Question of the day
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * As you know, the first day of summer was yesterday. Two of my nieces celebrated the solstice… ![]() * The Question: What are your summer plans?
Today’s number: 3.3 million
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Justin Bieber’s show last night was said to be a total bust…
* But Bieber’s 3.3 million viewership was still way more than any of the cable TV news networks attracted Tuesday night at 8pm Eastern… ![]() Discuss.
Today’s quote: Forby on Chicago and Quinn
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Emotions are definitely running high in southern Illinois over Gov. Pat Quinn’s decision to close some state facilities down there. As I told you yesterday, the Southern Illinoisan reported that Sen. Gary Forby (D-Benton) said he’d like to release the prisoners from the Tamms “supermax” prison onto Chicago streets in retaliation for closing the prison. But nobody covered something else that Forby said… * If you can’t watch videos at work, here’s what Forby said…
The video is courtesy of Illinois Statehouse News. Discuss. * Meanwhile, I don’t see a basis for this statement…
If Quinn is using politics to target those facilities for closure, then it’s some of the most backwards politics I’ve ever seen. If politics is the reason, then why is he closing facilities in the only Downstate counties he won? Clark’s argument just doesn’t stand up.
Caption contest!
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle… ![]() Oh, and by the way, the Sox were 4-2 against the Flubs this year. Bite me.
Uproar continues over gay marriage ban lawsuit
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The controversy continues over the decision by Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez not to defend the state’s ban on gay marriage because they believe it’s unconstitutional. As you already know, lawsuits were recently filed by the ACLU and others against Cook County Clerk David Orr, who issues marriage licenses. The crux of Alvarez’s decision…
* Since Madigan and Alvarez won’t defend the law over constitutional grounds, there’s some debate on whether anyone else can step forward, and there’s much consternation about the decision itself…
* From the Illinois Constitution…
* From Fran Eaton’s latest column…
* Rep. David Reis (R-Ste. Marie)…
*** UPDATED x1 *** Quinn signs bill ending free retiree health insurance premiums
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * We still don’t know how much this proposal would save, but it’s now a law…
State Sen. Dan Kotowski claimed via press release last month that the proposal would save “about $200 million every year.” But that’s pretty much the only cost savings estimate out there, mainly because, as Kotowski noted in his May 10th press release, “it’s unclear how much retirees will specifically have to pay towards their insurance premiums.” * According to the time stamp on the e-mail I received, Quinn’s office made the announcement of the bill signing at 5:08 this morning. Quinn portrayed the action as a way to “preserve health care benefits for state retirees.” From his press release…
By the way, the health insurance that retirees get is not “free.” They still have to make their co-pays and satisfy their deductibles. What Quinn is referring to here is the monthly premium. *** UPDATE *** From AFSCME…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Jun 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller