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Hey, Cub fans!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Heh…

Discuss with gusto.

Oh, and that was real classy throwing at Konerko’s face after his home run. Sorry, but I just don’t buy into the denial of malice.

This means war.

…Adding… Bernstein: Tom Ricketts Thinks We’re Fools


  1. - foster brooks - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:23 am:

    was there sat in the bleachers,not one cub fan was paying attention to the game.

  2. - Boone Logan Square - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:24 am:

    Good week for the Ricketts family.

  3. - Hon. John Fritchey - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:27 am:

    C’mon Rich, even Konerko said he didn’t think it was a headhunting shot. Besides, that would mean our pitchers have serious control on their ball and I think we’ve clearly proven that not to be the case.

    The last guy that sounded that paranoid used to have an office on the second floor of the capitol.

  4. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:29 am:

    Fritchey, it’s obvious that Konerko is a classy guy. But you do have a point. Your pitching totally sucks. However, I stand by my declaration of war. It’s on, baby. Oh, is it ever on.

  5. - OneMan - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:29 am:

    What can one really say at this point… Sucks to be 14 games under 500 at this point….

  6. - Honestly - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:30 am:

    I was told that folks should avoid the Wrigley Field area during the cross-town classic, it was safer to stay in the G-8/NATO protest route.

  7. - Former Merit Comp Slave - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:32 am:

    Wow Rich, you’ve got a real mean streak under all those political layers!! We can only beat the Cardinals and Braves this year apparently.

  8. - OneMan - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:32 am:

    Rich, Fritchey has a point, Cubs pitching has less control than a protester all in black

  9. - dave - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:33 am:

    Obviously a pitcher would choose to throw a split finger when throwing at a guy. Wait…what?!

  10. - too obvious - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:34 am:

    Hey hey hey come on now. Cubs owners are much to busy trying to mooch money from taxpayers for their private playpen while pop is talking about funding Obama attack ads with millions.

    There’s a thing called priorities sir. Ha!

  11. - Wensicia - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:36 am:

    Be careful; if you declare war, we’ll sic our gulls on you.

    That was not a purpose pitch. The Cubs are totally lacking in purpose at this time.

  12. - OneMan - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:39 am:

    After the game dad Rickets saw a film about the 1908 Cubs and said if they had that team now, they would be winners.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:39 am:

    Bravo to Bernstein.

    Every single legislator, Chicago Alderman, Mayor Emanuel …You need to watch Papa Joe’s version how they made a “business” decision” to give Tom something to keep his yap shut.

    Ald. Tunney … you need to watch it TWICE, once for the knowledge and the second time, to let it soak in that Papa Joe Ricketts IS the money, Joe Ricketts owns the ball club, and its Tom Ricketts’ toy.

    Do not give me the InTrade backlash on how great Tom Ricketts is. LISTEN to Dad … the owner … and what Dad thanks of what Tom should do, and what Tom HAS done, and the way Tom SOLD the Cubs to Dad. Then tell me Dad is just crazy … when he is so crazy he dropped hundreds of millions of dollars, and how Dad, who dropped that cash, THINKS of the Chicago Cubs.

    Add the Tin Ear of Tom Ricketts…

    THEN you got the business acuem of Tom Ricketts in the Baseball industry, and Tom Ricketts in the art of Chicago and Illinois politics.

    And, as a Cubs fan … saddened, disappointed, and frustrated … and I can only hope Theo can turn this around in 3 years …unless the Ricketts family Soap Opera ain’t worht the cash and the prestige …

    Time will tell.

    The Konerko thing was an accident … and it was classless…

    It was both.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:41 am:

    ===That was not a purpose pitch. The Cubs are totally lacking in purpose at this time.===

    Well said, - Wensicia -!

  15. - Adam Smith - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:43 am:

    I’ve never taken Rich’s bait before, even though I am a Cubs season tix holder for decades and live within sight of Wrigley.

    You are right, Rich. Ok? There I said it.

    The Cubs are a sad excuse for an MLB franchise. Wrigley is a lousy ballpark even though it’s a great tourist attraction.

    Most people at Wrigley know less about baseball than they do about quantum physics (and those of us who are both Cubs AND baseball fans have to suffer through their idiotic comments and behavior every home game we attend.)

    We’ve had some great managers and great talent on the team. I don’t blame the Tribune or the Ricketts family.

    It seems to come down to two things: The ballpark and the number of day games. These are the only two major differences with other teams. The Cubs spent enough. They have had all the talent needed.

    I will say that my last act of loyalty is to stick with them for a few more years and see if Theo is the genius he thinks he is. But if there is no measurable improvement, I have to consider a 12-step program, because it is costing me time and money and now my kids are showing signs of addiction as well.

  16. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:44 am:

    Adam, admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery. Good luck.

  17. - Responsa - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:45 am:

    The head hit Konerko took was way too close to the place where he could have been completely blinded– or to the place where his sight could be sufficiently permanently affected to end his playing career –to be taken lightly. This event will not be remotely “over” until Paulie is back in the batter’s box and has stroked a few more monster home runs to prove he really is OK.

  18. - ZC - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:54 am:

    Conservative Tea Partiers everywhere argue that the crosstown sweep decisively shows the failure of the new Ricketts-Sveum-”moneyball” regime. “The new Cubs management cannot hide from their failed promises anymore.” They demand an immediate return to the glory days of Tribune management and policies, beginning with another eight-year contract renewal with Alfonso Soriano.

  19. - Responsa - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 10:59 am:

    If Jeff S. is really contrite he should prove it by allowing AJ Pierzynski to shear off his long flowing locks at a pre-game ceremony at home plate the next time the two teams meet.

  20. - TCB - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:02 am:

    The next time a Cubs pitcher throws the ball where he is aiming will be the 1st time.

    But isn’t it possible that Samardzija was trying to hit Konerko in the hip or back & missed a little high. He even said “Paulie’s a good guy and that ball got away and unfortunately hit him up high.” He doesn’t all-out deny trying to hit him, he just denies that he tried to hit him in the face.


  21. - King Hippo - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:04 am:

    Reading baseball commentary on CapFax is like going to a chinese restaurant and ordering lasagna….

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:06 am:


    Two points on the Bernstien embedded video;

    1) Listen how Joe Ricketts talks about Tom Ricketts and the way Joe Ricketts hears Tom say “Dad” … like a teenage girl wanting to go to the Mall with her friends, and knows Dad needs coaxing …”DaaaaaD”

    2) I said it Friday, and hearing the story again just makes me think of the entitlement feeling Tom Ricketts has; Tom Ricketts thought it was OK for his Father, Grandmothers …to make a trip for an non-existing gradutation ceremony. Money is nothing. The cost of flights, hotel rooms … “…we’ll make the best of it and have a nice weekend…” versus letting Tom have it was the way Joe Ricketts handled it.

    Sounds like a lack of respect to his Dad who was paying for this “education”, his family to come for a faux graduation, and that feeling of entitlement that, “It worked out fine, didn’t it” … as Tom told his Dad ….

    The video is critical to know where the Cubs are as an organization and … who is the real boss.

  23. - Son of a Centrist - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:08 am:

    Sorry, Rich– there is no way that headshot was intentional. I am a Sox fan and I give props to Samardzjia for being concerned and apologetic. Even the Sox says it was accidental.

  24. - Pete Granada - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:12 am:

    Dysfunctional family owning a dysfunctional team. Message to Ricketts family, aka corporate wellfare queens, if you love this team –sell it ! There were more gulls in the outfield then people in the bleachers.

  25. - Shore - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:13 am:

    the ricketts thing deserves several separate posts and discussion because there’s a lot to unpack there and it shouldn’t be grouped in with discussions about joe mather.

    As for this weekend, white sox fans make themselves look desperate and ridiculous celebrating this “win”. you beat a glorified triple a team with a cubs lineup where the slugger is a 4a player. the cubs organization has mailed in this season and the next one after that and probably after that, so save yourself the breath. we honestly care more about what stupid stuff your ex manager says.

    As for Paul Konerko, I hope he’s well. I don’t care for his employer, but he’s an incredibly classy player who has never gotten the respect within the game he’s deserved and it would be a fitting honor for him to get the starting all star nod for the al this year when it’s loaded at the position with guys like agon, prince, pujols, tex, et al.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:16 am:

    On the field, the cubs are a bad Ball Club.

    That is pretty much it.

  27. - In 630 - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:27 am:

    I don’t think Spellcheck’s pitch was deliberate either, ineptitude more than malice. He also put one dangerously near Alexei’s face. Opponents pitching dangerously beyond the bounds of a their competence shouldn’t be tolerated by the Sox. If the Cubs don’t like pitches running high and tight to LaHair they shouldn’t let their guy throw pitches he has a tendency to lose in on guys.

  28. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:32 am:

    @Merit Comp -

    Um, the Cubs are 4-4 against the Cards this season. Which, I guess is something to brag about when you’re playing .350 baseball.

    @Rich -

    Good luck with your Declaration of War. Pray tell, which All-Star Slugger should the White Sox retaliate against? The Cubs batboy?

  29. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:35 am:

    ===He doesn’t all-out deny trying to hit him, he just denies that he tried to hit him in the face.===


  30. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:40 am:

    Congratulations Rich and all Sox fans: you swept the Cubs at Wrigley in the Cross-town Classic, aka, the White Sox World Series.

    Being the best baseball team in Chicago is like being the tallest midget.

    Try not to pull a muscle patting yourselves on the back.

  31. - Dan Shields, Springfield, IL - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:41 am:

    Karma will come back to bite you oin this Rich

  32. - amalia - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:42 am:

    what’s the name of the Braves player who earlier this season got the same treatment Konerko did? as in first time up homer, next time up Samsmacksya hits the batter? he says he did not do it intentionally but his behavior says otherwise. nice that two homers came off his hand when he had given up only a few this season. (Sox fans know baseball!)

    nice way to treat the NATO crowd to not one, but three derby matches in a row (think world football), and a win in all three for the Sox…epic!!! Dear World, Chicago loves the White Sox.

  33. - Deep South - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:44 am:

    Wrigley Field?

    The Cub got bigger problems than just a goat.

  34. - Mouthy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:49 am:

    If the Sox players thought Konerko was hit on purpose the weekend would have seen a bench clearer.

    Woods could have been a great picture but they burnt his arm out…just like Prior….

  35. - Shore - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:51 am:

    mouthy how many world series did mcdowell, fernandez and alvarez win for you?

  36. - 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:53 am:

    Loved the Shut out yesterday! Saturday night until the bottom of the 9th it was almost a shut out, then that north side team picked up steam…not enough.

    But seriously, no matter where you sit at “The Cell” the fans are all paying attention to the game.

    So many empty seats, so many fans doing other things besides watching a ball game up North….of course with the exception of the fans in Sox gear.

  37. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:55 am:

    @47th Ward -

    The “White Sox World Series” is the closest the Cubs have been to a “World Series” in how long?

    Maybe Wrigley can host the Little League World Series sometime this century to end the drought?

  38. - OldSmoky2 - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:55 am:

    Don’t worry, Cubs fans - the Ricketts and Theo are going to turn your team around… No, wait, Lou Piniella is going to… um, let’s see, Dusty Baker is gonna… no, night baseball is going to… um, Leo Durocher will turn things… no, wait, the College of Coaches is gonna… er, no, Frankie Frisch is going to…

  39. - johhnypizza - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:56 am:

    Sweep! This was not a whisk broom sweep. This was a street cleaner rumbling through the neighborhood at 0200 waking everyone up sweep!

  40. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:56 am:

    @47th Ward -

    I think Ozzie said it best:

    “The Crosstown Classic is just another series. Only without opposing pitching, hitting, defense, or hot running water.”

  41. - Bill - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:13 pm:

    Surprisingly, we had a great time at the Urinal Sat. night. We saw Hillary, Quinn, and Durbin, a bunch of army guys and the White Sox beat some minor league team.
    Thanks to the NATO scare there was hardly any traffic. We parked in some guy’s garage for $20 and drank a lot of $7.50 Old Style. All-in all not too bad an experience. I may try it again in a decade or two.

  42. - mokenavince - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:26 pm:

    This is the wrong place to say anything good about the Cubs. Just as the Score with Spiegal and
    Barry Rosner sound just like WGN.Enough of Cub talk on the SCORE. WGN forgets the Sox scores on a regular basis.To all Cub fans wait till next century!You only have another 95 years or so to go.

  43. - wordslinger - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:43 pm:

    I think Samardja (I’m not going to learn how to spell it) was trying to knock Konerko off the plate and it got away from him. Konerko hit a 400-foot screamer off him his previous at bat.

    Samadja had also dusted Ramirez off the plate earlier.

    Having said that, Humber’s retaliation pitch behind LaHair was weak. He’s a big guy, dude, how can you miss?

    I remember Ozzie reaming some kid in the dugout for missing a retaliation pitch and sending him back to Birmingham that night.

    Besides, Samardza was the first batter at the top of the inning. That’s the guy you’re supposed to drill.

  44. - Baines 4 Prez - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:58 pm:

    He definitely was attempting to throw it at Paulie, and as Rich notes his comments don’t deny that at all. Regardless of the fact that it got away from him…it’s a BUSH LEAGUE MOVE.

    If it’s in the process of the game, and the pitcher is trying to establish the inner part of the plate? I understand brushing a guy back or hitting them in the butt/back in that case. But after a guy just took you yard? I’m sorry but that’s just a PUNK move.

    I was shocked that the Sox didn’t retaliate during this series. I was hoping that Castro was going to get a nice 95 mph heater right in the ribcage under the armpit - the kind of beanball that leaves you with a 5″ diameter purple bruise that Smardzija would have to see every day afterward in the clubhouse and know that he was responsible for it.

    War’s on. I’ll be planning the western assault out in SF when the Cubbies are on the road.

  45. - wordslinger - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 1:03 pm:

    –But after a guy just took you yard? I’m sorry but that’s just a PUNK move.–

    It’s not punk, it’s old school. Unless Bob Gibson, Don Drysdale, Nolan Ryan, etc. were punks.

    He wasn’t going for the head, it got away from him.

    Batters go up there with a lot of armor these days. The inside of the plate is the battleground.

  46. - dave - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 1:09 pm:


    Who is Woods? Did Tiger start playing baseball now?

    As for the Samardzija pitch, anyone who knows baseball knows that if you’re trying to hit a guy, you don’t throw a split-finger. The pitch just got away from him. Hopefully Paulie is okay, because despite being on the Sox, he’s a good dude.

  47. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 1:19 pm:

    I’m with dave on this one, having reattached the video.

    Sorry Sox fans, but the catcher was lined up for an outside pitch, this was not intentional.

    Sorry, Cubs fans, but the catcher was lined up for an outside pitch. This wasn’t some heroic “battle for the inside of the plate.”

    My guess was the Cubs hurler was still a little distracted mentally by getting crushed in the 1st and concentrating a little too hard on trying not to think about it. Most pitches that awful come from over-control.

  48. - That Guy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 1:46 pm:

    Hopefully they left the brooms behind so someone could clean up that dump cub fans call a stadium.

  49. - wordslinger - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:19 pm:

    –Sorry, Cubs fans, but the catcher was lined up for an outside pitch. This wasn’t some heroic “battle for the inside of the plate.”–

    YDD, I haven’t seen the Zapruder footage, but where would a catcher set up before a breaking-ball purpose pitch? Behind the batter’s ear? Kind of gives it away, doesn’t it?

  50. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:04 pm:

    @Wordslinger -

    I suggest you watch them, especially one in slo-mo.

    Its pretty clear that the catcher was more surprised than anyone…notice his delayed reaction, and arm moves long before his body.

  51. - sunny day - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:12 pm:

    The Ricketts are getting exactly what they deserve as they will continue to throw money at a losing team, but I hope legislators think twice before they ask us taxpayers to finance the family’s “profit margins”. I for one, was a Cubs fan, but thanks to the Ricketts I have seen the light. Thanks for the political wake up call, it just furthers the sentiment of “be careful where you spend your hard earned dollars”. Sad that there is no separation between Sport and State…

  52. - wordslinger - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:45 pm:

    –Its pretty clear that the catcher was more surprised than anyone…notice his delayed reaction, and arm moves long before his body.–

    Back, and to the left…., back, and to the left….

    Whatever. More than the Crosstown, more than NATO, the most compelling TV of the weekend was Mick playing with Arcade Fire, the Foo Fighters and Jeff Beck on SNL.

    That grandpa moves like Jagger — still.

    His sad, Karoake Mick doing “Satisfaction” was the biggest laugh I’ve had in a while.

  53. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:59 pm:

    @wordslinger -

    Okay. You win. I’m Oliver Stone.

  54. - Bob Juliano Jr - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 6:45 pm:

    Your declaration of war makes me tremble.

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