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TII: This Is Illinois

Monday, Sep 24, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Most of you already know about the first half of my weekly syndicated newspaper column. But only subscribers know about the second half. I thought the rest of you might get a kick out of it

I have two poll results to tell you about — one involving an alleged criminal, the other a proven liar.

Expelled state Rep. Derrick Smith (D-Chicago) is leading his only opponent by 38 points and is close to the 50 percent he will need to reclaim his House seat.

A poll of 556 likely voters conducted Sept. 12 by We Ask America shows Smith crushing third-party candidate Lance Tyson by 48 percent to 9 percent. The poll has a margin of error of plus/minus 4.15 percent.

Smith was expelled from the House in August, months after his federal indictment for allegedly accepting a $7,000 cash bribe. He’s still on the ballot, though, and faces Lance Tyson, a Democrat, who was picked to run on a third party by the district’s Democratic ward committeemen.

Tyson loaned his campaign more than $26,000 last week after the poll results were revealed. That’s most of what he has raised so far.

Smith reported having almost $58,000 in the bank at the end of June. He has raised no money since then but still has enough to do some mailers and fliers, if he hasn’t already spent his cash on legal expenses.

If Smith regains his seat in November, the Illinois Constitution forbids the House from expelling him for the same reason next year. The House would either have to come up with a new reason unrelated to his indictment or suffer the indignity of allowing Smith as a member while he’s tried for bribery.

The Chicago Sun-Times’ Carol Marin reported recently that House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle were neutral in the Smith race. Madigan’s spokesman told me that his boss is neutral because two Democrats are running against each other.

Illinois is grand, isn’t it?


Since Madigan refuses to help, Tyson will likely need a big assist from Secretary of State Jesse White, who was responsible for putting Smith in the House in the first place.

Meanwhile, state Rep. Jerry Costello II (D-Smithton) leads his Republican opponent by eight points. But the poll was taken before Julie Bigham Eggers (R-Columbia) was caught in a major gaffe and some big lies that could cost her dearly.

The We Ask America poll taken Sept. 11 has Costello leading Eggers 48 percent to 40 percent. The poll of 756 likely voters had a margin of error of plus/minus 3.55 percent.

Eggers told the Belleville News Democrat that the “No. 1 reason” why she ran for the House “was for the health care because it has pretty good health care.”

Eggers later announced that she wouldn’t sign up for the legislative health insurance plan or the pension plan and wouldn’t even accept her salary and challenged Costello to do the same. But the damage already was done.

And it’s tough to believe that she’ll follow through on those promises because she has been caught before in some bizarre lies.

Eggers repeatedly has claimed in her campaign that she’s a “lifelong southern Illinoisan.” But the Belleville News-Democrat found out that she lived in Missouri for 10 years. When pressed, Eggers told the paper she lived out of state for “I don’t know, a couple years.”

The House Democrats then unearthed video of Eggers speaking at an event and claiming she got her law degree at the same time as her MBA degree.

“That’s extremely hard,” Eggers said about getting the two degrees at the same time. “And any of these judges running up around here will tell you, that’s pretty much something you don’t want to do.”

Trouble is, Eggers dropped out of law school after a year.

Hey, there’s no shame in dropping out of law school. Just don’t claim that you obtained a law degree when you did not.

Costello, the son of retiring U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello (D-12th), now is using the Eggers video in a new TV commercial.

“I will always tell you the truth,” Eggers says in the full video.

Except when she’s not.

Eggers has reported that Anne Diaz Griffin contributed $5,000 to her campaign fund after I wrote about her many problems. Griffin’s husband donated another $5,000.

Anne Griffin is a wealthy Chicagoan who is bankrolling a new online startup called “Reboot Illinois,” which, among other things, is pushing for stronger ethics reforms in state government.

Only in Illinois would a “reformer” bankroll somebody like Eggers.

* Here’s the original story from the Belleville News Democrat

Illinois House candidate Julie Bigham Eggers said she’s “in it for the insurance” because being a state lawmaker “has pretty good health care.”

Eggers, a Republican from Columbia, also stood by assertions in her campaign mailers of being a lifelong resident of Southern Illinois, even though property and voting records show she lived in Missouri for 10 years, up until 2008.

Eggers made the remarks during a BND interview about her candidacy. At one point, she was asked whether she would sign up for a pension — a perk that a few candidates and lawmakers have declined.

Eggers said she would not accept the pension because the state is broke, but then added, “Actually, I’m in it for the insurance, health insurance. I’m an independent business owner and I’ve got a daughter that’s got, one that’s got kidney issues and one that’s got breathing issues, and I’ve got an insurance rider for her kidneys, even though we’re not supposed to be, what is it called, pre-existing.”

She continued, “So, No. 1, the reason why I did it was for the health care, because it has pretty good health care. That’s my honest answer.”

* Audio of Eggers’ remarks

Click to download

* Eggers’ press release

Julie Bigham Eggers Signs ‘No Perks Pledge’ to Refuse State Pension and Healthcare Benefits if Elected State Rep.

Eggers will also refuse the legislative salary and challenges Costello II to sign the ‘No Perks Pledge’

Republican candidate for State Representative Julie Bigham Eggers signed a pledge today stating that if elected state representative she would refuse to accept the taxpayer funded pension and healthcare benefits offered to Illinois legislators. Julie Bigham Eggers will also refuse the part-time salary of $67,836 offered to Illinois legislators. Eggers challenged her opponent Jerry Costello II to do the same by refusing to accept the taxpayer funded pension and healthcare benefits.

Julie Bigham Eggers issued the following statement regarding the ‘No Perks Pledge’. I have signed a ‘No Perks Pledge’ to state firmly, “The State of Illinois is broke and in desperate need of repair. Illinois’ deficit is $43.8 billion. Illinois’ pension debt is $83 billion. $126 billion - That’s how much Illinois is in debt thanks to our elected officials at our state capitol. Illinois legislators haven’t earned nor deserve the lavish Pension and Cadillac healthcare benefits paid for by the taxpayers. By signing this pledge, I will refuse to accept any taxpayer funded pension and healthcare benefits.”

“The state is broke and we cannot afford benefits like these for elected officials,” said Julie Bigham Eggers. “I will also refuse the part-time salary of $67,836 offered to me if elected State Representative. I ask my opponent Jerry Costello II (A.K.A Jerry Costello Jr.) to join me in signing the ‘No Perks Pledge’ to refuse to accept any taxpayer funded pension and healthcare benefits. I await his response.”

* As noted in my column, Ms. Eggers also has a problem with her claims about her residency. From the BND

But property records suggest Eggers had resided in Missouri from 1998 to 2008.

In a property deed from March 1998, Eggers, at the time known as Julie Mckinstry, her name from a previous marriage, is listed as a Missouri resident.

Property records also show she sold a home in Missouri in February 2008, a few days after buying her current home in Columbia.

Voting records show that she voted in St. Charles County, Mo., in 2002, 2004 and 2006.

When asked during the interview about her assertion of being a lifelong Southern Illinois resident, Eggers said: “That’s true. I consider myself a lifelong resident.”

* Audio of those remarks

Click to download

* The Belleville News Democrat’s editorial page focused on her residency claims

To us the bigger red flag is Eggers'’ claim that she’s a lifelong Illinois resident — although she lived in Missouri for 10 years. Even when called on it she didn’t back away from that claim, but instead compared her situation to a student away at college.

But this wasn’t college. This was buying a house and registering to vote in another state.

Politicians often bend the truth, but usually not over such an easily verifiable fact.

This will be another factor for the voters to consider on Election Day.

* Here’s the TV ad by Rep. Jerry Costello that whacks his Republican opponent Judy Bigham Eggers for being a liar…

Click to download

* One of the ad’s talking points is that Eggers claims she “did” her law degree, but she never got a law degree. The House Republicans initially wondered if the ad had been creatively edited, but they quickly backed away from that. The full video actually is much worse for Eggers. Watch

In the video, starting at about the 2:28 mark, Eggers says that she “did” her law degree and her MBA at the same time. That part is in the TV ad. Then right away she says…

“That’s extremely hard. And any of these judges running up around here will tell you, that’s pretty much something you don’t want to do.”

Not good at all.


  1. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 9:41 am:

    OMG The Godmother of ReBoot is bankrolling LittleMsMakeItUp? On the heels of the hedge fund hustlers money laundering with Rodney?
    Cam anyone point to a campaign they have touched that is not kinky?

  2. - Shore - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 9:47 am:

    It’s always interesting to me how much more intensely state house races are covered downstate than they are in the chicago area. Also could you reup the plummer thing you posted late friday, a lot of folks had already gone on to weekend things

  3. - Siriusly - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 9:48 am:

    Video stalker worth its weight in campaign cash right there.

    Inexperienced candidates causing headaches everywhere. But this might be the worst example. On the audio clip about the insurance, you can almost hear her thinking that maybe she should retract what she said. Oops.

  4. - western illinois - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 9:52 am:

    Madigan holds a special session to expel hima and is now neutral? Perhaps if he isn t he will be exposed as that man behind the curtain and poof the mystery of his power is gone.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 9:55 am:

    I would normally be “shocked” by all this, but since the HGOP is involved, I went from disappointed to sad.

    Attention HGOP Caucus;

    Remember all these gaffes. Remember all the “candidates” that turned out to be less than stellar when facing the strong possibility of being “veto-proofed” out of relevence, (and that is giving Tom Cross the “charity” of considering his leadership “relevent”).

    Remember, HGOP Caucus, remember.

    If this shakes out badly, are you going to have Tom Cross lead your continued irrelevency? Not one of you will say to Tom Cross, “Enough, you had your shot, and you took us lower then where you began.”

    Tom Cross might even blame his staff for “picking and/or not vetting” candidates. So, are you going to blame everyone but yourself, Tom? Are you going to blame others… for the Map, for the candidate recruitment, for the monetary failures? The HGOP is not even a viable “both sides” of an issue or policy to hedge a bet. “Wht give money to Tom Cross? It’s not like he can or is a threat.”

    That IS your legacy, Tom Cross, be it unvetted candidates, a lack of leadership during elections, the inept way of allocating resources to races irrelevent to gaing the Gavel, or the Map that drew your caucus out of any chance of regaining power under your watch.

    That is what you are leaving us Republicans.

    Julie Bigham Eggers is just another to a long tally of failures, congratulation!

  6. - wordslinger - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 10:05 am:

    You can’t really expect to get away with resume padding and other easily disprovable statements when challenging an incumbent.

    I would have expected a bigger hitter from the GOP in that neck of the woods. You have to go on the offensive somewhere.

  7. - Leroy - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 10:15 am:

    A very flawed candidate.

  8. - nieva - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 10:17 am:

    Liar Liar pants of fire!

  9. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 10:28 am:

    Come on man. Billboards was dependin’ on Gags Brady for the inspiration to put HGOPies over the top. Gags told Carol Marin over the weekend ( just in you were too busy to eyeball that opus)that he was focused on the Congressional races — when he wasn’t focused on a half triathalon —whatever that is — that he is training for.

  10. - Tommydanger - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 10:32 am:

    Wow, that’s pretty bad even by Illinois standards. In baseball, the standard for futility is the dreaded Mendoza Line. Perhaps for future reference we can establish a new low for ethics in campaigning and call it the Eggers Line.

  11. - walkinfool - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 11:11 am:

    OK. You’ve featured the two worst Illinois House candidates today. Maybe.

    A pox on both their party bosses.

    We probably have thousands of better potential House Reps and Senators in Illinois. Many are highly skilled and experienced, and underemployed right now. Why don’t more good people step forward?

    It certainly isn’t the supposed power, pay, benefits, or personal sacrifices, that would attract them. Maybe the parties should advertise for new talent. We have to remove political barriers to newcomers. We have to value honest public service more than we do.

  12. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 11:23 am:

    The worst thing in this entire post, to me, is that she has two daughters who have health problems - “I’ve got a daughter that’s got, one that’s got kidney issues and one that’s got breathing issues” - and then states she will turn down the health coverage? Seriously? Because it looks bad?
    I know Tea Partiers love to vote for people who simply bash the ACA (Obamacare for the uneducated), but for crying out loud, what kind of parent is she that her daughters are both sick and she pledges to turn down the “really good health care”? I would have more respect for her if she took the insurance, even if it doesn’t go along with her chosen narrative.

  13. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 11:25 am:

    Sorry, sorry! I should have said “legislative health care system”. The ACA (Obamacare) doesn’t apply in this case.

  14. - anon - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 12:06 pm:

    this woman is a train wreck!

  15. - train111 - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 12:17 pm:

    Adding to “anon 12:06″

    “This woman is a trainwreck” in a district the GOP absolutely needs to pick up if Tom Cross has any hopes of getting out of the minorty leader spot sometime this century.

    The state GOP and Cross’ affilliated campaign funds have already doled out over $100K on this race. Ouch!!!!!!

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 1:37 pm:

    ===The state GOP and Cross’ affilliated campaign funds have already doled out over $100K on this race.===




    To the HGOP, be they “members of the Caucus”, “volunteers during campaign season”, or Paid Staff:

    When Tom Cross goes golfing on Election Day, and y’all are holding the bag for Poor Money Decisions, and a lack of leadership, are YOU going to back Tom Cross as YOUR leader? Are YOU going to back Tom Cross as YOUR boss?

    A “sad lot” you all are if you, YOU, allow this to continue after November.

    Shame on US all.

  17. - Livin' Large - Monday, Sep 24, 12 @ 9:52 pm:

    Eggers is definitely the worst of the worst. What an embarrassment for the GOP. We downstate Republicans have hit a new low with this one. Wow!
    I hope young Jerry loves his Christmas in September.
    Please, please, please Mr. Cross. Throw this candidate under the bus yesterday–or we downstaters will throw you under it.

  18. - Mshonest.... - Tuesday, Sep 25, 12 @ 8:00 pm:

    Is she kidding me? How can this MOTHER continue to lie…..what a role model she is for her daughters…her poor husband!

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