The Tenaska Tax: A $163 Million Annual Residential Rate Hike
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] We know the Tenaska Tax would be poison for our state’s business climate – but did you know it’s also a massive residential rate hike? A new report by longtime Illinois consumer champion Martin Cohen details how the Tenaska Tax will hit Illinois families for 30 years. The report also looks at how the Tenaska Tax adds to the other two coal plant rate hikes already approved by Springfield: ![]() What about Tenaska’s “new” proposal? If Tenaska defers building the coal portion of their project, these costs don’t go away, they’re simply delayed. Tenaska is just putting off answering the tough questions about the pollution and exorbitant cost of the coal part of the plant, kicking that decision down the road. Isn’t that the approach that created the pension funding crisis? Don’t saddle us with the Tenaska Tax.
Question of the day
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * How would you rate the pension reform proponents’ legislative performance so far this year? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
Judges may sue over health insurance bill
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Tribune editorial page has a scoop today…
* In other pension-related news, Gov. Pat Quinn has launched a new website. From a press release…
* The site is incredibly self-serving…
Yeah, that’ll work. * And speaking of Medicaid, the Senate Democrats have a nifty little online tool to help you see how difficult it is to make cuts in the program. Go check it out and report back. * Meanwhile, the We Are One union coalition has a new TV ad. I moved it from another post to here because it fit better. Rate it… * TV ad coverage and more info…
* More pension and budget stuff…
Media finally catches on
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Subscribers were told about this proposal back on Monday…
* More…
Discuss. * Related…
Here they come
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Chicago Teachers Union reportedly has a “bus convoy” on its way to Springfield. Today is apparently the union’s lobby day. They might want to head to the Senate Pensions and Investments Committee this afternoon at 2 o’clock and keep an eye on this bill. Just sayin’… * Speaking of the CTU, the latest Tribune poll has some interesting results…
The poll also found that 86 percent of Chicagoans and 92 percent of CPS parents believed that teachers should be paid more for working longer school days. * Meanwhile, Illinois Action for Children has a big Statehouse rally of at least a thousand people planned for today at 11 o’clock. They’ll be protesting a threat to delay state payments to child care providers. SEIU protested against the threat yesterday. Illinois Issues has a story about a solution to the problem…
* The 4-H kids heading to town are about to get a real education.
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Owen Irwin * Mesirow, state agency wrangling over College Illinois investments * Gay Marriage Not On Spring State Legislative Agenda * Gov. Quinn, Rep. Davis support 10th District Unity Party * Governor Quinn Announces Re-Opening of Congress Parkway Bridge * Greenberg confident of fundraising prowess * More potholes in Illinois’ future? * ‘Drano bill’ heads to governor * Shark fin ban passes Illinois Legislature * A law of convenience * Law aimed at Penn State scandal heads to Quinn’s desk * AFP-IL converges on Springfield to demand pension reform * Excerpts from recent Illinois editorials * Guest Article: South Suburban MoveOn Group Rallies Against Illegal Home Foreclosures * State sues on behalf of a disabled La Grange teen who wants to swim in state meet * Ill. AG sues IHSA over disabled swimming, track * Suit: Let disabled athletes go to IHSA state meet * Lawsuit Would Force IHSA To Open Championships To Disabled * Daley, a year later— No thanks for the memories * Sixty Cook County Judges file for November retention ballot * County OKs $600,000 settlement in police torture case * NATO weekend events * Secretary of State offices to close due to NATO * Community Activists To Show The World A Different Side Of Chicago * Police, Secret Service tighten the Loop * Protesters march against police on South Side * Bridgeport Residents Scuffle With Protesters * Ameren outlines plans for 330-mile transmission line
Spoiled rotten brats
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * We got a lot of hostile comments yesterday about our poll asking readers to rate AFSCME’s legislative performance to date. Here’s just one…
* For whatever reason, many of you believed my question was somehow an attack on AFSCME. That’s just really stupid. It was a neutrally worded question, for crying out loud. We rate politicians all the time. AFSCME is a major Statehouse player, to say the least. They’re fair game. Plus, they’re big boys and girls. They can handle it. I received not one complaint from the union yesterday, off the record or on. * Frankly, I was surprised at the poll’s results. Almost 39 percent of you gave AFSCME an “F.” I gave the union a “B.” How state workers would so completely turn on their own union which got them almost all the benefits they’re now whining about potentially losing is just beyond me. I’ve come to the conclusion that some of y’all are spoiled rotten brats. * But I found the comment I posted above particularly interesting. It concludes…
A Denial of service attack, eh? Bite me, moron. And learn how to spell while you’re at it. Oh, and speaking of “chickens,” the idiot tried to mask his IP address. Real brave guy, that one. I will track you down, dude. And when I do, I’ll unleash the hounds. [I moved the We Are One ad to another post in order to keep the discussion on this post more focused.]
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a big Statehouse roundup
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * BlackBerry users click here…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller