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Question of the day

Tuesday, Jun 5, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There wasn’t a whole lot of news today and I have a handyman at the house doing a few much-needed tasks, so I need to be away from my office for a while this morning. Sorry about that, but it is what it is. I can’t get this stuff done during session.

Anyway, this is from Illinois Statehouse News

Legislative leaders are planning to meet with Gov. Pat Quinn in Chicago this week after a failed attempt to rein in the cost of the state’s public pension systems.

Quinn said earlier this year pension reform must happen this spring, and said he would call lawmakers back to Springfield if they failed to pass substantive changes.

Late Thursday, Quinn issued a news release saying he would call a meeting with the four legislative leaders to salvage a plan scuttled in the last days of the spring session.

Rikeesha Phelon, spokeswoman for Senate President John Cullerton, said the following leaders will probably meet Wednesday in Chicago: Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago; House Republican Leader Tom Cross, R-Oswego; Cullerton, D-Chicago; and Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno, R-Lemont.

Quinn’s office, which is coordinating the meeting, didn’t respond to questions to confirm its date.

Patty Schuh, spokeswoman for Radogno, said it’s extremely unlikely the Legislature would return to Springfield before the leaders and Quinn had a chance to sit down and hash something out.

“I think he’d want a leaders’ meeting first, unless he wants to continue to be like Rod,” Schuh said, referring to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who had a protracted battle with the Legislature that involved many summer session days.

I’m told that members of the pension reform task force and staff will also be at tomorrow’s meeting in Chicago.

* The Question: Your prediction for tomorrow’s pension reform pow-wow? Snark is definitely encouraged. Enjoy.


  1. - Air-Is-Total - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:25 am:

    They will all agree this can wait until after November elections and Quinn we be allowed to slightly bash the GA as a whole and no one in particular. Each leader will publically express optimism that an agreement can be reached but it will take some time to work out the details. Union leaders will be muzzeled under threat of more reform than is necessary.

  2. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:30 am:

    Sandwiches will be eaten…

  3. - TCB - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:33 am:

    == “I think he’d want a leaders’ meeting first, unless he wants to continue to be like Rod,” Schuh said ==

    This is a little harsh isn’t it? Especially considering Quinn is already on record as saying he’s learned a lesson from Rod & that he plans to work something out with the leaders before calling the rank & files back to Springfield for a vote.

    And “continue” to be like Rod? Say what you want about PQ, but he’s nothing close to Blago. Someone needs to remind Schuh that Brady lost.

  4. - soupperk - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:36 am:

    -Air-Is-Total — I agree. There will be strong consensus that this is important to Illinois, that “we will get this done” but that it deserves thoughtful planning and cool heads. The January 2013 session will be “the perfect time” to solve this matter. There will be no mention of how much easier and safer a vote will be after the election, with the helpful votes of lame ducks, and with the lower threshold of 50% plus 1.

  5. - Retired Non-Union Guy - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:42 am:

    Quinn and the 4 Tops announced today that an emergency contract, bypassing the normal procurement rules, had been issued to Mr. Peabody and Sherman to fix the pension problem. It is expected they will use the WABAC Machine to make up the missed payments by setting up a bank trust fund that will invest in Microsoft and Apple prior to 1975. The gains from this retroactive investment ar eprojected to not only wipe out the current pension shortfall but will also fully fund the State’s pension systems for the next 100 years …

  6. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:44 am:

    Tom Cross birdies on 8. Declares major progress.

  7. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:44 am:

    Retired, I’m told all capital program funds are being diverted to the construction of this WABAC Machine.

    If only.

  8. - Lakeview - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:45 am:

    The 4 Tops figure out a way to get themselves an extra $100,000 a year in pension payments by hiding it in a bill to honor Illinois corn and soybean growers; Quinn is too distracted by his fight with Cardinal George to participate. Taxpayers weep.

  9. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:49 am:

    Rich, the article refers to them meeting on Wednesday, not today as you state. Are they meeting today, or do we have an “oops” here?

  10. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:52 am:

    ===. Are they meeting today, or do we have an “oops” here? ===

    Not enough coffee. It’s tomorrow. Changed. Oops.

  11. - foster brooks - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:54 am:

    Who’s bringing the peace pipe and the whacky tabbaccy?

  12. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:54 am:

    PQ: “Rich said the meeting was today…Where is everybody? To Heck with it then, I’m outta here.”

  13. - mark walker - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:56 am:

    Pension wonks and interested parties will meet today and issue a crisp, comprehensive, compromise recommendation.

    Leaders will meet Wednesday and accept the recommendation, and figure out how to sell it, despite short-term damage to all their constitutencies.

    Madigan will make sure it works, and then explain it to the press.

    Radogno’s staff, Murphy, and Brady will thank the Governor for his leadership on this issue.

    The rating agencies will tout Illinois bonds.

    Nobody sues anybody.

    “Wake up Mark, you’re dreaming!”

  14. - Retired Non-Union Guy - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:00 am:

    Michelle Flaherty @ 9:44 am

    Like most of my generation, I learned a lot of history from Mr. Peabody and the WABAC machine …

  15. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:04 am:

    ===Like most of my generation, I learned a lot of history from Mr. Peabody and the WABAC machine …===

    Yet another example of the dependency of state employees on others for their unsustainable needs.

  16. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:05 am:

    After the meeting…

    Quinn: “We have agreed on meaningful reform to save Illinois pension programs and plan to announce the structure of this reform as soon as a few minor details are worked out. This shouldn’t take long, say, a little over four months from now.”

  17. - Bloomington Dave - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:09 am:

    Progress on pensions will be determined on one issue, whether Tom Cross will beg forgiveness from Mike Madigan and perform his assigned penance.

    And Bost may have to do anger management sessions.

  18. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:09 am:

    Madigan: Are they all here?
    Cullerton: All but one.
    Madigan: Well, I’m going anyway. Let’s talk about something important! (to Cross) Put that putter down!! Putters are for leaders only. (Cross scoffs) Do you think I’m messing with you? I am not messing with you. I’m here from downtown. I’m here from the unions. And I’m here on a mission of mercy. Your name’s Cross?
    Cross: Yeah.
    Madigan: You call yourself a leader, you son of a ****?
    Radogno: I don’t have to listen to this garbage.

  19. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:17 am:

    Foster beat me to it:

    Two words: “Peace pipe.”

    Honestly, I have no idea what Cross was thinking.

    I’m guessing that if you polled the question among voters, 80 percent or more would agree that local school districts should pay for the pensions of their own employees.

    The only question now, really, is what the ramp is.

    I imagine that what’s causing Cross heartburn is that top-paid teachers in Plainfield make $10K more a year than Chicago.

    Anyone interested in finding out what the salary scale for their school district is can find the latest info here.

    P.S. For all the criticism, you’d think Cross would cut back on the golf a bit. Does he really golf THAT much?

  20. - Liberty_First - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:18 am:

    Legislative leaders have crafted a solution to repair the pension system and more effectively manage the investments. The state will create a pension authority who will issue bonds to finance the current debt. At the same time pension funds will shift its investment portfolio to the safer pension authority bonds and pay a negative interest rate. It is anticipated this solution will provide and additional 6 billion a year in revenue for the state to spend on much needed infrastructure and services for the poor.

  21. - Anon - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:18 am:

    Legislative leaders are planning to meet with “Gov. Pat Quinn in Chicago this week after a failed attempt to rein in the cost of the state’s public pension systems.”

    This is an interesting quote because the cost of the pension’s really isn’t the big problem here. That payment for all pensions for the state is only a billion dollars. The big issue is paying back the $80 Billion or more in pension debt and who should pay the $5 Billion or so as it grows each year? Some would say the legislators and Governor decided to spend the money somewhere else and should figure out how to fund their mistake some other way.
    The state and other civil service employees have taken a hit in lost jobs, pay and benifets for longer than this Recession has been going on, for those that think their getting a pass their not. Welcome to the party; it’s not, I wish this state could just start moving forward.

  22. - Shemp - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:23 am:

    Everyone works hard all day to hammer out bill language just before 5pm. Everyone agrees to drinks at the Billy Goat, but then as they head out the door, Madigan says, “wait I don’t think I meant what I said in there, let’s start over.”

  23. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:27 am:

    Madigan: “Lets call this meeting to order. Sound off when I call your name. Cully…”
    Cullerton: “Yo!”
    Madigan: “Ra-Dog-Do?”
    Radogno: “I vote No…err, I mean, here.”
    Madigan: “Putter-boy?”
    Cross: “Fore! … err, Here.”
    Madigan: “OK. Let’s get down to business. Ty just sent over these awesome tickets to the only winner the Cubs are gonna have this year; the Roger Waters concert at Wrigley on Friday.”
    Cullerton: “Dude! Let’s just agree we’ll pass whatever Ty and IPI want, then let’s go listen to ‘Money’. I love me some Pink Floyd.”
    Radogno: “I vote no. I hear the neighborhood has criminal elements in it, and I’m not gettin my hub caps stolen.”
    Cross: “I propose we all head over to the golf course instead of listening to some hippie music.”
    Madigan: “OK. Well, so much for agreement with you doofuses. Meeting ajourned.”
    (All leave the room)
    (Enter Pat Quinn)
    Quinn: “Rich said the meeting was yesterday, then said today…Where is everybody? Wait till the next roast, Rich…You’re toast!”

  24. - Bemused - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:28 am:

    I have to wonder what effect the final outcome of the Scott Walker recall will have on the talks.

  25. - Enemy of the State - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:32 am:

    Before work is done to shift the cost of pensions to local districts and universities via property taxes, the leadership determines who gets big exemptions based on past and future contributions.

  26. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:35 am:

    Madigan to a meeting of the heads of the five families:

    “You talk about vengeance — is vengeance gonna bring your business lobbyists back to you? Or the teachers’ unions to me? I forgo the vengeance of IFT — but I have selfish reasons. My daughter was forced to forego a run for governor because of this pension business. Alright, and I have to make arrangements to bring her back here safely, cleared of all these false charges. But I’m a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall her — if she should get her budget cut by the Governor, or if she should hang herself in a workers compensation scandal, or if she’s struck by a bolt of lightning — then I’m going to blame some of the people in this room. And that I do not forgive.

    I swear on the souls of my grandchildren that I will not be the one to break the peace we have made here today.”

  27. - Tired of the Drama - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:55 am:

    Quinn will reiterate that he is the Gov. Madigan will use the middle finger on both hands and point them down on the table and chastise Quinn for hanging him out to dry. Cullerton will smile. GOP will be quiet and wait until the Dems are done fighting and then declare that any reform is a tax increase, but not be able to say why.

    After four hours there will be no agreement and they will schedule another meeting in two weeks.

  28. - AC - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:00 am:

    The most likely outcome is consensus on the existence of the problem, but no constitutional or politically workable solutions. In other words, like Ground Hog Day but not as interesting to watch the 1000th time.

  29. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:05 am:

    Meeting starts as each member is given 3 darts. Each member puts their two best solution on a separate sheet of paper then tapes it to a wall. After 3 beers, each member takes turns tossing a dart at their favorite solution. The one stuck with the most darts wins. Blind folds optional.

  30. - Honestly - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:06 am:

    @TCB ==And “continue” to be like Rod? Say what you want about PQ, but he’s nothing close to Blago. Someone needs to remind Schuh that Brady lost. ==
    I have to agree with Schuh on this one.In fact, this is a rare case where the evidence supports a GOP statement.
    Although Quinn’s schtick is quiet different than Rod’s, he shares the same governing approach. He is a dysfunctional faux populist like Rod. His administration has also payrolled and promoted many of Blago’s notorious mischief-makers. He has Blago people on his own staff and agency Director and Deputy levels at CMS, DHS, DFS, DCEO, IDOT, to name some. He has adopted Blago’s management style, or lack thereof, by dismissing rules, laws, and processes as obstacles.

    Finally, he makes false proclamations and condescending statements that he is a fair and honest regular guy in spite of the actions of his administration.

    The only difference is that Quinn resides in the Governor’s mansion in Springfield. (snark)

  31. - Colossus - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:06 am:

    I hadn’t thought about it, but I think you’re right. If it weren’t for the WI election, this meeting would have happened yesterday.

  32. - johhnypizza - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:07 am:

    47th Ward has the tone and substance exqactly right. At least that is how the poriton of the state south I-88 and west of I-355 see things - maybe west of the Dan Ryan. I am an R state employee who does not see my party representing me or my ideas very well on this issue. Nothing of any substance - real or perceived will come of the meeting. But it may be a good lunch.

  33. - illinifan - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:11 am:

    @zatoichi I like your plan but after the 3 beers they will be spun around three times and then throw the darts depending on which of the leaders is hit the most with the dart hits that is the plan used.

  34. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:13 am:

    @Honestly -

    Geesh. You forgot to mention Pat and Rod are both “Demoncrats” and both drink 1% milk.

    Comparing Quinn to Rod is about as useful as comparing Rahm to Daley.

  35. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:14 am:

    Think they’ll be talking baseball at the meeting tomorrow?

    Congrats to the Sox on having the best record in the Midwest, at to Konerko, who has one of the best on-base-percentages in MLB.

  36. - Irish 44 - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:17 am:

    Other than posing for the photo that will undoubtedly end up in a caption of the day contest in Capitolfax, nothing will be accomplished. We need a better term for the 4 who are referred to as leaders. Is stalematers a word? Cuz what they are doing ain’t leading.

  37. - Ralph the Wonder Llama - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:19 am:

    Nothing will happen because the persons responsible for setting up the meeting have retired, and the few invitees who show up at the right place and time will learn that the persons responsible for unlocking the doors and turning on the lights have retired, and the persons responsible for replacing those persons have retired.

  38. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:31 am:

    47, that’s pretty good.

    People forget that at the time, the young man from Libertyville’s career (Brando, not Stevenson) was in the pishadoo.

    Thanks to Francis, every scene Brando had in The Godfather was a home run, and they reminded folks about what they saw in Stanley Kowalski and Terry Malloy in the first place.

  39. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:41 am:

    I have to wonder what effect the final outcome of the Scott Walker recall will have on the talks. …Wow that is one blogger/blogette living in a bad parallel dimension.
    IF Cheesehead politics impacted IL, NoTaxBill would be Governor, not PQ

  40. - LongGone - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:42 am:

    The proposal that all legislators and bureaucrats above the rank of Deputy Director pay a levy of $.50 per check will again be discarded as too harsh.

  41. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:50 am:

    The Four Tops sing: “Reach Out, I’ll Be There”

    Now if you feel that you can’t go on (can’t go on)
    Because all of your hope is gone (all your hope is gone)
    And your life is filled with much confusion (much confusion)
    Until happiness is just an illusion (happiness is just an illusion)
    And your world around is crumbling down, darlin
    REFORM! come on gang, pension reform!
    REFORM! pension reform!
    I’ll be there with a bill that will shelter you
    I’ll be there with a plan that will see you through…..

    Other Four Tops songs:

    “We’re in Debt” (to the tune of “Bernadette”)
    “Standing in a Mountain of Debt” (”Standing in the Shadows of Love”)
    “Seven Rooms of Gloom”

  42. - Cook County Commoner - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:56 am:

    The only issue will be how much union money Speaker Madigan brings to the meeting to buy off the Republicans to kick the can past November. The final figure may hinge in large part on the result of the Wisconson recall election. If the unionists take a severe trouncing, the Republicans should up the price. Luckily, no one representing every day tax payors will be in attendance.

  43. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 12:21 pm:

    The only retirees were the guys an gals who ran the elavators at the SOLB in Chi.
    BTW Speaking of higher ed inaction…got wonder why no IL school is this group work the President on college loans…
    “Participants include Arizona State University, Miami Dade College, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, the State University System of New York, Syracuse University in New York, the University of Massachusetts System, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University System of Maryland, the University of Texas System, and Vassar College in New York.”

  44. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 12:31 pm:

    –The only issue will be how much union money Speaker Madigan brings to the meeting to buy off the Republicans to kick the can past November.–

    Correct, that’s the only issue.

    How much “union money” will it be, you think? A kajillion billion? How does the bribery go down to “buy off” the Republicans?

    Seriously, you brought up the issue; tells us how much “union money” will be in play here to advance the sinister plot you envision?

    Far too many people were dropped on their heads at birth. And most of them work for Fox and the Trib.

  45. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 12:34 pm:

    Everyone will wander the halls for a while since they won’t be able to find the room. Meeting will be held at a water cooler. Quinn gets splashed in the eye. Meeting adjourned.

  46. - Jechislo - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 12:41 pm:

    They all agree to flee to Wisconsin and stay there until someone else fixes the problem.

  47. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 12:59 pm:

    @Cook County Commoner -

    Thanks for the explanation. I was blaming the long holiday weekend and exceptional BBQing weather.

    Alas, now I know the real reason all the local stores are out of tin foil.

  48. - How Ironic - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 1:00 pm:

    I think it’s touching that Speaker Madigan brought in the tailor from Jos A Banks for a special fitting for Tom Cross. Madigan explained to Tom, that it would be an honor for him to make sure ‘The jacket fits just right’.

  49. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 1:04 pm:

    1. Quinn shows up with a detailed and balanced plan.

    2. After a quick call to Senator Murphy, Leader Radogno agrees to support additional revenue as part of a balanced approach.

    3. Cross agrees its time to put aside the political games and work together. Passes subsequent polygraph test.

    4. Cullerton cancels plans to attend Sox game to finalize deal.

    5. Madigan just won’t stop talking.

  50. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 1:14 pm:

    –I have to wonder what effect the final outcome of the Scott Walker recall will have on the talks.–

    I’m guessing as much as the final outcome of “Total Recall.”

    “Iz dis da dream, or iz dat da dream? Maria, diz movie is meshugganah!”

  51. - Bemused - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 1:14 pm:

    In response CFS @ 11:41 I will not argue against your observation. I do at times seem out of sync with the world I live in. Anyway here is my premise.

    The four in question read the tea leaves on a regular basis. The race in WI is seen as a referendum on the power and influence of Big Labor. On which side of the question will John Q. Public line up. Others are saying this has national implications. I just think our folks may consider the fallout of their actions against the backdrop of this race. I.E. is organized labor a paper tiger or can they bring votes to bear against a percieved foe.

  52. - Retired Non-Union Guy - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 1:16 pm:

    Madigan receives the final number on May 31 retirees; it’s 5,000.

    Madigan: OK guys, I’ve got 5,000 patronage jobs here and they are all mine. (to Cross & Radogno) FInal offer: I’ll give you 500 of those jobs for your votes on this bill …

    Cross: Can we use some of them to re-hire the State golf course greenskeepers?

    Radagno: I’ll be able to use them to pay off all the GOP Senate aids who will be out of work after the next election …

    Madigan: So, we have a deal …

  53. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 1:32 pm:

    @Bemused -

    Lots of people in Illinois are paying attention to the Wisconsin recall vote.

    The Four Leaders are not in that group.

    The reason for the current impasse over pensions is pretty straightforward.

    While Unions are pretty strong Democratic allies, in GOP legislative districts the union members tend to be Republicans.

    If, for example, you figure there are roughly 130,000 IEA members in Illinois, I’d bet that roughly 1/3 - or 45,000 of them - are Republican voters. Now think about how many friends and family members those Republican teachers have.

  54. - Downstate Babe - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 1:32 pm:

    It will be a scenario similar to car salesmen in the back room, drinking coffee and chatting, while the buyer sits in the showroom believing that the salesman is working with “the boss” to get the buyer a good deal. In the end, the salesman gets paid, the boss looks like a hero and, the buyer gets to pay.

  55. - Capitol View - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 3:41 pm:

    After 20 straight hours of bickering, all will agree to the last plan on the table, on the following conditions:

    Madigan announces his retirement as of this summer, but as a lame duck votes for it;
    Cullerton gets slated for the open Illinois Congressional seat;

    and Radagno and Cross agree to move to Wisconsin where Republican interests seem to hold more sway.

    The new legislative leaders get to blame these four for all the troubles in Illinois State Government.

    But watch — after everything passes, Pat Quinn vetoes it anyway and tells everyone to start over again from scratch.

  56. - reformer - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 8:11 pm:

    == Does he really golf THAT much? ==
    Only on election day!

  57. - western illinois - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 8:21 pm:

    I dont know how the final vote will go its 50-50 in the final exit poll . The Unions were outspent 10 to 1 but did a massive turnout effort.
    I think thye may want to think about how Scott Fitzgerald said if we kill off the unions we kill off the dems …………How do you think the same unions would fare in a state with much higher Union membership ………..
    Thye might think about politics but most of them are not smart enough………

  58. - western illinois - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 9:40 pm:

    I really dont understand thewailing and knashing of teeth in Wisconsin and the reported death of teh unions by DC pundits. This recall was never popular..there was something like 10 percent that were simply anti-recall and the weakened unions did well despite that and 10-1 spending.
    Were I conspiratorial I would also suggest that an internal fight in a huge state south of Wisconsin had a union -democrat civila war that sapped of energy amd kept some of its huge cofferes from joining a rather questyionable Wisconsin fight fit right into plan….were I conspiritorial

  59. - mokenavince - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 10:12 pm:

    2 out of 3 falls go to the team of Madigan and Cross in pinning Gov. Quinn and the masked Christine.Quinn and Christine could never get their timing of tags down. I must add Madigan were warned 7 or 8 times about bring a ring chair into the ring.After Quinn tagged Christine he never got into the ring again.Christine tapped out
    to lose both falls.Quinn never broke a sweat,Madigan let Cross do all the heavy lifting.

  60. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 5, 12 @ 11:12 pm:

    After realizing the Wisconson vote was not about Dan Walker, they breathed a sigh of relief and returned to business as usual …

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