* A Sun-Times story begins with this…
Is Mayor Rahm Emanuel a presidential wannabe or the second coming of legendary Notre Dame football coach Knute Rockne? Maybe both.
Way down in the piece, though, you get to this…
Asked again Wednesday whether he has any presidential ambitions — either now or sometime in the future — Emanuel did not hesitate.
“No. No. No. I’m not doing it. Ask my best friends I’ve known for years. No. Full stop. Stop it,” he said.
“I love my job. I love the work I’m doing. I love working on behalf of the people of Chicago. I love the work I do for them.”
It’s his standard response. Earlier this year, Emanuel even signed a handwritten pledge, when a reporter asked him the question: “I, Rahm Emanuel , will not run for another office — EVER.”
it’s a silly question. He’s not running for president.
* Another lede…
Former White House chief-of-staff Bill Daley’s name has been floated as a possible Democratic challenger to embattled incumbent Gov. Pat Quinn, but don’t bother asking Daley about it. He doesn’t want to talk about a 2014 run.
* And the actual response…
“Oh, I’m not gonna get into that. Come on. That’s silly,” Daley said after dropping in at Wednesday’s Il. delegation breakfast in Charlotte.
“It’s a year- and-a-half away. That’s silly. You’ve got better things to do. You’re at a convention to elect a president of the United States from our home state and you’re worrying about some election 2.5 years from now. It’s silly.”
Quinn’s budget cuts and sagging poll numbers–along with an ugly fight with organized labor over his proposed pension reforms–has set him up for a possible primary challenge.
Asked whether he considers the governor vulnerable to a challenge from within his own party, Daley said, “I have no idea. I don’t know.”
Can we stop with the Bill Daley stories, please? The guy has never run for anything. I won’t believe it until I actually see it.
* But, sometimes, the object of the story cooperates. Here’s Congressman Aaron Schock on his own future…
Rep. Aaron Schock of Peoria is serious—deadly serious—about running and is getting equally serious consideration from Chicago’s fat-walleted business community. His only true competitors appear to be former gubernatorial chief of staff Kirk Dillard and Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford, probably in that order. And a repeat of the cattle-call GOP primary of two years ago is possible.
Mr. Schock, 31, is the current wunderkind of the Illinois Republican Party. A fast climber who beat a local school board member after the district refused to let him graduate early from high school to attend college, he zipped through Springfield and then glided into Congress in 2004. That was after, he says, he turned down a $5,000 campaign contribution from Caterpillar Inc., eventually settling for a mere $25K. (He wanted $50,000.)
The point is, the kid is as hungry as they get and, perhaps more important, a fresh face for the governor’s mansion with more than $3 million in his campaign war chest. That could give him an entrée to the Chicago area, as could the fact that he’s raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for other party powers such as Illinois House GOP Leader Tom Cross.
Mr. Schock, in an hourlong interview, makes it clear he’s prepared to resist party pressure to run for the Senate instead. “I don’t plan to be in politics for 30 years,” he says. And while he hasn’t made a decision, he declares that CEOs “get stuff done” and that “you can’t change the direction of the state without a new chief executive.”
I’m hearing the powers that be weren’t all that impressed with Schock’s performance at last week’s convention, however. “Not ready for prime time,” was one phrase used. We’ll see. He’s got a ton of money, but with campaign caps in place, it’s not clear that he can transfer that federal pile to a state campaign committee.
*** UPDATE *** Oy…
Another contender, U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock of Peoria, sent out emails urging backers to respond to an online GOP gubernatorial poll being conducted by the Illinois Review, a conservative website.
* Other stuff…
* Emanuel Exits Obama 2012 Campaign, Joins Super PAC
* Rahm Makes Most Of DNC
* Bill Daley on Super PACs
* Rahm defends DNC trip, won’t say if he will accept teachers strike
* Potential rivals to Rep. Schock: Ever heard of Abe Lincoln?
- wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 9:51 am:
Bill Daley will never run for anything. At least with appointed positions, you can bail when you want and go back to making money.
I refuse to take off my tinfoil hat when it comes to Emanuel running for president. The guy has been a Washington creature for years. That Potomac Fever is tough to beat.
But mayors don’t run for president; governors and senators do. There’s another step along the way.
Here’s what MJM said to Channel 7 yesterday:
“Oh, I think clearly that Rahm Emanuel has the potential to be the president of the United States,” said Rep. Mike Madigan (D) Ill. Democratic chairman.
Madigan points to the Emanuel resume: prolific fundraiser, senior adviser to President Clinton, U.S. Congressman, Democratic Congressional campaign committee chairman, White House chief of staff and mayor of the nation’s third largest city.
“If he chooses to run for president of the United States, that clearly is a possibility for him,” Madigan said.
- Ahoy! - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 10:06 am:
Schock is in a tough position because he isn’t ready, but he might not see a better time to run than 2014. He surely doesn’t want to get stuck behind an incumbent from his own party nor do you want to be at the mercy of what could be a popular incumbent from the other party (I’m thinking Quinn does not win re-election and things turn around in Illinois).
The question is does he want to try to control his own destiny, ready or not, or wait? Given his track record, I’m guessing he’ll try to control his own destiny. Either way is a chance. He does need some major coaching and to distinguish himself away from the House Republicans. They might bring cash to the table, but they bring a whole lot more baggage.
- Shore - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 10:09 am:
Schock wasn’t elected to congress in 2004. There’s no excuse for mistakes like that from journalists in the era of internet research. Schock is not some state rep or palatine city councilman with a campaign page done by his nephew that looks circa 1998. There are too many stories like that where journalists don’t take the time and then miss major facts. There’s a great picture of him 3/4 of the way through this months CS magazine-a fancy chicago publication-at some swank party in Lake Geneva with a really nice looking young woman and him in fashionable attire. An election year with a lot at stake including a number of congressional seats in Illinois and he has time for this kind of stuff. He’s starting to rival rutherford’s clown show.
- LincolnLounger - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 10:18 am:
If Romney somehow wins, I just don’t see Schock running. The first “off-year” would likely be a debacle for Republicans in IL (and many other places. If Obama wins re-election, nobody get in Schock’s way ’cause it won’t be pretty.
- Just Me - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 10:23 am:
Schlock is a good legislator, and historically good legislators make bad executives. It is just a different skill set and different way of approaching problems. There is no shame in realizing your strengths and weaknesses. Schlock can be a very successful Congressman (or Senator) or he can be a failed Governor and have to get a “real” job when his political career ends at a very young age.
- Psssh - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 10:30 am:
SB1466 makes it pretty clear that you can only take 50k from another candidate political committee. And there is a clear distinction between federal and state office. Therefore Schocks 3 million is useless outside of 50k of it in a primary. He wont be able to transfer his federal funds to a state fund.
I would not be suprised if schock didn’t know this, he doesn’t pay attention to other things like Madigan’s power or Federal Marriage Amendments.
There is Gray area though with super pacs and self funding when either contribute 250k and contribution limits are released. (it is unclear on whether all contribution limits are released. I doubt an Spac would contribute that much in a crowded primary. Unless B. Rauner runs and gives himself 250k in a primary I don’t see anyone self funding enough to release contribution limits and if they did that would be a dumb move knowing schock has 3 mil.
- Adam Smith - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 10:30 am:
Schock is a driven young man who, like so many, is unaware of his own limitations. He can charm the birds out of the trees and has some of the Chicago money people taking a look, but that’s a far cry from being able to sell yourself as a capable CEO.
Schock himself says the state needs a new CEO but he has never had a nanosecond of management or leadership experience. He hasn’t had any real job other than being a legislator, and he’s never been a major player at that either.
Schock can be a great member of Congress and can articulate a vision for the country, but it is absolutely vital that the Republicans look beyond this “flavor of the month” and find someone who the voters can actually see sitting behind the big desk and making meaningful progress on complex issues.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 11:02 am:
So, while his fellow Democrats were praising his attack on the President’s opponent, they also discussed how unpopular, unelectable, and how weak he was as governor?
Actions speak louder than words. Publically praising while backroom gutting Quinn reveals more truths about his governing abilities than anyone really lets on.
Politics is damn ugly. But it gets far worse when the politicians so comfortably accept what to everyone else is so shameful.
Either support Quinn or replace him. Don’t give him a national platform until his fellow Democrats have made a decision first. Or the Party will look even worse.
- WhatRecession? - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 11:09 am:
A politician attending a fundraiser! What was he thinking!?!
end sarcasm.
- Fed up - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 11:30 am:
So schock went to a party and had his picture taken. Wow your reaching for stuff. Rahm has taken about 10 vacations since being elected mayor while people die in the streets yet no complaints about his off time. Obama is in Martha vineyard then Hawaii then cape cod get over it people have lives outside of work.
- Calhoun Native - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 11:34 am:
“Schlock is a good legislator.” Baloney. (And by the way the Congressman’s name is Schock.) He sponsored 30 bills in the last two Congresses and only one of his bills was voted on by the House which is controlled by his own party. One! Why is he there? Eastwood’s chair would more effective.
He’s a tireless self-promoter that knows how to recite the talking points. He can also be charming and articulate on TV. MThat’s his talent. I think he thinks he’s ready for prime time but he would be a disaster if he was given the real responsibilities that come with an executive office.
- G'Kar - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 11:41 am:
Adam Smith made my point, perhaps more eloquently than I will. Schock (and Paul Ryan for that matter) seem to be young examples of what The Tea Party is against–career politicians.
- Boone's is Back - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 12:12 pm:
I wouldn’t rule out a presidential run by Rahm. All of his policy decisions have been geared at independents that leave fiscally conservative. He also loves the big show, and I can’t see him retiring Mayor. He’s been eyeing the next step since his inauguration.
- Just Me - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 1:00 pm:
Sorry, Schock. My mobile device autocorrects Schock to Schlock for some reason. I wish I could figure out how to change it because it happens all the time.
- come on - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 1:38 pm:
Schock has a nano second of experience and you really can’t have your first executive experience coming in the way of the Governorship. Besides he reminds me of another back bencher member of Congress, who was a flashy dresser with narcissistic characteristics who was Governor and we all know how that turned out!
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 1:53 pm:
Rahm ain’t running. Period. Wordslinger is correct that you don’t leap from Mayor to President…there are lots of reasons why. Running a big city effectively always means doing something to alienate both the base of the Democratic and the Republican Party.
Do you think labor would support Rahm in a presidential primary after how the CTU has been treated? Fat chance. And have we forgotten NAFTA??
Schock is running, make no mistake about it. I’ll be thrilled to see his political career end in 2014.
- Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 2:19 pm:
Shock’s strenghts are his war chest, his volunteer base, his fresh face that could help expand both, and his tireless work ethic. His weakness seems to be a lack of command of issues - he really will need to work on this in order to stand a chance.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 2:32 pm:
@Robert the Bruce -
Schock’s strengths are the same as Rod’s: willing to say anything to raise money, willing to say anything to get votes, and really good at saying stuff.
His path to the governor’s office is identical to Rod’s: few years a backbencher in the Illinois General Assembly, few years as a backbencher in Congress raising go-gobs of money, then run for Governor, then the White House.
But other then being telegenic, good at delivering talking points, and great at raising money, what actual leadership qualities has Aaron Schock demonstrated? None.
- Boone's is Back - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 2:56 pm:
yes I definitely think labor would support Rahm, and it also depends on the field. CTU is on the losing end of that one, and I would imagine that they’re not going to get much sympathy from their labor brethren seeing as how they’re the highest paid teachers in the country and are striking.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 3:14 pm:
@Boone -
Chicago teachers aren’t the highest paid in the country, or even Illinois. That’s total fabrication.
No one in organized labor has forgotten NAFTA, and Rahm is largely seen as the architect. There’s a BIG reason labor didn’t support him for Mayor.
CTU is AFT Local 1. Local One: that means the first local founded in the country. The tough contract negotiations aren’t the issue…the way union members feel personally belittled and attacked by Rahm is the issue, and his clear alliance with Stand for Children, who has made it clear that their goal is union-busting.
It does depend somewhat on the field…but unless there’s no one else in the field with even a hope of winning, labor is going with somebody else.
Unless, of course, Rahm patches things up over the next two years.
But as I said elsewhere, he’d have to start an exploratory committee in 2015 while running for re-election as mayor. That just seems completely undoable.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 3:30 pm:
@Rich -
Based on the poll’s results, I’m guessing that Kirk Dillard ALSO sent out an email to his supporters urging them to vote at Illinois Review.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 3:52 pm:
Am I crazy, or didn’t Schock say at the convention that everyone should be focused on electing Mitt Romney and a GOP Congress this November, instead of 2014?
I guess he meant everybody except Aaron Schock.
- Loop Lady - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 4:13 pm:
Rahm excels as a political strategist and fundraiser. Not so much as the public servant.
He lacks the personality to ingratiate himself to anyone, or seek their approval. He does what he thinks is best, period. I am glad he will be raising boku bucks for Obama. He’s going to be
very sucessful and Barack will need every dollar he raises.
- Shore - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 4:27 pm:
where is evidence of this tireless “work ethic” schock is all about. He wasn’t a policy force on young guns and he mostly makes news partying or playing congressional liaison to the fashion and health industries. As for Daley good riddance bud. You’re right on Rahm, his approach to being Mayor of chicago has been George W Bush-esque in terms of how much time he’s spent doing things unrelated to the job.
- steve schnorf - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 6:17 pm:
Is Schock’s $3M in funds that can be used for state races?
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 7:59 pm:
I still contend that Schock will examine a run for Senate. There is much less of a gray area when fundraising and campaign accounts are concerned. He already has stout national connections and the ILGOP Congressional delegation would be firmly behind him. I don’t think it’s out of line to think Durbin may retire, and if that’s the case, there is no excuse for Schock to not run.
- Sonic - Thursday, Sep 6, 12 @ 9:12 pm:
Dummies. Schock can transfer every penny of his federal campaign fund to his state campaign for Governor. State Senator Dave Koehler briefly ran for Congress then aborted the bid at the behest of Durbin who wanted Bustos as the nominee against Schilling. Koehler then transfered every penny of his congressional campaign account to his State Senate re-elect fund in two transactions for a total of $90,000. No limits on transfers from one person’s federal committee to their state committee. But some of you can keep on stating that ain’t so emphatically. Fine. Sit back and watch Schock legally do it.
- Anonymous - Friday, Sep 7, 12 @ 2:15 am:
=Politics is damn ugly. But it gets far worse when the politicians so comfortably accept what to everyone else is so shameful.=
Worth repeating.