*** UPDATE *** Levine gets 67 months…
Stuart Levine — who admitted his role in the corruption scandal that sent former Gov. Rod Blagojevich to prison and provided key testimony against Blagojevich and others — was sentenced Thursday to 67 months in prison. […]
In sentencing Levine, U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve called him one of the “most corrupt politicians” in northern Illinois.
“The havoc that you wrecked is certainly substantial,” she told him.
[ *** End Of Update *** ]
* John Kass makes the case that the national GOP ought to think twice about using Chicago corruption against President Obama this week because this week also just happens to be loaded with Republican court hearings…
Former Gov. George Ryan is still in federal prison. His lawyers are scheduled to appear in court for him Friday, to argue that his jury was given improper instructions.
On Thursday in federal court comes Stuart Levine, the financier who used his political influence on state boards and commissions to squeeze profits and is now up for sentencing. […]
The third Republican, and most powerful of all, is William Cellini, the de facto Republican boss who stayed hidden in the shadows for decades and who used his contacts to deal with Ryan’s now-imprisoned successor, Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and — wait for it — Obama’s very own personal real estate fairy, the imprisoned influence peddler Tony Rezko.
It was Cellini and Levine and Rezko and their wives who went to the White House for a Christmas party. And it wasn’t the Obama White House. It was the Bush White House.
Cellini’s hearing was yesterday. His sentencing was delayed until October.
* Steve Chapman also makes some good points about the hard-right myth that Obama wasn’t properly “vetted” last time around…
If I were conspiracy-minded, I’d suspect Barack Obama has deployed several moles to sabotage his opponent. Take John Sununu, who yesterday attacked the president for having used drugs, spent time abroad and lived in Chicago. Or Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who now claims to have proof Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud. Mitt Romney’s aides are vowing to expose Obama’s past, insisting he wasn’t “vetted” the last time around. If I were David Axelrod, I’d be smiling.
Why? Because we’ve heard it all before. It didn’t keep Americans from electing Obama in 2008 and it won’t stop them this time. These claims do resonate with some voters — but only those who wouldn’t vote for Obama if he were running against Vladimir Putin.
Most Americans just won’t buy it. The president’s personal approval ratings have consistently held up even amid our economic mess. A recent poll found that by a more than 2-to-1 margin, they find him more likable than Romney. Americans know Obama well by now, and they aren’t going to change their minds about him as a person in the absence of powerful new information, which Republicans don’t seem to have.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 8:36 am:
Axelrod is no doubt smiling, but laughing.
Republicans seem once again to be doing everything humanly possible to alienate every independent or Republican-leaning voter with a college degree.
- Stones - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 8:46 am:
I can’t believe some of the “R’s” are still dredging this birther stuff. Didn’t work last time and won’t work again this time.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 8:47 am:
@Stones -
They are dredging it up - along with frequent mentions of the President’s middle name - because their Base eats it up. Which tells you a lot about the GOP.
- MrJM - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 9:01 am:
Birtherism isn’t for changing votes, it’s for raising money. And that money is raised to pay for negative advertising. The negative advertising is intended to discourage Obama supporters from voting.
Representative Democracy FOR THE WIN!
– MrJM
- Shore - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 9:02 am:
Democrats used texas against bush especially up here in congressional races both in 2000 and 2004 so while I agree with Kass there are dirty Republicans, Obama is accountable for his party’s reputation and record in Illinois and what he did. This wasn’t like Cheney taking a Wyoming address so that he wouldn’t be from Texas after having been out of Wyoming for 13 years. I frankly think that because of the army of pro-obama chicago based/chicago friendly journalists like Jonathan Alter, James Warren, Howard Fineman, David Brooks ect, he and the city have made off a lot better than texas did under Bush.
- Crime Fighter - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 9:05 am:
Reality never stopped the GOP(increasingly dominated by right-wing nuttery) from taking strong myth-based positions and sticking with them.
Politically this has been successful both nationally and in Illinois. Nationally they have won Congress and have the Dems on the run on most policy issues. In Illinois, Quinn has openly abandoned his faux-populist image by attacking the rank and file public workforce,services, and competent ethical governance.
- Oh Gee, its the GOP! - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 9:17 am:
YDD nails it again.
From a pure political science - campaign strategy point of view, I am unable to discern any focused, coherent strategy by the Romney camp that gets them to 50%+1.
- Phineas Fogg - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 9:25 am:
The Republicans are beating a dead horse regarding Obama’s past. Nobody cares if he did drugs and had less than stellar grades in college. People don’t care about his past. The one thing that would serve Romney well would be if Romney were to simply become a little bit like Scott Brown in regard to his personality. Romney needs to “loosen up a little” like his opponent Obama does. People go to businesses, organizations, and ideas that they feel are trustworthy, safe, and comfortable. Romney comes across as being unable to remove the “stiffness” in his starched collar. People view Romney as relaxing at home in a a business casual ensemble. Barack comes across as probably wearing sweat pants and a torn tee-shirt when he is at home. Voters want to be able to identify with the guy who they eventually choose to lead them.
- What are you talking about? - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 9:26 am:
The disapproval of George W. Bush’s presidency and the wars are what handed President Obama the Oval Office. He ran on zero record for the most part and got elected because he was likeable and fresh. Now he less likable, we have almost doubled our debt, the Democratic base is not as invigorated as 2008, this administration has multiple scandals looming and unemployment still hovers above 8% despite pulling hundreds of thousands out of the unemployment count.
I wouldn’t be so sure about Obama being a shoe-in as of yet. He can keep using divisive tactics to try and alienate people, and it might work. But, in the long run is it productive?
- just sayin' - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 9:49 am:
“It’s all Mike Madigan’s fault.” — Pat Brady in 5..4..3..
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 9:53 am:
John Kass. Heh.
- mokenavince - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 10:01 am:
The ultra Right keeps dredging up the same old stories.They listen to Rush and chant the same old
nonsence, as if they were in a Madrasa.If the Republicans should win ,how will they lead. Will they wait for the job creators to come through.
What if the job creators keep off shoring more jobs.Then what? The House has an opportunity of really steping up. Give Bowles- Simpson a chance
pound the Democrats with this message. History will look back at John Boehner as one of the most
inept Speakers we have ever had.
- Anonymoose - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 10:02 am:
“Obama comes across as wearing sweat pants and a torn tee shirt.” Yeah, and I bet he wears his old tattered golf shoes from bumming around the links - the ones with the “man of the people” Adlai Stevenson size hole in the sole.
How do you get to 50% +1? You get the idiots like me who voted Obama in 2008 to make sure it does not happen again.
The Obama team has called Romney a “felon.” Dragged up incidents of Romney’s high schoool years in Michigan. Likeable? The campaign of “hope and change” is just another angry campaign of “smoke and mirrors” now. But O has this one in the bag - no need for us disappointed ones to show up on election day.
- What planet is he from? - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 10:32 am:
“Nobody cares if he did drugs and had less than stellar grades in college. People don’t care about his past.” Wait…is that Obama or Bush-the-Younger?
- Shore - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 10:34 am:
“From a pure political science - campaign strategy point of view, I am unable to discern any focused, coherent strategy by the Romney camp that gets them to 50%+1.”
—actually discussing the economy can’t hurt. Worked in 2010.
“Reality never stopped the GOP(increasingly dominated by right-wing nuttery) from taking strong myth-based positions and sticking with them.”
-It’s legitimate to attack “chicago politics” and corruption given that’s where so many people including the president in this administration come from and their ties to chicago and the approach to governance. Just as it was legitamate when democrats and the media raised questions about bush’s faith based approach to governing in texas and the cronyism with the energy/enron stuff. You may not like it or agree with it, but it’s fair game. Chicago and Illinois have not been exceptionally well run places over the last 10 years and the political leadership has more than earned these charges.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 10:35 am:
Romney: “Vote for me because I’m not Obama and I have business experience.”
Well, so did Bush II. Romney doesn’t explain what he’ll do once in office; his campaign is running on the anti-Obama message and nothing else.
It’s just going to get uglier as we get closer to election day.
- Esquire - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 10:45 am:
On the issue of report cards, grade point averages and college transcripts, voters knew much more about the grades of George W. Bush, Al Gore and John Kerry than we do about Barack Obama.
Since Obama supporters constantly maintain that their candidate is the brightest person to serve in the Oval Office, what possible harm could there be in releasing his transcripts?
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 10:46 am:
Once the nominees are settled, most presidential elections are fought between the forty yard lines. In other words, in the DMZ of Independents outside of their bases.
If the polls are accurate, this one is being fought between the 45 yard lines, with the great majority of the national electorate evenly split between the two candidates and very few undecided.
Romney needs a “Sister Soulja” moment where he forcefully and publicly whacks one of the nut cases from his extreme of the political spectrum to show moderates, particularly women in the suburbs, that he’s not a captive of the scary mouth-breathers who are sweet on him.
He had two opportunities this week and passed on them both.
One was Sheriff Joe, who’s becoming increasingly deranged as he sees his 15 minutes of fame slip away over the lunatic birther “issue.”
The other was when Michelle Bachman and some other wild-eyed, Tin-foil-hat GOP congressmen practically accused Secretary Clinton’s top aide of treason (she’s Muslim, her parents were Muslims and they knew other Muslims!).
If Romney had smacked down Bachman as Sen. McCain did on the floor of the Senate, he would have shown some Testicular Virility and ripped off a big gainer among moderates.
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 10:53 am:
Besides Bush II, the only other ‘businessman’ President I can think of is Hoover. And we all know how well that turned out.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 11:03 am:
I think Obama is a likeable guy - so was W. However, even if he is wearing sweats with holes just like me, I won’t vote for him again! BTW Obama’s approval rating (not his favorable/likeable rating) average is at 46.8.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 11:07 am:
There are some legitimate reasons not to vote for President Obama in November. Unfortunately, the Romney campaign seems incapable of highlighting them.
Most voters understand the severity of the financial crisis he inherited, and while they are unsatified with the progress he’s made, seem willing to give Obamaa a bit of a break on it. The GOP Congress, on the other hand, has voted 30+ times to repeal Healthcare and the only “jobs” plan they like is more tax cuts. Romney endorsed Paul Ryan’s budget plan, which wouldn’t do much to add any new jobs, but would make big changes to Social Security and Medicare.
Meanwhile, since Romney has made his business career and CEO status as the centerpiece of his campaign, the Obama team has begun to define him with all of the negatives a CEO can be tagged with, like off-shoring jobs (and bank accounts).
Romney wants credit for his work experience. Fine, but then he should release his tax returns because they presumably would back up his claims of being a top CEO who is ready for the Presidency. Full disclosure would be nice, especially given his father’s example.
- Money Spent Elsewhere - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 11:41 am:
I’ll say this - O knows his Trotsky.
- The Captain - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 12:07 pm:
Oh good, now I can come here for presidential race nonsense. No other website anywhere on the internet has this insight so this is a wonderful development.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 12:10 pm:
Too funny, TC. I always try to keep this to a minimum. But thanks for the sarcasm.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 12:11 pm:
@Shore -
Democrats used Texas against Bush?!?
Didn’t Bush campaign as the Governor of Texas?
And what, BTW, does that have to do with the president’s birth certificate, or his middle name?
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 12:27 pm:
On a side note, looks like Joe Walsh will be skipping the GOP convention. I doubt he’ll be missed.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 1:03 pm:
The feverish highs and lows of Stuart Levine’s life are hard to even look at. Big-shot money man living a couple of double lives (one as a venal crook), busted, wiped out, humiliated, disowned, professional snitch and now five years in the can.
A little less greed, arrogance and dishonesty and he could have lived a steady, sweet life, indeed.
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 1:12 pm:
Hey Shore, George Bush was Governor of Texas. Barack Obama was an Illinois State Senator, than a US Senator from Illinois. Do you see the difference? Because most people do.
- Shore - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 1:22 pm:
Barack Obama has nothing to do with Illinois. He was never involved with state politics, never lived in the state, never hired anyone from the state to work on his campaigns or serve in his administration. No one that sold him land ever went to prison. He’s perfect.
I’m not talking about the birther stuff. That’s not my deal.
The Governor of Texas as Democrats pointed out gleefully for much of 1999-2001 is the weakest chief executive in the country and I think their legislature only meets for 90 days every other year.
Rich is your dad busting out the obama-mobile this year?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 1:36 pm:
===Rich is your dad busting out the obama-mobile this year? ===
He voted for Ron Paul.
- ChicagoR - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 1:59 pm:
“A little less greed, arrogance and dishonesty and he could have lived a steady, sweet life, indeed.”
Yup. As they say, pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered.
- benevolent hegemon - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 2:20 pm:
Wowser! If Barack Obama has lost the Obamamobile driver, he’s lost moderate Democrats and hello Bobby Schilling (again), buh-bye Durbin crony Bustos.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 2:21 pm:
===Wowser! If Barack Obama has lost the Obamamobile driver, he’s lost moderate Democrats===
My father is a Goldwater Republican.
- Oh Gee, its the GOP! - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 2:49 pm:
@ Shore- Discussing the economy would be one factor to get them to 50%+1, that is true. And they’ve been doing that. One factor isn’t enough, however. So what are Mitt and crew doing to follow up the economy?
Among others: attacking “Chicago Style campaign tactics”; bringing up all the issues covered in the last election; refusing to release tax returns-they’re completely unfocused.
Again, I am unable to see how that gets them to 50%+1, or how any of it even resembles a coherent strategy. (I must say, I do feel for them-I felt the exact same way in 2004 about John Kerry. It is frustrating.)
- benevolent hegemon - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 2:50 pm:
Oh please! A “Goldwater Republican” driving around in an Obamamobile?
Nice try—I’ve lived in the QCs a lot longer than you—don’t try to b.s. me you’ll just look like a hack.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 2:56 pm:
Hey, moron, I ought to know. I’ve known him a whole lot longer than you have.
Also, the Obamalac had a Goldwater sticker on it.
Sheesh. Do you think I’d lie about something like that?
But, whatever. I just think I’ll ban you. Bye.
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 3:22 pm:
>>@Stones -
They are dredging it up - along with frequent mentions of the President’s middle name - because their Base eats it up. Which tells you a lot about the GOP.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 3:22 pm:
A simple “banning” seems a little too easy for someone who besmirches not just your journalistic integrity, but your family’s good name.
The Obama threads are a nut-magnet.
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 3:26 pm:
Sorry about the last post. There was a problem when I tried to post. I was responding to YDD’s comment about the Republican base. The base didn’t like Romney that much in the primaries, so it’s absolutely necessary for Republicans to gin it up. Rather than focus on jobs and the economy, the base is focusing on AJ Eric Holder (Fast and Furious), the Muslim Brotherhood- and birther stuff.
Speaking of birthers, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio was named in a civil rights lawsuit over immigration. The distracter got distracted.
- Lycurgus - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 3:32 pm:
couldn’t agree more, Rich. If the GOP is going to go after the “unrevealed” story of Obama because they think the media has a double standard in vetting Dems and Repubs, it will be a huge mistake, and a gift to David Axelrod. No better way to alienate the independent voters they need to win this election. Romney has largely steered away from those tar pits. It’ll be interesting to see if he’s now going to stick a toe in that particular muck.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 3:39 pm:
===A simple “banning” seems a little too easy===
Yes, I know. If I can find him, I may just show up at his house… with my dad and four brothers. lol
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 3:40 pm:
Also, I think I gave him that Goldwater bumper sticker. I know I bought him one when I was at the Johnson presidential library in Austin years ago.
- Logic not emotion - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 3:55 pm:
I saw one of Obama’s attack ads against Romney the other night. I realize he is trying to define Romney like they and the media defined Palin; but I’ll be amazed if they don’t negatively impact Obama’s likeability ratings among independents.
On the flip side, there seems to be a plethora of undisputed stats that Romney’s campaign could use to define Obama negatively and it isn’t (although they are also doing some negative spots). Doesn’t make sense. The campaign seems disjointed.
It also seems weird that Romney is perceived as out of touch with the common person because he is a multi-millionaire while Harvard educated, multi-millionaire Obama is just one of us. I realize that personas are sometimes carefully crafted; but it also seems like more people should be able to see through them.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 6:15 pm:
–He voted for Ron Paul.–
Me too.
Rep. Paul and I aren’t goombata on economics. I’m a Keynesian capitalist (borrow for infrastructure in recession, pay back when flush, work the interest rate with the Fed, prosecute the Wall Street gangsters).
But to my horrified surprise, Ron Paul was the only candidate running for president who called out Obama for ordering the assassination of a citizen of the United States — no warrant, no charge, no even alleged crime, no rule of law, no judicial review — just whacked because the executive didn’t like him.
In much more dire times, Lincoln and FDR never did that.
–My father is a Goldwater Republican.–
Me too. I’m a big fan of Bob Dole and Alan Simpson, too, and was lucky enough to spend time with them back in the day when being a conservative Republican meant something.
But Barry was the real deal, the conservative anvil that the hammer of liberalism forged the extraordinary advance of wealth, freedom, security and liberty that we all enjoy.
Google Goldwater quotes, and you’ll have a blast. But here are a couple:
“When you say “radical right” today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican party and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye. ”
This country could use a good conservative party. Right now, the Democrats are doing double-duty because the other guys aren’t even in the ballgame. They’re too busy planting their lips on the tuccus of very bad men like Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.
Too many funders, I guess.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 19, 12 @ 6:25 pm:
–I realize he is trying to define Romney like they and the media defined Palin; but I’ll be amazed if they don’t negatively impact Obama’s likeability ratings among independents.–
No one in the world is trying to define Romney like Palin. That’s absurd. You don’t see a difference in ability, accomplishment and brainpower?
If, after the convention, Romney runs on his record as Massachusetts governor (did you know he was governor of Massachusetts?), he will win. The Obama haters have nowhere else to go.