Quinn administration finally admits they’re open to slots at tracks
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Reporters have been trying for months to get Gov. Pat Quinn to answer questions prompted by my reporting that he had abandoned his staunch opposition to “racinos” - casinos at horse racing tracks. And for months, Quinn has been coy, not saying flat-out that he’s still opposed, but not ever saying that he could support it. Well, the State Journal-Register editorial board finally got somebody on record. The SJ-R’s latest editorial is about the gaming bill and what the governor said in his veto message of that bill…
Was that so difficult? Sheesh. Finally, there’s a real opening here.
Madigan: “Goal was to be a strong Speaker”
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * House Speaker Michael Madigan was asked by Amanda Vinicky this week about his dual leadership roles as Speaker and state Democratic Party Chairman. He was pretty blunt about his goals…
Listen to the clip… Listen to the full interview… Discuss.
Question of the day
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Earlier this week, House Speaker Michael Madigan hinted that the Democrats might go it alone on pension reform. He refused to say whether he would, indeed, push for such a Democrats-only roll call when interviewed later, however. The Republican leaders have responded…
* The Question: Do you believe that the House and Senate Republican leaders are “committed to passing real, comprehensive pension reform in a bi-partisan way”? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
*** UPDATED x2 - IL Review accuses DCCC of theft - Ad hits Plummer’s “experience” *** DCCC airs TV ad about “one of them” Schilling
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has a new TV ad attacking Republican Bobby Schilling. Rate it… * Script…
*** UPDATE 1 *** The DCCC also has a far more aggressive TV ad ripping Republican Jason Plummer… * Script…
*** UPDATE 2 *** IL Review claims the DCCC stole their footage…
* The original IR video…
Illinois didn’t cast all its votes for Obama
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * If this had happened to the Illinois Republicans, everybody would be laughing about how it was just another example of how the party can never get its act together. But it happened to the Democrats…
Oops. Partying too much, perhaps? Amazingly enough, I received no press release from the Illinois Republican Party about how this was all some Madigan plot. * Meanwhile, the Madigan family - minus Shirley - posed for a convention photo… ![]() I know we already have one caption contest today, but we just can’t pass this one up.
*** UPDATED x1 - Schock asked for help with online poll *** Some actually do cooperate with floater stories
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * A Sun-Times story begins with this…
Way down in the piece, though, you get to this…
it’s a silly question. He’s not running for president. * Another lede…
* And the actual response…
Can we stop with the Bill Daley stories, please? The guy has never run for anything. I won’t believe it until I actually see it. * But, sometimes, the object of the story cooperates. Here’s Congressman Aaron Schock on his own future…
I’m hearing the powers that be weren’t all that impressed with Schock’s performance at last week’s convention, however. “Not ready for prime time,” was one phrase used. We’ll see. He’s got a ton of money, but with campaign caps in place, it’s not clear that he can transfer that federal pile to a state campaign committee. *** UPDATE *** Oy…
* Other stuff…
Caption contest!
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel discuss… something… ![]() Keep it clean, people. No profanity and make sure to tone down the violent imagery. Yes, that makes this tough, but elevate yourselves. Thanks.
*** LIVE *** Democratic National Convention coverage
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * BlackBerry users click here. Everyone else can just sit back and watch the show…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a roundup
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller