Illinois Needs Private Sector Jobs Now! Why Labor Leaders Support Senate Bill 1849
Thursday, May 10, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Illinois residents want to cut the deficit and create jobs without tax increases or budget cuts. A recent independent analysis shows that a modest expansion of gaming in Illinois would create 20,500 jobs and $200 million in desperately needed new annual revenue. That’s why Illinois labor leaders are united in support for the compromise legislation contained in Senate Bill 1849: “More people at work means more tax revenues coming in to help balance our city, county and state budgets.” Dave Whitmore, Business Manager, Ironworkers Local 4 “More than 50,000 jobs are at stake! Not only would SB 1849 create 20,000 new jobs, it would save more than 30,000 agri-business jobs that effect nearly every single one of Illinois’s 102 counties!” Former Rep. Bill Black, Chairman, the Illinois Revenue and Jobs Allliance.