Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 - Decision next week - Enyart resigns *** Is Enyart the guy?
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*** UPDATED x3 - Decision next week - Enyart resigns *** Is Enyart the guy?

Thursday, Jun 7, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE 1 *** According to a top source, General Enyart is submitting his resignation today from his position with the state and the National Guard to pursue the 12th Congressional District seat. I should have his official letter around one o’clock. Enyart’s announcement is set for 2 o’clock.

*** UPDATE 2 *** The resignation letter is here.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Enyart says he won’t announce his decision about whether to try for the ballot appointment until next week

Maj. Gen. William Enyart, commander of the Illinois National Guard, retired from the military effective today, and said he was seriously considering seeking the Democratic nomination to replace U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello.

Costello, who has represented the 12th Congressional District since 1988, announced in October that he won’t seek re-election in November. That threw up for grabs a seat that had been considered safe for Democrats since World War II.

“I want to step down and take some time with my family and weigh the prospect of a candidacy.” Enyart said while standing at the Veterans Memorial in the Public Square here.

“I would not resign if I was not prepared to look at it very hard.”

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* I received this via e-mail earlier today…

Major General William L. Enyart will make an announcement regarding his future plans at 2 pm, Thursday, June 7 at the Veterans’ Monument, Belleville Public Square, Main and Illinois Streets, Belleville, IL.

Enyart is considering a bid for the 12th District. As you already know, this is longtime Democratic incumbent Jerry Costello’s seat and his hand-picked replacement dropped out of the race last month. Whoever is chosen for the spot will face Republican Jason Plummer in the general election.

* OK, on to the very big tea leaves

Enyart said he had spoken with Costello about his possible candidacy but wouldn’t discuss specifics. “I’ve had the best job in the world with the Illinois National Guard,” Enyart said. “But this could be an area where I could a have significant impact.” […]

Metro East politicos say Enyart would be a formidable candidate with his military experience and contacts at Scott Air Force Base, which is the district’s largest employer and an important touchstone in Washington.

But a wild card in the mix is Circuit Judge John Baricevic, a Fairview Heights man who has a long résumé with decades in public office and who said he’s considering a run for the seat.

Baricevic said he enjoys public service but added that his decision could hinge on Enyart, whom Baricevic said would be a good candidate.

“If he’s serious about it, then I’ll probably step aside,” Baricevic said.

Baricevic was considered by insiders to be the guy who would be the most likely to get the weighted vote from St. Clair and Madison counties. If he’s willing to step aside for Enyart, and Enyart has talked to Costello about a bid, and Enyart is making an announcement today, you don’t have to be blind to see the signals here.

* Enyart, by the way, is a military lawyer who lists no combat experience on his resume…


1. November 1982 - November 1984, Trial Counsel, 66th Infantry Brigade, Decatur, Illinois
2. November 1984 - February 1985, Executive Officer, Company C, 2nd Battalion, 130th Infantry, Litchfield, Illinois
3. February 1985 - August 1985, Assistant Trial Counsel, 86th Army Reserve Command, Urbana, Illinois
4. August 1985 - September 1990, Selective Service System Officer, Detachment One, State Area Command, Springfield, Illinois
5. September 1990 - August 1993, Assistant Judge Advocate, State Area Command, Springfield, Illinois
6. August 1993 - May 1996, Deputy Staff Judge Advocate, 66th Infantry Brigade, Decatur, Illinois
7. May 1996 - September 1997, Command Judge Advocate, 33rd Area Support Group, Chicago, Illinois
8. September 1997 - October 2002, Deputy Staff Judge Advocate, State Area Command, Springfield, Illinois
9. October 2002 - December 2005, Staff Judge Advocate, State Area Command, Springfield, Illinois
10. December 2005 - May 2006, Deputy Commander, Joint Forces Headquarters, Springfield, Illinois
11. June 2006 - September 2007, Assistant Adjutant General-Army, Illinois National Guard, Joint Forces Headquarters, Springfield, Illinois
12. September 2007 - Present, The Adjutant General, Illinois National Guard, Springfield, Illinois


  1. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 9:45 am:

    Looks like it is bye,bye,bye — again for Daddy’s Little Deduction…shucks. Now the family has to find more 2×4′a to drag around until some other government job opens up.

  2. - Southern Peggy R - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 9:56 am:

    Enyart is certainly impressive on paper and all that. He’s not a public union tool like Harriman. Baricevic is a crony of Costello’s. I despise Little Plummer Boy and have no idea why the GOP got behind him instead of a more experienced man who is from the district. I take it this is a Bob Torch change of horses in the middle of the race.

    I think the people here are eager to move away from the Dem party after so many decades.

  3. - Fed up - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 9:59 am:

    Enyart has a nice resume. Nice to see in typical Illinois fashion this will be decided behind closed doors and the voters don’t have a say. Why take the chance with democracy.

  4. - Chamber Music - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:00 am:

    The Illinois Chamber has a long-time relationship with the Illinois National Guard and their ESGR and Camp Lincoln programs, and with the General. Wonder if he has or will have their support.

  5. - Louie - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:09 am:

    Nice resume, but can he be an effectiv campaigner??

  6. - Cassiopeia - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:13 am:

    30 years in military and never got near combat, nor deployed overseas? Just the kind of guy to make tough decisions.

  7. - ironman - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:14 am:

    Looks like a typical st. Clair county lawyer.

  8. - Anonymmous - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:18 am:

    In his defense, Enyart has spent time overseas as an enlisted USAF airman. On the other hand, he was never a commander until he was appointed Adjutant General, so one can question if he can make tough decisions.

    All in all, I have to agree, it’s goodbye to the little Plummer boy.

  9. - mark walker - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:29 am:

    Were these mostly Guard part-time assignments in-state? Has he had a regular career outside of his military service?

  10. - OneMan - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:36 am:

    I know you all dislike Plumber, but I am not sure this is going to be a cake walk.

  11. - Freeman - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:44 am:

    Great. More of the same. An insider with long ties to Blago and Costello, etc.

    Is this the part where we all get excited and say, “Oh boy! Talk about a victory for Democracy!”

    He may be a perfectly pleasant man or perhaps I am becoming jaded, but this is something like the 8th or 9th person asked to run by the Democratic machine going all the way back to Judge Callis in the primary.

    And if he said no, there would be someone else perfectly wonderful and amazing lined up next week.

    I really hope he turns out to be a decent guy in person as well as on paper, but I’m not getting too carried away just yet. A noble outsider doesn’t usually “slip” into one of these nominations by chance.

  12. - Colossus - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:45 am:

    OneMan - I’m just not able to see Plummer putting up a fight. At least, not an effective one. It’s like you’re at the car lot looking at a 1985 Hyundai and 2012 Taurus - you don’t need to look too hard to know which one is going to do a better job, no matter how hard you’re sold on the Hyundai.

  13. - ZC - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 10:59 am:

    Ditto OneMan. They will nuke this guy with negative ad barrages. Hope he’s prepared to spend a lot of his next months on the telephone.

  14. - Shore - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:00 am:

    Track record of recent democratic house candidates with military background

    duckworth-defeated, won 2012 primary.
    john tree (primary)-defeated-blow out

    I would not underestimate plummer or conservative superpacs throwing money at the race. He’s now been around the track once before, and much as I am embarrassed by him, that counts.

  15. - Downstate Illinois - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:16 am:

    Enyart’s face will be placed between Nancy Pelosi’s and Barack Obama’s. He will have a tough hill to climb, as would any Democrat.

    None of Plummer’s negatives from the last campaign are sticking here in the region. His press coverage has been both extensive and almost universally positive.

    He’s actively fundraising in the district and spending the appropriate time in Washington lining up support as well.

    The new 12th District is only roughly the same as the old one. November will be a landslide for the Romney ticket downstate. There’s not a Democrat I’ve talked to that thinks this race won’t be highly competitive.

  16. - Southern Peggy R - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:17 am:

    I would not underestimate Little Plummer Boy. He waged a nasty campaign against Roger Cooke in the primary. He and his minions put out some very nasty personal stories–I have no idea if they’re true–about Cooke. I was disgusted. I had been indifferent in the primary until then.

  17. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:29 am:

    It would not be a Cake Walk if Daddy’s Little Deduction was running totally unopposed. He would find a way to blow it.

  18. - Colossus - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:30 am:

    Shore - Tell it to Oberweiss.

  19. - Fed up - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:36 am:

    I don’t know how everyone is so excited about Enyart if he was such a great candidate he wouldn’t of needed to be blessed by a back room deal. Maybe if he actually won or even ran in a primary but well see.

  20. - East Sider - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:49 am:

    None of the prominent Metro East Dems want to get in this race, even the ultra-arrogant big ego types, because they know this is going to be a very difficult race for them. The DCCC had to be stressed out at the prospects of Baricevic, a St. Clair County Judge, getting in the race. The US Chamber would’ve had a field day with that one.

    I know nothing about Enyart, other than a few rumblings. He better be prepared to work harder than he’s ever worked in his life.

  21. - Freeman - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 11:51 am:

    Peggy, we may have different recollections of that race. I think Republicans are very fortunate Mr. Cook didn’t emerge from the primary based on things that show up in a simple web search from his time as Mayor and a polcie officer. That said, no candidate or person is perfect.

    I suppose we will learn Mr. Enyart’s flaws shortly as well. Hope they vetted him well, because what looks good on paper doesn’t always work out as well in practice.

    And if not, well… I hear Alan Keyes may be available.

  22. - Just Sayin' - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 12:00 pm:

    I look forward to the debates between between experienced lawyer Enyart and twenty-something Plummer. Let’s hope they’ll be televised.
    Among other things as general of the Guard, Enyart helped lead the flood relief efforts in Southern Illinois last year, exactly the area that makes up more than half of that district.I’m sure he met plenty of civic leaders during that effort.
    Enyart’s wife is no slouch either. She’s sharp as a tack, very engaging, will be a great asset on the campaign trail, and as a retired judge she’ll have time to campaign with him. His wife was also a trailblazer of sorts. I think she was the very first woman to be elected a circuit judge in the metro east.

  23. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 12:06 pm:

    For those who think Plummer is an awful candidate, here is my question: who should’ve run on the GOP ticket? Mike Bost? He’s not leaving House GOP leadership. Steve Reeb? Steve is a high energy guy who unfortunately can’t win a countywide race in his own county. Brad Cole? Brad is now out of politics and performed poorly in 2010. I suppose there could be some hotshot, upstart countywide official or mayor in the new 12th, but that’s not what you need for a Congressional candidate in a race that’s sure to be hotly contested. Jason has at least run for higher office before and has high name recognition in the area. The NRCC and the Young Guns are firmly behind him - ask Bobby Schilling and Adam Kinzinger how helpful those two organizations are. That said - Enyart is a great pick-up for the Dems. I predict right now that (assuming Enyart runs) this will be the closest Congressional race in Illinois - and perhaps the closest legislative race, period.

  24. - Responsa - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 12:27 pm:

    May the best man win.

  25. - OneMan - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 12:34 pm:

    == Shore - Tell it to Oberweiss. ==
    Unless I am really missing something, I don’t recall Oberweiss ever losing to a vet?

  26. - JoeVerdeal - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 12:43 pm:

    David Phelps has indicated some interest….???

    Does he have any chance, these days….????

  27. - Downstate Illinois - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 12:56 pm:

    Just Sayen’ I’ve been told Plummer celebrated his 30th birthday last week or thereabouts.

    As to Enyart’s wife, I know nothing about her, however the first think I think of when the phrase “St. Clair County judge” bandied about is Amiel Cueto’s famous quote about owning most of them.

    Didn’t know she was retired until you mentioned it, but retired judges and their exclusion from pension reforms aren’t a winning issue either.

    As to David Phelps here’s the link to the actual video interview he gave expressing his interest -

  28. - Just Sayin' - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:09 pm:

    David Phelps has no chance; for the appointment or to win if he (miraculously) got the appointment. The metro east has the majority of the weighted vote and those chairmen would never support him for the appointment. The “Agent of change” Plummer and his buds at the RNC would eviscerate Phelps saying he just wants back in to Congress to continue the same ineffective record he had there before he was defeated by Shimkus years ago. And wasn’t Phelps big buddies with Blago who appointed Phelps Undersecretary of IDOT? The Rove-financed commercial writes itself.

  29. - ironman - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:14 pm:

    With all of the baggage..married three times..A big blago supporter and a st. Clair trial lawyer..who needs an exciting young work horse like plummer. Plummer wins by 7%

  30. - Just Sayin' - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:15 pm:

    P.S. And does Phelps even live in Costello’s district? I know that legally he does not have to, but if he doesn’t and he gets the appointment, there goes the Democrats’ attack against Plummer that he’s a carpetbagger who just moved to that district to run for Congress.

  31. - Shore - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:19 pm:

    “He’s not leaving House GOP leadership. ”
    -he looked really happy on youtube the other day as a hapless state rep in a minority party. who would ever want to give that up?

    “exciting young work horse like plummer”
    -young is ok, exciting, work and horse-are you joking?

  32. - JoeVerdeal - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:35 pm:

    If memory serves me correctly, it seems that David Phelps was a very successful guy at the ballot box. The “powers that be” were able to re-district him out of office and the IDOT Undersecretary job was meant to be a consolation prize of some sort.

    It could be that his popularity is geographically limited to the southeastern part of the state.

  33. - Connie Tea - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:38 pm:

    I liked the Newman woman who was the nominee in 2010 but Cook bounced her from the ticket which was stupid on his part–she’d have drained a lot of votes from Ritchie Rich. I think the rumors of her being seriously ill must be true as I saw her leaving the Maryville hospital a few weeks ago and she’s so thin I almost didn’t recognize her. Plummer will never beat the general, he’s got nothing but money and the Dems don’t want to lose this seat. The General will hold the seat for them and they know it. If Bob Plummer was running, it would be a different story–everyone respects him but not his Lurch-look-a-like kid.

  34. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:56 pm:

    Shore - I’ve known Mike Bost for a while. He is quite happy in the statehouse and in his current role.

  35. - East Sider - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:57 pm:

    How old is Enyart? From some of the pictures from the articles, he looks to be in his 60s.

  36. - Madison - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 1:59 pm:

    While this district leans democratic, it’s still fairly conservative in it’s orientation. Plummer will find himself sorely tested. The question for most of us is do we need another wealthy tea party republican in Washington making decisions for working people? Or is the general a better choice?

  37. - ZC - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 2:03 pm:

    Yeah Phelps was screwed by redistricting - by the Dems, interestingly enough - and he still gave it a good fight with Shimkus. Not sure how good a congressman he was but he was no slouch as a campaigner.

  38. - Judgment Day - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 2:12 pm:

    Do your vetting well. Back in the day when IL NG units were deployed in Iraq, there were ‘Chain of Command’ issues that occurred with family support groups back home.

    According to the IL NG people I know who were deployed, these issues were never resolved. The old saying of “The officers don’t eat until the men/women get fed” didn’t always apply. In a number of areas.

    It’s all past history now, but at the time, there were a whole lot of family and friends support group members back home who were extremely angry how the troops on the ground were being treated by IL NG chain of command.

  39. - Raising Kane - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 2:30 pm:

    I would bet a weeks pay on Plummer. Why on earth would the Dems replace one older, unknown with another? John Baricivic has a solid reputation and got a lot of respect for his handling of that big Coleman murder trial.

    I really think Jerry Costello wants to lose this seat…..maybe setting Jr. up for the future??

  40. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 2:51 pm:

    Who will be the first to run a “You can’t handle the Truth?” ad?

  41. - Another View - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 2:53 pm:

    RK-”I would bet a weeks pay on Plummer. Why on earth would the Dems replace one older, unknown with another? ”

    Fair question, but if Plummer starts acting like himself (Granted, which he may be able to avoid in that district) then being the only adult in the race could be a good thing.

  42. - OneMan - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 3:25 pm:

    It’s going to be interesting, don’t think it will the walk-over for the Dem like some are saying.

    I will say I am not sure how much Enyart will enjoy congress if he wins, it is a big change going from being the commander as it were and people following your orders to being a freshman member of congress IMHO

  43. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 3:33 pm:

    ===it is a big change going from being the commander as it were and people following your orders to being a freshman member of congress===

    Forget about being a congressman, how’s the general going to take orders from his campaign manager? Sheriffs and mayors are often very poor legislative candidates for that very reason. A general might be even worse.

  44. - Raising Kane - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 3:52 pm:

    Sounds to me like the general hit a bump. I can’t imagine that he really intended to hold a lame presser saying he was “looking hard at the race”. Maybe somebody in DC had the sense to hold that up and do some vetting.

  45. - Stu - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 4:27 pm:

    Generals are far worse.

  46. - It's All Good - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 4:50 pm:

    Kane: I agree that Baricevic would be an excellent candidate and an even better Congressman. However, he did not handle the “big Coleman trial”. That was another judge. Baricevic was that circuit’s chief judge and all he did was assign that judge to the case when the original judge was substituted.

  47. - Steve Downstate - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 4:53 pm:

    My hunch (totally without hard evidence to support it) is that the national GOP congressional campaign committee will get behind Jay Jay with plenty of dough, since Jay Jay and his dad are themselves willing to invest lots of money in the race. The family knows that Jason (who seems to hate everything government related, though I’m not sure he could pass a civics class) MUST have a government job, because doggonnit, he’s so dedicated to serving the people. And the GOP will be happy to see if they can turn this district, which is already pretty conservative. But if they manage to get him elected, bet they will come to regret it — just as most middle-of-the-road Republicans reject the dumbed-down reputation the party has gotten thanks to the likes of Sarah Palin.

    Enyart doesn’t strike me as flashy, but he does seem competent, smart, and decent, and that should give him an edge on Plummer. (Anyone know, by the way, whether Plummer is still refusing to release his taxes this time around?)

  48. - It's All Good - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 4:55 pm:

    And no matter who the Dems appoint, this race could be a barn burner. If they appoint a real contender like Enyart or Baricevic, it could become one of the most expensive, hotly contested, and closest Congressional races in the country. Rich, you better get some good hotel deals in the metro east because you could be down there a lot with this race, Bill Haine’s race, Andy Manar’s race, etc.

  49. - It's All Good - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 4:56 pm:

    Plummer IS still refusing to release any of his tax returns this time around.

  50. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jun 7, 12 @ 6:31 pm:

    Baricevic is no dummy and also has an ego that barely fits under his robe. AA guesses that he surmised that being a rookie Congresscritter would in all reality have a lot less stroke than staying put as King of St. Clair County.

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