* Gov. Pat Quinn hasn’t even signed the full budget into law yet, but working parents and seniors are already getting notices that they’re about to be cut off from health coverage…
More than 25,000 working parents in Illinois stand to lose their state-provided health coverage on July 1 - and most of them don’t know it yet.
State officials will eliminate their coverage in just three weeks as part of the $2.7 billion package of cuts and taxes the Legislature passed in May in an effort to save Illinois’ Medicaid program from possible collapse. But with the clock ticking, the state has just sent out notices to the Medicaid families who will be affected once Gov. Pat Quinn signs the bill, as he has promised to do. […]
The state agency responsible for Medicaid sent roughly 26,000 notices to parents losing coverage on Friday, an agency spokesman told The Associated Press. Other letters to seniors losing help with prescription drug costs are being mailed in batches this week, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services spokesman Mike Claffey told the AP on Monday. […]
Illinois has little experience informing Medicaid patients they’re losing coverage. The program has had few eligibility limits imposed, and mostly the program has grown to cover more residents over the years. Last year, a new income limit was placed on state coverage for children covered by a program called All Kids. But, in that case, the Legislature gave a year before the 4,000 children already enrolled lost their coverage. Their families got many months’ advance notice.
Now, advocates are bracing for phone calls from Medicaid recipients who may have only a week or two to make backup plans. Clinics are rescheduling appointments for patients in the middle of treatment.
* I received an advance copy of the termination letter for Illinois Cares Rx…
Dear Illinois Cares Rx Member:
We regret to inform you that the Illinois Cares Rx program is ending June 30, 2012. Due to Illinois state budget reductions, funding for the program is being eliminated. This means beginning July 1, 2012, Illinois Cares Rx will no longer help you pay for your prescription drugs and Medicare Part D plan premium. It is important that you contact your Medicare Part D prescription drug plan to find out what your premium and prescription drug costs will be beginning July 1, 2012. See page 4 for phone numbers for the Part D plans that were coordinating with Illinois Cares Rx.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 11:02 am:
We at DHS got a memo stating that effective July 1, FamilyCare Share, Premium and Rebate cases will be ending for adults. Share and Premium cases are for those whose incomes begin at above 133% of the Federal Poverty Level. Share and Premium are for people who have income above the level at which people can get a “free” medical card. Share recipients have to pay a $2 copay for each doctor visit. Premium recipients have to pay more for medical services.
For an adult in a family of three, the maximum monthly Premium income amount is $2,943. What will probably happen to these adults is that they will incur a “spenddown,” which is like a deductible and must be met on a monthly basis via medical bills in order to get medical eligibility.
I support the concept of universal healthcare. I spoke with a British reporter for an economics magazine who had conservative viewpoints but couldn’t believe that Americans don’t have universal healthcare.
- illinoismedcannmike - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 11:21 am:
It’s just a shame that the chronic and terminal will have benefits cut and still not have safe affordable access to a safer product that improves our quality of life and can save the state BIG$$$
- lincolnlover - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 11:33 am:
While I can sympathize with those who need this coverage and will no longer have it, it should be remembered by ALL of us that these programs were never affordable and should never have been started. That is why Illinois is so far in debt: we promised services to contituents and employees and providers that we could not pay for. Now those groups will all suffer because of our poor past decisions.
- reformer - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 1:18 pm:
Better we stop paying for poor seniors’ prescriptions than that we should keep the estate tax where it was. Instead, the legislature boosted the estate tax exemption to protect more millionaires from any estate tax, thus reducing revenues that might have helped pay for those prescriptions.
- Freeman - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 2:49 pm:
I cannot imagine having only 3 weeks notice to make some sort of arrangements for my family - especially on very low income and while working and taking care of my kids, etc.. There’s so much paperwork and process to figure out when it comes to health care.
Trying to do all that in the middle of treatment for something? Even worse.
Things are about to get very ugly in Illinois, and this is only the first salvo.
Perhaps now more people will realize that government isn’t just some murky thing in the distance. It impacts our lives in very real ways.
- Ain't No Justice - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 5:05 pm:
We would have money IF THEY USED COMMON BUSINESS SENSE! For instance, for 3 weeks my rural gas station has been out of cigarettes because of DOR doesn’t want anyone “stocking up” so there are no cigs to be had. Now I have to drive to MO (45 min) to purchase several cartons of cigs there since they have an ample supply. No only does Illinois LOSE tax revenue, but so does are small town. This is just one small example. Insane!
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 5:16 pm:
We need to be reminded that a lot of our tax dollars are going toward covering a large number of people that are here illegally.
- wishbone - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 5:19 pm:
I don’t think Fox news, the Republican party, or their backers in the richest 1% will see any problem in this. Unless and until the majority of the people in the 99% begin to understand that they don’t have to do the bidding of the ruling class the downward spiral will continue.
- Ain't No Justice - Tuesday, Jun 12, 12 @ 5:22 pm:
aNON@5:16. Agreed. What part of “ILLEGAL” does Illinois not understand. In addition to capturing all the fraud and perk monies, cutting illegal benefits…we’d be in the black!
- tntins - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 6:39 am:
Wishbone, come on. It is because of the liberal spending that there isn’t any money for those who really need it. Wake up! Quit bashing the 1%. They are not the problem. Do some research before you spew your liberalism. Generous donations and hiring is what the 1% do. Grow the base of tax payers and we would not be in this mess. Poor leadership in Illinois is to blame here. Not only Quinn but and especially Madigan. Madigan has been getting his way for years. He should be held accountable. Not the 1%. Sheesh..
- Malachi - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 12:31 am:
So now they are taking from the poor and giving to the rich! why doesn’t illinois senators and representatives take a 50% pay cut and not get medical coverage paid by our taxes. they will have to face God for this, and yes God will smite them with a curse, amen.