Cutting Medicaid Slashes Care
Thursday, May 3, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The hospital community understands that the General Assembly has very difficult decisions to make this month, including on Medicaid. But it is important to remember that 2.8 million Illinoisans rely on Medicaid for their health care. More than one-third of all children in Illinois depend on the program, as well as hundreds of thousands of others such as the disabled, elderly and newly unemployed. It is critical that legislators and health care providers work together on Medicaid reforms that are thoughtful and well-planned. Yes, reforms need to happen; we need to implement ways to make the Medicaid program as cost effective as possible with the best outcomes. But we need to be careful not to make rash decisions that result in unintended consequences and that harm patients. The Illinois Hospital Association has provided the Governor and General Assembly with our Medicaid Savings Alternatives proposal – with real solutions instead of a $350 million (8%) rate cut to hospitals. (See True Medicaid reform does not happen through blunt cuts or a math exercise. Illinois hospitals are committed to partnering with the General Assembly to ensure that Illinoisans get the quality health care they need.