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Question of the day

Tuesday, Jun 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We talked about Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady’s attacks on House Speaker Madigan and Attorney General Lisa Madigan last week. Chairman Brady talked about his “Leprechaun” dig at Speaker Madigan and his “press release” mocking AG Madigan in advance of Father’s Day with the Associated Press…

Brady said his goal is to make a statewide issue out of Madigan’s decades in power. “The message we’re going to drive home is that a vote for any Democrat is a vote for Michael Madigan,” he said.

Madigan spokesman Steve Brown said the “petty” strategy won’t affect pension negotiations and won’t succeed at the ballot box. He predicted it will eat up Republican resources without helping them win any legislative races.

“Attacking people’s families seldom does anybody any good,” Brown said.

* The Question: Will attacking the Madigan family help the Republicans win campaigns this November? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.


  1. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:09 pm:

    Polling has consistently showed that attacking the Speaker is a losing strategy.

    It MIGHT help motivate the base, which doesn’t say a lot for Mitt Romney.

    However, independent voters not only don’t know who Mike Madigan is, they are craving nonpartisan leadership.

  2. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:10 pm:

    Nope. Here’s why: it isn’t as if either Madigan is a Nancy Pelosi symbol of liberalism. They aren’t white wine sipping elitists, they aren’t Hollywood liberals, they don’t fly around on private jets.

    When you really examine Mike Madigan’s politics, he’s fairly conservative. Lisa is more liberal but far from the caricature Pat Brady is trying to draw. Voters are smart enough to know the difference between what their political opponents say about them versus what their actual record is.

    But please, by all means, spend a fortune on this strategy.

  3. - Freeman - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:11 pm:

    Attacking family? No.

    Attacking nepotism? Yes.

  4. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:14 pm:

    Freeman, your answer still requires an explanation of how it’s a winning GOP strategy.

  5. - PQ's Primary Opponent - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:15 pm:

    A waste of time!! Find better candidates and win more legislative races…

  6. - Long term - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:17 pm:

    What about Brady’s long-term strategy. They think Lisa will be tougher to beat in a race against Dillard/Brady/Shock. They hope that they can drive up her negatives and keep her from beating Quinn in 2014 primary. Thoughts?

  7. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:18 pm:

    Forget about the polling..election results show it is a fools errand to attack the Speaker and his family.
    Ask BrickheadJoe how well that worked. He went from a beloved guy who tried to assassinate Rolando Cruz four times to a mope pol from the ‘burbs who counted key pals/funders guys who defended losers who tossed their wives in bonfires

  8. - Palos Park Bob - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:20 pm:

    Alinsky said that ridicule is a key element in weakening your opponents, and he was right in some respects. If an opponent is factually correct and has logic on their side, you need to demean them because you can’t make a logical argument to win your point.

    The problem here is that Madigan doesn’t really have a “message” to ridicule, or a logical argument for why his policies are virtually destroying Illinois. He’s not DEFENDING his policies, he’s just not addressing their flaws.

    It’s obvious Lisa wouldn’t be where she is today without her Dad. Everyone knows this. What’s to ridicule, it’s just “The Chicago Way”.

    These attacks don’t weaken a Madigan position or diminish a person of fearsome political power so that others will be encouraged to oppose him.

    No point to this at all.

  9. - Robert - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:21 pm:

    Lisa polls considerably better than Mike. So why tie Lisa to Mike if you are trying to attack Mike, even if there wasn’t backlash in attacking a man’s family? Doesn’t make any sense to me.

    There are several ways, fair and unfair, of attacking Mike Madigan’s power without attacking his family - a couple come to mind: (1) the Tribune story about his property tax appeal business; claim it represents a conflict of interest, demand he resign from one or the other; (2) blame him for not doing pension reform, point to all the money he has received from public employee unions over the year.

  10. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:26 pm:

    Did we mention how amazing it is that Billboard’s is still supporting is move after being whacked year after year and now facing a decade of demise
    Of course,he is be Rebootied this cycle so all memories have been blinded by blizzard of cash.

    perhaps Gags could check with WhackyJack Roeser and MicheleForIllinois to see how well the family attack plan went over.

  11. - Ononymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:28 pm:

    Lisa isn’t running for governor. Why are people obsessed with this notion that she is running for governor?

  12. - Shore - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:34 pm:

    Yes. People realize the madigans, plural, are the problem, and at least on the north shore are very ready to dump springfield democrats but aren’t going to do so quite yet. In part this is because of the pathetic state of gop state party leadership, in part because of the pathetic state of gop party springfield political leadership, and in part because the state party has not made the case yet of why them. For these attacks on the madigan family to be effective at least in the suburbs the Republican party needs to make the case to a new generation of suburban voters who have voted democrat for president, that they are a better alternative and sorry but cross and radogno-with her constant unhappy face don’t inspire much faith.

  13. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:38 pm:

    Attacking anyone’s family is distasteful and in bad form. However this isn’t just any family. The only Madigan’s I’ve heard of are the Speaker and his daughter, the Attorney General. If the attacks are limited to those two, I think it’s fair game. I don’t know if such a strategy will help or hurt the Republicans. If there’s no deal struck on the pensions and other looming issues, that tactic could resonate with voters.

  14. - OurMagician - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:39 pm:

    Voters continue to reelect Madigan for 30 years (minus 2 in the 90’s) to be Speaker despite the mess the state’s been in. Why would attacking them now change anything?

  15. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:47 pm:

    I don’t see how, for a number of reasons:

    1. Presidential year. Who are the undecideds that are going to be paying attention to Pat Brady and his tortured narrative about “The Madigans.”

    2. Lisa Madigan is very popular. Despite the impression you get from men like Kass and Brady, she wasn’t handed anything. She won elections, the last two with 72% and 65% of the statewide vote, respectively. Are you trying to convince the great majority of voters that they’re stupid? Brilliant strategy.

    3. My intuition tells me that many voters, especially women, are turned off by juvenile attacks that seek to belittle successful, professional women. What independents or undecideds are going to be moved by such childishness?

  16. - Willie Stark - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:49 pm:

    Personally, I like Pat Brady’s frat-house humor, slurs, sexism and general meanness. It’s a great strategy with considerable appeal to voters outside of one element of the core GOP. Full-speed ahead, boys! Victory awaits.

  17. - roadiepig - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:50 pm:

    Michael is not a saint, nor a likeable figure, but Brady’s strategy is a bad one for two simple reasons:

    1. Lisa Madigan is a well liked politician (rare for Illinois) that the R’s couldn’t even get a credible candidate to run against the last election.

    2. Sins of the father are not applicable to the child, especially if the child is a daughter.

  18. - Common Sense - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 12:50 pm:

    Attacking the family makes sense, but only if done correctly. Go after Mike and his pension ties(ie.contributions from unions) and his sleazy law practice which benefits major doners. Go after Lisa if it is relation to her total lack of finding any crimes in Sringfield or Chicago.Has she prosecuted even one politician? No, the feds have done all the work.The Madigan’s run the state like a fiefdom and get away with it since they control the $$ and investigatory power.

  19. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:05 pm:

    =Attacking anyone’s family is distasteful and in bad form.=

    There was once a time that this statement would have been followed up with a “period,” rather than a “however.” How times have changed.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:07 pm:

    I voted “No” …

    You couldn’t find anyone to run against Lisa, and people who run for office usually know about what is going on versus the average voter.


    Lisa polls great.


    Lisa Ain’t running this time.

    So ….

    The strategy, (which others posted here would never happen) of going against Lisa and the Speaker is based on running against a very popular Attorney General, who can’t get a formitable opponent from the GOP, and going against her Father, the Speaker, as a Wedge to get more people to vote Republican.

    All the while, not one step points to a ground game strategy against people who ARE running, and issues that are talked about around the Kitchen Table.

    DOPE! I can only guess that Chairman Brady does NOT want to win come November. Speaker Madigan, and more specifically Lisa Madigan, are not winning issues to the average voters, and the GOP has no mechanism to get voters en mass to the voting booths TO win.

    Maybe this is to cover-up the inept HGOP and SGOP’s GOTV and then Brady can take the heat for both chambers getting “Veto-Proofed”

    Someone point out how this is a “winner”???

  21. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:09 pm:

    But, then again, the GOP used to be doing pretty well back then and obviously didn’t feel as desperate and insecure as they seem to be now. Still, I don’t think that our leaders back then would have stooped to this level. They would have found other ways.

  22. - Freeman - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:12 pm:

    Good point Rich, as always.

    No: if the plan is simply railing against the Madigan clan for being Madigans, then it serves no purpose. It just becomes more hot air. In addition, I’m not a big fan of bringing family members into play or tarring family members with the same brush, even if all involved are public officials. Lisa is not Mike & vice versa, the sins of the father should not be visited upon the son(daughter), etc..

    Yes: If this serves as the focal point of a larger, more comprehensive narrative. Portraying MM as the enabler (whether fair or not) and grand facilitator of the poor leadership and legisaltive choices plaguing our state.

    Tie it not just to Springfield, but his role as the all powerful head of the Democratic party in Illinois. Jones, Lipinski, Lisa, Stroger, Steele, etc.

    Remind voters he “gave” us Blago twice (despite their fights and the fact he helped stave off additional disasters once Blago was in office; their mind games and running battles, especially towards the end of session, were always amusing).

    Remind voters that he shepherded his daughter into a constitutional position as the top legal officer in Illinois despite having never tried a case. Raise the question of why she doesn’t prosecute any of her Daddy’s friends and sits on her hands while others pursue corruption charges (regardless of whether that’s in her purview or not, and regardless of the possible allegations of favoritism or abuse of power even if she did).

    Lay virtually everything at his feet, including the fact his leadership has given us Derrick Smith, etc.

    Wrap it all up with facts about our current state of affairs. Pensions, graduation rates, homicide rates, funding for the disabled, etc. Run through the list of all the areas we are falling short in serving the public. That is why all those other things matter, and that is why people should care. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for more Madigan, more decay and more of the same.

    It’s the same principle Democrats used nationally when running against Bush in 2008, and Republicans will use nationally this year. It is a referendum on the party leader and the current state of affairs.

    It may not all stick, but enough certainly would.

    Ultimately, if this is an opening salvo, fine. Run with it. Paint the picture of a tarnished government with MM at the top of the pyramid.

    You may well pick up a few votes from some of the individuals being hurt by our current policy choices. If nothing else, and you play your cards right, folks may decide to vote for only 1 Republican on their entire ballot - whoever is running for the House in their local district. It would have nothing to do with their local candidates, and everything to do with placing a check on MM’s power and bumping him as Speaker.

    If this critique, however, isn’t an opening salvo but rather the end game, then it’s a counterproductive waste of time.

  23. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:13 pm:

    @Willy -

    Let’s also not forget there’s the distinct possibility of a political backfire.

    You really don’t want to be on Madigans’ radar. Either one of them.

  24. - benevolent hegemon - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:15 pm:

    Voted no. In my view the Madigan family is too “inside baseball” to be a factor in a statewide election.

    Over and over, the Illinois electorate has demonstrated they really love their corruptocrats—a two term Blago is proof enough. Most people like the status quo, otherwise they would have joined the reform tsunami in ‘10. They didn’t.

    The only thing that could possibly work for the ILGOP is to make the case they could improve the lives of the populace—but how? The Democrats have dug such a deep hole over the last decade, all there is to look forward to is more taxes and (maybe) more cuts.

    With the Illinois constitution being a suicide pact which won’t allow any change in public employee pensions, I just don’t get how the GOP could git ‘er done.

    For the most part, I really think Illinois voters love their Blue Model government—Big Government, Big Labor and Big Business. I have yet to see any disenchantment with it.

    Which means trouble for the GOP—there is no way they can out-Democrat the Democrats.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:20 pm:


    True, and there seesm to be a political strategy “disconnect” with the ILGOP and the politcal realities of what is going on in Illinois, versus what Chairman Brady thinks is a good strategy, polling notwithstanding.

    Someone tackle Chairman Brady. Tell him he doesn’t need to go down this road and, as Chairman, he should not be seen as “petty and childish” when Illinois has real problems and the ILGOP has no message regarding these issues and no mechanism to get voters who agree with the GOP to the polls!

    Tin Ear Brady … ruining my party …. thanks!

  26. - Mr. Ethics - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:22 pm:

    Yes, many are fed up with Illinois Dems. While beating the Madigans is not going to happen, their powers can be limited by electing more Republicans.

  27. - Jeff Trigg - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:24 pm:

    No, because Illinois voters are ignorant. It should work, but it won’t.

  28. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:24 pm:

    =You really don’t want to be on Madigans’ radar. Either one of them.=

    Another reflection of how times have changed. That statement should put at least doubt, if not fear into people’s minds overall.

    However, the last few years seem to indicate that there’s been in a shift in personal attacks–at least at the State level. IMHO, I’d imagine that the Dems, particularly the Madigans, wouldn’t be the first to attack in such a way, and if provoked, they’d either walk away or not use excessive force if someone kept nipping at their heels.

    On the other hand, the GOP–especially over the last couple of years, seem to only know how to attack in this way.

    Probably has alot to do with who’s on top and who’s on bottom–and who is determined to get back at the whole world for the abuse they’ve suffered over the years. It’s like the losers in high school have taken over the student council and they’re now going to try to make everyone’s life miserable to show how powerful and “popular” they are.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:24 pm:

    ===While beating the Madigans is not going to happen, their powers can be limited by electing more Republicans. ===

    How are you going to elect more Republicans by focusing on the Madigans? How are you going to identify the voters and further, how do you get them to the polls?

    This is what is called … the Disconnect.

    Not a winning strategy.

  30. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:33 pm:

    Thinking about it some more, though, I suppose it is somewhat “refreshing” to see our current “leaders” attacking Democrats, rather than their own. And I’m not referring to the reputation that Conservatives have lashing out against RINOs or the reputation elders have for eating their young because they don’t want to reliquish control until the newbies manage to take it away from them.

    I’m referring to the “rabids” in the GOP, who just seem to be extremely unhappy and bitter people.

  31. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:34 pm:

    Good to rally the base, but there needs to be more. People feel there is nothing that can be done about Mike. People also seem to like Lisa.

  32. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:38 pm:

    No, attacking the Madigans just tells me you guys don’t have anything else to offer, like a political message telling voters why we should vote for your side instead?

  33. - Frank - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:39 pm:

    I walked several precincts two years ago in a suburban Dem-leaning district and the political figure people complained about the most — by far — was Madigan. And it seemed the better the voter was informed about Springfield, the more they complained about the Speaker. Some of the biggest Madigan detractors I encountered seemed to be liberal leaning voters.

    So you can’t blame the GOP for giving it a shot. The problem for the Republicans is that their increasingly conservative/obstructionist candidates will have a hard time winning independent, reform-minded, anti-Madigan voters.

    The Lisa-bashing is counter productive. She’s not on the ballot and the attacks needlessly personalize the issue. Every poll I’ve seen the last couple years shows Lisa’s approval ratings are sky high. That fact that she’s been put in the mix by Brady has me guessing that the state GOP has not poll-tested their anti-Madigan message.

  34. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:42 pm:

    –=Attacking anyone’s family is distasteful and in bad form.=

    There was once a time that this statement would have been followed up with a “period,” rather than a “however.” How times have changed. –

    I don’t know. Rachel Jackson was driven to her grave by the anti-Jackson press. Mary Lincoln was called a spendthrift. Eleanor Roosevelt and Hilary Clinton took a beating. Classy Rush called 13-year-old Chelsea Clinton “a dog” and said Amy Carter was ugly.

    There’s always someone willing to go there.

  35. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:44 pm:

    === Voters continue to reelect Madigan for 30 years (minus 2 in the 90’s) to be Speaker despite the mess the state’s been in. ===

    The electorate does not vote for Speaker — the collective group of state representatives vote for Speaker.

  36. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:51 pm:

    =Attacking anyone’s family is distasteful and in bad form.=

    There was once a time that this statement would have been followed up with a “period,” rather than a “however.” How times have changed.

    ….My point was, if it was only the father in politics, attacking the rest of the family would be improper. But LM an elected official and a public figure. A well-liked public figure, but a public figure nonetheless.

  37. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:52 pm:

    =There’s always someone willing to go there.=

    Answer: “However, the last few years seem to indicate that there’s been in a shift in personal attacks–at least at the State level.”

    =Good to rally the base, but there needs to be more.=

    Yes, we need to go back to the days where the GOP were know for honor, strengh, and grace in how they used their power…rather than for wanting to become rock stars and prom queens without any substance whatsoever and a clue as to what they should do next beyond photo ops and annoying press releases.

  38. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:54 pm:

    @Just Observing -


    Let me make one sticky, hairy point.

    According to the House Journal, Mike Madigan received 115 votes for Speaker.

    In fact, Tom Cross moved that Madigan be elected Unanimously.

    Cross received one vote for Speaker: from Madigan.

  39. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:56 pm:

    =My point was, if it was only the father in politics, attacking the rest of the family would be improper.=

    You seem to believe that others believe that the only reason Lisa is where she is, and holds on to wha she has, is because of her father. While I’m sure she had a bit of an advantage being raised in a political household, she doesn’t strike me as a “princess” who is just riding on her daddy’s coattails. She seems to be able to handle her own, with or without daddy’s help.

  40. - ZC - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 1:56 pm:

    Why single out a man who is still under the radar for most undecided / swing voters? I’d just attack unified Democratic rule in Springfield; they control everything, the state sucks, time for a change, etc. Were I a Republican.

    Going after Madigan might work in some highly educated affluent “independent” suburbs with a high percentage of Tribune readers. But then Dems in those districts call themselves more independent. Still as a localized factor it might work I suppose in a few swing seats, which is most of the ballgame anyways. I would need to see the polling to be confident here.

    And Lord leave Lisa out of it …

  41. - Bruno Behrend - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 2:04 pm:

    One doesn’t attack a family member, but the fact is that Lisa is an AG with a record, and MM is the most powerful and influential politician in the state. While other factors come into play, this is MM’s Illinois.

    Hence, one attacks their records, which are separate, not their “family.” Further, one must have an alternative, which is something the Rs have been missing for a decade of election cycles.

    The Rs with a vision have a difficult time selling it to the establishment wing (this is intended as a descriptor, not a pejorative) of their party, and the establishment wing is uninterested in the “vision thing.” They merely want their hands on the levers of power again, and rely on the “We don’t suck as bad” strategy.

    No wonder they fail.

  42. - Knome Sane - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 2:08 pm:

    I voted no. As in Hell No.

    The last Republicans who “got it” and developed the right strategy for winning the House and Senate back from the Democrats were Lee Daniels (yes, but for just one cycle) and Pate Philip.

    The one tried-and true formula that Mike Madigan uses and wins on is: “better candidate recruitment, better messaging and GOTV”. These shenanigans that Pat Brady, Tom Cross, and Christine Rodogno depend on so much are nothing more than smoke-screens to obscure the fact that they are out-witted, out-smarted, and out-maneuvered. Until time ad infinitum.

  43. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 2:09 pm:

    @ZC -

    That’s just the problem with this strategy. They are practically begging Lisa Madigan to campaign in these targeted districts where she’s extremely popular.

    I always shrewdly assumed that at least part of the reason that Lisa Madigan hasn’t had a serious opponent in a decade was because Republicans had figured out that it was in their best interest not to have her out there campaigning and not have the Chairman of the Democratic Party pulling out all stops to get out every single Democratic vote. And then some.

    If that WAS the case, it is no longer.

  44. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 2:16 pm:

    LM (is) an elected official and a public figure. A well-liked public figure, but a public figure nonetheless.

    She’s a public figure, I’m not drawing any other conclusions. Also this statement:
    You mean like Dems and their allies in the press attacking Sarah Palin’s children—including (and especially) her special needs son?

    The Palin camp told the world her daughter was preggers. Not the Dems. As regards to her special needs son, I know of no attacks in that regard. If that allegatiion is true and not Fox New hyperventilating, it’s despicable.

  45. - Endangered Moderate Species - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 2:47 pm:

    LM and MM are both fair game. The “don’t touch family argument”, doesn’t fly in this case. With that being said, the strategy will backfire for the GOP. They will continue to fire up the base, but as the base gets fired up they will continue to drive off independents. It puts the GOP moderate incumbents, who are in safe districts, in a box. Those candidates have to begin engaging in the game of, “who is a better conservative?” or “who has more dislike for the Madigan’s?”. Will the GOP ever give us another Thompson or Edgar? Probably not for awhile, because those types of politicians seem to be weeded out of the new GOP.

  46. - curtis - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 2:48 pm:

    Whether it’s a winning strategy or not, the fact remains the Republican Party has never successfully tied the Democrats (the brand) to the current state of Illinois. Sully the Democrats as a whole, and you might have something.

  47. - siriusly - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 2:51 pm:

    I voted no. Not a winning strategy, we’ve seen it tried before even with the Tribune’s help. Voters only care about their candidate, not who their candidate votes for Speaker, etc. It’s too much of a stretch. Voters don’t have that sort of attention span.

    Knome Sane - did you just give Lee Daniels credit for 1994? I’m going to say it had way more to do with Clinton and Gingrich than Lee and Pate.

    but you are correct in stating that Madigan learned his lesson that year, and he won’t lose his majority again - as long as he is there

  48. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:06 pm:

    Of course it won’t help. Between Pat Brady and Mike Bost, the IL GOP comes across as a bunch of hot-headed buffoons.

    Maybe Pat Brady is a Democrat mole. Hard to believe the Repubs would be stupid enough to have a state chairman this inept and clueless. But then again….

  49. - Bluefish - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:06 pm:

    I voted no. If the GOP wants to get back in power they need a strategy to regain the turf in the suburbs they lost over the past decade. Belittling LM is not a strategy that will work here.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:10 pm:

    ===Maybe Pat Brady is a Democrat mole. Hard to believe the Repubs would be stupid enough to have a state chairman this inept and clueless.===

    To all my GOP Brethren … Just think.

    Take pause and think about this strategy, and how this can lead to victory. Is it time for Chairman Brady to be “Former” Chairman Brady.

    Think, fellow GOPers … think.

  51. - Louie - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:16 pm:

    The only thing to help the GOP is hard work, money, and reminding the voters the democrats increased taxes 67% and the state still can’t pay its bills.

  52. - reformer - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:19 pm:

    The GOP tried to make Madigan the issue in 2010. They spectacularly under-performed in a historic sweep election where Republicans picked up a record number of legislative seats — in other states.

    Since it didn’t work last time, they figure they’ll try to do the same thing again this year, under a new Madigan map and with Obama at the top of the ticket. Yeah, that’ll work — this time for sure!

  53. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:29 pm:

    =Think, fellow GOPers … think.=

    And therein lies the quandry, Willy. Many of us are thinking: As the “highest-ranking GOP official in the State” (who even seemed to manage to get some press, indicating that same applies to ILGOP operations over Brady), what would Mark Kirk do?

    And that now makes some of us throw up a little in our mouths. It could get worse.

  54. - Southern Illinois - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:41 pm:

    I think even many people who are not Mike Madigan fans like Lisa. She has worked hard to get to where she is, she served in the Peace Corps, she is very competent in her own right.
    Surely the Republicans can come up with a better plan.

  55. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:41 pm:

    Remember the reaction to the $5 straw poll? Don’t know who came up with that PR scam (which teed off alot of people), but many have taken guesses as to who did and it stuck, especially in light of recent events.

    I know that this isn’t going to be received well by some, but some I’ve talked to are starting to believe that it’s a “10th District Disconnect” thing. Not only do the candidates/former officials seem to be completely removed from the overall population, but they only seem to excel at pandering to whoever can, and saying/doing whatever they need to do to, fill up their coffers. That’s how they measure success.

    Some have yet to exhibit one redeeming Republican virtue.

  56. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:48 pm:

    Even the truth when it came to ONE virtue Kirk actually did possess wound up being exaggerated over extended periods of time, because…?

  57. - Madison - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 3:53 pm:

    Apparently the same guy who thought up this strategy managed the Brady/Plummer ticket as well…the way these people do business they could make a MM out of any ordinary democrat.

  58. - 1776 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 4:49 pm:

    NO. If this strategy worked well then Lee Daniels would have been speaker more than two years in the 1990s. Tom Cross would have been speaker the last two years.

    You can ask people if they want Chicago politicians running southern Illinois/central Illinois and it polls well. But when voters go to the polls, it ranks behind jobs, education, etc.

  59. - Virginia Slim - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 5:00 pm:

    I attended the GOP State Convention a few weeks ago. It was painfully obvious that the entire event was a contrived and hollow non-event. I saw first hand the divisive and disfunctional atmosphere that essentially accomplished nothing. Will Pat Brady admit the most attended and popula/fun event at the entire convention was the Ron Paul Hospitality Room ? I doubt it. I do not think the Pat Brady led state GOP has any clue at all and is relying purely on an ANTI stance to the status quo. That ‘plan’ may has some merit, but it sure does not offer any SOLUTIONS. If anti- Madigan is all he can come up with then the GOP will be relegated to the the 2nd string for at least the next decade. The real losers are the citizens of Illinois who want change but only have hollow shills like Pat Brady supposedly ‘advocating’ on their behalf.

  60. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 5:03 pm:

    No. The way it should go is the Repubs come up with a good rationale for a plan to fix the fiscal issues. Then they should write a bill that does that. Then they should seek support from the other side of the aisle. Then when no support is forthcoming, go ahead and blame D leaders…including the Speaker. But don’t attack without a plan. Idiots!

  61. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 5:18 pm:

    Gotta respond to Shore. I worked in the north suburbs for a long time and have a lot of good connections. The northern suburbs are changing. Look at the losses of legislators…Hamos a couple of years ago and Beth Coulson (I know, but she was a D in R clothing), and kathy Ryg, then Susan Garret, now Karen May and Jeff Schoenberg. That leaves Elaine Nekritz, who is a superstar herself. But that group of legislators was indeed the Dream Team.

    Maybe northern suburban voters will want change in Springfield, but they still vote D pretty consistently. With the very strong exception of Beth Coulson there has not been a good Republican legislator with a northern suburban address in two decades.

    So with change, I expect the voters from Wilmette to Lake Forest to Northbrook to Glenview to go “home” and vote for what they know…a Democrat. That isn’t gonna help put more R’s in the House or the Senate.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 6:01 pm:

    ===With the very strong exception of Beth Coulson there has not been a good Republican legislator with a northern suburban address in two decades.===

    Mark Beaubien was in Lake County, and a good legislator, good republican, and an even better person …

  63. - reformer - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 6:25 pm:

    == the Repubs come up with a good rationale for a plan to fix the fiscal issues.==

    The Republicans don’t want to specify what they would do to fix state finances because it would entail too much pain — including the closure of downstate prisons in GOP districts, slashing education funding and other unpopular measures.

    Instead, they prefer finger-pointing and criticizing whatever the Democrats do.

  64. - park - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 6:44 pm:

    actually a very smart strategy…I’m surprised they came up with it. Mike Madigan is feared and respected by CCD’s, but everyone else hates him. and he DOES represent most of what’s wrong in Illinois politics. His little ’silent ceasar’ act is getting pretty old. Plus, he has not come up with any good ideas in years. He’s been the power while the State went to blazes….think people don’t get that?

    re: Lisa? I think her act is getting a little old. Despite all her apologists, she’s losing steam. Being a woman candidate isn’t going to be enough in 2 years. Compared to most big state AG’s, she’s done very little.

  65. - Jimbo - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 7:23 pm:

    Accomplishments or not, the Rs couldn’t even run someone against her last time, and the time before, what did she get? Like 80% of the vote? If she ran for gov, it would be hers. Just deal with it and move on.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 7:31 pm:

    ===re: Lisa? I think her act is getting a little old. Despite all her apologists, she’s losing steam. Being a woman candidate isn’t going to be enough in 2 years. Compared to most big state AG’s, she’s done very little. ===

    This is why we are in the Minority! Read a poll, or see how scared the ILGOP is when trying to decide who wants to lose to her.

    I hope you are not in ILGOP leadership! If you think Lisa’s act is getting old … then plan on it being old for as long as she wants it to be old. Right now, Lisa can’t be touched in polling, irregardless of who her dad is.

  67. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 9:31 pm:

    =Mark Beaubien was in Lake County, and a good legislator, good republican, and an even better person …=

    Mark lived in and served in the Barrington Area. I do not believe that the suburbs that comprise the area consider themselves “north” suburbs; they’re located northwest. And while part of the area is in Lake County, the area spans across four–if not five counties.

  68. - mark walker - Tuesday, Jun 19, 12 @ 10:05 pm:

    My read in the NW suburbs is that anti-incumbent, anti-waste, and anti-Democrat tax messages can gain traction. Anti-Madigan messages just don’t mean anything to anyone not politically connected. It’s a loser for Brady’s GOP, and it shows how out-of-touch with voters, and in-touch with party insiders, he is.

  69. - Common Sense - Wednesday, Jun 20, 12 @ 2:48 am:

    Attacking Lisa is just plain dumb, and depreciates from the attacks on Da Speaker. Lisa is well liked & has done a descent job. Mike has done more than enough to attack him on. He is very unpopular in some downstate districts, so attacking him would work in those districts if done correctly, but now the way these Republican clowns are doing it.

  70. - titan - Wednesday, Jun 20, 12 @ 8:29 am:

    Attacking the AG would seem to be pretty poor strategy (she’s politically popular, and it appears that the AG’s office runs pretty well).

    Going after the Speaker (as the Illinois political kingpin and proxy for al things one might not like about how the state is going) in even or GOP tilt areas may be efective

  71. - colby - Wednesday, Jun 20, 12 @ 10:10 am:

    I say no- I just don’t think MM resonates with enough voters to move the needle. How many non-junkies even know who he is? How many of those people have an opinion of him? How many of those opinions are strong enough to change a vote- yet weak enough to be influenced by some ILGOP press releases? And how many people will connect that opinion to the races they actually vote on- which, for the vast majority of the state, don’t have MM on the ballot?

    LM’s another story, she’s plenty well-known in the state. But you can tear her down quite a ways and still be left with a very formidable opponent. Might be better to train that fire elsewhere.

    None of which is to say that these attacks are unfair. Just not the best use of the Republicans’ resources.

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