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C’mon, man!

Monday, Sep 10, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* First, Gov. Pat Quinn refused to allow reporters into even minimum security prisons to examine conditions. Now, the governor won’t even tell reporters who’s been allowed in for tours

Carefully controlled prison walk-throughs were commonplace for lawmakers, journalists and others in years past as a way to illustrate conditions for prisoners and the state employees who keep them in line. But after barring the gate to reporters last month, Quinn’s administration has deemed it too burdensome to reveal who has been allowed to enter in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by The Associated Press.

Despite the governor’s declaration that allowing reporters inside is a “security risk,” prison officials said only individual wardens have information about tours by outside groups, and that top Department of Corrections brass don’t keep track of who’s coming and going, although some evidence contradicts that. […]

But other evidence suggests top Corrections officials do know about separate tour groups, and are involved in approving them. When a reporter called Illinois River Correctional Center in Canton, a staff member in the warden’s office said a tour request must be submitted in writing to the warden, but a deputy director of the department has final say.

In addition, prison wardens submit weekly activity reports to one of the three deputy directors who supervise them, routinely listing approved tours.

What the heck is Quinn hiding here? What is he so afraid of?

C’mon, man!

* Um, Joe?

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) this week mocked Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran and double amputee, for speaking at the Democratic National Convention, charging that the only issue Duckworth cares about is her outfit.

“Ms. Duckworth has continued to show more interest in rubbing elbows with big name party insiders, then [SIC] staying home and tackling the tough issues facing voters in the district,” he said in a statement on his website. “It has become abundantly clear that at this point the only debate Ms. Duckworth is actually interested in having is which outfit she’ll be wearing for her big speech.”

Duckworth told The Huffington Post that she has already debated Walsh twice and has three more debates scheduled with him, but she is not surprised by his degrading insult.

“It’s not the first time Mr. Walsh has been sexist, but frankly I have more important things to do than listen to a man whose whole purpose in Congress is to shout from the mountaintops and not to serve his constituents,” she said. “My whole point of being here was to bring the perspective of my constituents to leadership and to make sure we do talk about jobs, the economy, and our country’s military policies, and I think I’ve done a great job of that.”

C’mon, man!

* The Tribune editorializes

Three years later, video gambling terminals have produced not one miserable dime for Illinois, although that’s about to change. The Illinois Gaming Board is set to begin testing its computer system for monitoring the terminals, and could authorize the start of legalized video gambling within a month. Why the delay? Lawmakers vastly underestimated the complexity of background checks on individuals and businesses who have applied for licenses to work in video gambling. The list of applicants runs to 173 pages on the Gaming Board’s website.

Actually, the big delay came when the Gaming Board massively screwed up the contract bid. From the Tribune’s new page

Gaming officials signed a contract in June 2010 for a central computer system capable of monitoring up to 60,000 video poker games in the state, but had to void that deal because of errors in the bidding process.

After rebidding the work, officials signed a contract [in February of 2012] with Alpharetta, Ga.-based Scientific Games International

So, almost a two-year delay and the Tribsters ignore it.

C’mon, man!

* Pantagraph

Electronic democracy is the way to go for Illinois to solve its pension crisis, according to Gov. Pat Quinn.

The governor shed some light on his so-called grassroots campaign to reform the state’s pension system at a Saturday morning stop in Decatur that was unrelated to his visit to unveil “The Portrait of a Soldier” exhibit at the Decatur Public Library.

While details remain vague, Quinn said he hopes to use the Internet and social media to inform people on the issue and to rally people to contact their lawmakers.

“Having the power of the Internet … is a good way to get the message across on what we have to do for the public,” he said.

He’s sure building this thing up. I hope for his sake that it’s more than a Facebook page, because if it isn’t, you know what I’ll say?

“C’mon, man!”

* Your turn.


  1. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 1:15 pm:

    Not a fan of Cong. Walsh, but the mention of Ms. Duckworth’s disability in the first paragraph made it seem like the reporter was attempting to imply that Walsh would be mocking her disability and/or her military service. I felt that was cheap, since the rest of the story did not bear that out. That Ms. Duckworth felt degraded by Cong. Walsh’s “outfit” comment, well, that’s the way some campaigners campaign. Not new, just a typical non sequitor political attack. Cong. Walsh seems to have struck a nerve, or at least baffled Ms. Duckworth enough to not come up with a better retort.

  2. - PQ's Primary Opponent - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 1:16 pm:

    I think a Facebook page is a reach for PQ and his staff!!!!!!!!

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 1:34 pm:

    To Dan Rutherford;

    Dan claims to be working “very hard” for Mitt Romney and focusing on “one election at a time”, but re-tweets about “Meeting the Next Illinois Governor, Dan Rutherford”

    Which is it? Are you focused on Mitt, or more focused on touting yourself as governor as your re-tweets suggest?

    “C’mon Man!”

    To the ILGOP and their Press Office, (Or lack thereof)

    Having to consistently send out a follow-up press release after saying “something” about the Dems or Madigan, and then its discovered the ILGOP might have done the same thing, or suggesting federal investigations, when the “Chairman” worked in a US Attorney’s Office and knows how they work and the press release holds no legal standing except to possibly irritate the US Attorney’s Office.

    “C’mon Man!”

    Finally, to Pat Quinn,

    Show Illinois the “Governor” that gave the speech to the DNC, the one where others might follow you, or work WITH you to find the common ground to make Illinois better. Stop with the “double-speak”, the “lead-filled trial ballons”, and the Charlie Brown wishy-washy leadership style that Mike Madigan takes so personally he purposely governs like YOU should. Stand up, or shrivel away … please.

    “C’mon Man”

  4. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 1:40 pm:

    C’mon Capt Fax
    You know the Tribbies have not explained the chain of events that got them caught on the Gs audio tapes of Blagoof when they want a $100 million and Blagoof wanted to dump editorial writers.
    You know the questions
    1. Did the Tribbies ever go to the USA to report the scandal
    2. Or did they wait, like the TRS guy, for the G to knock on their door?
    Word the correct answer is #2

  5. - Wensicia - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 1:41 pm:

    C’mon Woman!

    Don’t respond to every ridiculous statement Walsh spews out! Ignore him and stay focused on the issues, Tammy, not the personal stuff.

  6. - Joe from Joliet - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 1:42 pm:

    …Massively screwed up the contract bid…

    Who’s to blame - incompetent agency people or that new and fabulous ‘ethics’ division that took control of every SOI procurement? Are there any SOI contract bids that are not ‘massively screwed up’?

  7. - too obvious - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 1:49 pm:

    Pat Brady to blame Mike Madigan for Joe Walsh being coocoo for cocoa puffs in 3…2…

  8. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 1:54 pm:

    C’mon Man
    Did you notice there is yet another Blagooof book the media wants us to shell out hard cash on?
    At least Natasha usually made sense

  9. - Just Because - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:02 pm:

    Corrections Corporation of America

  10. - Irish - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:05 pm:

    It appears that the “transparent” Pat Quinn that was going to light up the dark back rooms where Illinois political businees is done hasn’t paid his Com-Ed bill.

    Repeated attempts to FOIA information from this administration on where taxpayer dollars have gone to prove that the GA appropriated enough money to cover pay raises and steps have met roadblocks. The governor is now saying that until the final memo comes out any previous memo does not come under the FOIA law. And his rebuffing of reporters requests on prison conditions shows that he is not interested in shining the light in any of his closets. Apparently Pat Quinn the reformer has gone over to the Dark Side.

    PQ what are you hiding? CMon Man!

  11. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:15 pm:

    Rahm has a social website I hear…”.IN YOUR FACEbook”

  12. - Skirmisher - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:17 pm:

    Given the understandable sensitivity of the black community to the excessive incarceration of black males. I rather suspect that Quinn is not anxious for media reports specificly describing the bad living conditions in Illinois’ overly crowded prison systems. As Rich has noted, the black enclaves in Chicagoland are among his very few areas of reasonably solid support and Quinn is probably not anxious to facilitate more of a broo-haw over over-crowded conditions.

  13. - VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:20 pm:

    Walsh sucks enough without needing to quote the useless and ridiculously biased Huffington Post.

  14. - Tobor - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:20 pm:

    What the Gov. is hiding is the result of the massive budget cuts in Corrections. All visitors are shown the clean building, the best behaved inmates. Nobody sees the real thing.

  15. - VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:21 pm:

    C’Mon Man!
    The Huffington Post?

  16. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:24 pm:

    ===C’Mon Man!
    The Huffington Post?
    LAME ===

    Sorry I’m not politically correct enough for you.

    C’mon, man!


  17. - Anony Mouse - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:30 pm:

    On IDOC website there is story about inmate children allowed to go into the female prisons for a “Mom and Me Camp.” C’mon.

  18. - Judgment Day - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:38 pm:

    “Having the power of the Internet … is a good way to get the message across on what we have to do for the public,”

    The Governor’s office trying to use social media to rally support for pension reform?

    “let’s use social media” sounds like it was the basis for a rejected script for an episode of the Fourth Graders on South Park.

    Somebody, somewhere along the line, probably showed him a Facebook page, and now, it’s like “We can do this”. I feel for the poor software developer(s) who are going to have to handle this one. How about titling it as “What’s The Plan?”

    We really need to have a staffer on the Governor’s staff following Quinn around (with a 2″ x 4″), so whenever Quinn comes up with one of his typical brilliant ideas, the staffer immediately whacks him upside the head. The resulting concussion would probably do him good.

    On the last part, I am joking - barely.

  19. - PQ's Primary Opponent - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:44 pm:

    C’Mon Man: to anybody expecting competence from The Governor..He has been drowning in his own inability to push any issue across the finish line for a long time. A nice man, probably personally quite honest too. But his incompetence is criminal in a sense.Somebody should tell him and his staff that on the first floor of the Capitol is the LRB, they actually will write legislation for you if you go in and present an idea!!!!!!!

  20. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:49 pm:

    oh, so Walsh is going to the same well as Schilling to criticize the appearance of the female candidate opposing him. yes, it is a time waste to have to answer these kinds of sexists remarks. but that is the psychology of sexism…sometimes it is delivered in tiny bits that have to be smashed because they take root and grow bigger. Walsh is a jerk.

  21. - 47th Ward - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 2:52 pm:

    From the Tribune:

    “Matthew Dietrich, former editorial page editor of the State Journal-Register in Springfield, has been hired as executive editor of Reboot Illinois, a not-yet-launched for-profit digital media company that will focus on state politics and education.

    Dietrich joined the State Journal-Register in 1990 and led its editorial page beginning in February 2008, according to an online resume.

    “Matt’s strong credentials and understanding of the Illinois and Springfield news landscape make him uniquely qualified to serve in this role,” Reboot Illinois said in a statement. “Matt has built his entire career on creating balanced, factual coverage of state issues. His work at Reboot will be no different.”

    The Tribune previously reported that Reboot, led by hedge fund manager Anne Dias Griffin, would feature aggregated content from other news organizations as well as original commentary from a variety of political viewpoints. It’s also expected to compile research and data that generally support Griffin’s views on education and pension reform.”

    His work at Reboot will be the same as it was at S-JR?

    C’mon, man!

  22. - Downstate Illinois - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 3:00 pm:

    The governor’s press people must feel like they’re working for Rod considering all the lies they have to sprout.

  23. - Crime Fighter - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 3:18 pm:

    C’Mon Man!:
    Waging a grass roots social media campaign against a group of lower middle-class workers.

  24. - Past the Rule of 85 - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 3:19 pm:

    ===The governor’s press people must feel like they’re working for Rod==

    For all practical purposes they are. We’re still waiting for the house cleaning Quinn promised when he became Governor. I think that also goes a long way in explaining the foul up with the contract bid.

  25. - sal-says - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 3:23 pm:


    Quinn. Let’s see. So much for open and transparent govt; he’s working hard to sell loyal, conscientious State workers and retirees down the toilet, etc.

    What’s his 2012 campaign slogan gonna be?

    “I made Blago & Ryan look like statesmen?”

  26. - Jack Straw - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 3:44 pm:

    C’mon man,
    It would seem odd that PQ is trying to sell the idea that reducing the number of prison beds is in every way “safe.” But then claims “security risk” when the reporters come calling. Which one is it? Are Illinois’ prisons safe or not?

  27. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 4:56 pm:

    Come on,PQ’s Primary Opponent–you lost to the guy, right?

  28. - southern illinoisan - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 5:02 pm:

    Another DOC blunder by PQ. Go ahead and fire the Director and blame him for not informing you of the “tour policy”. LOLH!

  29. - EBCDIC - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 5:13 pm:

    Quinn has shown repeadily his lack of compidence in his role as a leader. What surprises me more is that he has left the State in a financial mess, failed to even show up in the Capitol to do his job and is now planning an all expense state paid trip to San Paulo brazil.

  30. - sal-says - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 5:49 pm:

    * Rep. Joe Walsh?
    Pretty much a disgrace to all respectful men in IL.

    * The Tribune editorializes…?
    Same old; same old. Nothing surprising from those folks.

    “* Pantagraph… Electronic democracy is the way to go for Illinois to solve its pension crisis, according to Gov. Pat Quinn.”
    Quinn again? “Electronic democracy…” WHAT??????

    It IS a scary world we live in.

  31. - RetiredStateEmployee - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 6:30 pm:

    C’mon man,
    Gov Quinn and Facebook?!? He still does his taxes by hand without a calculator.

  32. - reformer - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 6:40 pm:

    Republican legislators complain about our reduced credit rating, but also have signed a pledge to repeal the temporary income tax hike immediately, which would further impair the state’s ability to repay debts. C’on man!

  33. - state worker - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 7:33 pm:

    What a lie Pat told..all visitors are approved by each agencys deputy director…how many could their be?

  34. - DuPage Dave - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 8:17 pm:

    Pat has flipped his lid at last. He can’t connect even a little bit with “Old Pat Quinn”, the reformer and proponent of openness, transparency and sunshine. Like most executives, he rationalizes ways to hide what he would prefer others not see.

    When you hide something as silly as this, the first question to come to mind is “What else is he hiding?”.

  35. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Sep 10, 12 @ 10:40 pm:

    Rich -

    The White Sox have extended their division lead to three games, while the Chicago Cubs have the second-worst record in baseball and have already been eliminated from the playoffs.

    But I don’t think we’ve had a baseball post since before the All Star break.

    Are you afraid of jinxing the Sox, or have you just gone soft on the Cubs?

    Need some help, how about this quote from the brother of Kathleen Savio, upon hearing that Drew Peterson had been convicted of her murder:

    Nick Savio, Kathleen Savio’s brother, choked up outside the courthouse as he called the verdict “bittersweet.”

    “It’s better than a White Sox World Series win,” he said, his face quivering with emotion. “This has been a very long time coming.”

    I guess he coulda said “Better than a Cubs World Series win,” except those never happen?

    C’mon man!

  36. - Steve Green - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 9:02 am:

    Circular Firing Squad,
    C’mon Man,
    You need some new material. Blago is long gone and locked up as he should be.
    Who really cares, half a decade later, whether or not the Trib called Fitz or Fitz called the Trib?

    Fitz obviously didn’t as this bit of the story basically fell by the wayside as the Fed case against the mop-headed weasel was refined and strengthed.

  37. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 9:28 am:

    As the nation is mesmerized by the competition of who loves Medicare the most, let’s remember that 90,000 young American men and women are still in harm’s way on the dark side of the Moon, also known as Afghanistan.

    It’s been nearly 11 years. About 7,000 Americans dead, too many of them teenagers.

    Hear me? Teenagers. Like just out of high school.

    Anyone want to remind me again why some 19-year-old had to get blown up in Kandahar? Was it to protect the heroin industry that our pals in power there are making a fortune on, in addition to the pallets of taxpayer hondos they take from the C-47s and transfer to Switzerland?

    I’m so ashamed I can barely see straight.

    This is the one history will judge us on, and hold up as an example of what silly, selfish fools we have been. Wage war, cut taxes, complain about deficits, and blame everything on the folks who don’t look like you.

    And by the way, send the kids to get blown up. Just don’t talk about it.

    C’mon, man, bring those folks home.

    Or, if it’s so important, send fat old men like me. No more teenagers killed to keep our favorite band of drug dealers in power.

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