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Rodney Davis picked to run for Congress

Monday, May 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve known Rodney Davis for quite a long while. He’s a decent, hard-working young man and he’s now the Republican candidate in the 13th Congressional District

Davis was chosen Saturday morning by the 14 Republican chairs of the 13th district to replace U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson, R-Urbana, on the November ballot. McLean County Republican Party Chair John Parrott said the leaders felt Davis, a former aide to U.S. Rep. John Shimkus, R-Collinsville, has done well with fundraising.

“He has helped the party out by raising a considerable amount of money to help the party,” Parrott said. “He has worked and gotten a lot of experience working with Congressman Shimkus, and they felt he has the qualifications to hit the ground running and serve in the 13th Congressional District.”

* The final vote was unanimous, but it apparently took three ballots

Champaign County Republican Party Chairman Habeeb Habeeb declined to say how the vote went but said it took three ballots and that he proudly stuck with Harold through all three as did McLean County Republican Party Chairman John Parrott.

Despite their differences, local party officials appear to be united behind Davis…

Macon County Chairman Bruce Pillsbury would not reveal which candidate he voted for but said all the chairmen now stand behind Davis.

“He has done an excellent job of representing the state party over the years,” Pillsbury said. “He’s well-versed with the issues that we’re concerned with here in the state and our 13th Congressional District and very familiar with working with and around Washington also.”

McLean County Chairman John Parrott said he voted for Harold. But he said going forward, the party is united and he looks forward to having Davis meet McLean County voters.

* Party leaders had promised an open and transparent process, and Chairman Parrott said it was

“This was as open, as fair of a process as I’ve ever been in,” he said. “I think most of them have been very fair, but this has been the most open process that I’ve ever seen.”

* But

Party leaders from counties with territory in the redrawn district met behind closed at a Springfield hotel for two hours Saturday morning and cast multiple ballots before giving Davis the nod. Their votes were weighted based on the number of Republican primary ballots cast in their counties. […]

The chairmen were mum on what gave Davis the edge over the three other finalists.

Not exactly open and transparent.

* The selection process provoked a rebuke from the DCCC

Secret Backroom Deal Produces Failed Career Politician & Party Insider Congressional Candidate Rodney Davis

First Congressman Tim Johnson rigs the political process by retiring after the March primary to ensure Republican Party insiders chose his successor for IL- 13 instead of Illinois voters. Now after weeks of secret deals, it should come as no surprise that Republican chairmen chose one of their own: Party insider and career political hack Rodney Davis. Despite reports of Davis fundraising impropriety and a record as a failed career politician, Davis will have to convince Illinois families who supported President Obama in 2008 that he’s not part of the problem.

“Illinois voters didn’t have a say in choosing the Republican 13th Congressional candidate, but they will in November when they reject handpicked, party insider and failed career politician Rodney Davis,” said Haley Morris of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “Davis may have his reward for serving Republican Party insiders as a career political hack and failed candidate, but at what price? Illinois families deserve better than secret backroom deals that devalue the core of our democratic process and a handpicked candidate who represents everything wrong with Washington’s culture of special privileges. There’s no doubt that Davis will be a loyal vote for Congressional Republicans’ out of touch agenda that protects tax breaks for billionaires and corporate outsourcers, but cuts Medicare so seniors have to pay $6,000 more for the same care.”

Then again, we saw no such press release when the Democrats pulled a similar stunt for Bill Lipinski’s kid.

* Notice, also, that Davis’ role in a very curious campaign contribution scheme is mentioned above. David Gill reiterated that point in his own press release

[Gill] also said that Davis is also a former executive director of the Illinois Republican Party and has been involved in some of the party’s recent questionable fundraising practices to skirt Illinois’ new campaign finance limits.

* And rather than run from his past as a career political operative, Davis is embracing it

Davis said even though his experience working for Shimkus has largely been in the district, that experience would make for a smooth transition to Washington.

“I’m not going to be in awe of the process, in awe of the city. I’m going to have a pretty small learning curve when I get out there. I want to be effective from day one,” Davis said.

Davis added that the new 13th Congressional District has much of the Central Illinois territory that is presently in the 19th district that Shimkus serves.

“It can be a competitive district, but it’s a district I am very familiar with,” Davis said. “Mr. Shimkus used to represent many of these counties. My career has taken me into many of these counties where I’ve gotten to know the local leaders and the residents.”

* Davis also had a nice story to tell about how he found out about the decision

Davis says he was informed of the decision while he was coaching his children’s baseball game.

* This district is, on paper, very competitive for Democrats, but Gill is a three-time loser and is far to the left of most of the district. Those points were emphasized in a press release from National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions

“In a seat that favors Republicans, the Democrats are also faced with the daunting task of backing a flawed candidate in David Gill as he attempts his fourth run for a congressional seat. The odds against David Gill are only magnified as the Democrats’ agenda of spending, taxing and borrowing continues to hurt Illinois families.”



  1. - Anon - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:24 am:

    It is obvious that the qualities that a room full of party operatives look for is worlds apart from what the voters are looking for.

    Good luck, Rodney. You’re going to need it.

  2. - Raising Kane - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:26 am:

    REally Anon….how much luck do you think it will it take to beat Dr. Gill??

  3. - so... - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:32 am:

    ==REally Anon….how much luck do you think it will it take to beat Dr. Gill??==

    I’d say somewhere around zero. Gill is a downstate version of Jan Schakowsky. The only problem is, he doesn’t have Jan Schakowsky’s district.

    There’s also the problem with Gill’s fundraising. Namely, he doesn’t really have any. As of his last report, Gill was in the red with only $16,500 cash on hand and $20,000 in debt to his media vendor. I hope the DCCC is ready to come in for him in a big way, because that’s what it’s gonna take for Gill to have so much as a prayer of winning.

  4. - Dan Shields, Springfield, IL - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:33 am:

    I thougt all candidates were hand picked insider politcal hack’s. Isn’t that the #1 requirement?

  5. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:35 am:

    Rodney is a good man and a hard worker. Good luck to him.

  6. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:35 am:

    As I predicted, Davis’ ties to Schock’s money trumps all.

    More than anything, county GOP chairmen want a candidate who’s going to put election day money in their campaign accounts. Davis has a proven track record of doing just that.

    For what its worth, Gill will win, and it won’t be close.

    Jerry Clarke will then win it back for Republicans in 2014.

  7. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:36 am:

    ===The only problem is, he doesn’t have Jan Schakowsky’s district.===

    As of this year, neither does Jan. Just sayin…

  8. - Shore - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:42 am:

    was he involved with the shimkus page debacle when he worked for him?

    no mention of any of his positions on the issues. we can’t complain to not be the party of hacks and then pick candidates because of their “fundraising skills” as opposed to issue positions.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:48 am:

    ===For what its worth, Gill will win, and it won’t be close.

    Jerry Clarke will then win it back for Republicans in 2014.===

    I’ll take a piece of that … Box of Cannoli for the winner, YDD?

    Davis will win, win big, and with the GOP downstate delegation behind him, Davis will be able to keep the seat thru the next remap.

    Clarke needs to blame the following on his non-appointment.

    * Mike Cys - Friends don’t let friends derail their dream. You let Jerry down every time you commented.

    * The “website”-gate - After its said and done, Jerry, was it worth getting the domain name? If you want to run in 2014, don’t forget to renew that “happenstance” domain name.

    “Letters” - Letters from the heart, are not form letters. Hearing of the 12 options of a form letter was kinda a “last straw”. you can’t look too organized and claim to be suprised.

    Jerry Clarke has served the United States in so many ways, it would be difficult to find many others with his resume of service. We should all feel grateful “Jerry Clarke”’s are here to serve, and how lucky we are to have OUR Jerry Clarke.

    Good Luck, Jerry. Sometimes being less “prepared” will also look less sneaky.

  10. - Shore - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:49 am:

    “More than anything, county GOP chairmen want a candidate who’s going to put election day money in their campaign accounts. Davis has a proven track record of doing just that.”

    you can’t run against cook county and “chicago style politics” and then imitate it. barf.

  11. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:51 am:

    @Kane, So -

    On paper, this district leans slightly Democratic.

    I say “on paper” because whatever you might have to say about him, Tim Johnson’s support from traditional Democrats in Champaign County was legendary.

    Argue Gill is “too liberal” all you want. Then go read his Chicago Tribune questionnaire.

    He’s not only mainstream, he’s got a great story to tell: lost his dad at 13, overcame that tragedy to put himself through medical school…not to become some millionaire plastic surgeon, but an ER doctor saving lives.

    Good. Luck. With that.

  12. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:55 am:

    Gotta wonder if RapidRodney will be around in November and Griffin/Citadel Laundromat goes through the spin cycle.
    And then where was RODknee during Pagegate…the only real highlite of the Schmikus

  13. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 11:59 am:

    BTW no one is too liberal anymore

  14. - Raising Kane - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:00 pm:

    YDD, I am not attacking Dr. Gill. I am sure he is a good guy…so is Rodney. And I am sure they will run respectable campaigns. But Dr. Gill’s views are very different from Central Illinois and his inability to raise money will cripple his campaign.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:03 pm:


    Cannoli offer stands …Just lemme know …

  16. - Louie - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:05 pm:

    Congratulations to Rodney Davis the next Congressman from the 13th district. He will represent the people of the district, well.

  17. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:09 pm:

    Working against Gill is a circular reasoning vortex that will be difficult for him to overcome. It goes like this: Gill lost three previous races in the 13th, therefore he cannot win, therefore the DCCC will not support him, therefore he cannot raise enough money, therefore he cannot win, no DCCC support, no $$$, can’t win, no DCCC support, etc.

    The original premise however, is misplaced. The district in which Gill lost is only about 1/3(???) of the new 13th and Gill will probably do well in that part. The new 13th was designed to lean Dem. I suspect that with some decent DCCC support (including some guidance for the candidate), Gill could win the 13th. But there is no way to know and the DCCC typically only bets on sure things.

  18. - too obvious - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:31 pm:

    The vote was not unanimous. Yes, I know what the state party put out. It’s not correct.

    No one switched on 2nd ballot. Only one person did on the 3rd. That’s was the Macon Co. Chair. Flipped from Clarke to Davis. Erika Harold had about 40% of the weighted vote. Had Macon Co. not taken marching orders of Shimkus and Co. and gone with Erika instead, Republicans in that district could be proud today. Instead they look like spineless clowns who don’t like blacks or women. Good going old white guys.

  19. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:33 pm:

    Compare this:

    “Champaign County Republican Party Chairman Habeeb Habeeb declined to say how the vote went but said it took three ballots and that he proudly stuck with Harold through all three as did McLean County Republican Party Chairman John Parrott.”

    to this:

    “This was as open, as fair of a process as I’ve ever been in,” he said. “I think most of them have been very fair, but this has been the most open process that I’ve ever seen.”

    Just sayin’ — voting in private and not releasing the vote total is not transparency.

  20. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:37 pm:

    @Willy -

    Good luck finding a decent cannoli in the 13th District.

    MAYBE in Collinsville.

    But, if you’ll accept a reasonable local substitute, you’re on.

    @Kane -

    Gill’s values are mainstream for the District. Unless you think that Illinoisans harbor some secret love for the insurance industry.

    Nobody has troubles raising money in a battleground Congressional race. In fact, money is the easiest thing to find.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:41 pm:

    Done …

    This race, unlike 99% of the others begged for some sort of wager after your assessment.

    You have my marker on the bet … 1 box.

    Now this race has gotten even more interesting to watch.

    Rich, you get 10% (vig/juice) so I guess you are a winner already!

  22. - phocion - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:42 pm:

    ==Instead they look like spineless clowns who don’t like blacks or women==

    So, if you have four choices, and you don’t pick the one who is African American and female, you’re automatically cowardly, racist and sexist?

  23. - Silent majority - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:46 pm:

    I wouldn’t dismiss Gill, but he will need DCCC to make this one of their red-to-blue seats for national donors to step up.

  24. - Blue Dog - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:55 pm:

    Gill will carry the old portions of the 13th & that’s about it unless he finds positions to show himself as a moderate. He is too far left for this district as is.

    I find it real funny that the DCCC position during the primary was that they would only support a Goetten candidacy in the general. They even had Bill Houlihan press that point at the last Sangamon County Democratic Committee meeting before the election. Yet here they are with a press release attacking Davis.

    They went so hyper partisan with their attack that even Jim Leach criticized them this morning. I hope the DCCC honors their original threat & stays out of this one as far as message is concerned. They’re only going to further the idea of Gill as a super liberal and really muck up any chance of him winning this 50.4% dem leaning district.

  25. - Blue Dog - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:55 pm:

    Gill will carry the old portions of the 13th & that’s about it unless he finds positions to show himself as a moderate. He is too far left for this district as is.

    I find it real funny that the DCCC position during the primary was that they would only support a Goetten candidacy in the general. They even had Bill Houlihan press that point at the last Sangamon County Democratic Committee meeting before the election. Yet here they are with a press release attacking Davis.

    They went so hyper partisan with their attack that even Jim Leach criticized them this morning. I hope the DCCC honors their original threat & stays out of this one as far as message is concerned. They’re only going to further the idea of Gill as a super liberal and really muck up any chance of him winning this 50.4% dem leaning district.

  26. - too obvious - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 12:58 pm:

    “So, if you have four choices, and you don’t pick the one who is African American and female, you’re automatically cowardly, racist and sexist?”

    No but if you reject a stand-out black women who is actually highly qualified and who has real accomplishments, and pick a white male who is not qualfied and has no accomplishments other than working for Shimkus and Pat Brady, then yes you are going to look racist and sexist.

  27. - Backwards - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 1:01 pm:


    “Gill’s values are mainstream for the District. Unless you think that Illinoisans harbor some secret love for the insurance industry.”

    My guess is you are correct, that love for the insurance industry is not *secret*. Last count, there are 68,000 employees at State Farm, many of whom are in McLean County.

  28. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 1:05 pm:

    ===who is not qualfied and has no accomplishments===

    Oh, please.

  29. - Conservative Republican - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 1:57 pm:

    ==Not exactly open and transparent==

    A model, perhaps not. But compared to how the Dems in IL operate (see, eg 10th Legislative District for one example out of scores), this was exceedingly open and transparent.

  30. - Logic not emotion - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:04 pm:

    Although I’ve never met him, I have communicated with Davis many times over the years and found him highly knowledgeable and competent. I think he would make a fine congressman.

    Although I don’t know anything but what I’ve read about Harold, she is certainly intriguing. I think she could make an extremely compelling candidate and hope to see her running for other offices in the future. She brings some great qualities and interesting dynamics to the mix. I wonder how she would do against Quinn, Durbin, and some others on a broader scale.

  31. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:10 pm:

    @Backwards -

    Unfortunately for Davis:

    1) McLean County makes up less than 9% of the vote;
    2) Insurance execs are not “swing voters”
    3) State Farm is not in the health care insurance business.

  32. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:16 pm:

    Again, I think its hard to paint a Democrat who got an ‘A’ Rating from the NRA as a wild-eyed liberal.

    I also think Republicans — Rodney Davis included — have a very steep road to haul defending the Ryan budget and deep cuts in Medicare.

    Maybe I’m wrong. If it turns out I am, and America loves the Ryan budget after all, then the IL-13 race won’t matter, because Republicans will win the White House, Senate and retain the House by landslides.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:19 pm:

    ===Maybe I’m wrong. …===

    I am counting on it…

  34. - 13th Voter - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:44 pm:

    Wish it had been Harold. Hope that the money stuff doesn’t get Davis. I’m not convinced we’ve seen the end of it.

    It will be curious to see how the Obamacare ruling plays out here. If it gets pitched, does that help or hurt Gill?

    It will also be interesting to see if he creates any separation with Shimkus on issues.

  35. - ZC - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:50 pm:

    I think it’s time we brought Wall Street business practices to Capitol Fax. I love YDD but I’d be willing to purchase an “election default swap” betting that he’ll lose his wager with Oswego Willy. Anyone want to take the other side of this bet? I’m also willing to take a bet that Bruce Dold will lose in the 10th, so I am appropriately hedged against either a Democratic or Republican sweep.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 2:54 pm:

    ===I think it’s time we brought Wall Street business practices to Capitol Fax. I love YDD but I’d be willing to purchase an “election default swap” betting that he’ll lose his wager with Oswego Willy. Anyone want to take the other side of this bet? I’m also willing to take a bet that Bruce Dold will lose in the 10th, so I am appropriately hedged against either a Democratic or Republican sweep.===

    It’s just Cannoli …and 1 race.

  37. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:14 pm:


    First of all, offering to split your winnings with Rich is tantamount to bribing the umpire.

    That said, the script for Gill’s first attack ad IS quite compelling:

    “Party hack”
    “good old boys”
    “helped orchestrate…illegal contribution funneling scheme”

    As long as Rich is remaining neutral, ZC is on.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:20 pm:

    Now I am sorry I even started this mess.

  39. - Randolph - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:21 pm:

    Even if Davis wins, and I think that’s likely despite YDD’s declaration and well known election analytical skills, they chose the wrong candidate and I couldn’t be more tickled pink by it. Erika Harold would’ve been a star - A Harvard-educated Miss America who happens to be a black woman? Wow, one of those shining bulbs that darkens all of the bright lights around her. She would’ve been formidable in 2012 and beyond, in more than just the 13th CD. Senator, Constitutional, governor? It was all on the table for her. Now they have a guy who will likely hold the seat and do nothing else of note. Good going!

    They chose the white guy political hack and not even the right one, imo. Good for them - keep that bench thin, guys.

  40. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:26 pm:

    === A Harvard-educated Miss America who happens to be a black woman ===

    And you’re wondering why she wasn’t picked by the GOP chairmen?

    I met her when she toured the state capitol. I knew then she was a future political force. Thanks, GOP, for stopping her.

  41. - Team Sleep - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 3:52 pm:

    Both Ms. Harold and Mr. Davis would be good candidates. Given the national landscape, it was a tad surprising that Ms. Harold was not selected; she is a young, female and minority contender. Then again, central Illinois is not exactly a bastion of political progressiveness (on either side). I think she could be a force in the future, although maybe she needs to start at a state-level office (i.e. state rep or senate) and then springboard herself. I do believe she could be a serious primary challenge to Mr. Davis in 2014. She could be a star on college campuses and obviously knows how to speak in public and pique crowd interest.

  42. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:01 pm:

    @Team Sleep -

    Right. Erika needs to set her sights a little lower for a first time candidate. Like Rodney Davis did.

  43. - phocion - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:12 pm:

    I think Erika Harold is pretty awesome. And I’m sure she’ll have a future in politics. I said in a much earlier post that I thought she’d be a great pick for this slot. The party leaders felt otherwise, but I don’t view it as them slamming the door on her growth as a future leader. I mean, let’s face it, she hasn’t exactly paid her dues. And, yes, that matters. So, cut these “white guys” some slack and back off the race baiting.

  44. - LincolnLounger - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:18 pm:

    Actually, YDD, Davis lost a couple of races previously. I thought that would have more of an impact, frankly.

  45. - Aaron - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:55 pm:

    Gill may have an A from the NRA, but he’s for single-payer health care. He’s unequivocally for gay marriage. He’s unequivocally a pro-choice candidate. I’m not sure how these positions will play in the rural, non-university portions of the 13th, especially with people who aren’t predictable partisans left and right. Furthermore, I’m not sure how the independents in the 13th lean, since the vast majority of independents are actually just ideological partisans who don’t vote often or have vigorous political participation. If these independents are mostly liberal, then it is just a question of being able to get them out to vote, which will be a major problem if Gill wants to stick with his anemic fundraising operation and reject outside PAC support. If the independents lean right, then Gill faces a doubly tough race. However, Davis should be well funded.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 4:57 pm:


    Still on - Box of Cannoli (or equitable facimilie thereof) … Davis v. Gill, straight-up, whoever wins, wins.

    This is my only wager this fall season, Period, Enter, New Paragraph.

    “Oswego Willy (3rd person) does not condone or approve of gaming.

    This specific Gaming is for recreational purposes. No one should ever wager more than any one person is able to reasonably lose.

    Since this specific wager is of the cullinary kind, it should be taken in the humor and the light-heartedness meant in the spirit of the wager. Any other intreptation is false.”

    I went 3rd person on you YDD, so that must mean I am pretty serious.

  47. - Anonymous - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 5:00 pm:

    === they look like spineless clowns ===

    === keep that bench thin, guys. ===

    === Harold had about 40% of the weighted vote. ===

    Interesting to see some criticize Saturday’s voters for selecting a responsive, hard working, dedicated, experienced and respected Congressional candidate. Or for at least not gambling on an untested, unproven commodity during an intensely shortened campaign for one of the highest offices possible. Reads like sour grapes.

    That 40% isn’t an indictment of the opposition voters, either. It serves as a pretty clear indictment of Harold’s lack of effort or involvement in recent years.

    This nomination was hers for the taking. It would have been hers, too, had she done just about anything whatsoever to participate at some point since winning her crown. A donation, an endorsement, attend a fundraiser, give a speech, do an interview, make some calls, knock on a couple doors for a local candidate you believe in. Not all of those. One of those. Something small. Anything.

    Of course, “I’ll just show up and waltz into Congress” might be a strategy as well.

    It’s just not a very good one if you’re serious about running for office. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, with all his name recognition, did a few small things to support his party before eventualy running for office. Not in abundance, but some.

    Harold is talented and capable of becoming a force. Let’s hope she chooses this moment to stay more actively involved. Illinois will be better for it.

  48. - Randolph - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 5:08 pm:


    I neither wonder why Howard wasn’t picked nor am I surprised, I was just illustrating it. Like you I’ve met her and I’m thankful the good ol’ boys kept her out of the club. I think it only stunts her growth though, as long as it doesn’t kill her spirit. Their non-selection of Ms Howard, for those watching at home, simply furthers the narrative of the GOP over the last several months/years/decades, and that narrative is becoming so ingrained, I don’t even need to repeat it

  49. - Anonymous - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 7:39 pm:

    Now we shall see how sincere Ms. Harold’s intentions and ambitions are. If she disappears again, she likely wasn’t very serious in the first place.

    Congressional nominations ain’t tiddlywinks. Qualified candidates don’t normally surrender and pave the way to a coronation simply because an opponent suddenly shows up.

    If she is serious, this makes for a great first step with tremendous potential ahead. She leaves a broadly positive impression without investing the time and resources required of a lengthy primary.

    It would be a shame if she chose to quit and walk away only a few weeks after throwing her hat in the ring and becoming active agains.

  50. - Anonymous - Monday, May 21, 12 @ 8:22 pm:

    Erica Harold may be a great person and eventually a good candidate, but let’s be real here. Her immediate image is someone who hasn’t lived in the district for years, is a Chicago lawyer, and made her name by winning a beauty pageant. That may not be fair, but they leave her with three huge albetrosses to overcome to be taken seriously in Central Illinois. As was stated above, many people in the district know Rodney Davis from years of working with him on constituent issues, and he’s a truly home-grown and current native living smack dab in the middle of a huge geographic district. It was a good choice, and he will be a good candidate

  51. - T.J. - Tuesday, May 22, 12 @ 1:14 am:

    “Jerry Clarke will then win it back for Republicans in 2014.”

    Clarke is Davis with honorable military service but no social skills. He has negligible support in his home county, whereas Davis is strong in most of the new part of the district. So, how exactly is Clarke supposed to outperform Davis at the polls? 2014 will be that much better a Republican year or something?

  52. - Jon Zahm - Tuesday, May 22, 12 @ 1:58 am:

    I had Davis ranked 3rd and Harold 1st on my blog. Davis is much better than Clarke in personality, campaign skills (speaking and organizational), and working with others. But Erika is a rock star who could headline events and raise money nationally. She would have been asked to speak in Tampa. Will Rodney? Not a chance. Money needed for Schilling and Walsh will have to be diverted to prop up Davis. I hope he wins. He will be a solid conservative vote. But he will have to answer questions on the fundraising workaround with the Griffins.

  53. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, May 22, 12 @ 3:42 am:

    @T.J. -

    Sorry if I leapt ahead on you.

    Assuming Gill beats Davis, I don’t expect Davis to be on the GOP ballot in 2014. For one thing, Shimkus will be retiring.

    @Anonymous -

    Correct me if I’m mistaken, but Harold is FROM Champaign County.

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