhile, says Daniels and Walker might find more long-term benefits if they stopped trying to poach jobs from Illinois. He says they should instead be helping Illinois succeed. “I don’t understand why the Midwest governors would want to spend so much time trying to dance on the grave of Illinois when, indeed, the Midwest as a whole has common bonds,” Whitley says. “It’s a common economy, and we have a lot at stake.”

* According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Gov. Walker “has used the Illinois budget deficit as a political punching bag” since the opening days of the recall campaign against him. So, essentially, by inviting him to speak about the budget, Whitley and the Illinois Chamber will allow Walker to reinforce a central campaign theme

“We know Scott Walker is controversial, but by giving him a forum, it allows us to bring more attention and dialog to the discussion regarding how Illinois can restore its fiscal integrity, our single most important public policy issue,” Whitley wrote.

* Unions are up in arms and are planning a rally

When Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker comes to Springfield Tuesday to address the state Chamber of Commerce lobby day, he could well see more people outside the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel and Conference Center than inside waiting for his speech.

Labor unions, incensed that Walker – best known for his efforts to curtail most public employee collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin — was invited to speak to Illinois business leaders, plan a rally outside the hotel during Walker’s appearance. […]

“I’m amazed that anybody, especially organized labor, would be so critical of the First Amendment, for freedom of speech, for freedom of thought and the ability to share that,” Whitley said.

“Everybody should have a right to give a speech anywhere in this country. I think it’s appropriate than any organization, whether it be AFSCME or it be the Illinois Chamber of Commerce ought to have a right to have anybody come in and speak to our group whenever we want.”

* Gov. Pat Quinn also weighed in

The visit has prompted Governor Pat Quinn to tell Walker he may want to concentrate on the troubles he has in his own state. “He has enough challenges in his own state. I don’t plan to go to Wisconsin anytime soon. But I’m happy to compare our job record against his. Illinois is in recovery. We have a long way to go. Wisconsin is dead last in the whole country. They have not created any jobs,” Quinn said.

* The Question: Do you think it was proper for the Illinois Chamber to invite Gov. Scott Walker to speak in Springfield? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.


  1. - Yossarian Lives - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 1:43 pm:

    Does Gov. Walker have a right to speak anywhere he’s invited? Yes. Does the Chamber have a right to invite anyone it chooses to speak at its event? Absolutely. Was it a smart idea, and is it good for Illinois? Probably not. Why make this into a “free speech” issue?

  2. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 1:47 pm:

    No, but if I explained my opposition I would be using words Rich would prefer I not use on his blog.

    I don’t think he doesn’t have a right to speak, I just don’t think it’s proper.

  3. - wishbone - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 1:48 pm:

    Its a free country and anything that highlights the continuing inability of our state to address it’s fiscal problems is helpful.

  4. - Ahoy - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 1:50 pm:

    I don’t know if it was proper or not, I just don’t think it was smart to invite him here during the middle of session while the Legislature if working on hard issues. It’s just not needed and the timing is extremely poor. While the Legislature is proposing changes to the pension system that public unions feel as a threat, the Illinois Chamber brings in a guy that incites a lot of hyped up feelings one way or another. My guess is that this is more counter-productive and we don’t need that right now.

    We need all parties working toward solutions, not pumped up rhetoric.

  5. - Because I say so... - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 1:53 pm:

    Walker has the right to speak, the chamber has the right to invite who they want to speak and the unions have a right to protest his speech. But, I think a pro-business organization like the state chamber might be better off with someone promoting business in Illinois rather than someone who is trying to take business away from Illinois. If the chambers goal was to get attention, they have been successful.

  6. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 1:56 pm:

    Walker is just as misguided as his Illinois allies, so it makes perfect sense to me.

    It is a gift to Pat Quinn, as Quinn’s comments show.

  7. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 1:59 pm:

    Well, I look at it this way…he gets his free speech and I get mine. I rather resent Whitley thinking it’ A-okay for Walker to appear, but ‘I’ should shut-up and not come on down and get a bit of my own free speech in also. I dont support Mr Walker’s beliefs and actions and he does not support my own…we both get a chance to express our opinions. What’s more ‘free’ than that, Mr Whitley?

  8. - Shore - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 1:59 pm:

    Yes. I am sure pat quinn in his role as democratic governors association chief has raised $$ for candidates or democratic govs who have sought to move illinois jobs and companies to their home states.

  9. - phocion - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:03 pm:

    Cindy Lou is right. Walker has a right to be heard. So do his critics.

  10. - MOON - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:03 pm:


    It is important to hear the basis for the actions taken by Walker and the legislators. We can all learn. No one has a monopoly on ideas or solutions, so why not hear what he has to say.

  11. - Reality Check - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:03 pm:

    If the Chamber wanted to invite a Midwestern governor who was also a successful CEO, they should have invited Minnesota’s Mark Dayton. But Dayton won his office by campaigning to raise taxes on the rich in Minnesota, so the Chamber’s CEO crowd would’ve had to hear how their easy ride on taxes is killing the Illinois budget.

    A new graphic from Crain’s Chicago Business says it all: The biggest and most profitable Illinois corporations pay almost nothing in taxes.

  12. - Mongo - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:04 pm:

    I voted no although the use of the word “proper” in the question made me think about voting “yes”.

    As said by others, Walker has a right to speak. And the Chamber has a right to invite him. It does seem disingenuous for Whitley to do so after criticizing Walker before. And what possible good can come of this? Does Whitley, who is by the way a really smart guy, see some gain here that we are all just missing?

  13. - mark walker - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:07 pm:

    Whitley can invite anyone he wants to speak, but he should stop passing on the campaign propaganda of Gov. Walker, which is just plain false. Walker has not actually balanced the budget as of right now, Wisconsin has not attracted more jobs than Illinois, the total tax burden on businesses in his state has not been significantly better than in Illinois, and the list goes on.

    Let Walker lie thru his teeth, I expect no less, but Whitley shouldn’t do it for him.

    Walker has significantly damaged labor relations, increased government PR as favoring business, and does have less expensive workers’ comp than in Illinois. Perhaps these are what the Chamber is really touting.

  14. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:15 pm:

    Of course Walker and his detractors/supporters have the right to speak. What is wrong is that some believe that their right to free speech extends to shouting down others.

    Only time will tell whether tax raising is better than tax cutting.

    Of course, the special interests still have the tools to be paid before appropriate services are provided to the citizens. Regardless which route is chosen, eliminating the insider goodies has to be at the core of the solution.

  15. - WizzardOfOzzie - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:18 pm:

    I voted no. Rather than the Chamber and Gov. Whitely constantly running down Illinois’ business climate they should be trying to promote it to attract business.

    I can’t for the life of me figure why Doug invited Walker. I consider Doug smart and reasonable but to bring Walker down does nothing but cause chaos. And I’m absolutely positive it’s not going to help their legislative agenda.

  16. - Rich from 146 - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:19 pm:

    This man has a mission of eliminating the middle class. He has no business here.

  17. - redrum - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:20 pm:

    Check out the pre-fight battle:

  18. - Sunshine - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:27 pm:

    Yes I think its proper. We need as many ideas as possible and listening to others could help us stay a bit more informed.

    We cannot deny the opinion of those who oppose us as we will never learn all our options. I say let the fellow speak.

  19. - ChitownHV - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:28 pm:

    It makes sense that the Chamber and it’s members would do anything possible to discourage new businesses (competitors) from entering the Illinois market. I still voted “No”

  20. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:30 pm:

    mark walker,

    The WI biennial budget was balanced when it was enacted in 2011, as required by the WI state constitution which has similar provisions as Illinois. Right now, the WI deficit is projected to be between $100-200 million, and can be attributed to decreased revenue over the projection made in 2011, especially in the areas of sales and “sin” taxes. WI will have a “budget adjustment” session where spending will be cut further or revenues increased to make up the gap.

    Would that Illinois had such a low deficit. Also, Walker is currently ahead in the polls about his recall.

  21. - anon - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:32 pm:

    Illinois has a serious structural deficit to address, which means substantial and ongoing spending cuts. Demonize Scott Walker all you want, at least he cut spending…and his experiences are worthy of at least hearing.

  22. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:38 pm:

    It is proper because it confirms the Chamber’s leanings. They prefer to solve economic problems by cutting the pay and benefits of the working class.

    Whitley’s quotes are rather odd since no one is stopping Walker from speaking, but there will be others exercising their right’s to assemble and speak freely.

  23. - Spliff - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:43 pm:

    As a card carrying union member i think this was a great idea by the chamber. The GA and Gov are planning to make some major changes to Pension, it is a major election year and Labor needs to show that in IL it has the power to make a difference. The chamber is giving red meat to its members but it is giving a huge prime rib to labor to get on their feet and fight for what they want.

  24. - frustrated GOP - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:43 pm:

    Seems to me if you are an association that is dependent on member dues, the last thing you do is invite the guy trying to take your members away. Just a thought.
    BTW, they still have a higher income tax rate in Wisc. right? and they tax pensions. I know several retired people that have 2nd homes there, they are never moving there. It would cost them too much money.
    What we should be doing is running ads in wisconsin noting our no tax on pension and our lower income tax.

  25. - Springfield Skeptic - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:46 pm:

    I agree Walker has a right to be heard and so do his critics. Maybe just by his being here the legislature will be embarassed enough to actually do something for the fiscal health of the state, instead of the political health of their respective party.

  26. - olddog - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:54 pm:

    Sure it’s “proper.” But it would be just as proper for the legislature to ignore the Chamber’s legislative agenda. Preferable, in fact, since they pulled this stunt!

  27. - siriusly - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 2:59 pm:

    Great idea for a non-interest group like the City Club or the Economic Club, etc.

    Not a great idea for a interest group whose core mission is to advocate for policies in Springfield with the Democratic Governor and Democratic controlled legislature. I have no issue with Walker speaking, but this was a horrible idea for a lobbying group.

  28. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:02 pm:

    One reason I voted no is because Wisconsin had been the worst in job loss. Wisconsin seems to be doing better this year, but the state had a bad stretch during the last half of 2011.

    I have seen no evidence that budget cuts and tax incentives by themselves stimulate economic growth. What’s more, one study shows that Illinois took more jobs from Wisconsin last year than the other way around. Poaching Illinois jobs was Walker’s goal, and he failed.

    As far as spending cuts, public unions agreed to take cuts before Walker “dropped the bomb” on them by taking away most of their collective bargaining ability. He could have taken the cuts without affecting bargaining, and I bet that the uproar would have been less, and there would probably be no recall election.

    Walker also has the John Doe investigation hanging over him and has made horrible choices in hiring the people who worked for him. He has a legal defense fund, which is only allowed if politicians are investigated, charged or convicted of breaking campaign laws.

    Walker has a right to speak, and of course, corporations who have been doing well during the recession and weak recovery would favor him speaking.

  29. - Sportsman - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:11 pm:

    Illinoisans should stick up for Illinoisans. We need to develop some pride in our state and each other and start working to improve our situation instead of constantly ridiculing ourselves.

  30. - Irish - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:15 pm:

    I voted yes. As a union member and a state employee I am against everything Walkwer stands for, but The illinois Chamber has the right to invite whomever they please.

    That being said I wonder why the Chamber invited Walker. Was it because they really think he has something to contribute that is germane to our situation here? What can a governor from another state, who has lost two of his battles by having them declared unconstitutional, who has not created the uptick in jobs or the economy that he claimed, who possibly might be under investigation by the Feds for actions he took prior to becoming Governor, and who is facing recall, tell us that we don’t already know?

    But then we all wondered what the rest of the country saw in Blago that they would invite him to speak.

    Or has he been invited to stir the pot, so to speak? To be the impetus to try some of the same tactics here in Illinois that he has done in Wisconsin. Every cause needs a poster boy and it appears as though the Illinois Chamber is planning on carrying forward with the attacks on unions, and government employees here in Illinois.

    Quinn who has stated that we are kinder to labor here in Illinois only reneges on promises and contracts, and then blames someone else for his actions. It’s the same result, only the guy from Wisconsin at least takes credit for the attacks and doesn’t hide behind someone else.

  31. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:16 pm:

    With Mitch Daniels making his big Champaign appearance two days after Walker’s event, did somebody declare this week Anti-Illinois Republican Governors Week or something?

  32. - Shore - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:16 pm:

    To reality check, dayton was voted worst senator by time magazine and by all accounts is considered by non partisan political analysts in dc to be one of the worst elected us senators of the 21st century and there’s a lot of competition for that right now.

    Yes hearing a different voice from the wildly successful, job creating, ethical Springfield Democrats who have steered Illinois to its most glorious era in history for a decade would be a horrible horrible thing. Really who needs a different perspective when you have successful nationally acclaimed public servants like cullerton, derrick smith, madigan, blago and pat quinn down there running things.

    Quinn is also-shockingly- a ridiculous hypocrite on Wisconsin. He’s finance chief of the dga which is kind involved in a big way in that recall up there.

  33. - John Parnell - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:20 pm:

    Looks like “governor” Whitley has shown his true colors. After he got a bonus from Ameritech of $10 million to fire 10,000 employees when he was President, is no wonder he invited Walker to address the Chamber. They have a lot in common when it comes to firing people.

  34. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:22 pm:

    yES…It helps show how out of touch the GOPPie bizzers are.
    BTW Walker is so toxic that no one is willing to hold a fundraiser for him. He becomes the first pol to ever enter IL, running for …hmm reelection, reaffirmation, how about his life to leave the state without a check from one of these slobbering bizzers That has to be bad
    Meanwhile they should have invoted the troll with the bad hairpiece to sing his song here too.
    Could have been like Simon and Garfunkel

  35. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:24 pm:

    - Quinn is also-shockingly- a ridiculous hypocrite on Wisconsin. He’s finance chief of the dga which is kind involved in a big way in that recall up there. -

    How exactly does that make him a hypocrite? Is the DGA supposed to support Republican Governors or something? Or is Quinn supposed to sing Walker’s praises?

  36. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:30 pm:

    Absolutely proper, the Chamber is a private organization and can ask anyone they wish to speak to their membership. If the unions want to waste thier time and energy protesting some one speaking in Springfield that too is their right.

  37. - Northsider - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:32 pm:


    The Chamber can invite whomever it pleases. That the Chamber worships at Scott Walker’s feet is very telling. Not surprising, but very telling.

    Meanwhile, John Dean recognizes something familiar in Mr. Walker:

  38. - Excessively Rabid - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:36 pm:

    Proper, yes. Wise? Hah. And yes, you would think the midwestern governors would work together a little bit to deal with the region’s problems instead of bashing each other for short term political points. Wouldn’t you? C’mon, admit it, you thought so. Fool. Neener, neener.

  39. - Infidel - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:39 pm:

    I voted no because Walker doesn’t really have anything to offer us. Illinois is not Wisconsin, and our problems are different than theirs. We have plenty of our own experts and opinions; we don’t need to borrow Wisconsin’s.

  40. - palatine - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:45 pm:

    The Chamber is only a big lobbing firm for big business. Shame on them for having Walker speak.

  41. - Aldyth - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:48 pm:

    They can invite anyone to come speak, no matter how wrongheaded the individual.

  42. - amalia - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 3:56 pm:

    voted no because while they have a right to do it, it’s just undermining the business climate by bringing in a hater.

  43. - Angry Chicagoan - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:07 pm:

    No. Wisconsin has a horrible record on job creation and Walker’s main interests seem to be breaking the unions and cutting off one’s own nose to spite another’s face, as demonstrated by the roughly $300 million cost he has stuck on Wisconsin taxpayers by turning down the federal high-speed rail grant (memo to state and local politicians; it’s not smart to turn down grants when they include reimbursements for stuff you’ve already committed to). The political effect of this move by the Chamber is a political poke in the eye to public sector unions, their members, and their legislative backers; it poisons the debate and will set back the cause of reform. If the Chamber wanted to contribute constructively they’d be inviting politicians from some state where things like outcomes-based budgeting, performance management and pension reform have been implemented without 100 percent partisanship.

  44. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:10 pm:

    If Whitley won’t go as far as Walker in taking away collective bargaining ability, as he implies in the MS-J article, and disagrees with Walker about poaching Illinois jobs, couldn’t he have asked a different fiscal conservative to speak? Walker is a divider, and Illinois and other states need uniters.

  45. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:21 pm:

    Yes. It’s a free country, he can yack all he wants.

    But my Cheesehead sense in tingling, and I’m betting the blue collar workers and farmers of Wisconsin plus Paul Cebar and the Milwaueans are going to smack Walker down.

  46. - Immi - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:21 pm:

    Of course he has the right to speak! What I find interesting is that IL Labor is protesting a guy who has balanced the budget and reformed govt benefits, without laying off state employees.

    Quinn has a massive backlog in bills, tons of debt, and is on the process of trying to layoff thousands of state workers. And by the way, even after Walker’s reforms WI govt employees have better benefits than their IL counterparts.

  47. - zatoichi - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:26 pm:

    The words of the question make a huge difference. Is it proper to invite Walker? Their event, their money, their invite so they should ask who ever they want. Is it right? Same thing, it’s their show. Is Walker the right person? The level of protest should make a nice news story. What is the benefit of asking him to come? I can’t think of one that can’t be read in any number of publications. Controversial speakers can be terrific to hear and can be a strong pull to get people in the audience. Listen to what he has to say. You know it will be slanted in his favor. I just don’t picture Walker coming and saying ‘I really messed up’. Will this hurt the Chamber in any way? Some rumbling from the membership, then just another day of politics.

  48. - tired of politics - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:50 pm:

    Latest Scott Walker polling

  49. - DoubleDown - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:51 pm:

    Wisconsin’s Department of Revenue:Wisconsin’s Property Taxes Drop for First Time in 12 Years

  50. - DoubleDown - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:53 pm:

    APRIL 16, 2012 - Wisconsin Recall: Scott Walker Leads Tom Barrett 50% to 45% in PPP Poll

  51. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 4:59 pm:

    Rich always likes the cross-tabs.

  52. - Responsa - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 5:30 pm:

    Having Gov. Walker speak in IL is a great idea. More information is always better than less information–whether hearing it from friends or from political opponents. Protesting too is well worth doing if the protest adds another clear point of view or brings new insight to the subject. Protesters whose sole purpose for being there is to attempt to drown out or to shut up other speakers do not wear their own citizenship well IMO.

  53. - Bemused - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 5:36 pm:

    As others have said I feel the key word in your question was “Proper”. I went with No.

    I would suspect the membership of the the Chamber is somewhat slanted to the GOP side so I do not view this choice of speaker as an earth shattering surprise. I am not sure all the reactions to it were thought out.

    We all know that the Chamber and labor are adverse to giving each other a great big old hug but sometimes they do play nice with each other. This could tend to inhibit that.

    For instance. The local Chamber in Springfield IL. has a little program called Q5 Quantum Growth Partnership. They asked for business and labor groups to commit 10′000.00 per year for five years to promote Springfield. The labor group I was with was one of those who did. Would I vote in favor of that now? Let me think on that one.

  54. - sal-says - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 5:38 pm:

    You just can’t cure stupid.

  55. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 5:47 pm:

    Responda “Protesters whose sole purpose for being there is to attempt to drown out or to shut up other speakers do not wear their own citizenship well IMO.”

    Well, I’m going to assume that Gov Walker is going inside to properly present his speech at a meeting he has been invited at speak at. What makes you think that anyone outside the building is going to do a thing to stop that? How does one interfere and/or ’shout down’ a speaker who is giving his speech in this manner? Walker is not giving his presentation out on the sidewalk/street corner. His little program will go on just the same whether there are other persons of interest outside or not.

  56. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 7:17 pm:

    It certainly speaks to the state of the IL GOP that they have to go out and get someone like Scott Walker in order to fire up the IL Chamber of Commerce.

  57. - Wumpus - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 7:42 pm:

    Yes and yes, let the record decide. Let’s keep everyone out and others in, no outside people can ever speak!

    Will they raly against Quinn and Rahm or any other union busters?

  58. - RetiredStateEmployee - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 7:56 pm:

    I voted no because I don’t think it was very smart. This individual has been running down Illinois. Of course, I don’t see that they did anything wrong. If someone wants to listen to the Koch brothers pawn, have at it.

  59. - siriusly - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 7:59 pm:

    I “like” Excessively Rabid’s comment. Our economy is regional, our energy, water and environmental challenges are regional.

    All of our region’s Governor should stop playing “my state is better than your state” and work together otherwise we’ll continue to fight over who owns which oar while the Chinese row even further past us.

  60. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 8:40 pm:

    “What I find interesting is that IL Labor is protesting a guy who has balanced the budget and reformed govt benefits, without laying off state employees.”

    It’s more than just about keeping jobs and not being laid off. Even sweat shop workers get to keep their jobs. It’s about having a voice in the workplace and the ability to bargain over workplace conditions. People throughout history risked losing something in order to gain something better. Beside that, when do we stop saying that at least we have jobs? What happens if people lose more benefits and income but are still working, do we still say that at least we have jobs?

  61. - 1776 - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 9:37 pm:

    Here is the difference. The Chamber is a back bench organization that is is nowhere close to being as effective as the Illinois Manufacturing Association and the Illinois Retailer Merchants Association. I mean, they are the State Chamber of Commerce and yet have FEWER members than the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce. There is a reason for this and it because they pull stupid stunts like this.

    Sure, it may help them sell $59 tickets and get a few media stories but how does it help them actually PASS legislation? It is having the opposite effect and actually enflaming the unions who had someone quieted down on the pension issue.

    Sure, it may help sell a few memberships but it doesn’t benefit the members who suffer because of the clumsiness of the Chamber.

  62. - just sayin' - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 9:43 pm:

    Whitley again shows why he’s so ineffective for IL business. You don’t invite in a guy who is trying to poach IL businesses and jobs. Duh.

  63. - CitizenF - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 10:01 pm:

    Getting the state budget in some form of balance is necessary to keep the capitol doors open. At least Walker has taken that step. Let’s not lose focus with these meaningless distractions.

  64. - Judgment Day - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 10:53 pm:

    “Walker has a right to be heard. So do his critics.”

    That pretty much sums it up. As for Pat Quinn’s comments, last time I checked, the State of Wisconsin wasn’t delinquent on say, $6+ bil dollars in unpaid vendor bills.

  65. - Easy Rider - Monday, Apr 16, 12 @ 11:17 pm:

    Since his reforms are working in Wisconsin, it is no wonder so many in Illinois don’t want him here, he just reminds us what screw ups we have working for us–but then the screw ups think we work for them.

  66. - Das Man - Tuesday, Apr 17, 12 @ 7:48 am:

    Of course the Chamber can invite anyone they please. I would agree with palatine, the Chamber is just a lobby firm for big business, so it comes as no surprise they would invite Gov Walker.

    I was a Chamber member for 16 years before dropping out last year. Certainly a story like this reminds me why I did - and wonder why I did not do so sooner

  67. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 17, 12 @ 7:54 am:

    It is not smart. But, it is the Chacago way.

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