Todays Numbers: 9,171 and 7,789
Tuesday, Sep 11, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* A coalition of organizations is asking the governor to veto the gaming expansion bill…
The groups, including Common Cause and the Anti-Gambling Task Force, know that legislators could override the veto. They worry that casino interests will use their money to “strong-arm”legislators and buy their votes to override the veto.
Rev. Phil Blackwell, a Methodist minister who’s against gambling, acknowledges that there must be more oversight, more transparency and a ban on political contributions from casino operators if a bill is ever to meet the governor’s standards. But he argues that the notion of building more casinos to create jobs is foolhardy.
“There are more households destabilized by casinos than supported by casinos. By implication, more jobs stand to be lost than gained,” Blackwell said.
He points to 9,171 people in Illinois on the self-exclusion list while there are 7,789 casino employees. Of the 9,171, Blackwell says that represents only 4 percent of who should be excluded from gambling.
- mokenavince - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 10:56 am:
Quinn has got to fish or cut bait,his stalling is just down right annoying.He fiddles while Illinois
- The Captain - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 11:06 am:
Didn’t he already veto the gaming expansion bill? I’m confused.
- Coach59 - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 11:11 am:
Evidently we are not including the 30,000 current jobs that is tied with the horse racing industry that will most likely be lost in a few years!
The State made their choice on Gambling years ago with the approval of the first casino! Gambling is and always will be part of the state! So now you are trying to tell me that gambling is only good for a few cities! What make these cities more special then the other!
We have a Gov. that doesn’t have a clue when it comes to bring in more jobs and revenue! He would rather send them to Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, and Wisconsin!
The Gov. keeps closing departments and losing more jobs!
I just wish the Representatives and Senators can come together and override the Gov. veto! For once lets see some leadership from chambers! What do you say Senators and Representatives are you ready to do your job! Or will you just put it off for another year!
- walkinfool - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 11:11 am:
Casino employees are not the only people to potentially benefit from expansion. Self-identified problem gamblers are not the only ones potentially harmed.
Not even close on either side.
What a strange and empty metric.
- Just Observing - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 11:20 am:
=== Casino employees are not the only people to potentially benefit from expansion. Self-identified problem gamblers are not the only ones potentially harmed. ===
True… there is a whole trickle down effect on both sides. Plus, will an increase in casinos compel problem gamblers to gamble more?
- downstate commissioner - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 11:25 am:
Captain, go back and read the article-Rich must have missed his coffee this morning-his lead sentence is wrong!
- downstate commissioner - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 11:28 am:
Agree with Coach59’s second paragraph, only without the exclamation marks. Illinois has already morally accepted gambling as a source of revenue, expansion can only help the state’s financial situation…
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 11:56 am:
How do they feel about the Illinois Lottery preying on those same people?
- Irish - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 12:46 pm:
This whole issue is awash with contradictions. We are against more gambling because that is detrimental to society but how many “new” lottery games has the Governor touted in the last couple of years?
We don’t want to open more casinos because it will lead to more people gambling. Really? Or will it lead to Illinois citizens not driving to Iowa, Wisconsin, and Indiana to gamble. If that was not a sizeable number do you think the out of state casinos would be advertising in Illinois? There are more ads for out of state casinos than there are for Illinois casinos.
The video poker machine fiasco is also a joke. What those people who are fighting this don’t seem to get is that those machines are already out there in great numbers. They are paying out money and that money is tax free because Illinois can’t get it’s act together.
It’s not a gambling vs no gambling issue if it was why would PQ be so proud of online lottery sales that allow people to purchase lottery tickets on their credit card. That is probably the worst thing that has been done to provide an easy way for those who cannot afford it to go deep into debt, without even leaving their home.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 12:57 pm:
“….who should be excluded from gambling…..” I’m not good with this kind of notion. people have free will. to eat a cupcake, to play the slots, to smoke, and drink alcohol. structure to benefit governments. but for individuals, play at your own risk, with anything that others might judge that you “….should be excluded from….”
- Homer - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 1:16 pm:
Get off the pot Governor. People can make their own choices, wheather they gamble or not. If it create jobs and helps communities and families stabilize their incomes and puts people to work then sign it into law. Your President indicated the stimulus dollars would ceate shovel ready jobs. Not true!!!!!!!! These are positions that could be ready under normal construction shedules once authorized.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 1:46 pm:
–He points to 9,171 people in Illinois on the self-exclusion list while there are 7,789 casino employees. Of the 9,171, Blackwell says that represents only 4 percent of who should be excluded from gambling.–
Should be? Says who?
Rev. Blackwell, like any citizen, has a right to express his opinion in the public square. But he doesn’t get extra points for his collar.
I guess his church doesn’t have a Bingo game.
- cermak_rd - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 2:54 pm:
Some people have trouble with booze. Yet we do not limit the availability of it to anyone who is over 21.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 3:01 pm:
Not entirely true, cermak. Booze is sold only at certain times during the day/week. Some stores can’t sell liquor 24 hours a day. Bars are only open during hours set by law.
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 4:07 pm:
I attend Blackwell’s church at least sporadically. He’s a good man and a good preacher speaking out from a good place, but I don’t agree with him on the Chicago casino.
And as far as I know that church doesn’t have a Bingo game, but something that has always bothered me about the Chicago Methodist Temple is they lease out space on the ground level for a BMO Harris Bank in one spot and a rare coins dealer in another spot. Talk about moneychangers in the temple.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 11, 12 @ 5:40 pm:
– but something that has always bothered me about the Chicago Methodist Temple is they lease out space on the ground level for a BMO Harris Bank in one spot and a rare coins dealer in another spot. Talk about moneychangers in the temple.–
You can’t make that up. Ironic, to say the least.
You’re just going to have to kick over those tables one of these days.