Question of the day
Wednesday, Jun 13, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Who is the worst politician in Illinois? It can be federal, state or local, but the politico must currently be holding office or actively campaigning for an office. As always, explain your answer in comments please. Thanks.
- KGB - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:22 pm:
Joe Walsh — First!!
He listens to no one, has a terrible way of responding to constituents, has a horrid personal life that overshadows any accomplishments of the office.
Did I mention he has no accomplishments?
- Draznnl - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:23 pm:
Does Joe Walsh really need an explanation?
- Adam Smith - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:23 pm:
Chris Lauzen
Without a doubt the most self-serving, self-righteous, nasty, vindictive and (icing on the cake) inconsequential pol in Illinois.
Say a prayer for Kane County.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:23 pm:
Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez. Her office’s inept and dubious investigation of the Kotschman case involving Daley’s nephew resulted in a Cook County Judge appointing a special prosecutor. When citizens can no longer trust those enforced to uphold the law, we all lose. I’m also tired of her grandstanding.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:26 pm:
Nothing can trump Smith for blatant criminality, but Berrios is just as corrupt.
- Sinister - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:29 pm:
Two words: Larry Dominick
- Calhoun Native - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:33 pm:
Aaron Schock. He’s a contributor and mouthpiece for the “my way or the highway” gridlock gang in Washington. Yesterday he said he wouldn’t raise revenue by one dollar even if it was accompanied by $10 in savings.
- ZC - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:36 pm:
Joe Walsh. Manages the hat trick of being incompetent (except at promoting himself and his future talk show gig), obnoxious and mean AND being a complete phony to boot. Would say anything to keep himself in the limelight. A Tea Partier now but he used to be pro choice and pro Brady Bill in an earlier incarnation.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:37 pm:
Derrick Smith is pretty easy, and maybe we can add Suzi Schmidt as a runner up. There are some pretty bad local mayors in the southern suburbs too, and people like Bill Kelly who are sort of like politicians.
But for me, I think the absolute worst politician in Illinois currently is Bill Brady. He couldn’t beat Quinn in a landslide GOP year and is running again (apparently) despite all of the damage he caused his party from losing last time.
Tom Cross, Christine Radogno will likely be challenged for their leadership posts. Pat Brady hasn’t figured out how to build an effective party. When you add Walsh and Jason Plummner, the list of horrible GOP pols is impressive.
In the spirit of fairness, the Dems have some pretty bad pols too. But other than Smith, none really rise (sink?) to the level of Bill Brady.
- Wing Ding - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:37 pm:
Joe Walsh, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., and Will County Board member Cory Singer. All useless users of political gimmickry and lacking in moral judgment, in my opinion.
- Jorge - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:38 pm:
Jason Plummer. The guy just doesn’t have what it takes to be a pragmatic and practical politician.
- foster brooks - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:48 pm:
Jim Burke mayor of Dixon. On his watch let Rita Crundwell steal 53 million from the city and he didn’t have a clue
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:53 pm:
Joe Walsh — a complete disaster as an elected official and a total clown not ashamed to use his position as a megaphone for self-exploitation.
- PublicServant - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:53 pm:
Joe Walsh wins this distinction by a mile. It’ll be his only win this year. Go Tammy!
- Madison - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:55 pm:
Two winners: (losers) Bill Brady and Jason Plummer. Although the definition is open to broad interpret ion on the basis irrelevance in many areas, that pair was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like nobody else in a year when even the most inept republicans won easily.
- It's All Good - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:58 pm:
Joe Walsh hands down.
Jason Plummer is also in the running, though. He’s arrogant, feels entitled, vindictive, he’s wealthy from no effort or skill of his own, and he’s clueless. This never bodes well for being anything but one of the “worst” politicians.
- OneMan - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 12:59 pm:
Worst politician… Not worst lawmaker, but in terms of just being bad a politics.
Linda Holmes, when you can’t look up from a blackberry when a school group from your district is mentioned on the Senate floor and the parents notice it. Also what appears to be a complete inability to raise money in her own district.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:00 pm:
Does Todd Stroger still count?
- Homer J. Simpson - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:04 pm:
Does Scott Lee Cohen count? I’m sure he is pursuing office in some manner.
- Dan Bureaucrat - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:06 pm:
This is such a good, and difficult, question. I will have to think about this over my lunch break. There are so many categories of worst politician and we have them all:
–openly corrupt or morally compromised
–power-seekers without regard to principles
–so ideological as to be inflexible or even brittle
–horrible or buffoonish to constituents
–not smart or even really dumb
–utterly inconsequential
- wishbone - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:12 pm:
Please, please let me break the rules and name ex-mayor Richard M. Daley. He feathered his own retirement nest while he sold the seed corn (parking meters, etc), and put the city in an irreversible fiscal hole rather than take on the unions.
- Jericho - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:15 pm:
wouldn’t it be a shorter list to name a good one? From Madigan to Schmidt to Jackson Jr to joe walsh…where should i stop, they’re all self serving, money grubbing,…. oh, that would be another long list, to complete all of the names they could be called.
- MrJM - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:19 pm:
Lake County State’s Attorney Michael Waller
Lake County Is A Hotbed Of False Convictions
- The Captain - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:28 pm:
I’d like to nominate Senator Hush Money. When you pay more hush money to the girlfriend than the wife (especially an ex-wife) you’re just a politician who is terrible at politics.
Or Joe Walsh.
- Louie - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:29 pm:
Alvin Parks, Mayor of East St. Louis. City has the highest per capita murder rate in the United States and Parks still refuses to close night clubs before 5AM.
- Jimmy87 - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:48 pm:
Easily State Senator Michael Noland, he’s been nearly arrested at a polling place, alleged to have stolen or removed opponents yard signs, blatantly plagiarized a former U.S President and more recently fought hard to KEEP a law on the books that puts people in prison for audio recording police officers.
He remains ineffective, small-minded and pretty much clueless to the district he represents.
- reformer - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 1:52 pm:
Walsh is my congressman and I’m not happy about that. But he won perhaps the biggest congressional upset in the nation in 2010, and he did it without party help.
Given the news today, I’d say Sen. Schmidt has proved remarkably inept. She has booted away a safe seat she could’ve filled as long as she wanted.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:03 pm:
Disclaimer: Take out anyone under indictment, under a cloud of ethical issues, or anyone facing any legal issues that have not surfaced as of this post.
That being said …
Probably a tie between McSweeney or Oberweis.
Both have this aura of an “entitled” pompousness that, while trying to be seen as leaders, they both seem irrational when facing the reality of politics, and the one thought that, “The people just don’t realize that they need me, so I will just keep being me and THEY will see the errors in their ways.”
They both claim to be part of the “solution”, “what everyone wants”, “the ‘right and just’ candidate”. Both McSweeney and Oberweis lack just enough of a humbling reverence to the voters they covet so much to love them, that hubris and vanity are the order of the day in the precincts, on the stump, and in private moments during those campaigns.
McSweeny and Oberweis sadden me. I am rooting very loudly for the wife of Mark Beaubien, Dee, to continue to the extremely difficult work Mark left unfinished in my party. McSweeney beat the HGOP which also speaks volumes to the ILHRO, but I do not want to digress …
I am even more saddend at the “probabilty” of state Senator Oberweis. Oberweis will be divisive in the Caucus, will be divisive in Party Politics, (now with a title, the hubris will expand), and divisive in what Illinois needs to get back on track. Last, Minority Leader Radogno will not be able to keep Oberweis from undercutting her, personally, at EVERY turn, which if the SGOP gets veto-proofed, we can only hope she gets tossed, but I digress … but the reality is that Oberweis is a festering lesion that seems to have no cure as Oberweis is measuring the drapes for a “probable” win.
McSweeny and Oberweis … that is where the list should begin.
- chefjeff - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:11 pm:
US Rep Tim Johnson for the way he ran in the primary, collecting all the campaign donations he could, and then withdrew. This deliberate perversion of the election process is unconscionable. (dis)honorable mention to Habeeb for his roll in the farce that followed.
- Jim Ridings - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:11 pm:
Does Mike Madigan have any competition for the title of the worst?
- hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:13 pm:
To those of you naming Scott Lee Cohen and Jason Plummer…
I nominate anyone who ran for the lieutenant governor position in 2010 and lost to Scott Lee Cohen and Jason Plummer as the worst politician in Illinois.
- KaneGal - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:22 pm:
For Republicans: Toss up between Lauzen and Walsh
For Dems: Scott Lee Cohen and Mike Noland
All are an embarassment to their party.
- Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:22 pm:
Michael Madigan - Willing to violate the US Constitution to keep political competition off the ballot while he is the head of a party that is supposed to believe in democracy. 25 years without an independent candidate able to get on the ballot for the GA. A 7th Circuit ruling that says Illinois election laws violated the 1st and 14th Amendment RIGHTS of independent candidates because ballot access requirements were higher than anywhere else in the US. And then to “fix” that violation of the US Constitution, ballot access was reduced to a tie for worst in the US, while most states have switched to filing fees to bring in revenue instead of wasting resources.
Bent over backwards to pass legislation that let GWBush ignore the rule of law in Illinois while at the same time using every technicality he could find to kick Ralph Nader off the ballot. Responsible for kicking hundreds of candidates off the ballot using Illinois’ unique private petition challenge system, while more than half of the GA races are unopposed every election.
Then there’s the $9 billion stack of overdue bills in Illinois, which means every Illinois taxpayer owes $1,000+ for last year’s budget, while they are still handing out pork. Bad deals that gave handouts to rich people who own sports and entertainment businesses and pretty much all the corporate subsidies that have done more harm than good. McPier financing shenanigans.
Pension deals to the likes of Steven Preckwinkle and David Piccioli, and numerous former politicos getting rich off the backs of current state employees and future generations. The entire unfunded pension system that was added to year after year with more and more pension sweeteners without a care for our future.
Campaign Chair for Rod Blagojevich winning a 2nd term. Big donor to Derrick Smith.
Poverty rates on a steady increase in the state while average household income still remains stagnant. The 2nd highest tax burden for poor, working families in the entire US, behind only Alabama.
Michael Madigan believes cancer patients and those with degenerative and debilitating diseases should be locked in a cage if they use cannabis to help improve their lives and ease their pain, nausea, muscle spasms and cramps, or tremors. And refusal to allow industrial hemp which could bring industry jobs that now go to Canada and other countries as we import their products.
Ahhh, I feel better now.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:23 pm:
Rich, I would like to object to the Captain’s nomination. How can he possibly know how many of Mr. Kirk’s checks that haven’t hit the books might still be in the mail–and to whom?
- Palos Park Bob - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:27 pm:
Gotta be Mike Madigan. He has his corrupt leadership fingerprints on every major dysfunction in Illinois government from the pension overextending and underfunding debacle to the Medicaid fiasco.
The most powerful and influential pol driving a state or city off of a cliff, with the possible exceptions of Jerry Brown (D_Cal) and the Mayor(s)of Detroit since 1975.
- Anonimo - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:34 pm:
Larry Dominick - the state’s biggest embarrassment. “Alleged” mob connections, Cicero losing half a million because he sexually harassed an employee, his entire family on the payroll, family members fired from the public payroll for wrongdoing only to be rehired, inept city departments and employees, half a million taxpayer dollars spent on Larry Dominick schwag - these are just some of the reasons that make Larry the worst politician in Illinois.
- P. - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:39 pm:
It’s pretty funny that Suzi troublemaker in Lake Co. doesn’t even get a mention despite her awesome headlines today. If there was a line, she’d still be way back in that wind-y deal like they have at Great America.
- Downstater - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:41 pm:
Any GOP Legislators that voted with Democrats in the Spring Session. Yeah..voters love Lauzen BYW. Won with 69% of the vote in his county race. He calls out too many of the deals in Springfield to be popular there.
- The Captain - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:44 pm:
@Anon, 2:23
You are right, I am wrong and I humbly apologize.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:47 pm:
Absolutely no need, Captain, but it was very kind of you.
- Robert - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:52 pm:
Depends on the definition of “politician” - I’d argue that Mike Madigan (holding onto power for so long) and Joe Walsh (upset victory despite some extreme and changing views) are two of the best politicians we have in Illinois.
I’ll go with Bill Brady - he managed to lose to Quinn in a republican year despite Quinn running on a platform of raising taxes.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:54 pm:
Boy, do we all continue to toss “corruption” around as a synonym for “people I don’t like or wish weren’t so successful”.
- Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 2:56 pm:
Monique Davis deserves a vote too.
The whole racket with her not paying Chicago Public Schools rent for her office is more than unsettling. A statute stolen from Chicago State showing up in her office and her initial refusal to give it back. Chicago State employee being investigated for doing campaign work for Davis while on the clock.
Brainerd Community Development Corporation getting grants that includes paying rent who then use Davis’ office for their activities without paying her rent while their employees do campaign work for Davis like kicking competition off the ballot.
Legislative tuition waivers going to connected people outside of her district. Saying that closing failing public schools is akin to what Hitler would have done during the German whatever. Keith Olbermann’s worst person in the world award for her uneducated, elitist, and bigoted remarks in the chamber that it is dangerous for children to even know atheists exist.
Nice job by Michael Madigan vetting Scott Lee Cohen BEFORE he won the primary, BTW. And then making sure his Democratic Party wasn’t embarrassed by Cohen winning. 1986 wasn’t a good year for Madigan’s team either.
- Nuance - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:08 pm:
By pure definition, the worst politicians are those that did not get elected:)
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:11 pm:
I know, Steve, but these are tougher times and some are a bit crankier than usual.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:14 pm:
Jan Schakowsky - for those on the left who think Congressmen like Aaron Schock and John Shimkus are merely GOP mouthpieces - what do you think of Jan? She’s the same. And she’s quite mean and vitriolic and as partisan as a Congressperson can be.
- reformer - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:18 pm:
== By pure definition, the worst politicians are those that did not get elected:) ==
By that definition, Steve Rauschenberger has to be a contender. For the last decade, he has been on a losing streak, running for 5 offices and losing them all.
He ran twice for GOP national committeeman, for US Senate, for governor, and, in 2010, for his old state senate seat. When it comes to losing consistently, Steven is a contender for best in class.
- TellUsTheTruth - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:18 pm:
Barack Obama - for a ton of bad economic data that has been released these past few weeks.
- Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:19 pm:
“By pure definition, the worst politicians are those that did not get elected:)”
Or to refine that more, the worst could be people like me who were never able to even get on the ballot. I would’ve nominated myself but I’m not actively campaigning. 6-10 years ago it would’ve been true.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:23 pm:
Tie: Gags Brady and DeadbeatJoe Walsh
Since they are an inseperable pair they must share the honor. Never has someone(s) generated so much noise, accomplished so little and provide zero value to the people of IL.
Best wishes for many more years of “service”
- 1776 - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:25 pm:
Local: Sam Cahnman - enough said.
State: Dan Duffy - pompus jack@#$. A member of the “common sense caucus” who put himself on a pedestal as beyond reproach. Then this year, he sponsored a smoking discrimination bill for only 1 company (CCTC) in Illinois after taking nearly $15,000 in political donations from the same company (Cancer Care Treatment Centers) and their executives who benefitted from the law.
He should be kicked out of the common sense caucus if they follow their own rules!!!!!
- redrum - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:35 pm:
Lauzen, Duffy, Lahood, Bivens, McCan and McCarter are founding fathers of the “DO NOTHING BUT COMPLAIN Caucus.” Not only are they poor legislators, but these self-righteous pols act as if they cannot change the system they claim to loath. As elected politicians one would think they could locate “the bill room” and convince their colleagues to make changes. It’s on thing to vote against bills, but it’s another to be a self-righteous obstructionist. If these slackers represented me, I’d demand a recount.
- Chevy owner/Ford County - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:52 pm:
If electoral success is a measure of how good a politician is (and it should be) then frequent candidate, perpetual loser Jim Oberweis is the winner for the past decade. He’s not lost because of lack of funds or having no credibility….he’s lost because he’s a bad politician. Say what you want about Walsh (and I agree, he’s pretty horrible) but at least he has a victory under his belt.
- Rob - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:53 pm:
Rahm Emmanuel.
He puts an acceptable sheen over some ruthless behavior.
- Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:54 pm:
I’m going to have to go with Brady. He got me to vote for Pat Quinn. I like the Governor, he’s a great guy, but he really shouldn’t be governor. And guess what–knowing what I know now, I still wouldn’t change my vote.
- Lil' Enchilada - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 3:56 pm:
Right on redrum. WHINERS.
- Levois - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:30 pm:
Does Rod Blagojevich count? And sorry for bringing up his name if he were still around he’d be example No. 1 in my book.
- BrianG - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 4:35 pm:
Aaron Schock.
$85,000 dollars for luxury hotels including the Bevely Wilshire and Breaker’s in Palm Beach. $5,000 dollars for “office equipment” from Eurotrash, and he is too cheap to buy a P90X with his own money.
- Dirt Diver - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 5:15 pm:
Gotta put my 2 cents in for Jack Franks as I can’t believe he hasn’t been mentioned. Biggest self-promoter there is in the General Assembly. I don’t know how that man calls himself a Democrat. Lacks accountability. Tried to cash in on the whole pension abuse issue by sponsoring a bill to remove 2 IFT lobbyists from TRS that were allowed into TRS by legislation that he voted for. He claims he didn’t realize the bill he voted for did that.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 5:27 pm:
I was gonna nominate Mr. Trigg, as he is clearly running for something, but Sen. Schmidt regretfully knocks him out.
Please. Resign. Now.
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 6:57 pm:
Suzi Schmidt would get my nod for doing stuff over and over. However, does anybody take her seriously?
Instead, Bill “Kill The Puppies” Brady gets my nod. To lose to Quinn last year was amazingly bad. From the moment he got the nomination, he did absolutely nothing right. He proved he is absolutely clueless when about any voters not on the extreme right.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:31 pm:
-$5,000 dollars for “office equipment” from Eurotrash-
“Eurotrash?” Seriously?
I would not touch that one with a ten-foot pole.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:40 pm:
I’m beginning to believe that they all have some sort of a bet going to see who can be the most depraved and still be accepted by the public. Otherwise, why would it be so difficult to chose just one for this honor?
- Jimbo - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:48 pm:
Does this include or exclude those indicted,or those incarcerated,or those under investigation?Clarifying this will make a big impact on the number to be considered.
- reformer - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 7:53 pm:
Sam Cahnman did win re-election last year as Springfield alderman against a Cross staffer after Sam’s arrest and subsequent acquittal.
It’s true he lost a House primary this March, but no one in the state beat a Madigan-backed candidate in the primary.
- Don Juan Springfield - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 10:07 pm:
Here are some who deserve mention: Mike Bost delivers hate on a plate, and can’t even pull off a rehearsed hissy fit without missing his mark. Shane Cultra is both mysterious and incompetent. Thaddeus Jones has offputting manners. Al Riley wins most pompous, even though he is often completely illogical. Noland is a benign tumor at this point, but should be removed before he becomes cancerous. Ramey is a mercenary but still couldn’t cut it. Reboletti is an overrated attention-seeker. I could go on. It is an embarrassment of riches.
- John - Wednesday, Jun 13, 12 @ 11:19 pm:
Democrats: Derrick Smith. He got busted for taking a $7,000 bribe.
Republicans: This one wasn’t very hard our winner is Suzi Schmidt. Voted for ObamaCare and it is obvious that she whacko. Fighting over a BIRD FEEDER??? Come on…………. Bill Brady was a close second.
Honorable Mentions: Bill Brady, Christine Radogno, Randy Ramey, Jim Oberwies, Tom Cross, Monique Davis Mike Madigan, Pat Quinn, Mike Noland, Jesse Jackson Jr. and Jan Schakowsky
- Berwyn Bob - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 6:31 am:
Congressman Luis Gutierrez — has done nothing for the district except attend to his own personal needs; used his clout to help his wife get fees; engages poorly in regional local elections — in the last election, all four of his candidates that he backed lost: (munoz, montes, lozano, reyes).
- House of Pain - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 6:53 am:
Senator Mike Jacobs with out a doubt. His statements leave even his own party wondering what he is talking about. His fiasco with the Com Ed bill, punching other senators, a real class act.
- WizzardOfOzzie - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 7:43 am:
There are a lot of very good nominees.
For Congress, Joe Walsh for all the above mentioned reasons and Jesse Jackson Jr for serving no purpose in Congress than to satsify his own ego.
I’ll throw one more out there. Danny Davis. Can anyone come up with one thing Davis has achieved in Washington? He represents downtown Chicago but yet is the definition of back bencher.
Since I’m late to this thread I’ll offer some names that haven’t been mentioned. In the Senate, Kyle McCarter. He is about as unpleasant a person as there is. He treats people awfullly and has no interest in working with others. While Dan Duffy is a blowhard, McCarter is simply the biggest jerk in Springfield.
Speaking of blowhards, let’s give Jack Franks a nomination. He has no interest in accomplishing anything in Springfield other than setting the appearance record for the Blue Room.
Anazette Collins is pretty brutal too. She represents the west side of Chicago but votes with the NRA. That’s not including her legislative scholarships, residency, and other ethical issues. Thank goodness she’s leaving. (P.S. I’m sure that she wishes she hadn’t taken the Senate seat so that she could get her daughter appointed to her old House seat.)
- Excessively Rabid - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 8:03 am:
Roland Burris MUST be running for something.
- Oswego Joe - Thursday, Jun 14, 12 @ 8:16 am:
William Kelly - clueless as a candidate for comptroller and now trying to appeal to the O’Malley wing of the GOP in an apparent attempt to further his media career.