Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Cullerton vows Tamms veto override
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Cullerton vows Tamms veto override

Monday, Aug 27, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Cullerton pledges an override attempt

Illinois Senate President John Cullerton is urging Gov. Pat Quinn to change his decision about closing the Tamms Correctional Center; adding if he doesn’t, the legislature will attempt to override the governor’s decision during the veto session in November […].

The money for the Tamms facility, the state’s only super-maximum security facility, is in this year’s state budget, along with the money for other facilities Quinn is trying to close at the end of the week.

“That’s nonsense, it’s in the budget,” Cullerton said during a morning interview with members of The Southern Illinoisan newsroom. […]

Cullerton says he doesn’t see how the prisons will close in time and suggests Quinn should simply keep them open. If not, Cullerton said the legislature will attempt override his decision in November.

The Senate President is in southern Illinois today for a media event with state Sen. Gary Forby. The SDems will probably have to spend big bucks to protect Forby this fall, so this event is obviously designed to help the perpetually targeted incumbent.

…Adding… This is, of course, almost entirely for show. Quinn can close whatever facility he wants, regardless of a veto override.

*** UPDATE *** Not a surprise, since this has been sent to arbitration

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has officially abandoned his hope of shutting down prisons by Friday.

A letter from the Corrections Department instructs employees at targeted prisons to keep reporting to work. In it, Director S.A. “Tony” Godinez announces a “temporary delay for the layoffs and closures” that were scheduled for Aug. 31.

The letter was obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

Quinn wanted to empty the Tamms supermax prison and the women’s prison at Dwight to save money.

* From IDOC…

The state remains committed to the closure plan, and is moving forward with an expedited arbitration with AFSCME to facilitate the closures. IDOC has agreed to continue the halt of inmate transfers associated with the closures. As we continue arbitration under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the department has notified employees impacted by the closures to continue work in their current position and location while the arbitration proceeds, until further notice.

We look forward to resolving this matter as quickly as possible as we work to close outdated, half-full and expensive facilities in order to save Illinois taxpayers tens of millions of dollars annually.

Safety and security is of utmost importance and is always the department’s top priority. IDOC will implement the closures responsibly and in a way that prioritizes public safety and security while minimizing impact on staff and the inmate population.

The IDOC letter referenced by the AP is here.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:19 pm:

    Tell President Cullerton to “look out” for Hannibal Lecter…

  2. - bartelby - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:24 pm:

    Is Forby’s seat really worth $26 million dollars (the Tamms annual budget) and Cullerton’s soul?

  3. - Dan Bureaucrat - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:27 pm:

    Wait a minute….because AFSCME has stalled prison closures and with a lawsuit and they won’t close on schedule, we should just keep them all open? Should we just give up on pension reform too?

    This is a shameless attempt from the Democratic leadership to retain Forby’s Senate seat.

    It is one thing for the Senate Democrats to spend their own money on Forby. It is unethical to make taxpayers spend $26 million to keep Tamms open so Forby can keep his job.

  4. - cassandra - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:32 pm:

    This is really sad. Illinois Democrats are all for human rights—somewhere else. Guess they are channeling Mrs. Jellyby.

  5. - Quiet Sage - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:32 pm:

    Quinn is on the side of humanity on this one.

  6. - James - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:37 pm:

    Tamms is a hell-hole that should be closed, both for budgetary and humanitarian reasons.

    PQ is leading properly on this issue.

    Cullerton, let’s just keep torturing our prisoners so AFSCME guards don’t lose their precious jobs or your allies don’t lose their precious seats. This obviously goes for Madigan too.

    Guys, let’s protect those legislators so you all can continue to divert the pension payments, self-protect, and otherwise do nothing useful.

  7. - SO IL M - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:47 pm:

    Ok once again, lets tell the truth. Tamms is not a hell-hole, and therer is no torture, and never has been. Its also not about the budget. Its about appeasing the people who amke up things such as that.

  8. - SO IL M - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:48 pm:

    And I cant type either, sorry

  9. - dave - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:53 pm:

    I’m not sure exactly what Cullerton is going to override. Quinn can close Tamms without legislative approval, and Quinn can close Tamms even if there is money in the budget to keep it open.

  10. - reformer - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:55 pm:

    Longterm isolation causes psychological harm. When it is done to our POWs, we rightfully call it abuse.

    Even IDOC has recognized that the rules governing Tamms have left something to be desired as far as due process, transparency, and how to earn a way out.

  11. - Dan Bureaucrat - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:56 pm:

    SO IL M–I guess you think the editors of the BND are bleeding heart liberals?

  12. - haverford - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:57 pm:

    Dave asking the question I was going to ask, thus making my comment redundant. But posting anyway to second the emotion. You’re welcome.

    But seriously, annoyance at a separate power’s decision does not negate the separation of powers.)

  13. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 1:59 pm:

    I’m not sure how you override the decision. The General Assembly isn’t in charge of managing, just legislating. The Governor can spend or not spend whatever money he wants.

  14. - soccermom - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 2:04 pm:

    Tamms should close. I understand the politics of this, but I’m sorry that President Cullerton is opposing doing the right thing.

  15. - MrJM - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 2:11 pm:

    Quinn can close Tamms without legislative approval, and Quinn can close Tamms even if there is money in the budget to keep it open.

    This was my understanding as well…


    – MrJM

  16. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 2:20 pm:

    - This was my understanding as well… -

    Didn’t Forby propose legislation that would change that?

  17. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 2:25 pm:

    Didn’t Forby propose legislation that would change that?

    SB 3564

  18. - Dan Bureaucrat - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 2:25 pm:

    Quinn does not have to spend the money they give him for Tamms. He can still close Tamms, and he has been steadfast enough so far that it looks like he will.

    He appears to be unphased by the attacks on legislators, the union and the downstate papers. I guess that’s what happens when you know you are right.

    Still, it is unbelievable that he has to take all the heat alone and that “progressives” are nowhere to been seen when the politics get messy, even on a human rights issue.

  19. - haverford - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 2:29 pm:

    Oh, so it’s really a threat to run SB3564 again.

    Then Quinn will AV, override, and then I guess the Quinn admin will try to sue the general assembly for breaking down separation of powers as laid out in the Constitution? That shouldn’t take years or anything.

    But at least Forby will have a job for another few years. Hurrah.

  20. - Guzzling Gary - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 2:57 pm:

    Forby’s going to be his own worst enemy:

  21. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:01 pm:

    @Guzzling Gary -

    I’m guessing you’re not from Southern Illinois.

    Sucks for the kid driving. Hats off to him for owning up to his mistake. But won’t affect the election one bit.

  22. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:05 pm:

    The money in the budget was to repurpose Tamms. It is, afterall, one of the newest, most modern state prisons Illinois has. Why not figure out a way to use it? It’s not like we’ve got a shortage of prisoners.

  23. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:18 pm:

    Not good enough, Mr. Cullerton.
    Hearing you make that claim at this time, in this place, just gives pandering a bad name.

  24. - Truthteller - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:20 pm:

    Rich needs to get a new lawyer.

    The same one telling him Quinn’s pension plan is constitutional now advises he can close prisons regardless of the legislature’s will.

    Recall that when Ryan vetoed facilities out of the legislature’s budget, he called a special session and worked hard to get his vetoes sustained to avoid an argument that he couldn’t close them without legislative authority.

    Why did he go through the exercise if it didn’t matter, Rich?

  25. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:29 pm:

    It no longer matters what the legislature does any more. Just ask the Cook County States Attorney, Quinn, the Attorney General (of Illinois and the US), the President, and any number of elected Executive branch officials.

    We are marching down a new extra-legal path all across the US, why not here?

  26. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:41 pm:

    @Truthteller -

    I’m not sure where, if ever, Rich articulated the belief the the pension measure is Constitutional.

    But he is quite correct that the Legislature cannot force the Governor to spend money in this case, nor any other case that I am aware of save pension and debt obligations.

    The power to appropriate is an authorization to spend, not a command.

  27. - TCB - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:42 pm:

    Umm, Mr. Cullerton, It doesn’t matter if you override the veto. Just because the money is appropriated doean’t mean the Governor has to spend a single penny of it……PQ has nothing to worry about, Cullerton is bring a slingshot to a gun fight, he has no power whatsoever to change anything. He’s had his say through the appropriation process & the Governor has made it clear he’s closing this prison as soon a possible.

  28. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:55 pm:

    - We are marching down a new extra-legal path all across the US, why not here? -

    Cinci, how many times do you have to be told that none of this is new? Try history books instead of Fox.

  29. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 3:58 pm:

    The pendulum swings STL, and just like with FDR trying to pack the Supreme Court and got pushback, it’s about that time again…

  30. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 4:00 pm:

    Right Cinci, because only liberals have used executive orders. Sheesh.

  31. - state worker - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 4:13 pm:

    That’s an ugly place to be, President Cullerton. Please dont stand up for the worse things we can do to another living person, not to mention those with mental illnesses.

    You won’t stay proud of this moment.

  32. - cassandra - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 4:13 pm:

    What will be the impact on the budget if they don’t close them, or don’t close them this fy.
    For a few weeks, Quinn was talking about transferring the money saved from institutional closures to “children,” including, apparently, children served by DCFS as well as school children in general. Will schools get the monies promised? Does a delay in closures mean the DCFS layoffs and community grant cuts are more likely to go forward. Or will Quinn and the legislators find the money somewhere else. If the latter, where?

    The Quinn admin was dealt a difficult hand, but their performance should be improving by now. If they were line workers, they’d be getting a “needs improvement” on their evaluations.

  33. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 4:31 pm:


    Your comments are still irrelevant as it relates to this topic. How, exactly, is the legislative branch being unfairly ignored here?

  34. - JT11505 - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 6:20 pm:

    “It doesn’t matter if you override the veto. Just because the money is appropriated doean’t mean the Governor has to spend a single penny of it……”

    Isn’t Cullerton’s plan just to make sure that PQ doesn’t spend the “savings” on anything else, and hope that will make him cry uncle?

  35. - Local News - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 6:46 pm:

    Just saw story about today’s press conference on WSIL and Cullerton, Forby, Phelps and Bradley threatened to legislatively oppose any initiatives of the Governor’s going forward if he does not keep the facilities open. A little stronger response than threatening a useless override.

  36. - Duh - Monday, Aug 27, 12 @ 9:40 pm:

    Disagree with the thought the staffer DUI won’t play in Forby’s race. News media have requested via FOIA the video/audio on this traffic stop which also involved a 25 year old woman, all four occupants were unable to stand up let alone drive and had to be picked up, license plate 59 was towed from the scene. I can see the commercial now and I’m betting the video/audio will be quite interesting. The candidate for congress on the democrat side is furious with Forby because when the appear in public the media is focusing on Forby’s alcohol issue. Forby was on local tv saying it was no big deal. Cullerton needs to get Forby a muzzle and a new staffer

  37. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 8:12 am:

    @Local News -

    If, indeed, Cullerton has pledged to thwart the governor, that is a game-changer.

    Forby, Phelps and Bradley haven’t exactly been staunch allies.

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