Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn a no-show for DuQuoin State Fair Democrat Day
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Quinn a no-show for DuQuoin State Fair Democrat Day

Tuesday, Aug 28, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Is this really a surprise?

The state’s highest ranking Democrat didn’t show up for Democrat Day at the Du Quoin State Fair on Saturday.

State Representative John Bradley tells WSIL-TV he’s not surprised that Governor Quinn didn’t come. He says Quinn has been pushing several policy issues that are unpopular with downstate people. Those issues include gun bans, facility closures, and a pension proposal that could put more of a financial burden on southern school districts.

More Bradley

It’s the second day of the fair and Governor Pat Quinn has yet to make an appearance. Officials at his tent say they’re not sure whether he’ll be at the fair at all. Democratic State Representative John Bradley says he’s not surprised.

“When you engage in that kind of policies which many people feel are anti to southern Illinois I don’t expect coming down here and having a funnel cake would make any difference,” explained Democratic State Representative John Bradley.

* Meanwhile, a trip to the fair didn’t end well for a few people

A field organizer for state Sen. Gary Forby’s campaign was cited for driving under the influence early Friday morning; passengers in the car he was driving included Forby and state Rep. Brandon Phelps.

Mitchell J. Schaben, 24, was ticketed for DUI and speeding after he was pulled over by state police on Illinois 37 at Marcum Branch Road at 12:28 a.m. Friday.

Schaben was driving a 2009 red Cadillac, registration number 59SN, and had three passengers in the car including Forby, D-Benton, and Phelps, D-Harrisburg. The third passenger was not identified.

The four had been at dinner and meetings at the Rend Lake Resort. The gathering included out-of-town visitors in the area for the Du Quoin State Fair.

“It’s unfortunate,” Phelps said. “I didn’t think (Schaben) was impaired, and I know Mitch didn’t think so either or he wouldn’t have driven. He’s a great guy.”

I can’t remember the last time that I saw a DUI police report which included the names of the car’s occupants. Not sure that’s very cool. And not to diminish what Schaben did, but he blew a .09, which isn’t far above the legal limit of .08. Even so, Forby probably should’ve just well enough alone

“He was only one-tenth of a .09. Probably if he’d done another test, it might have shown up he wasn’t, he didn’t have enough. So the boy, he was right there on the limit. He wasn’t really what I call drunk,” Forby explains. […]

Forby says, “Mitch drives for me all the time. You know, I’m 67 years old, it’s nice to have a young guy drive me around. I didn’t see a problem. I didn’t see a problem with Mitch. If I’d seen a problem, I would not have let him drive.”

* Luckily for Forby, his Republican opponent doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it

With ten weeks left until the election, Forby recognizes Schaben’s DUI could affect his campaign. But his Republican challenger Mark Minor says he doesn’t want to get into it.

“I’m a pastor, a school board member, a counselor. I deal with a lot of issues in peoples’ lives. So I know it’s important to keep personal issues on a personal level. I want to keep this campaign clean,” says Minor.

We’ll see what happens when SGOP staff gets involved, however. Minor’s campaign is more than a little clueless, and it reportedly doesn’t take direction from Springfield.

* Schaben’s official statement…

“I exercised poor judgment and got behind the wheel of a car to drive despite consuming multiple alcoholic beverages unbeknownst to the passengers accompanying me in that automobile.

“Shortly thereafter, I was pulled over by the Illinois State Police on Illinois Highway 37 for a possible speeding violation. During that traffic stop, I was asked and agreed to participate in a breathalyzer test that would show that my blood alcohol level was above the legal limit for an individual operating a vehicle.

“Today, I am deeply sorry for this occurrence, not because I was caught but instead because of the potential danger I could have posed to the residents of the 59th Legislative District, the passengers of the vehicle and myself.

“I would like to apologize publicly to not only the Forby for Senate Campaign but to the constituents of the 59th Legislative District for any distraction this incident will provide from a robust debate on the issues important to them in the coming months. I’m fully prepared to be held accountable for my regrettable actions and any shame I may have brought to myself, my family, coworkers and peers.”

* And speaking of Forby and Bradley

The president of the Illinois Senate, John Cullerton, said he would work to overturn Gov. Pat Quinn’s closure plan when the General Assembly meets in a veto session in November.

Cullerton, speaking Monday in Benton, also said he supported a bill from state Sen. Gary Forby, D-Benton, to limit the governor’s ability to close facilities against the recommendation of the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability.

“(Forby) sponsored a bill that would have said it’s up to the legislature to decide whether or not you can close these facilities,” Cullerton said. “Take it away from the governor’s hands, up to the legislature after you have those (COGFA) hearings. That bill failed by one vote.”

Cullerton’s support came on the same day Quinn’s office acknowledged it would not meet an Aug. 31 closure date for Tamms Correctional Center and other state facilities. The state and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union are in arbitration to resolve the closure issue after the union filed a lawsuit in Alexander County to stop closures.

* Bradley was pretty harsh in his comments, including a threat to go after funding for recycling programs

“We made tough choices, and this is a cowardice act… And we’re going to start going after things the governor cares about. How about green grants? If he doesn’t think he’s got enough money to keep the prison systems open, then why are we giving him discretionary money for recycling programs? Let’s start going after that things he cares about and tell him that what he’s doing is killing our area.”

* During his own speech, Rep. Brandon Phelps claimed that the Department of Corrections transferred an inmate out of Tamms to Pontiac and then quickly transferred the prisoner back to Tamms.

* Raw video


  1. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:00 pm:

    I hope the Governor challenges such a bill if it ever passes. It’s clearly an unconstitutional power grab by the GA. They ARE NOT the managers. They are the lawmakers. I wonder if other state legislatures are as pathetic as ours?

  2. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:10 pm:

    A southern man don’t need him around, anyhow….

    In Commie Park, they love the governor
    We all did what we could do
    Now closing Tamms does not bother me
    Does your conscience bother you, tell me true?

    Turn it up.

  3. - western illinois - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:16 pm:

    How many democrats are left south of 70?
    With Obama leading in most swing states cut close in all national polls I bet its a real blowout against him in those regions and I bet south of 70 or even 72 may be one of those. I am very curious to see if there are any elected dems left down there after the election

  4. - cover - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:21 pm:

    I actually agree with the decision by candidate Minor not to attack Sen. Forby over his staffer’s DUI. Forby wasn’t the one driving, after all. If Mr. Schuben was supposed to be the designated driver, it was up to him - not to Forby or Rep. Phelps - to keep himself sober so he could do his job.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:22 pm:


    You rock …

  6. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:26 pm:

    Quinn shoulda sent Shirley

  7. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:27 pm:

    Forby and Phelps showed extremely poor judgment. Why are so many people so confused by our DUI laws? They laws may contain a lot of words but they boil down to “Don’t drink and drive.”

    People who play the “Well, I don’t think I’m blasted” game are fools. People should not ask if the limit is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. It should be 1. Have one drink, give somebody the keys.

    I’m really tired of people dying because other think they were not impaired.

  8. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:34 pm:

    Pretty soon, there won’t be a community in this state where he’ll be welcome.

  9. - state worker - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:43 pm:

    I’d call BS on Phelps prisoner they had to send right back to Tamms. Unless maybe the guards there refused to guard him to make the point that Pontiac staff can’t handle a guy from Tamms? If they can’t do it, why not send him out of state for free.

  10. - MS - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:48 pm:

    I read both articles from your links and didn’t see an Illinois State Police D.U.I. report listing the names of the car’s occupants.

  11. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:52 pm:

    Willie, the answers to life’s most vexing questions can be found in the words of Ronnie Van Zant.

    “Handguns are made for killing, ain’t no good for nothing else…”

    When I was in high school, I had a Ronnie/Greg Allman hair-thing going on. That is, until I accidentally torched most of it off (and my eyebrows and eyelashes, too) getting high in the woods across the street while on lunch break during all-day detention.

    Luckily, when I went back to detention stinking of burnt hair and weed, the dean just didn’t want to deal with it that day.

    I love Alabama. Muscle Shoals has got The Swampers. They’ve been known to pick a song or two.

    I got arrested once during a layover at Birmingham Airport for tipping a beer in a restricted area (who knew?). I was locked up in Birmingham airport jail, but I didn’t have time to write a letter before my girl posted my bail.

    I love Alabama. I love the way the NIU Huskies went down to Tuscaloosa and beat them like a rented mule in 2003, with Michael Turner burnering them for a buck fifty on the ground.

    Turn it up.

  12. - state worker - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:52 pm:

    Going after recycling programs? C’mon. Up your game a little bit Bradley. How about kids on life support? If you can’t have Tamms, then take some people down with you.

    I just struggled through as much if the presser as I could. Didn’t make it to Cullerton. But did you catch Forby say that he had passed a bill in the Senate to stop the governor from making closures? Did anyone correct him? Does he not know that he lost that vote?

  13. - OurMagician - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 1:56 pm:

    “He was only one-tenth of a .09. Probably if he’d done another test, it might have shown up he wasn’t, he didn’t have enough. So the boy, he was right there on the limit. He wasn’t really what I call drunk,” Forby explains. […]

    Wouldn’t that be one hundredth?

  14. - bartelby - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 2:00 pm:

    Cullerton is trying to blackmail voters in Forby’s district: “Vote for Forby and I will support an override of the Governor’s veto of Tamms funding. If you vote for the Republican on the other hand, you are on your own.” This is a pathetic way to run a correctional system and a state budget. Prisons are serious business and should not be used for barter or as a jobs program. Quinn should just stick to his guns — close it down and call Cullerton’s bluff.

  15. - Anon - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 2:02 pm:

    Looks like we will finally get a Senate Floor vote on concealed carry! Cullerton specifically said, while he couldn’t vote for it, he would not block a vote on the floor. “If a bill is introduced then we will make sure it gets a floor vote. I’m not going to block it.”

    Rich, make sure and file this video for safe keeping.

  16. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 2:05 pm:

    ===Rich, make sure and file this video for safe keeping. ===

    Not new. He said the same thing a year ago.

  17. - Cassiopeia - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 2:11 pm:

    I am really proud of our brave Governor—-NOT!

  18. - Fight for Chicago - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 2:18 pm:

    Cullerton won’t block a bill being called. But his members know better than to call it.

  19. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 2:24 pm:

    ===But his members know better than to call it. ===

    Actually, his members are waiting for the House to vote on concealed carry. SDems I’ve talked to think it’ll pass the Senate. The House is a different story, though.

  20. - Downstate john B is in the house - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 2:34 pm:

    Wow—- that healthcare vote Bradley made on retirees HC premiums was in the interest of downstate ….NOT! Now he is trying to make people in his district forget that vote…. SO.. Let’s talk about Tamms and how mean that Governor is to the people of SI. Bradley’s vote on Healthcare hurt Southern Illinois economically much more than shutting down Tamms. Give me a break!!!

  21. - Shore - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 2:38 pm:

    The kid won’t get a break, but a lot of people who read this have probably been in his position and get what he was dealing with. He’s probably a great kid with a spotless driving record. Too bad.

  22. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 6:49 pm:

    Literally, if the driver had ONE HALF of a drink less (be it a beer, wine, or a mixed drink), he would have been under .08 limit.

    This isn’t to condone drinking and driving. The danger isn’t having 3 beers (that’s 12 ounces, not pints and not the IPA’s which could have 50 percent more alcohol than a Budweiser) while watching the Cubs or the White Sox play a 2 hour 30 minute game. If you’re an average male and you get pulled over, you’re only blowing a .04 at thatpoint.

    But it’s the people who drink upwards of 10 drinks, can’t find the car let alone drive that are the dangers. When news reports come out about deaths involving DUI’s, rarely are they around .10 or .12 level. It’s usually twice or more the legal limit.

    I’d rather we spend more time and energy on those drivers than someone who has a 4 beers, is sober but can’t is over the legal limit. Just my thought and no I’ve never got a DUI. 3 Beers and I’m done.

  23. - Duh - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 10:28 pm:

    Forby is going to mess around and blow this election. Mthat stupid interview on local news will make a great commercial. If the Pubs don’t take off the gloves they lose this one. Probably going to anyhow but at least make it interesting

  24. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 28, 12 @ 10:30 pm:

    Quinn is the governor of Chicago, and DuQuoin is no where near Chicago.

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