The Tenaska Tax: A $163 Million Annual Residential Rate Hike
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] We know the Tenaska Tax would be poison for our state’s business climate – but did you know it’s also a massive residential rate hike? A new report by longtime Illinois consumer champion Martin Cohen details how the Tenaska Tax will hit Illinois families for 30 years. The report also looks at how the Tenaska Tax adds to the other two coal plant rate hikes already approved by Springfield: ![]() What about Tenaska’s “new” proposal? If Tenaska defers building the coal portion of their project, these costs don’t go away, they’re simply delayed. Tenaska is just putting off answering the tough questions about the pollution and exorbitant cost of the coal part of the plant, kicking that decision down the road. Isn’t that the approach that created the pension funding crisis? Don’t saddle us with the Tenaska Tax.