* Gen. Enyart puzzled some folks with his big National Guard retirement announcement followed by a press conference where he announced he hadn’t yet decided whether to toss his hat into the ring for the vacant slot created when Democrat Brad Harriman dropped out of the race to replace retiring Congressman Jerry Costello. But today, he finally made it official. From a press release…
Retired Major General William Enyart Announces Candidacy for Illinois 12th Congressional District
Major General William L. Enyart of Belleville, retired Adjutant General and former commander of the Illinois National Guard, announced today his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Illinois 12th Congressional District. Enyart cited his dedication to service and his deep ties and loyalty to Southern Illinois as his reasons for pursuing the nomination.
Enyart submitted his questionnaire today and released the following statement:
“Coming to Southern Illinois as a 19 year old enlisted airman, raising my own family here, and serving our community in the Illinois National Guard for the past 30 years has been an honor and a source of inspiration. Today I am proud to rise to the challenge before us and heed the call to serve by fighting for good jobs and a responsible way to reduce the deficit to build a strong middle class and protect the Southern Illinois way of life.
“This is a family decision, and I am honored and humbled to have the support of my wife Annette, our sons, James and Alex, and my daughter-in-law Tanya, as well as our friends and neighbors and the all folks who called and encouraged me to take this important step to serve Southern Illinois. I look forward to an open and transparent process as I seek the Democratic nomination.
“I believe that the next voice representing us in Washington must share Southern Illinois values of hard work, honesty and fairness. Too many folks here are worried about making ends meet, and the future of Southern Illinois is at stake. We need to make sure that there are good jobs for our families, Medicare for our seniors, and an economy that Southern Illinois families can have confidence in.”
Ten Democrats submitted their applications today, including Enyart. Whoever is picked will face Republican Jason Plummer this fall.
- Freeman - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 3:36 pm:
It would be a shame if he doesn’t get the nomination after resigining his post.
Unless he’s already been told it’s his and this selection process is all a sham…
Got to love Illinois politics.
- That Guy - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 3:37 pm:
It would be a shame if he doesn’t get the nomination after resigining his post.
Unless he’s already been told it’s his and this selection process is all a sham…
Got to love Illinois politics.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 3:43 pm:
*raises eyebrows*
Is this a test? To see whether anyone else will repeat the same post? I almost did it just for kicks, but then I’d be repeating it, wouldn’t I?
Quite basic, yet effective. Almost.effective. Hmmm.
- just sayin' - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 3:54 pm:
Major Lightweight meet Major General.
- Freeman - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 4:05 pm:
That’s random… A simple “me too” would have sufficed, but I guess they agree with me? OR mocking me? No idea, but random & funny.
- Freeman - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 4:09 pm:
I bet “That Guy” actually saw my original post, which popped up as “anonymous” by accident. I re-posted it under my name, hoping Rich would delete the original when he saw it came from the same ip address.
TG must have seen it before it was deleted and decided to keep the string going. Funny.
- Shore - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 4:20 pm:
can whomever dug mark kirk’s navy files get jason plummer’s? I’d love to know what admiral plummer has been up to protecting our country.
- Madison - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 5:02 pm:
Can u frame a house of cards with 2×4’s?
- ironman - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 5:13 pm:
Sounds like he will be and should be the democrat candidate.. he had donated 4000 to castello and thousands to blago also appt to general post by blago..makes sense
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 8:39 pm:
Off topic, but looks like someone’s in trouble again.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 9:58 pm:
@Ironman -
So true. If Enyart were a Republican, he’d have had his dad buy the nomination for him.
Not that Robert Jason Plummer’s nomination has anything at all to do with his father Robert L. Plummer’s magnanimously. I’m sure if he weren’t the son of one of the Metro-East’s wealthiest businessmen, he’d still be a political contender. After all, he is Vice President for Corporate Development at…oh, never mind, that’s his dad’s company.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 9:59 pm:
@Anonymous 8:39 -
I’m sure Tom Cross will be issuing a release momentarily calling for her resignation…
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 10:01 pm:
…this, btw, is what voters in Lake County replaced Michael Bond with. Serves them right.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 10:22 pm:
She is smiling in her mug shot.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 10:37 pm:
Yeah, smilin’ like ol’ Jack the Caretaker.
- The REAL Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 11:24 pm:
(BTW, only the 3:43pm and this post on this thread were mine. I don’t believe Ms. Schmidt is in office any more, so I really have no interest in the linked article.)
On another note, are you talking about the “going outside” and “doilies” story, Dog? If so, it’s kinda creepy. And it’s not even Halloween.