Question of the day
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * How would you rate AFSCME’s legislative performance so far this year? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
Quinn: No temporary fixes
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn says he won’t back any temporary fixex for Medicaid and pensions during the spring legislative session…
He may get his wish. Then again, legislators may not be able to get everything done and then it’ll be up to Quinn to keep them in town until the work is finished. Odds?
Bipartisan effort fails after Schock pressure
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Frank Mautino raises the white flag…
* From that April statewide tour…
* Mautino’s quest for a bipartisan solution was sharply criticized from the left as too pro-insurance company. But now that they’ve managed to derail a bipartisan solution, some Republicans are pushing hard against any executive order by Gov. Pat Quinn…
There’s no consensus, time is running out on the session, but nobody should do anything. OK. What we have here, essentially, is DC partisan politics invading Springfield. Thanks, Aaron. * Meanwhile…
Putting it all into perspective
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Late yesterday afternoon, I decided to head out of town to see a friend and get in one last night of fun before the end of session death march commenced. But I was surprised when traffic came to an almost complete stop a half hour south of Springfield on I-55. I grumbled and made jokes about a stupid traffic jam in the middle of nowhere, figuring it must have something to do with a huge construction zone further down the road. * But then my friend called and said he’d just seen on the news that a school bus had crashed into a semi-truck. My passenger checked online and pulled up some terrifying pictures of the accident, like this one… ![]() Oy. The passengers were returning home after a field trip to Springfield, which apparently included a stop at the Statehouse. It was just a heartbreaking moment. * I was in kind of a bad mood yesterday, which is why I was heading to see my buddy. He always manages to cheer me up. But that wreck jolted me into reality. No minor problem compares to this stuff…
* And…
* The bus driver has been ticketed…
Thank goodness no kids were lost in that wreck. * Anyway, it’s something to think about while we’re all bemoaning our lot in life as the session rumbles to yet another close.
Morning Shorts
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Owen Irwin * Patti Blagojevich and daughters make prison visit * Odds on a city casino? * Business Butts Heads With Cullerton On Corporate State Income Tax Transparency Bill * Quinn Vows to Push for Gay Marriage in Illinois * Illinois governor vows to work for gay marriage * Lt. Gov. Simon urges rural communities to apply for public health grant * County GOP hears from four finalists for Johnson spot * 13th Congressional Dist. Candidate Forum Held In Champaign * Democratic officials to form 3rd party to defeat Derrick Smith * Democrats set up new party to field candidate to run against indicted legislator * Third party formed to challenge indicted pol * Editorial: Tenaska a project that has potential * Editorial: ‘Clean’ coal minus the coal * Enviro groups: IL coal-to-gas projects too costly for ratepayers * Crain’s panel covers health care challenges * Cops from as far as Philly, Carolina * A very serious introduction to the NATO summit * With Downtown Shutting Down, Chicago May Not Profit From NATO Summit * The other NATO: The People’s Summit * 8 protesters arrested at Obama campaign HQ in Chicago * After NATO, we’ll still be known (sigh) for Capone * South Shore releases plans for NATO conference * Nurses United Rally To Be Held At Daley Plaza * County pays $600,000 to get out of Burge torture case * Romney to collect $2.3 million at Winnetka fund-raiser hosted by Pat Ryan * Congress Parkway Bridge Finally Set To Reopen * $5.9 M federal grant awarded to FLOTUS’ former employer * Salaries, health benefits for members of Cicero advisory commissions hit * A (bad) reason to deny equal adoption rights to gay couples * McGurn: Jerry Brown vs. Chris Christie * Blanchette named deputy director of presidential library * Teacher’s recovery from stroke at age 38 inspires others * Senate confirms Oak Park lawyer as new Chicago-based federal judge * Senate confirms new federal judge for Illinois
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * BlackBerry users click here…
The Single Largest Jobs Plan…
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Illinois workers need a jobs plan. Unemployment in the state stands at 9 percent, and the effects of the recession have made it more difficult for families to make ends meet. Unemployment and underemployment translate into less revenue for the state and less spending in our communities. The single largest job-creation plan in decades is now before the General Assembly. At a time of tough choices, it requires no new taxes and no cuts to government programs. SB 1849 is a gaming compromise that would create more than 20,000 jobs and bring in $200 million in new annual revenue to Illinois. It would be an economic shot in the arm for our state, and we can’t afford to pass it up. The job creation boost SB 1849 would provide is why major voices from Illinois’ organized labor community support this gaming solution. Supporters include Illinois AFL‐CIO, Chicago Federation of Labor, IBEW Local 134, SEIU Local 1, and UNITE HERE Local 1. These labor groups and over 80 members of the Illinois Revenue & Jobs Alliance know this bill would be a “win” for the state of Illinois and its residents. Legislators ought to act now and pass SB 1849 – and start putting workers back on the job.
No Smoke and Mirrors—Cigarette Tax Increase is Needed
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The Illinois Hospital Association urges the General Assembly to increase the cigarette tax by $1 per pack. Here’s why. Increasing the cigarette tax will generate more than $750 million in new revenue for the Medicaid program – preventing draconian cuts that will harm patients and communities. It will save millions of dollars in spending by the Medicaid program. Smoking-related illnesses cost the Illinois Medicaid program about $1.8 billion each year. The proposed tax increase will save Medicaid $50 million in the first year, with savings continuing to grow over time. The Illinois Hospital Association has real, workable alternatives to address the state’s Medicaid challenges, including many that will generate substantial savings and cost reductions. But meeting those challenges can’t be accomplished just through reductions and savings – additional sources of revenue are needed. Raising the cigarette tax will save lives – an estimated 77,600 fewer teens in Illinois will become addicted adult smokers, and 59,400 adults will quit smoking. For the health of Illinoisans, IHA is part of a statewide coalition that strongly supports raising the cigarette tax. It’s the right thing to do. No butts about it.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a big Statehouse roundup
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller