Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 9, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Illinois State Fair kicks off tonight with the Twilight Parade. Unlike past years, I’m planning on attending at least a few Grandstand shows. Eric Church tomorrow, and Cheap Trick, Miranda Lambert and maybe Steve Miller next week. Heck, I might even go see Train if my arm is twisted hard, and it may be. It’s actually not a horrible lineup for a change.
* And then there’s the Abe on a Stick…
This year, the nation’s 16th President will be among the numerous items you can get on a stick at the Illinois State Fair.
Visitors to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency’s area in the air conditioned Illinois Building at the 2012 Illinois State Fair may pick up free fans bearing the famous Alexander Gardner portrait of Abraham Lincoln. The reverse side of the fan will include a list of central Illinois historic attractions, and by showing the fan at any of these places, visitors will receive special discounts on admission or merchandise from the sites’ gift shops.
* The Question: Your State Fair plans?
- JP - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 1:38 pm:
Hoping the Bellamy Brothers make a repeat performance of their 1986 (? maybe 1985) performance.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 1:45 pm:
I will be hoping the Genco Olive Oil booth will finally give everyone what we all want …
deep fried cannoli
If I make it down for Republican Day (or whatever or however they are describing it nowadays …) I plan on going to the Ag exibits and see some of the show cattle … and the beer tents.
- bored now - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 1:50 pm:
not going (have to run to d.c. next week), but both steve miller (surprisingly, to me) and train are worth seeing. saw steve miller last year at wanee and it was a thoroughly enjoyable show!
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 1:53 pm:
It’s just bad timing for a football family. High school son started two-a-days this week and taking my oldest back to school Saturday to start practice Monday. Ain’t going to happen, sadly.
Love beer tents and fried stuff on a stick.
- too obvious - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 1:56 pm:
Read about it on CapitolFax.
- Hey There - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 1:58 pm:
I will be attending the Governor’s Day/Democrat Day brunch at the Crowne Plaza on Wednesday (can’t wait to hear what the Speaker and the Gov will say to the crowd) followed by the Democratic convention (or what passes as such) and then off to the fairgrounds to enjoy the beer tents and some fried foods my doctor would disapprove of.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 2:13 pm:
Two days at the fair! Saturday with the kids for 4-H and Wednesday for Democrats/Governor’s Day. Wanted to take the kids to see Train on Wednesday, but I have too much going on Thursday morning.
BTW, the lead guitarist for Train, Jimmy Stafford, is a native of Morris, and, while in high school, played in a very popular band called “Royal Star” they played many a bar and homecoming in the early 80’s. I like Jimmy, and he’s worth seeing live. (Rich, consider this a gentle arm twist!)
- Always fun - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 2:13 pm:
I will be there a couple of days and I agree with you that the Grandstand lineup is pretty good this year, all things considered. I’ve been going since I was a child and it is always a nice time out there. Should be a terrific weather weekend so attendance numbers might be looking good this year!
- Cheryl - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 2:15 pm:
I hope you have good weather for it.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 2:33 pm:
Videoing the Fair-goers for my indie film Rolling Down Fat America” (one fried butter burger at a time)
- WazUp - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 2:51 pm:
“Shoot man ain’t nothing like biting Lincoln’s head off a stick…where’s dem monster trucks at?”
- owesdrinks - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 3:05 pm:
Rich , I thought you were the bass player in Creed . Didn’t you write “Arms wide open ” or ” Quinn’s own prison” opps I mean “my own prison”
- Tom - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 3:32 pm:
you mention Cheap Trick but they are playing with Blue Oyster Cult–next time a little more respect or as I like to say, I little more cow bell.
- wishbone - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 3:41 pm:
As always my plans are to question how many of my tax dollars are being wasted on this downstate extravaganza.
- UISer - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 3:44 pm:
Three(ish) words… Deep-Fried Brownies
- zatoichi - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 3:55 pm:
Hitting Cheap Trick to drift back in time when they were on the local bar circuit. They were regulars at Ted’s Warehouse in Charleston for years. It’s a 5:00pm show so the entire fried heaven that is the state fair is dinner.
- Dan Bureaucrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 4:00 pm:
I’m not ashamed to say I’m going to see Cheap Trick and I’m gonna love every minute of it.
- Hey There - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 4:11 pm:
Cheap trick at Ted’s Warehouse in Charleston? A blast from the past for me as a 1980s EIU grad. Wow!
- Sir Reel - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 4:16 pm:
Avoid it at all cost.
- railrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 4:18 pm:
go you EIU folks(I was there 70’s) Ted’s, Chinks, Martys, Abes nose! but I hate to say it Wisc. is still better!
- Sunshine - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 4:33 pm:
Hit as many shows as possible, eat one of everything and more of some, lots of lemon shakeups and of course cold, cold beer.
Taking in the barns and the competition, and perusing the judging of fruits and vegetables. That is pretty cool.
And yes…the butter cow and of course Ice Cream. Yep, my doctor told me if it tasted good to spit it out. Well, I am ignoring her for ten days.
Expando pants and belt, where are you?
Conserve Water, Shower with a friend!
- Ronald RayGun - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 4:37 pm:
Pork Sundae. Worth the admission price even if that’s the only thing you do.
- Levois - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 4:47 pm:
The same as it usually is. Stay in Chicago and/or read about it on the Capitol Fax blog. It’s something I’m going to put on the list for things to do though.
- Sgt Schultz - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 4:47 pm:
To collect as many yard sticks as possible.
- Nice Kid - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 5:50 pm:
Train is the only band playing that is still culturally relevant … The others aren’t even close!
- Been There - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 6:14 pm:
I am going to bet the house on Rich Miller’s horse in the PR celebrity race on Gov day.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 7:00 pm:
–Train is the only band playing that is still culturally relevant ..–
Dude, you’re a snob about a state fair band?
- Makandadawg - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 8:49 pm:
My Daughter talked us into Demi Lovato on Saturday so we are making the long drive up from southern Illinois for my first trip to the fair.
- RNUG - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 11:00 pm:
Went out and walked around the fair today with the wife, son and grandkids. Attended a friend’s traditional parade party (she lives just a bit south of the main gate on the parade route). Then another walk through and home now.
Will spend one more full day there with the wife since she’s the big fair junkie in the family.
- Bemused - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 11:08 pm:
My wife is from Springfield,if we did not make it out to see the parade the world would shift on it’s axis. We also have to make at least one weekend day. Also wanted to throw this in. The Animal protective league (APL) has $4.00 parking on the back side of the fairgrounds. Easy way to help a good group.
- Newsclown - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 11:39 pm:
I’ll be listening to Loose Gravel’s cover of “Call Me, Maybe.”
Don’t mock Cheap Trick: they still sound just as good after what, 30 years? 40? As Yoda says, “sound as good you should do at that age”.
Also, the porkchop on a stick is about as perfect a fair food as you can choose.
- Mama - Thursday, Aug 9, 12 @ 11:58 pm:
You lotta love the free music in the beer tents and the horse shows to say the least!
- SouthernIL - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 8:25 am:
My plans??! Waiting to hear about everyone else’s great experiences!! “)