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Extreme hate directed at Quinn

Wednesday, Aug 22, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor issued this press release on Sunday…

Governor Pat Quinn today joined the Muslim community to observe the completion of the Holy Month of Ramadan at the Eid-ul-Fitr prayer service in Bridgeview. During the occasion, the governor renounced recent incidences of violence against Muslim places of worship and signed a new law to foster religious tolerance.

“To the more than 400,000 Muslims across our state, ‘Eid Mubarak!’” Governor Quinn said. “Ramadan is a time of fasting, sacrifice and self-reflection. We honor your commitment to your faith and will vigorously protect your right to practice it without fear of intimidation.”

Ramadan is observed during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is considered the holiest month of the year in the Islamic faith. During Ramadan, Muslims fast each day from sunrise to sunset. Ramadan ends with a three-day festival known as “Eid”, which means “the feast of the breaking/to break the fast”.

Following the recent massacre at the Sikh temple near Milwaukee, gunfire at a Morton Grove mosque, a bomb thrown at a Lombard Islamic school and the desecration of a Muslim gravesite at Evergreen Cemetery, Governor Quinn issued a call for respect, tolerance and harmony.

* The reaction on some right-wing blogs was pretty ugly. For instance

Now we have a governor who claims to be Roman Catholic who is videoed praying with Muslims as they chant, “Allahu Ackbar.” This is the same phraseology shouted by the Ft. Hood terrorist Nadal Hasan when he opened fire on our troops!

The video of the governor praying with Muslims is disgusting and sickening. Political pandering as though what he’s doing means nothing except political expediency, but it does. It means that we are heading for Sharia law in this country unless we have men of conscience and backbone take a stand.

By the way, for you people in Illinois who put him into office. You can remove him in 2014. America would be grateful.

* Some of the comments were even worse on most of those blogs. For instance

Freedom of speech is a great liberty, isn’t it?
Our Founders thought, however, we would be smart enough to distinguish true enemies of this nation. Islam is an enemy. The governor is an idiot.


There must be money in it for Quinn…… some people will do anything for buck!

Islam is not a “religion” in the true sense. Islam is about TOTAL POWER, it is a political ideology. It is a system which controls every aspect of the lives of those who have the misfortune to be subjected to it. It’s a totalitarian political, economic, military, social and legal system; it masquerades as a religion, like soviet communism. Their goal is incorporating our Country into a global Islamic caliphate. Quinn, Stop pretending that Islam is a religion you dufus!


“These are un-American acts.” Governor, you will probably live long enough to want to eat those words. You will look on those words and realize that those acts just might have been the most patriotically American acts you ever witnessed. The proof is in the pudding, sucking up to Islam will get you absolutely no where with Muslims.


Tolerance does not mean acceptance of evil. Quinn is doomed to hell for taking part in the worship of a false god..he has broken one of the 10 commandments and has disgraced all catholics by his sacriledge! He is a Judas betraying Jesus and the American people!


Ramadan celebrates the commencement of the revelation of the Qur’an. Eid il-Fitur celebrates the end of the month of fasting. By endorsing and joining the festivities, the Governor endorsed everything in the Qur’an including the verses of hatred, execration and perpetual genocidal terrorism.

* A video is making the rounds which claims that Quinn may have inadvertently converted to Islam

* Quinn also used the occasion to sign a bill into law. Back to his press release…

In addition, he signed Senate Bill 2949, to protect college students who miss a class or exam due to their observance of a religious holiday.

“No student should be disciplined, penalized or fined for observing a sacred day,” Governor Quinn said. “This new law celebrates our nation’s basic principle of ‘freedom of religion, as well as the notion that diversity makes us stronger.”

* From the Chicago Tribune’s comment section

What the hell is going on here. Obama is a muslim and now the Illinois muslims get special treatment form that idiot Quinn.

* Let’s go back to the press release to see who sponsored the bill Quinn signed…

The new law, sponsored by Sen. Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) and Rep. Sidney Mathias (R-Arlington Heights), passed both chambers unanimously with the support of the Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities (FIICU). The law is effective Jan 1, 2013.

Those are both Jewish legislators.

This was no Muslim bill.

* And some people still complain when I strictly police comments here.



  1. - dang - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 9:56 am:

    Ignorance is so scary.

  2. - amalia - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 9:56 am:

    it’s very sad. but sadly, not shocking that such comments are made. have these people never participated in services of other faiths? or an interfaith service? do they believe discrimination is the way to peace?

  3. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:00 am:

    The level of ignorance and intolerance never ceases to amaze me. Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the same God, the God of Abraham. You’d think we could find some common ground. But you’d be wrong.

  4. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:02 am:

    Rich, sometimes I think you are a little to strict when policing this blog, but overall I think it makes for a better, more thoughtful forum. I sometimes read the comments on more mainstream sites and I cringe at every other comment.

  5. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:02 am:

    The haters will always find someone to direct their ignorant bile at. Certainly, Catholics, Jews and Mormons have been targets in our country’s history.

    There’s no arguing with folks who will condemn 25% of humanity for the actions of a handful of gangsters who cloak their crimes in pursuit of power behind religion.

    Good for Quinn.

    Here’s Pres. Eisenhower at the dedication of a mosque in 1957:

    –And I should like to assure you, my Islamic friends, that under the American Constitution, under American tradition, and in American hearts, this Center, this place of worship, is just as welcome as could be a similar edifice of any other religion. Indeed, America would fight with her whole strength for your right to have here your own church and worship according to your own conscience.
    This concept is indeed a part of America, and without that concept we would be something else than what we are. –

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:03 am:

    Who is left in Pat Quinn’s corner?

    I am guessing that the list ain’t that long nowadays

  7. - Colossus - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:03 am:

    Anyone who has more than a casual interest in fascism as a historical phenomenon can tell you that fascism requires a scapegoat. The last decade has seen an attempt to make Muslims the scapegoat in America, the hidden enemy within, the locus of all our problems, the threat to our civilization that must be exterminated by patriots.

    While we dodged a bullet and collectively stepped back from where this was headed in the years after 9/11, the sentiment is still bubbling in some pockets. Unfortunately, some of those pockets are in Congressional offices (Walsh, Bachmann, King).

    Rich, I love that you police the comments here. I don’t participate in any other communities because nothing else I’ve found allows for such a rich debate that isn’t hijacked by trolls (metaphorical or intellectual).

  8. - Victor Kingston - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:05 am:

    This is the third time today I have uttered the phrase “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore”. How about a caption contest Rich? Or a nice faith in humanity restoring story?

  9. - wndycty - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:08 am:

    What so the producers of that video claiming that Quinn will be penalized with death for “converting to Islam” (even though he didn’t). Also, who ever edit leaves in the Chicago Tribune credit which could mislead someone that the Trib is making the claim. I’m no lawyer but I say the Trib should send a cease & desist. WOW

  10. - Captain Illini - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:09 am:

    What’s really sick and disturbing is that racism, bigotry and general idiocy on this topic are all learned. We try every day to provide examples in our family of love, tolerance and especially that we’re all the same inside…blood is red. Thanks Rich for what you do…we might not agree on some things, but the opportunity to express myself without denegrating others is a privaledge, not a right.

  11. - lincolnlover - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:10 am:

    As Ron White says so eloquently, “You can’t fix stupid.”

  12. - the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:11 am:

    The blog post and the comments leave me speechless.

    But let’s recognize that this is nothing new in American politics. Take any John Birch Society tract from the 1950s and 1960s and just replace the word “communist” with “muslim” and could read like so many right wing web sites today.

  13. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:13 am:

    @wordslinger -

    Great quote.

    @Rich -

    Those who don’t like the way you manage your blog have plenty of other options.

    But if we have any hope of moving this state forward, there needs to be at least one forum for discussing the hefty policy issues of the day where people of all political beliefs and personal experiences can come together and disagree without being disagreeable…or atleast without being total jerks.

    Capitolfax is a big, strange family of sorts. We have problems, but they are ALL of our problems, so we try to work them out.


  14. - Whisperer - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:15 am:

    It’s not just the ignorance of people which concerns me, it’s the refusal to even consider other viewpoints/cultures/parties/religions as relevant. It seems odd to me, in the internet age, that so many more people seem so insulated to global, or even statewide, issues. The comments I see on here are by far the most tolerant and thoughtful of any of the news/politco sites I visit. I would credit Rich with that.

  15. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:23 am:

    My dad was on the first waves at Normandy. The only thing he was willing to talk about was how no one cared who was the religious person who held a service before they landed or who was in the group that prayed together. They simply wanted to live. He had little tolerance for people who could not or would not accept the beliefs of others as long as they treated people well. He always said having respect for others is supposed to be a ‘Christian’ virtue. Apparently he was wrong.

  16. - BCross - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:25 am:

    To quote author Harlan Ellison “The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity!”

  17. - RMD - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:26 am:

    Rich, no one condones these blogs. But, it happens on both sides. Just look at the Daily Koz.

  18. - too obvious - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:33 am:

    Between Pat Brady’s crazy stuff, the tea party’s crazy stuff, and MO Congressman Akin’s crazy stuff, the GOP is on the road to ruin.

  19. - alan mills - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:40 am:

    Smearing all Muslims because of the actions of a dew makes no more sense than smearing all Christians because Timothy McVea (Oklahoma bombing) was a Christian.

  20. - Levois - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:45 am:

    I wish I can like these comments here but this isn’t Facebook. Also I’m tired of the Obama is a Muslim smear. What is the point?

  21. - Shore - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:47 am:

    I think Republicans need to do a better job closing the loop on the muslim bashing stuff. If senator kirk were in better spirits this would be an area I’d really want to see him step up on. The GOP used to have good relations and even court muslim voters pre-911 and it’s too bad more aren’t calling this stuff out.

    Having said that, you’ve made several posts on this stuff the last few weeks which means this must be really grating at you since I haven’t seen it in the papers as much.

  22. - Anon. - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:49 am:

    My interpretation of the video was much shallower than most of those posted. As someone who has attended many religious ceremonies of faiths other than my own, I have never attempted to participate on any level other than reverence and respect. Quinn’s clumsy efforts are emblematic of his other attempts at feigning competence in many areas.

  23. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:53 am:

    alan mills, I agree with the sentiment, but McVeigh was not Christian. That is a racist, stereotype which you have engaged in and I order you to sensitivity training with Ozzie Guillen!

    What about seperation of church and state? I am not disagreeing with the bill.

  24. - Chris - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:54 am:

    “Also I’m tired of the Obama is a Muslim smear. What is the point?”

    The point it to get out the vote amongst the ignorant. The point is to win.

  25. - OneMan - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:57 am:

    “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone,” Col. 4:5-6(NIV)

    Always be full of grace, not stupid. There is a huge difference

  26. - illilnifan - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:59 am:

    to RMD, saying that it happens on both sides is true but I am confident you did not mean that if one side is bigoted it is okay for another side to be bigoted. It is time for people to turn the other cheek and not give back what is thrown out. Bigotry has to be marignalized. It will exist, we need to be aware that it will drive a fringe element of our society possibly even to violence, but to always remember that this is a small percentage of the population.

    I too like that Rich ensures decorum is maintained on this site, it is the best way to have a reasonable discourse on the topics of the day. We may not always agree but we at least get a chance to be heard.

  27. - Agricola - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:00 am:

    ===Quinn may have inadvertently converted to Islam…===

    Considering that conversion to Islam requires the Shahada to be pronounced with conviction and understanding of its meaning, I don’t see how someone could “inadvertently” become a Muslim.

    But then, why let the theology of the religion in question (or anything else for that matter) stop you from having a hideous and crassly manipulative moment of hate-mongering when the opportunity presents itself? You can always trick it out in the garb of the First Amendment and then ignore the corrosive and poisonous effect you are having on our common life and public discourse.

  28. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:14 am:

    As if the Muslim community didn’t have enough troubles. Now there’s pictures with a constipated Pat Quinn. That can’t be good, for anyone.

  29. - Earnest - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:15 am:

    Having been frustrated with his leadership much of the time, I must say that Governor Quinn made me feel proud. I greatly appreciate the effort Rich puts into policing the comments on this blog. I value the chance to hear opposing views presented in a thoughtful and reasonable manner, which is rare to come by.

  30. - roadiepig - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:22 am:

    The quoted blog posts are prime examples of the hate that BOTH extremes of the political spectrum spew every day. The only thing the Internet has let these people do is reach a bigger ( although still narrow minded) audience. Used to be you had to walk by and ignore these loons when the stood on a busy street corner, rambling on about government conspiracies and hatred of “others”. Now they can get their bile out via their high speed Internet connection (probably at their local public library, from the looks of most of the people I see sitting at the computers at my downtown branch).

  31. - Crime Fighter - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:23 am:

    @ Colossus makes a good point about fascism. The scapegoating, ultra-nationalism, rejection of science and reason all point to this. What’s scary is that you have the Ted Nugents of the world, the Fox News crowd, and Bachmanites accusing everyone who doesn’t share thier mythical and unreasoned view of the world as being America haters. And it works sometimes - sheesh.

  32. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:26 am:

    I think it’s sad that your patriotism is based on whom you hate for so many people. For a country grown from a melting pot, it’s really depressing.

  33. - BehindTheScenes - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:32 am:

    I sure hope Quinn sticks up for Christianity come December when schools around the state are cancelling Christmas pageants and banning Christmas trees.

  34. - Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:34 am:

    Well said roadiepig!

  35. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:44 am:

    Good for Quinn. I’m glad he participated in a Muslim ceremony. Muslims have the same rights and should be treated the same as everyone else. How are we going to combat terrorism and hate if we just throw more fuel on the fire and insult one another?

  36. - Brian - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:49 am:

    As a Republican, I find myself in the rare position of defending Pat Quinn. Politicians, both elected and candidates, celebrate religious and cultural holidays, also for Christians and Jews…even Hindus and, of course, many other cultural groups.

    The bigotry and ignorance by some is very disturbing. From slavery to persecution of Japanese, I’m not sure why our nation keeps making the same mistakes of misconduct toward a whole group of people.

    To my fellow Republicans, I urge you to be smarter than Pat Quinn. WE should stand up and condemn bigotry and ignorance toward Muslims. And, to my Democratic friends, we should all agree such bias, false suspicions and profiling is not only wrong, but that we ALL must speak up about it.

    Just like a lot of liberal blogs take things to an extreme, conservatives often do as well. I personally believe that most people don’t promote bigotry and ignorance, but they can fall for misinformation. It’s up to ALL of us to make sure that doesn’t happen.

    Last, but not least, let me also say “Allahu Akbar” as well.

    It means “God is Great.” Unless one doesn’t believe in God, then we should be able to say the same.

  37. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:51 am:

    BehindTheScenes - I’ve seen two comments from you this morning where you reference some events you apparently remember, but don’t provide any links. Care to back up your claims of christians being so mistreated in Illinois?

  38. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:51 am:

    –I sure hope Quinn sticks up for Christianity come December when schools around the state are cancelling Christmas pageants and banning Christmas trees.–

    Not sure I understand. He goes to a Catholic church. He went to a religious service of another faith.

    Where do public schools fit in?

  39. - Yossarian Lives - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 11:59 am:

    While I agree with all the defenders of Gov. Quinn who have done such a great job of skewering intolerance and ignorance on this point, I do agree with Anon. (10:49) that his awkward half-participation in the prayers WAS a bit odd. When I was invited to a Muslim service, I sat along the wall and observed respectfully; I did not participate (even though I, too, believe that ‘God is Great’). The other detail that caught my eye is that the governor’s press office evidently doesn’t understand the difference between ‘denounce’ and ‘renounce’ (as in, “the Governor renounced recent incidences of violence against Muslims” - you can DEnounce something with which you strongly disagree, but you cannot REnounce something unless you yourself formerly participated in it.)

  40. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 12:04 pm:

    ==schools around the state are cancelling Christmas pageants and banning Christmas trees.==

    They aren’t cancelling holiday pageants; they’re renaming them “Winter” programs or activities.

  41. - Way Way Down Here - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 12:11 pm:

    Sigh. Boy, I get tired of these dumbells.

    Rodiepig is right. Used to be you could just move down a few bar stools when that talk started. Now they can find EACH OTHER on the internet.

    For a real fright, reread Eric Hoffer’s book on political fanaticism, “The True Believer”. He’s got some answers, maybe we should look into them.

    Rich runs a civil public house here. Everybody seems to be able to hold their liquor and their tongue. I’ve always thought than when he deleted me it was to keep me from sounding more like an idiot than I sometimes do.

  42. - Liberty First - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 12:31 pm:

    An additional thought….. Freedom of religion is protected by both the US and Illinois constitution. There are legal rulings on accommodations for religion. What does this bill really accomplish?

  43. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 12:42 pm:

    ==Now we have a governor who claims to be Roman Catholic who is videoed praying with Muslims as they chant, “Allahu Ackbar.”==

    This comment made me laugh. Is everyone supposed to refrain from saying “God is Great” because a crazy guy said it? Is it just saying it in Arabic that’s wrong? Sheesh.

  44. - Fed up - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 12:55 pm:

    I guess you never looked at the liberal blogs and the lies about Mormons or the vicious attacks on Bush. Yes it is unfortunate. But it is not a right wing phenomena. I guess some just ignore the hate when they agree with the message.

  45. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 1:00 pm:

    ===I guess you never looked at the liberal blogs and the lies about Mormons or the vicious attacks on Bush.===

    When it involves an Illinois governor, I very occasionally bring myself to look. In this instance, I was sent an e-mail by somebody who claimed that Quinn had converted to Islam, so I clicked the enclosed link and started reading last night while sipping a beer.

    Other than that, bite me.

  46. - Jimbo - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 1:17 pm:

    Fed Up, people didn’t malign an entire religion/race of people because they badmouthed him relentlessly on the internet. A lot of people really hate Pat Quinn, and that is okay. Hating 1/5th of the world’s population, like those commenters do, isn’t. It makes you a dumb racist who should be ridiculed.

  47. - D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 1:24 pm:

    While I appreciate that there are extreme comments that come from both sides, I think there is a much greater mainstreaming of the right-wing extremism nowadays in the American the same way that there existed a somewhat mainstreaming of left-wing extremism in Europe in the 1960’s-70’s. We shouldn’t be dismissing the threats that this right-wing extremism poses today by saying there are some others on the other side, too, and pretend there is some balance. That is like saying we should teach both evolution and “creation science” because they are equally valid! The radical right fed by provocateur talk radio and Fox News TV, Tea Bagger absolutism, Todd Akin-brand of public policy, the birthers, Obama’s a Muslim, “You Lie”, etc., are all on a continuum that encourages this tenor.

  48. - Brian - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 1:28 pm:

    By the way, if Quinn converted to Islam, what’s wrong with that? If Obama really is Muslim, what’s wrong with that? If Romney is Mormon, what’s wrong with that?

  49. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 1:58 pm:

    @Fed up:

    Go back to Rush’s website and get over yourself.


    Exactly. What difference would it make anyway? Where in the Constitution is a specific religion a requirement? But like a commenter said. In the words of Ron White: ‘you can’t fix stupid.’

  50. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 2:03 pm:

    Bigotry, like misery, loves company.

  51. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 2:04 pm:

    @Gumby -

    I think what the IEA pension poll demonstrates, at least in the case of the heated anti-teacher rhetoric, is that the extremists are a pretty small minority.

  52. - Nuclear Bozo - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 2:27 pm:

    I do more lurking and reading on this blog than participating in the discussion, but I’ve always appreciated the quality, the level of open mindedness, and the humor here.

  53. - Colossus - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 2:56 pm:

    Thanks for speaking up, Bozo (and I mean that more respectfully than it sounds!).

    I was a lurker for years before finally taking the leap.

  54. - walkinfool - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 3:03 pm:

    I love how right wingers claim to read the minds of our Founding Fathers as supporting their own current positions.

    The truth is that both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson wrote about their belief in a strict separation of Church and State, and agreed that we will have shown maturity as a nation when we come to generally believe that the “religion of the Turks”[Islam] is and should be equal under the law to Christianity.
    (I am paraphrasing from an exchange of letters.)

  55. - walkinfool - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 3:12 pm:

    Rich has saved me from many a “Preckwinkle moment” with his sober deletions, as well.

    Thanks Rich

  56. - Bigtwich - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 3:26 pm:

    “Allahu Akbar” (Arabic: الله أكبر‎; meaning “God is [the] Greatest,” or “God is Great “)

    The “right wing blog” has the Governor chanting, “Allahu Ackbar.” I have no clue what that means.

  57. - JasonH - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 3:26 pm:

    Big news, everyone! There are ignorant bigots on the Internet!

  58. - Bemused - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 3:51 pm:

    First off I agree Rich does a good job as traffic Cop.
    Hey it’s his ball,his yard, his rules. Anyone who did not learn that as a youngster did not get out of their own yard much.
    As too the rest of this. It would seem many who want to yell freedom real loud do not really understand the concept. I turn off my recepters very quick when someone says ” America love it or leave it”. They have no idea what makes this country great is the third option. Get enough folks on your side and change it. I think the real fear is Islam may do just that.

    I have said before I worry about the human need to feel superior. I am better than you because_____. Fill in the blank.
    And so on and so on

  59. - D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 4:12 pm:

    Here is a prime example from Elected Officials:
    County Official Tom Head(called a judge)said in an interview: “He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the (United Nations), and what is going to happen when that happens?,” Head asked the station during a Monday interview. “I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.”

  60. - Soccertease - Wednesday, Aug 22, 12 @ 10:17 pm:

    The Gov just thought they were all doing the ‘wave’.

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