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State Fair adventures

Friday, Aug 10, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I raised pigs one year when I was in 4-H. My grandfather and my uncle raised pigs. One of my good friends raised two pigs with his 4-H son this year. I helped out for a couple of days with those pigs and it reminded me that I really don’t like pigs all that much. I did have a lot of fun, and I’ll certainly do it again. They’re great people and I’ve enjoyed being back on a farm again. It’s just that I much prefer cattle. They smell better, at least to me.

Anyway, a friend of mine and I cut through the swine barn at the Illinois State Fair last night to get out of the rain. My friend literally hugged a pig while I took a photo. It was all great fun. Everybody was smiling, including the little girl who owned the pig and another friend who walked by while I was trying to take the picture.

Not long after that we had a conversation which went a little like this…

Me: Hey, did you wash your hands after hugging that pig?

Friend: Ha! No! I’m touching you!

Me: Agh!!! Don’t touch me with those pig hands! Wash your hands, man! Get away from me! Wash! Get away! Wash! Don’t touch me! No! Wash! Help! Mom!!!

I really, totally freaked out. Those who know me are probably laughing because I’m not a germaphobe at all. I can only guess that my dislike of pigs finally got the better of me last night. My friend did wash after my freakout and I’ve since apologized. I’m not so sure that I’ve been totally forgiven, however. I was a bit on the weird side.


* And then I saw this

The Illinois Department of Public Health says a child in the state has been diagnosed with a new strain of swine flu after attending a fair in Coles County.

As the Illinois State Fair ramps up in Springfield, the department is urging patrons to take precautions to avoid the flu which is spread from contact with pigs. Mark Ernst is the state veterinarian for Illinois. He says the State Fair is doing its part to combat health risks:

ERNST: “We’ve notified our staff that works the livestock exhibits, we do go through and check in the livestock. They’re aware of the possibility of influenza in swine and so they’ll certainly be more vigilent in looking for any type of respiratory infections or conditions that may be present in the swine.”

Hand-washing stations will be set-up in many spots throughout the fairgrounds. The flu’s symptoms are said to be similar to that of the regular seasonal flu. And the Illinois boy with the disease has not been hospitalized. Dozens of cases in other states have been reported. There is no vaccine for this strain of swine flu. The state’s health department says it’s possible, although rare, that the flu can also be spread between humans.

Wash your hands, man.


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 11:40 am:

    We didn’t have hogs, but neighbor friends did. They always creeped me out. Those omnivores would eat you if they got the chance.

    Domesticated cattle are pretty gentle and just hang around waiting for that sledgehammer to the skull.

  2. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 11:44 am:

    Just spotted this in the WSJ:

    –Swine-Flu Cases Related
    To Pigs Jump Fivefold

    Health officials reported a fivefold increase in cases of a new strain of swine flu that spreads from pigs to people.

    Most of the cases were linked to fairs, where visitors were in close contact with infected pigs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. –

  3. - Coach - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:01 pm:

    Went to high school in Germany. Lived in Kankakee and Hanover. Rented in Madigan’s ward. Toured Iraq. Rode a bus with Rod. Bought a boat. Drove a BMW. Gave advice to Rahm. Hung out with the Alabama Shakes. Gave heartburn to Quinn. Shot an assault rifle. Smacked down Illinois Review. Repeatedly quit smoking. Occasionally consumed alcohol. Raised pigs.

    Anything you haven’t done, Miller?

  4. - Bill - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:05 pm:

    == I was a bit on the weird side.==

    I find that very difficult to believe.

  5. - cindy lou - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:09 pm:

    Country folk know to wash hands. Actually some even have dispensers in the barns on the farms. I’m surprised fairs do not already have stations long ago…zoos do. Even Tanner’s has a station at the apple orchard for the animal area. I assumed it was a health dept. thing.

  6. - Anonymous Me - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:11 pm:

    Yeah, but do you still eat bacon.

  7. - 47th Ward - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:15 pm:

    Mmmmmmm bacon…

  8. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:16 pm:

    I love bacon. I’ll have a State Fair bacon story on Monday.

  9. - Wensicia - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:21 pm:

    If there is a possible risk of swine flu, shouldn’t signs be posted “Do Not Touch The Pigs”?

  10. - Irish - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:21 pm:

    Word yep they would.
    When I was in seventh eighth and ninth grades I worked on a farm during my breaks and through the summer. This farmer had about 200 head of cattle and 300+ pigs on feedlots. If we were sorting pigs or in the feed lots for any reason and you didn’t move for a minute or two you would feel something pulling on your pants leg and it would be a pig starting to chew on your jeans. We would shoot pigeons off the barns and they didn’t lay too long in the lot before they were gone.

    Two things I learned about pigs was no matter how big they are if they get out you are not going to catch them. and you never want to kick one in the butt unless you want a broken toe.

    And Rich is right. Walk into a barn on a hot summer July after noon and it the pig smell that will knock you over not the cattle. And don’t even get me started about steam cleaning farrowing sheds.

  11. - Excessively Rabid - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:22 pm:

    As they say, “I ain’t had so much fun since the hogs ate m’ little brother!”

  12. - Brian L. - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:42 pm:

    Many of the barns at the fairgrounds do have hand sanitizer containers on the wall. I know there are several in the Orr Building. And Rich, if you are still freaked out by the pigs, the rabbits will be back in town Thursday next week; we may even let you hold something a little less smelly than a hog.

  13. - yinn - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 12:53 pm:

    Not long out of high school I dated a pig farmer a few times. Don’t recall his ever smelling like a pig, but his truck did. It wouldn’t have been so bad but he would try to cover up the smell in the truck with different products and the combo of pig and perfume was overwhelming.

  14. - Give Me A Break - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 1:09 pm:

    Quick, someone file a FOIA with IDPH. I want that kid’s name and to know if he is anywhere near Springpatch.

  15. - Brian L. - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 1:50 pm:

    Since IDPH reported that the Coles County Health Department is involved, and the child attended the Coles County Fair, it is a good bet that the child if from there.

  16. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Aug 10, 12 @ 4:00 pm:

    Perhaps it’s time to bring back the 30 minute hand washing presentation from press preview days of yore.

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