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And then there were four…

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m coming a little late to this, but the Republican county chairmen in the 13th Congressional District has winnowed the possible ballot replacements for retiring US Rep. Tim Johnson to four

* Jerry Clarke, who previously served as Johnson’s chief of staff;

* Rodney Davis of Taylorville, an aide to U.S. Rep. John Shimkus, R-Collinsville

* Former Miss America Erika Harold, an attorney and Urbana native;

* Kathy Wassink of Macoupin County, who owns a business that serves students with special needs.

* The list of those voted off the island

The four candidates eliminated by the 14 Republican county chairmen in the district after a meeting Saturday in Springfield include former Illinois Agriculture Director Becky Doyle of rural Gillespie; Sam Spradlin, a Springfield truck driver; Frank Metzger, a retired ironworker, of Glen Carbon; and Michael Firsching of Moro, a veterinarian.

* Kurt Erickson looks at who is backing whom

“He grew up in the district, knows the challenges facing the people of the district and has the same values as the citizens of the 13th Congressional District,” said state Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, who is endorsing Clarke. “He has served our nation’s Armed Forces with distinction for more than a quarter century, including three tours of duty as an Army commander and pilot in Iraq.”

Davis also has some heavy hitters on his side. His boss, Shimkus, is backing him.

U.S. Reps. Aaron Schock of Peoria and Bobby Schilling of Colona are said to be in his corner. That trio could pull some heavy duty weight with the county chairmen.

At the same time, a number of the county chairmen are new. They may resent the prospect of top-down pressure from top party officials.

And then there is Harold, the 2003 beauty queen originally from Champaign. The chairmen will have to decide whether voters in the downstate district will support a Harvard educated lawyer from Chicago. They’ll also have to consider whether they’ll have the resources to fend off the national Democrats, who may want to stop Harold in her tracks because of her potential to move up in the ranks if she wins.

* Fundraising abilities were a factor

McLean County Republican Chairman John Parrott said the chairs asked each of the eight candidates various questions, including if he or she will be able to raise enough money for the race towards November.

“By the time we make the decision on this, on the 19th of May, it’s going to take anywhere from $8,000 to $10,000 a day to win this race,” Parrott said.

* In other campaign-related news, the Tribune discovered that a judicial candidate was arrested for allegedly stealing yard signs

Carl Boyd won the Democratic nomination in March for a subcircuit judge post in Cook County and is a shoo-in for the November election because he is running unopposed. But first he must deal with a trial late this month — his own. He faces a misdemeanor charge of allegedly stealing the campaign signs of a primary rival in the middle of the night.

Boyd, a veteran Chicago attorney, was arrested by Chicago police about 2 a.m. the day before the March 20 primary while allegedly in the possession of a dozen signs promoting the campaign of primary rival Chester Slaughter. […]

“I can tell you that the police officer stated that this would make for a great story,” he told the Tribune. “But he certainly did not see me pick up one sign. That much is true.”

The cop may not have seen Boyd pick up a sign, but the police report claims that 12 campaign signs were found in Boyd’s car.

* This may be no joking matter…

Dane Ciolino, a law professor at Loyola University in New Orleans who specializes in legal and judicial ethics, said that even though Boyd was charged with a misdemeanor offense, he could face “significant” problems with legal disciplinary officials. Boyd could be suspended from practicing law or if he wins election as judge, he could be removed from office, Ciolino said.


  1. - Dirty Red - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 11:30 am:

    Would Brady’s endorsement hurt Clarke’s chances? Sure, Brady polls well in the district. But I keep hearing people talking about some bitterness from the chairmen towards Clarke for running Brady.

  2. - Anon - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 11:36 am:

    Harold could be the best candidate.

    Polished, an active advocate for values-oriented issues, impecible professional/education record, potential national rock star who could raise money across the country.

    The Dems will go after the political careerists just as hard if not harder. It will be tough to attack a conservative, miniority woman in a socailly conservative district.

    Also there is no better training ground for staying cool under pressure or on message than winning Miss America. She’s traveled the world giving speeches and charming audiences.

    Her weakness is she has no cadre of political handlers/hangers on. Wait, maybe not a weakness.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 11:46 am:

    “Dear Chairmen,

    My name is ___________ and I am a ___________ of Jerry Clarke. I have known Jerry for ________(years), and I can not think of a better person to be the Congressman of the 13th District.

    I write you this (letter/email) of my own choosing and using my own words of how great I think Jerry Clarke would be as Our Congressman.

    Knowing Jerry for ____________(years), I could tell how dedicated he is from my first-hand knowledge.

    Please consider Jerry Clarke as the Republican Nominee for the 13th Congressional District.

    Very truly yours,

    (sign name here)
    (Type your name here)
    (Title, or organization name here)”

  4. - downstate hack - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 11:56 am:

    Agree with anon, Erika Harold makes for the best candidate. Least amount of baggage and articulate, knowledgable and talented.

  5. - East Sider - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 11:57 am:

    Kathy Wassink is the best choice, in my opinion. She’s an experienced self-made businesswoman who has worked in the healthcare and educational fields. She also co-founded a very powerful grass roots organization in southwestern Illinois. She was instrumental in getting McCann and Schilling elected in 2010. I think she’s the dark horse in this race.

  6. - mr. whipple - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 11:58 am:

    If Erika Harold is the nominee, it will take maybe five minutes for the “carpetbagger” ads to start. This district runs through Central and Southwestern Illinois, from Champaign and Bloomington down to the MetroEast area.

    How will someone who’s been away from Central Illinois for ten years and working as a Chicago lawyer for the last seven going to play as an appointed candidate? Not too well.

  7. - Irish - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 11:59 am:

    OW - cracked me up. Thanks for that. Needed it.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:07 pm:


    Glad you got it, and it made you laugh.

  9. - Freeman - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:08 pm:

    === Her weakness is she has no cadre of political handlers/hangers on. ===

    She also lacks:
    - Any semblance of participation or contribution to Republican efforts in the past 8 years. A former Miss America could have been a formidable advocate had she decided to help out in some fashion. While not perfect, Clarke and Davis have cared enough to work hard building the party. Even Wassink has at least donated to Republican candidates. Harold? Nothing.

    - An established political fundraising network. Any candidate will get assistance, but the nominee is looking at raising and spending $1.5 million or more in 5 months.

    - Strong relationships with local organizations and leaders capable of helping ensure voter turnout and support.

    Perhaps she has an impressive plan to address these weaknesses, among others. Perhaps not.

    Would make for a fascinating gamble, however.

  10. - Shore - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:19 pm:

    we did the whole beauty pageant candidate on tv a few years ago in the gop. How’d that work out for us? Another “pretty face” err abs, Mr. Schock has so far shown he’s more interested in living the dc life than actually governing. No thanks. Sorry but chiefs of staff have a horrible recent track record for Illinois Republicans-dillard, lahood, roskam, an la not a cos, doesn’t do much for me, and the insider thing is very out. Party doesn’t really need another inside baseball calculating career aide who will bring nothing to the party or congress.

    I don’t know the 4th candidate, but no more insiders and no more pretty faces so Wassink for congress!

  11. - Mike Tristano - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:19 pm:

    I emphatically endorse Jerry Clarke who has shown loyalty over all these years. Whenever I needed a travel voucher signed on short notice, he was there for me.

  12. - Dirty Red - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:20 pm:

    = How will someone who’s been away from Central Illinois for ten years and working as a Chicago lawyer for the last seven going to play as an appointed candidate? =

    Simple. The alternative for them is David Gill, who is the Gary Forby of pro-choice. Central Illinois would vote for Harold over Gill without thinking twice.

  13. - East Sider - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:21 pm:

    Clarke’s attempts at “building the party” have been detrimental to the party. See: 2010 Brady Campaign. I will give credit to Davis, as he ran the Victory Program in 2010 (would’ve been nice if Clarke had actually used the data). Wassink built a massive ground game in Madison, Macoupin and Jersey counties for downstate candidates in the last election cycle.

  14. - Dan Egler - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:23 pm:

    Jerry Clarke has a proven track record of winning races. I have provided a short video dramatization of his capabilities to win….

  15. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:24 pm:

    My money is on Davis. Because Schock’s money is on Davis.

    And the chairmen know that Schock will be funneling huge dollars into local GOP operations.

  16. - Skeeter - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:27 pm:

    The Boyd thing is interesting. My dog ALLEGEDLY has been known to attack political signs (he ALLEGEDLY thinks it is fun to paw them and see if they bounce back up). He also ALLEGEDLY pees on them so that voters know this is his precinct. Let’s hope that no CPD see him doing that in November. It would be tough to explain to the kids that their dog has been arrested.

    By the way, in March, I personally saw a bunch of Street and San guys taking signs down. Time for a full investigation followed by mass arrests.

  17. - Anon - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:29 pm:

    Mark Kirk hadn’t lived in the 10th for 25 years when he came back to run for Congress. Paul Ryan did same in WI so the Carpetbagger issue is hardly a deal breaker. Especially when Harold spend a good deal of time touring advocating for teen abstinence, a pretty popular GOP issue.

    Harold’s lack of connections to the local GOP is meaningless because other than the self important process of this nomination, the chairmen and committeemen are essentially useless in this era. Fuss all you want, but the party structure, even downstate, is a paper tiger.

    Harold will be able to raise more money than the other three combined. The changes in fundraising make a media star a much better fundraiser than a career operative. Neither of the men in the race has ever shown any penchant for fundraising in a meaningful way, and the fourth candidate is simply way too far out of her league to be taken seriously.

    Another white male with a lengthy resume as an inside political operative is the weakest choice. Clarke’s military service is worthy of the highest respect, but it only partly mitigates his baggage. Davis may have loyally served the party but after the nomination, the vast majority of the voters, especially independents needed to win, could not possibly care less and many may be turned off by that career record.

  18. - OneMan - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:33 pm:

    Too bad they didn’t bring it down to three then we could have had this……And_Then_There_Were_Three…

    Follow You, Follow Me…
    Burning Rope
    The Lady Lies

  19. - so.... - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:34 pm:

    ==Mark Kirk hadn’t lived in the 10th for 25 years when he came back to run for Congress. Paul Ryan did same in WI so the Carpetbagger issue is hardly a deal breaker.==

    Mark Kirk at least was able to say that he had worked for the outgoing Congressman (John Porter) for years, and thus could credibly be said to have maintained a relationship with the district.

  20. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:39 pm:

    I think the Committeemen should request that all in-person interviews adopt the swimsuit format and include a talent portion before crowning a nominee.

    They could sell tickets and raise more money than the ILGOP’s silly straw vote thing.

  21. - East Sider - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 12:50 pm:

    =the fourth candidate is simply way too far out of her league to be taken seriously.=

    How so? Because she never won a Miss America pagent or ran failed political campaigns?

    Let’s remember that Bobby Schilling was an unknown pizza parlor owner 2 years ago before winning an un-winnable seat.

  22. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 1:10 pm:

    Boyd’s defense: He was actually putting out the signs (he had started with 50 and was a little more than half done) because he did not feel his opponent had enough up in high traffic areas. He was doing it in the middle of the night so no one would know he was helping.

  23. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 1:29 pm:

    Erika Harold is not quite a carpetbagger. She grew up in the district, attended college in the district and won Miss America as a resident of the district. Is that really the definition of “carpetbagger”? If she was from another state and had merely attended the U of I for two years and then decided to run for Congress after a friend told her about it, that would be carpetbagging.

  24. - Colossus - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 1:41 pm:

    Quick question to everyone who doubts that carpetbagging will be an issue for Harold: how many of you actually live inside the district? I live outside Springfield within 20 miles of about 5 different CDs, and it’s easy to comment from the outside and point to a WI race as evidence, but I’d be much more interested to hear from actual residents to gauge the mood. Chambana might be a major population center, but it isn’t the whole thing by a long shot, and I have a strong feeling that the less-metropolitan voters will not take kindly to a Chicago resident being appointed to the ticket. Outside the major cities, roots matter more than you know and more than you’ll hear people say out loud.

  25. - Shore - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 1:55 pm:

    Kirk worked for the district from 1982-1990 before declaring his run in 1999. He wasn’t a carpetbagger and in the 10th elite education and work in major cities is seen as a major plus (the resume dold, rumsfeld, kirk and porter all possessed). Porter was incredibly popular with district republicans and it was a slam dunk for kirk. Party insider connections were also considered ok back then.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the notion the party should go with the outsider candidates in that primary.

    I really hope Joe Walsh sees Murdouck today in Indiana and considers running for Governor or US senate next year. Would love to see him run statewide and bring some serious energy.

  26. - Shore enough - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 2:15 pm:

    I agree. Walsh for Governor would be great! We’d finally get the type of show denied us when the Dems kicked Cohen off the ticket.

  27. - Colossus - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 2:19 pm:

    @Shore - I share the same level of excitement for a Walsh run for statewide office, but I think it stems a from very different place.

  28. - mokenavince - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 3:08 pm:

    Stealing yard signs the guy should be banned from holding office, and fined for being stupid.

  29. - Ahoy! - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 3:51 pm:

    I’m not sure if Congressional backing means much in this decision. At the end of the day:

    Schock might be the power broke here, but in the end he needs the County chairman more than they need him. He can deliver, but eventually he’s going to need the local party heads in the future.

    Shilling just doesn’t matter in the new district and Shimkus isn’t well liked or respected, he might actually be Davis’s weakness.

  30. - Robert - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 4:42 pm:

    ==Stealing yard signs the guy should be banned from holding office, and fined for being stupid==
    I was wondering why he had to do this himself? Why doesn’t he have people doing this for him like everyone else?

  31. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 5:28 pm:

    === ==Stealing yard signs the guy should be banned from holding office, and fined for being stupid==
    I was wondering why he had to do this himself? Why doesn’t he have people doing this for him like everyone else? ===

    Tony Peraica doesn’t think its uncommon for candidates to take a “hands on” approach.

    Who knows, maybe storming the Cook County Clerk’s office is next?

  32. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 5:44 pm:

    –I really hope Joe Walsh sees Murdouck today in Indiana and considers running for Governor or US senate next year. Would love to see him run statewide and bring some serious energy. –

    Shore, is that for real? Big Kirk supporter like you? Do you want to put the GOP out of business in Illinois forever?

    I’ll say one thing: If a great statesman like Lugar — who, among other things, was instrumental in transforming Soviet nuclear weapons targeted to kill us into electricity-producing energy sources — loses to a knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing wannabe new Sen. Jenner of Indiana, you can have your GOP and your Indiana, too.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 6:46 pm:

    If we as a party lose Lugar, and lose more “Lugar”s, we will become a fringe party.

    The number of voters that fit 100% of what “some” in the GOP require is so low … how do they expect the GOP to be relevent to more?

  34. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, May 8, 12 @ 6:55 pm:

    ==If we as a party lose Lugar, and lose more “Lugar”s, we will become a fringe party. ==

    It appears that the “Lugar”s are aging out and being replaced by young climbers (a la Schock & Kinzinger) and tea partiers (a la Walsh). Hopefully, the climbers will mature into “Lugar” types…time will tell.

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