Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Poll has Plummer up by 11 points, and he still won’t release tax returns
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Poll has Plummer up by 11 points, and he still won’t release tax returns

Monday, Jul 16, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

A new poll taken last week has downstate Republican congressional candidate Jason Plummer leading his latest Democratic challenger by 11 points in a district that was designed to re-elect U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello.

The poll, taken July 9 by We Ask America, found Plummer ahead of Democrat Bill Enyart 45 percent to 34 percent. The automated poll of 1,510 likely voters had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent.

Plummer is significantly below 50 percent and 23 percent of voters are undecided, so he doesn’t have this one in the bag yet. Enyart was appointed to the ballot late last month, so he has barely had any time to make an impression on the 12th Congressional District’s voters.

The 12th District was drawn on the new congressional map to ensure the re-election of longtime incumbent Jerry Costello. When he dropped out of the race, he helped engineer the appointment of Brad Harriman as the Democratic candidate.

But Harriman was an incredibly weak candidate and couldn’t put a decent campaign together, so the district went up for grabs. Harriman had to go, and he dropped out last month, citing an unnamed medical condition.

Enter Enyart, whose newness is hurting him, for now, with fellow Democrats. While Plummer is backed by 79 percent of Republicans, Enyart is supported by just 62 percent of Democrats. More than 29 percent of Democrats are undecided, so as they “come home” Enyart should tighten this race up some more.

Just 43.5 percent of black voters are supporting Enyart right now, according to the poll, and that will definitely increase. And a full 28 percent of independents are undecided, compared with 25 percent who support Enyart and 46 percent who back Plummer. Again, we will probably see some of those folks move toward Enyart as he becomes better known.

Enyart retired as the Illinois National Guard’s top general shortly before he was appointed to the ballot. Generals, like mayors and sheriffs, don’t always make the best candidates because they are accustomed to barking orders, not taking them. He has never run for any office and also has no combat experience to highlight during his campaign.

And Enyart is a Metro East guy, which may not play well in the more “southern” portions of the district. His campaign points out that he led the National Guard’s efforts during the 2011 flood, which hurt several southern counties, and that he has family in the southern section (Sparta) and opened his first law office in Monroe County.

But he will be perceived as St. Clair County’s guy, which, in fact, he is. He also was appointed to the National Guard post by Rod Blagojevich, and his law firm twice contributed small sums to Blagojevich’s campaign fund.

Perhaps the best news for Democrats in this district is that President Barack Obama appears to be doing a little better than expected. Just under 46 percent of voters approve of Obama’s job performance, while 52 percent disapprove. Yes, he’s upside down, but Obama has not been doing well outside Cook County and especially badly in southern Illinois. A 46 percent approval rating is better than some had figured.

The president undoubtedly will be a drag on Democrats up and down the ticket in many areas of the state if he doesn’t improve his standing soon. Some Democratic legislative incumbents have been targeted for defeat in the 12th District, including state Sen. Bill Haine and state Reps. Dan Beiser and Jerry Costello II. They’ll need a stronger performance from Obama and a much better Enyart effort to help them hold on to their seats.

According to the poll, almost 54 percent of the district’s likely voters oppose “Obamacare,” the national health care reform law. Asked whether they “generally support the federal government’s increase role in this nation’s health insurance system, sometimes known as ‘Obamacare,’ ” just 38 percent of likely voters supported the law and about 8 percent said they are undecided. Only 70 percent of Democrats support the law, compared with 87 percent of Republicans who oppose it.

That’s obviously not great news for Democratic candidates.

* But that old problem is still nagging at Plummer

Republican congressional candidate Jason Plummer on Friday said he won’t release his personal tax returns despite the decision of his Democratic opponent to do so.

Former Illinois National Guard Adjutant General William Enyart released 10 years of tax returns on Thursday and said he has asked the Internal Revenue Service for tax records dating back to 1982 with plans to release those.

Enyart and Plummer are seeking to replace incumbent Democratic Rep. Jerry Costello, who is retiring after 24 years representing the 12th Congressional District in southern Illinois.

“My opponent seems to be a lot more interested in my income than the lack of income of thousands of families throughout the district because of the failed policies of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi,” Plummer said in a statement while refusing to release his tax returns.

“The people you hire to write your tax policy, to write your budgets must be open and transparent about their interests in that tax policy,” Enyart said in releasing his tax returns. “The only way for that to happen is for candidates to publicly release their tax returns.”

* Plummer did release an outline

The statement lists Plummer’s salary as vice president of R.P. Lumber at $55,289. Year-to-year, Plummer said he lives on his salary from R.P. Lumber.

The financial disclosure statement shows Plummer, a 30-year-old O’Fallon businessman and former candidate for lieutenant governor of Illinois, to have assets valued between $6.17 million and $16.83 million, and liabilities ranging from $3.6 million to $16.5 million. Included in the value of assets held are companies that Plummer owns or partially owns.

That’s a heck of a lot of liabilities.


  1. - Mo Money - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 8:46 am:

    Wow Plummer had a pretty crappy fundraising quarter - DC folks can’t be that happy about this Young Squirt Gun.

  2. - MrJM - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 8:58 am:

    Well, I guess we now know who the Romney campaign is going put forward as veep.

    – MrJM

  3. - The Captain - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 9:04 am:

    Romney’s tax return problems are front and center nationally, if the Dems are going to get serious about this race the time to press this issue is right now.

  4. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 9:15 am:

    Those ranges are hilarious, and pretty useless for disclosing anything.

    At their extremes, the numbers could mean Plummer has a net worth of $13.4 million, or he could be in the hole more than $10 million.

    I guess all it means is that a 30-year-old dude who works for the old man can play around with millions. Lucky guy.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 9:25 am:

    ===The statement lists Plummer’s salary as vice president of R.P. Lumber at $55,289.===

    Remember ALL the loans Jason Plummer, PERSONALLY, gave himself for his run for LG?

    The real question is …

    Mr. Plummer, your salary and your net worth/liabilities don’t jive with all that PERSONAL monies loaned to yourself and that LG primary run. The only real way we can tell if you, PERSONALLY, could loan all that money to yourself is to disclose those tax returns.

    Will you do the RIGHT thing and give confidence you did NOT defraud the system and declared those loans on the taxes, and show the transaction you, PERSONALLY, made to loan yourself those monies?

    Just pull those A-1s and D-2s and all those PERSONAL loans to the campaign. Did Robert Plummer assist with the monies and then had Jason Plummer claim them?

    The less and less you give out … the more and more questions arise.

    If it were me running against Plummer, I would make a huge deal of the limited info released, and then just show, “How the heck did the 26 year-old get those PERSONAL loans while claiming to live off $55,289????

    This is an example of “less” being “more”, as in more questions.

    Disclose in the Summer, and be done with this already. I am not seeing the math, and even that large liabilities do not “wish” or “explain away” how those transactions can happen … without the tax returns or the SEC filings (if need be), or the sale of RP Lumber stock back to his Dad.

    We will see how bad this will (and it will) hurt Jason Plummer.

  6. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 9:48 am:

    Looks like IL has its own miniRomney is Daddy’s Little Deduction…obviously $55K is an allowance which means our Lil LumberJack has no tax return to handout.
    Or maybe he does and he writes off a lot and pay no taxes.
    Does this also mean he is getting paid by RP to campaign.
    So it is good to have a Romney here is IL….how about off shore accounts and a little lookey see on jobs outsourcing

  7. - Jayhawker - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 9:56 am:

    Way too early for an automated poll to tell much of anything.

    Plummer only has $216k on hand at present. After this long campaigning, that’s not much. If Enyart can raise the cash to communicate effectively, Plummer is in for a long campaign.

    Why he won’t just release the returns is beyond me. He continues to drag out the story, speculation and theories as to what he’s is hiding.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 10:10 am:

    “Meet Jason Plummer ….

    While running for L. Governor, Jason personally loaned his campaign hundreds of thousands of dollars, and just this July, claimed only a salary of less than $56,000.00.

    How is that possible?

    Jason won’t let you see his tax returns, or even how he can GET that much cash. Jason wants you to ignore his little math problem, but we know better.

    At 26 years old, Jason Plummer couldn’t come clean on his own finances then, and Jason Plummer won’t come clean on his finances today.

    How are we in the 12th district suppose to TRUST Jason Plummmer with America’s finances?

    Sometimes candidates like Jason Plummer don’t ‘add up’….”

  9. - Freeman - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 10:28 am:

    OK… ummm…. seriously?

    I just did a google search for Enyart’s website. I wanted to see his economic plan. I can’t find anything.

    Am I just having trouble? Or is there seriously a Congressional candidate in this day and age who has NO website?

    Help? Anyone?

  10. - Freeman - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 10:31 am:

    And as for the taxes, he should release his when Debbie Wassserman-Schultz and Nancy Pelosi stop refusing to release theirs. Such hypocrisy, it’s almost amusing.

    Anyhow… website for Enyart? Anyone?

    Please and thank you.

  11. - Shore - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 10:35 am:

    “43.5 percent of black voters are supporting Enyart right now”-am I missing something or isn’t obama expected to get 95 percent of the black vote and don’t most congressional candidates get those coattails?

  12. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 10:40 am:

    ===…Debbie Wassserman-Schultz and Nancy Pelosi stop refusing to release theirs.===

    They are not a 30 year-old whose only job(s) they had were given by their Dad as the HR, and further, Jason claimed to be President of a Cell company, and yet on the Corporate papers filed, his father was listed.

    Jason Plummer has no record to run on to make that money except the Genetic Lottery, and is arrogant about disclosing that fact on paper.

    We attack the Plummer record, because ther IS no Plummer record.

    Keep hiding Jason.

  13. - mokenavince - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 10:48 am:

    The people in the 12th should have enough common
    sense no to elect Plummer.We do not need another
    Grover Norquist zombie in Congress.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:00 am:

    Jason …

    “I just received the following wire from my generous daddy — ‘Dear Jack, Don’t buy a single vote more than is necessary. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for a landslide.’ —JFK, Gridiron Dinner, 1958

    Wanna handle the “Poor Rich Kid” problem … look to JFK … Just sayin’

    Your pal,

    Oswego Willy

  15. - mark walker - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:02 am:

    Only a name recognition advantage right now, which will change.

  16. - Freeman - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:07 am:

    === They are not a 30 year-old ===

    You’re right. They currently hold public office and are in position to benefit and personally gain from their sensitive leadership roles and access to inside knowledge. The Washington Post recently did an excellent series on this exact thing - insider trading in Congress.

    That makes it even more important we see their taxes now. Why do they refuse? Why the hypocrisy?

  17. - downstate hack - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:12 am:


    Great point

  18. - It's All Good - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:15 am:

    I agree that the Enyart campaign and the DCCC need to be hitting Plummer HARD and RIGHT NOW over the tax returns. It is a perfect tie-in to the presidential campaign that seems to be shifting from Bain to Romney’s own refusal to release more tax returns.Time’s a wastin’, Enyart campaign. Don’t miss this golden opportunity.
    And, no, Enyart does not have a web page, but he does have a Facebook page. I know you just officially became the Democratic candidate a month ago, but absentee voting starts the end of September; about 60 days from now! Let’s get the web page going!!

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:16 am:

    If you want both Congressmen to reveal their tax returns, ask … or have Jason release his returns and THEN call upon both to do the same.

    If I were Jason, I would be more worried about SEC and FEC looking around at a 30 year-old, with income less than $56K, loaning himself monies, and yet no record of the transactions, be they SEC selling slips, or Tax Returns, or banking transactions greater than $10K that are monitored, and whose name are on those transactions.

    How did Jason’s Dad come up with $56K as his income?

    Favorite sports number?

    Five plus Six equal 11, which is Robert Plummer’s favorite number?

    The make year of Robert Plummer’s 1st car he bought?

    Jason is a “follower”? Jason can’t lead, and force Pelosi and Wassserman to come clean?

    I think “…but what about ‘Suzie’, she’s not …” is great in about 3rd grade or so too.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:26 am:

    And …

    I would be more worried about myself, and the General, and less about Debbie and Nancy … unless Jason wants to run in FL or CA and take them on … then play the, “I will when she does …”

    Since Jason wants to run in the IL 12, then maybe he should consider being a bit transparent.

  21. - Freeman - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:32 am:

    In case you missed it, DWS recently called on Mitt Romney to release his taxes. Made a big deal about it, all over tv.

    Her Congressional opponent then asked her to lead by example and release her taxes. Schultz refused.

    So, people have asked Schultz, Pelosi and many others. They refuse, but seem to have no shame in expecting others to do as they say but not as they do.

    Meanwhile, none of this helps get the economy back on track, creates jobs or puts a roof over anyone’s head.

    Come to think of it… has anyone seen an economic plan from Enyart yet? Seeing as how he has 0 experience creating jobs and all.

    It’s the sort of thing you might want to put up.

    On a website.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:39 am:

    ===DWS recently called on Mitt Romney===

    Jason should focus on Jason and not protecting Mitt Romney …just a thought.

    What is so funny is all this pushing on the General, and yet, all this stonewalling by Jason Plummer.

    I am willing to believe that the General will have a website before Jason Plummer has those tax returns available …

    How about this … when Enyart has that website up, Jason post those tax returns on HIS website …


  23. - Freeman - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:39 am:


    When is the last time you saw Danny Davis’ taxes? Rahm Emanuel’s? Jesse Jackson Jr.? Jan Schakowsky? etc., etc., etc.

    Let’s not forget that Schultz is chair of the DNC, one of the Democratic groups sending out those press releases calling on so many Republicans across the country to release their taxes.

    The hypocrisy among Illinois Democrats on this issue a bit much. Until we see those whining about tax returns release their own, it seems disingenuous at best.

    Nice to see so much focus on the sort of issues important to American families, the elderly and the unemployed right now.

  24. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:44 am:

    ===Until we see those whining about tax returns release their own, it seems disingenuous at best.===

    Um, Plummer’s opponent did release his own tax returns.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:47 am:

    ===Danny Davis’ taxes? Rahm Emanuel’s? Jesse Jackson Jr.? Jan Schakowsky?===

    Is Jason running against ANY of the above? I think Pat Quinn and Sheila Simon released their returns, and Jason Plummer refused … Bill Brady at least had them available for inspection for a time … Jason Plummer refused …

    How about this … Let Jason focus on the IL 12, and not take on … DWS, Nancy Pelosi, Danny Davis, Rahm Emanuel, Jesse Jackson Jr., Jan Schakowsky … and what was it …”etc., etc., etc”

    Overlooking your opponent might be a problem … Jason is running against Enyart…

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 11:48 am:


  27. - Freeman - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:03 pm:

    === How about this … Let Jason focus on the IL 12, and not take on … DWS, Nancy Pelosi, Danny Davis, Rahm Emanuel, Jesse Jackson Jr., Jan Schakowsky ===

    Excellent idea! Just get the DCCC, DNC and crew to stop inserting themselves into the race first. It’s not overlooking your opponent when your opponent is inviting those outside groups into the race.

    === Um, Plummer’s opponent did release his own tax returns. ===

    If memory serves, that’s one of the first and only things he did. Made a big show of releasing his tax returns. Nothing even comparable on an economic plan, vision for the future, new ideas or policy thoughts… or anything else, for that matter.

    I was thinking a bit broader than just this race at the time of writing that. I don’t recall the last time I saw an Illinois Democratic Congressman release their taxes. Certainly none of those mentioned.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:06 pm:


  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:11 pm:

    ===Excellent idea! Just get the DCCC, DNC and crew to stop inserting themselves into the race first. It’s not overlooking your opponent when your opponent is inviting those outside groups into the race.===

    RNC “Young Gun” - I guess will get no help from the RNCC … yeah, good luck with your statement!

    ===Nothing even comparable on an economic plan, vision for the future, new ideas or policy thoughts… or anything else, for that matter.

    I was thinking a bit broader than just this race at the time of writing that.

    I don’t recall the last time I saw an Illinois Democratic Congressman release their taxes. Certainly none of those mentioned.===

    But Plummer’s opponents, every time Plummer has run … has released … so, is it … “Well, um … ok … every Democrat except Democrats runnung against Plummer haven’t so that’s what really counts …”

    Again, good luck with that.

    You want to go broader than this race, then that is a great way to LOSE this race … Running against the Dem in “TX 44″ is not going to help when Enyart is his opponent … just a tip.

  30. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:11 pm:

    Every day Plummer refuses to release his returns is another day he looks like he’s got something to hide and another day voters are reminded he’s a 30 year old who has never held a real job.

  31. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:12 pm:

    General Enyart should release the numbers for his retirement package. That would be more helpful than his income tax returns.

  32. - Bigtwich - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:14 pm:

    Rahm Emanuel tax returns were released.

  33. - Freeman - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:39 pm:



  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:44 pm:


  35. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 12:49 pm:


    Confused here … that was a ripoff of something allegedly said by Sarah Palin, a Republican, that everyone cried “foul” about, and you are mocking a Democrat for that quote “attributed” to the Republican … for … what reason, again?

  36. - It's All Good - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 1:06 pm:

    Excellent idea! Just get the DCCC, DNC and crew to stop inserting themselves into the race first.

    ===And the RNC, Crossroads and other GOP groups aren’t inserting themselves into the 12th CD for Plummer?

    === Um, Plummer’s opponent did release his own tax returns. ===

    If memory serves, that’s one of the first and only things he did. Made a big show of releasing his tax returns. Nothing even comparable on an economic plan, vision for the future, new ideas or policy thoughts… or anything else, for that matter.

    ==And young Jason’s economic plan and vision is what?

  37. - Hickory - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 1:11 pm:

    The IRS and Illinois Dept. of Revenue are the ones that should be concerned about the individual income tax returns. Just give me an individual that represents me and not himself or the party.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 1:14 pm:

    ===The IRS and Illinois Dept. of Revenue are the ones that should be concerned about the individual income tax returns. Just give me an individual that represents me and not himself or the party.===

    The FEC and SEC have a say when it comes to elections, funding, and the movement of very LARGE sums of monies and where those monies SPECIFICALLY came from …

  39. - East Sider - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 2:25 pm:

    I want to know what Enyart’s position on ObamaCare and Cap & Trade is. Those are two of the leading issues here in the 12th District right now.

    The only thing I’ve seen from Enyart so far is a lame press conference announcing that he will fight to “save” Scott AFB. First of all, I haven’t heard rumors about it closing in over 20 years. It’s become the communications hub for our military, so I don’t think it’s going anywhere. Second, does a candidate in the 12th District even need to announce that he/she supports Scott AFB? It’s probably as obvious as you can get.

    Enyart will have to show more than this if he’s going to get any traction. He can only get so much mileage out of his tax return side-show…proving that he’s just another Metro East lawyer…and most of us around here have pretty low opinions of those folks.

  40. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 2:34 pm:

    –I want to know what Enyart’s position on ObamaCare and Cap & Trade is. Those are two of the leading issues here in the 12th District right now.–

    Cap and trade? That’s a big issue there? What cap and trade?

  41. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 2:39 pm:

    ===Anyone who votes for this imbecile deserves the outcome of every bad decision he might make once elected.===

    “Can you point out the imbecile?”

    The only saving grace is whomever may win will be a Freshman, 1 of 435, and will wield very little power in the big, or small, scheme of things …

  42. - East Sider - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 2:45 pm:

    =Cap and trade? That’s a big issue there? What cap and trade? =

    It’s a huge issue in Southern Illinois. We’ve had over 30 coal mines closed over the past 20 years, and the EPA continues to ramp up the regulations. Coal = jobs in Southern Illinois.

  43. - dr. reason a. goodwin - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 3:57 pm:

    I live right in the middle of SI coal country and I haven’t heard ANYONE mention cap and trade. Enyart’s military background will play well here and that gap will close quickly. But I must say that I am impressed with how hard Plummer is working the district. Not sure how it will break in the end.

  44. - titan - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 3:59 pm:

    Salary is different than income (at least for those with investments - and Plummer sounds like he muct have sibstantial investments).

    He may “live on” his salary…and roll the dividend and capital gains income back into other investments.

    There isn’t a law requiring him to release tax returns to run…but there is no law saying the public can’t keep asking/hectoring to see them either.

  45. - Backwards - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 4:06 pm:

    Politicians get hectored for releasing their information and they get hectored for not releasing. What’s the difference?

    If the above comments are any indication as to the level of financial acumen of the analysis the public can expect, Jason might as well skip it.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 4:16 pm:

    ===Salary is different than income (at least for those with investments - and Plummer sounds like he muct have sibstantial investments).

    He may “live on” his salary…and roll the dividend and capital gains income back into other investments===

    Thn it should be real easy for Plummer to show where ALL that money he PERSONALLY poured into the LG race (primary and general elections) and any and all monies Plummer has put in for Congress …

    Salary … investmets … if the money is his, then it should be real easy to show it.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 4:21 pm:

    ===Politicians get hectored for releasing their information and they get hectored for not releasing. What’s the difference?===

    Federal election laws … that is the difference … and how it is disclosed, be it solely from his own wealth, or is it being hidden by the family thought Jason … yeah, your credibility is at stake … unless credibility doesn’t matter …

  48. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 4:39 pm:

    –It’s a huge issue in Southern Illinois. We’ve had over 30 coal mines closed over the past 20 years, and the EPA continues to ramp up the regulations. Coal = jobs in Southern Illinois.–

    I don’t see how a cap-and-trade law that doesn’t exist had anything to do with that. And I didn’t notice any EPA over-regulation of the Massey Energy mine in West Virgina.

  49. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 5:09 pm:

    If Plummer thinks he can dodge the tax return issue again, he’s living in a fantasy world. Obama is doing to Romney on tax returns what the right wing did (and is doing) to Obama on the birth certificate.

    Tax returns are fair game, and I would argue a heck of a lot more relevant than college transcripts and Hawaiian birth records. Both Plummer and Romney are running on their business credentials. It’s time they put up or shut up.

    114 days to go. The longer they both wait, the worse it is going to be. Remember, like Romney, Plummer knows what is in those forms. Apparently, he’s decided he’d be better off taking flack for what might be there rather than losing because of what is actually in there.

    Same with Romney.

  50. - ironman - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 7:16 pm:

    What happened to enyart demanding debates. Whats he going to discuss: High unemployeement, no job growth, High taxes and promoting Obamacare which increases taxes……Lets talk about transparency.. enyart was hand picked by costello and Brown. They threw Bradley and phelps under the bus. He donated thousands to costello and blago…not to mention the appointment.. gees. Plummer will out work him hans down..

  51. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 8:55 pm:

    You complain about your opponent’s need to release his tax forms when you got nothing on him and are 11 points behind in the polls.

    Who gives a crap except Plummer’s opposition?

  52. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 9:04 pm:

    - VanillaMan -

    Worked good for Brady, until he HAD to disclose … worked good for Plummer last time, and this time, especially with Romney, i am sure the tax return issues will just fade away …

    Can’t wish away dogging questions, can’t ignore them either.

  53. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 12 @ 9:26 pm:

    I gotta believe if the general shadows obamas strategy vs Romney it would be pretty effective on a generic basis. Lumber boy and Romney are in the same suits 30 years removed. Peas in a pod…

  54. - Stooges - Tuesday, Jul 17, 12 @ 9:10 am:

    Man, Willy you are wound up about this tax thing. If he doesn’t want to release his records, he suffers the consequences. No amount of wailing and whining will make him do it if he chooses not to.

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