Quinn unveils $2.7 billion Medicaid plan today at 3
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn will unveil his Medicaid plan today at 3 o’clock in Springfield. The live stream will be here. You can follow Tweets from the presser on today’s live session coverage post. Quinn is likely to propose steep cuts in provider reimbursement rates and a buck a pack cigarette tax hike. The Tribune looks at some other cuts...
* Meanwhile, on the other big issue of the day, pension reform, the AP talked to a member of the commission tasked with coming up with a plan…
* And while Speaker Madigan, Gov. Quinn, Senate President Cullerton and Mayor Emanuel have all talked about how unfair it is that the state picks up the employer portion of the pension contribution for Downstate and suburban schools, but not for Chicago’s, the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund would like more state cash…
Hmm. The paranoid section of my brain wonders whether this months-long debate was really designed to force a deal to spend more state money on Chicago teacher pensions. * Roundup…
Question of the day
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * House Speaker Michael Madigan’s 70th birthday is today. What are your thoughts on this occasion?
Caption contest!
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rep. John Bradley is proudly showing off his new spring jacket today… Oh. My. Goodness. I’ll make Bradley buy today’s winner a cup of coffee for subjecting all of us to his fashion weirdness. * The winner of yesterday’s caption contest of a photo of Scott Walker goes to Karl…
Contact me, Karl, and I’ll buy you a beer.
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * BlackBerry users click here. Everyone else can just kick back and watch the day’s events unfold in real time…
Looks Like A Boondoggle
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] It’s no surprise that out-of-state energy company Tenaska would be coy about the huge new costs they are asking legislators to foist upon their own constituents to pay for the proposed Taylorville Energy Center coal plant. Yesterday, Tenaska issued a press release citing a new report confirming that their plan for the Taylorville Energy Center would cost families and businesses in Illinois hundreds of millions of dollars a year in increased electricity prices. Yet, in promoting this report, Tenaska called attention to interestrate gimmick “savings” that amount to a tiny fraction of the overall costs and could disappear as quickly as they appeared. Another study, based on an analysis of Tenaska’s own data, found that this project would cost Illinois consumers $400 million a year in increased electricity costs, or $12 billion over the 30-year life of the project. Tenaska is trying to convince Illinois consumers that they’re getting a real deal by “saving” pennies on the dollar for a $12 billion purchase. But Illinois consumers know a boondoggle when they see one. Contact your legislator today and encourage them to vote “NO” on SB 678 or any legislation that would send your money Up In Smoke to pay for the Taylorville Energy Center. And be sure to check out STOP Coalition’s new Facebook page for more on the broad coalition that has joined together to oppose this legislation.
*** UPDATED x1 *** Joe Walsh resolves child support issue
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * From a press release…
Discuss. *** UPDATE *** Walsh is more pugnacious in this campaign e-mail…
Gill claims polling lead over two possible rivals
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * 13th District Democratic congressional nominee David Gill has a new poll which shows him leading two possible Republican opponents. According to the poll, Gill leads Jerry Clarke 40-33 and Rodney Davis 41-31. You can read the pollster’s analysis by clicking here. Gill is below 50 in both trial heats so there’s there’s a long way to go here. Gill also benefits from a name recognition boost because of his three previous runs against incumbent Republican Tim Johnson, who dropped out of the race after the primary. According to his pollster, Gill is getting “over 50% of the vote” in the territory he’s run in before. President Obama won the 13th District by 11 points four years ago, but he’s only ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points in Gill’s poll. Still, that’s pretty good news for Gill and the Democrats. The poll’s generic trial heat had the district as +3 Democratic, 38-35, which is another important point. Gill is being widely dismissed as a candidate who can’t win. He’s probably hoping that this poll changes some minds. 400 likely voters were polled by Victoria Research & Consulting April 11-14. Discuss.
*** UPDATED x1 *** Some Republican diversity emerges at county level
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * DuPage County Republicans elected their first ever woman chair yesterday…
That’s a long way from the days of Pate Philip. Ruscitti, the DuPage County Superintendent of Education, has quickly moved up the party ranks ever since she dropped out of a congressional primary to make way for incumbent Joe Walsh. * Champaign County Republicans elected Lebanese immigrant Habeeb Habeeb…
* And the Cook County Republicans elected Philippine-American Aaron Del Mar, who is the first ever minority to get that position. As usual with the Cook Republicans, there was also plenty of political intrigue…
Illinois Review has run this photo of Del Mar with Hillary Clinton more than once… Del Mar’s response…
*** UPDATE *** Kane County also elected its first Republican chairperson, which resulted in some hurt feelings…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a campaign and Statehouse roundup
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller