Rev. Jackson: People will die
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This possibility was mentioned during the Senate floor debate over the Medicaid cuts. It’s very possible that people will, indeed, die because of the cuts…
Rev. Jesse Jackson urged Illinois Governor Pat Quinn Tuesday to not sign a bill that would cut Medicaid expenses.
The senate bill is expected to reduce Medicaid costs by $1.6 billion in fiscal year 2013. It would cut services designed to help the poor and disabled, including a shutdown to Illinois Cares Rx, a senior prescription drug assistance program. The program currently services 180,000 people.
Jackson said people could die because of the cuts.
“Medicaid is life or death and we choose life,” Jackson said. “The Governor must not sign this bill until we find an alternative.”
* But there is still a safety net…
Illinois hospitals would be required to provide free care to some poor people under a bill passed by the Legislature and headed to the governor’s desk.
Urban hospitals would have to provide free treatment to patients with incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. That’s about $46,000 for a family of four.
Rural hospitals would have to give free care to patients with incomes below 125 percent of the poverty guidelines. That’s about $29,000 for a family of four.
Care would have to be medically necessary and patients would have to apply for assistance.
The hospitals supported the free care proposal, but as subscribers were told over a week ago, the Senate Republicans were against it.
* Related…
* Tamms, Dwight prisons stay open in House plan
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 9:47 am:
–The hospitals supported the free care proposal, but as subscribers were told over a week ago, the Senate Republicans were against it.–
Let that sentence sink in for a minute, and then pick your jaw off the floor.
I think it’s time for the Senate Republicans to check themselves en masse into a convalescent home. The issues of the day and the prospect of participating in governance have clearly overwhelmed them and shattered whatever nerves they ever had.
Bed rest, some arts and crafts, maybe a day trip to a petting zoo when the time is right. After that, perhaps they’ll all have the strength to continue plotting their campaigns for higher office and more responsibility.
But right now, there’s no point for them to be in Springfield.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 9:54 am:
As always, I will utilize the actuarial logic and argue that Mr. Jackson would rather the state pick up the tab for every service instead of asking beneficiaries to pay a bit more and ensure a continuation of service. IL Cares co-pays were incredibly low. Medicaid could easily push some of the cost shift onto beneficiaries. It’s a numbers game. If Mr. Jackson cannot see that shared sacrifice is required, I cannot take him seriously.
- Fed up - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 10:02 am:
10 people were killed and over 40 wounded this weekend in Chicago yet Jessie doesn’t say a thing. Hmm must be no money to be made in gang violence.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 10:11 am:
The free care provided by hospitals will be almost entirely emergency care, not maintenance care. So folks who will no longer be able to afford prescriptions won’t be able to go to an emergency room and have them filled. But if not have the drugs makes them sick, to the point of a life-threatening emergency, then they will be able to get free care in the ER.
- Irish1 - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 10:25 am:
Anon 10:11 is right. I work for a health system, hospitals do not keep people well, and we already had a charity care policy that was up to 200% fpl for charity care. Primary care doctors keep people well, the only thing that has changed is more people will not have primary care doctors and hospitals will see more unpaid emergency visits.
- 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 10:34 am:
With more emergency visits expected, this will cost the hospitals more because they will need more staff, or people who have real emergencies will be waiting longer. The wait is bad enough in Chicago Hospital Emergency Room waiting rooms, now it will only get worse.
My brother was in a motorycle accidents where his foot was jammed in the gear changer, broke his toe, it was bleeding all over yet he waited 8 hours in an ER at a Hospital on the South Side, where he was in severe pain and bleeding.
A lady I worked with went to 3 hospitals with sever abdominal pain (turned out to be a bowel obstruction) she has good insurance but after waiting 3 hours at one in severe pain, and 2 hours at the next until she could not take it anymore, she finally found a hospital that took her in to the ER after only 30 minutes waiting.
Really things are bad enough already at South Side hospitals. I could name these hospitals but I don’t think it’s wise, and I don’t think it’s an isolated problem to the south side of Chicago.
- soccermom - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 10:35 am:
Torture creates jobs. Keep Tamms open.
- amalia - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 10:57 am:
has JJ been yelling loudly enough about the sub standard care from U. of C. hospitals? as in there is not a level one trauma center there, so when someone is shot they are transported to County or Northwestern and critical care minutes are lost. that is a huge slap at the poor of the South side. and telling people to stop using the ER as a doctor, to get to a doctor once a year and get involved in health care? that means everyone, those with private health care and those who depend on public care. it is often said that people treat the poor as if they are stupid rather than poor. it’s time Jj did that. stop expecting people to be stupid enough not to seek out medical care on a regular basis. if they do that, the chances that they will die are not the problem. access perhaps, but if they go once a year, and make an appointment, they should be able to get care. shooting, however, well JJ, get into that more cause that it taking out your people on a dramatic basis.
- reformer - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 11:20 am:
== The hospitals supported the free care proposal, but as subscribers were told over a week ago, the Senate Republicans were against it. ==
So the GOP is all for slashing Medicaid, but against a safety net. I guess they prefer people die.
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 12:19 pm:
Strawman anyone?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 12:26 pm:
Cincy, what Strawman are you referring to?
- Capitol View - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 2:34 pm:
so who pays for patients who are not Medicaid eligible? Charity care means the hospitals have to absorb the cost. For rich suburban hospitals and well endowed urban hospitals, fine. For most urban hospitals and rural hospitals, this is horrendous and may lead to their closing.
FYI - the fat cat suburban hospitals dominate the Il Hosp Association.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 3:36 pm:
“…And yet, the State of Illinois is in a financial crisis. That’s why, beginning this year and each year thereafter I will be donating $1 million towards supporting the health care of my consituents, as well as underwriting a new health care clinic by the Rainbow Coalition HQ.”
Oh, wait, JJ didn’t say that? In fact, he didn’t offer any of his own millions? Hmm. Interesting.
- 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 3:50 pm:
I believe Mike Royko called JJ, Jesse Jet Set because of him flying around so much for every cause.
Maybe JJ can donate his flight money to health care?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 3:57 pm:
–I believe Mike Royko called JJ, Jesse Jet Set–
Jesse Jetstream
- wishbone - Wednesday, May 30, 12 @ 11:40 pm:
Flew in the same plane with JJ once. He was in first class and I was in coach. Cardinal Bernadin sat next to me in coach once. Class tells.
- sal-says - Thursday, May 31, 12 @ 5:32 pm:
Some folks may think that Jesse may not be the prince of the earth, but do YOU disagree with his assessment that ‘people will die’ because of this legislatures actions? That’s the real question.