Morning Shorts
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - Posted by Owen Irwin * House passes ban on cell calls near crash scenes * Bill banning cell phones in emergency areas goes to Quinn * Bill to help DNR headed to Quinn’s desk * Committee votes to give up Peoria-area state park * Talk of Banning Flavored Cigar Wraps * Plan prompted by Elgin school stabbing heads for House vote * Proposal would shield disaster victims from tax hikes * Illinois lawmakers tackle prison crowding with revamped early release plan moving to House * Revamped Illinois prison release plan moves to House * Early prisoner release plan moves a step forward * Michelle Young: Families deserve a living wage * Online Powerball gets OK * Editorial: Tinkering with campaign caps * State legislators collect big contributions from gaming interests * House bill would add Powerball to lottery’s online sales * Ill. House votes to sell Powerball tickets online * Internet dating safety bill in Illinois would disclose background check policies * House says ‘Happy Memorial Day’ by passing bill to help veterans * Illinois House approves Costello bill offering tax credit for hiring veterans * Letter to the Editor: Susan Garrett on Memorial Day * Ind., Ill. lawmakers assess shuttered bridge * Editorial: Let’s only sell county naming rights with prudence * Gleaming new CTA station raises question: What price architecture? * RTA seeks consolidation of some services between CTA, Metra, Pace * After NATO Summit, Murmurs Of Chicago Olympics * U.S. Rep. Jackson gives Civil War history lesson to highlight Memorial Day
- illinoismedcannmike - Tuesday, May 29, 12 @ 9:19 am:
It is sad that patients continue to suffer Anna half of the legislators could care less, please do the job you were elected to do REPRESENT the people that elected you