Oh, for crying out loud
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* You gotta be kidding me…
West Side Democratic leaders were unable to reach consensus Tuesday on a challenger to indicted Rep. Derrick Smith, but among the finalists is the girlfriend of 28th Ward Ald. Jason Ervin. […]
But several committee members questioned the integrity of the process, saying Ervin, who sits on the selection panel, admitted during private deliberations that Conyears was his girlfriend. The relationship was not disclosed during the public portion of the meeting. […]
[Secretary of State Jesse White] said that while the relationship revelation was troubling, Conyears was selected as a finalist because she spoke knowledgeably about Springfield’s budget problems and how she would fix them.
After the problems with appointing a hack like Derrick Smith to the House last year, these committeemen now think it’s OK to consider an alderman’s girlfriend? OK, fine, she “spoke knowledgeably about Springfield’s budget problems.” But what the heck? From WBEZ…
Asked if he was romantically involved with Conyears, the alderman replied, “I don’t think that has any bearing on the decision that’s being made.”
And if they are - hypothetically - involved, does Ervin think that would impact how he’d vote?
“No,” he said.
Reached by phone, Conyears would only say she and Ervin are “friends.” She said she sees no conflict for the alderman.
Yeah. No conflict at all.
* And get a load of this…
Indicted state Rep. Derrick Smith will likely get a respite from his House colleagues through the end of the Legislature’s spring session.
Several members of the House Special Investigative Committee looking into federal bribery allegations against the Chicago Democrat said chances of the committee meeting before the spring session ends May 31 are slim.
“As you can imagine, things are a little hectic around here right now,” said state Rep. Elaine Nekritz, D-Northbrook, chairwoman of the investigative committee. “My time is very limited by the whole pension thing. Everyone else’s time is taken up by the end-of-session crunch.”
Rep. Nekritz, you’ve had since the primary to take care of this matter. This latest delay is just ridiculous.
* Meanwhile…
Gov. Pat Quinn Tuesday called indicted state Rep. Derrick Smith’s decision to award nearly $185,000 worth of tuition waivers last week “very disappointing” and reiterated plans to sign legislation to abolish what he has called a “political scholarship” program. […]
The group of students whose names Smith initially submitted for tuition waivers for the 2011-2012 school year included two students who didn’t live in his district — as state law requires for the scholarships.
The Illinois State Board of Education rejected those two because the students lived in the neighboring legislative district of Rep. La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago).
The unconscionable delays by the House Special Investigating Committee led directly to this scholarship mess.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 8:35 am:
Where does a Girlfriend fit… below a brother/sister, above/below a son or daughter …but above a cousin?
Is a “Gumaud” above or below a girlfriend in the appointing process? If there a big difference if she is a “Gumaud” of a committee member, instead of someone away from the body (no pun intended) her guy is a part of? If she was a “Gumaud” of a committee member, does she have to disclose, or get “permission” to disclose?
There were the “Jordan Rules” when playing the Bulls, are there “rules” you need to follow when appointing an insider Hack, especially if there is a “special” relationship that may influence the committee?
I hope there is another choice … literally, for the committee’s sake.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 8:41 am:
Maybe Smith is a symptom of a much larger problem on the west side. What is going on with Jesse White? How many terms as Secretary of State does it take to groom someone qualified and honest to fill this seat?
Strike two Jesse. You’ve got one more chance to get this right.
- Kerfuffle - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 8:42 am:
There is no shame - the electorate deserve better.
- Plutocrat03 - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 8:50 am:
I would propose that the mess on the west side is a result of an attitude where government and associated activities are considered a cash machine and that benefits, including the need for State grants to start a business (no matter how worthy) are considered to be a right. A prime example of dependency.
Hence Smith is accused of siphoning cash out of the system for personal benefit, but the voter’s may not care as long as their little stream of government benefit continues.
- Stooges - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 8:58 am:
How does Smith have the authority to award so much scholarship money? I thought each member of the GA could give one student per year a full tuition ride to a state school.
- cover - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 8:59 am:
Could the House Special Investigative Committee quickly add Rep. Smith’s failure to follow the law in awarding GA scholarships, in what will likely be his only opportunity to do so, and recommend his removal on that basis?
- too obvious - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:02 am:
Too bad the GOP played its stupid game in the D primary with its phony candidate Tom Swiss. Could have milked this issue through Nov and maybe even won over some converts to the Republican Party.
But now Republican hands are too dirty and no voter there is going to trust the GOP or ever take it seriously. Good going brainiacs.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:04 am:
And speaking of cryin’ out loud: get a load of the home page of www.10thDistrictUnity.com.
Per their “press” tab: “The committee is comprised of the Democratic committeemen…”
Dem committeemen forming a new party? I dunno about that.
They really need to call in the Election Lawyers Guild, because they have some tricky navigation here.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:08 am:
===Could have milked this issue through Nov and maybe even won over some converts to the Republican Party.===
There is only 2 ways that seat will flip;
Democrat or More Democrat …
The GOP, the way that district is drawn and the way the precincts in the district have voted in the past give the GOP … NO shot.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:12 am:
I do get you think there may be “converts” and 1 vote is one more vote than you had before, and I am a squeaky wheel about that very same subjet, and I agree with you more than you think - too obvious -, but under the micro of that 10th seat, and factoring in Tom Swiss, that is where I am parting company.
The GOP can seep in those cracks, I get it … difficult looking at that map, and see this goofy race as the tipping point, given what is going on, and what went on, including Tom Swiss.
Just clairifying, - too obvious -, and like I said, I am more with you in the big picture than it it appears in the above post.
- too obvious - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:20 am:
No problemo Oswego.
Right, I’m not suggesting GOP could realistically pick up that district in our lifetime. Saying you show the flag, plant some seeds, and maybe you get some new Republicans and maybe that makes a difference in a statewide race. Or maybe you recruit a new real black Republican who can one day run herself or himself, so you aren’t relying on white Repub Tom Swiss putting up billboards trying to make people believe he’s a black Dem.
Just a crazy idea.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:26 am:
–I would propose that the mess on the west side is a result of an attitude where government and associated activities are considered a cash machine and that benefits, including the need for State grants to start a business (no matter how worthy) are considered to be a right. A prime example of dependency.–
Or, it could be the ancient, cross-cultural tradition of trying to exercise clout for your friends.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:32 am:
===an attitude where government and associated activities are considered a cash machine===
And you’re an expert on this how, exactly, except for the fact that you have lots of preconceived notions about black people?
- Name Withheld - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:38 am:
wordslinger - I think its both. It’s a cross-cultural tradition that’s been equated to a right or prerogative of a victor to divide the spoils as they see fit.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:42 am:
–a victor to divide the spoils as they see fit.–
Like Andrew Jackson? I never heard him described as a promoter of a culture of government dependency.
- Name Withheld - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:42 am:
Note - when I say cross-cultural tradition - I’m meaning a political tradition. Race or ethnicity doesn’t matter here - its an attitude, reinforced by regional norms, that says its okay to use any means available to you to accomplish your ends, because that’s what the other guy is doing.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 9:57 am:
===Race or ethnicity doesn’t matter here ===
Yeah. OK.
- Dirt Digger - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 10:02 am:
This is just the latest in hilariously bad decisions.
-Appoint some worthless dope into a seat
-Spend a stupid amount of money getting him through his primary after he’s indicted
-Fail to convince him to vanish afterwards
-Fail to expel him after the above strategy fails
-Start a third party to remove him politically but appoint someone to be the standardbearer
Frankly if local Ds STOPPED acting laughably stupid regarding Smith that would be cause for suspicion.
- Name Withheld - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 10:17 am:
I guess I should say that race or ethnicity doesn’t matter to me when I’m evaluating this.
- reformer - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 10:18 am:
===an attitude where government and associated activities are considered a cash machine===
Wasn’t that an Irish invention in Chicago?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 10:21 am:
===I guess I should say===
I’m guessing you should just stop. You’re really weak on history and logic, bub, as the other commenters have pointed out.
- cynically anonymous - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 10:23 am:
===an attitude where government and associated activities are considered a cash machine===
Don’t we have a couple of governors in big houses for promoting and utilizing that attitude? And isn’t that pretty much why the state is headed somewhere in a handbasket fiscally?
- amalia - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 10:31 am:
girlfriend finalist story, nice temporary cover for former Todd Stroger aide Lance Tyson in the finals.
- Pale Rider - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 10:45 am:
I say appoint Roland Burris! Smith took a page out of Blago’s play book by doing whatever he legally can while still in office. So I say they should go with Roland!
- Thomas - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 10:47 am:
The cop must be Jesse White’s guy….ran against Anazette twice. Always liked Lance Tyson from his days in Springfield. Don’t think the Stroger connection hurts him all that much among the committeemen.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 11:26 am:
Way back when, I predicted six candidates.
Just waiting for the Republican nominee now…
- Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 4:25 pm:
They picked Tyson.
- Responsa - Wednesday, May 23, 12 @ 5:11 pm:
So they end up with Todd Stroger’s chief of staff? He was not involved with any of the Todd crazee/bad decisions/borderline criminality?