* In my opinion, this is one of the best TV ads of the season so far. Republican Congressman Bobby Schilling totally undercuts a powerful ad run by the DCCC (click here to see the DCCC’s ad). Schilling wrongly blames Cheri Bustos for the spot, but you still gotta watch this one…
Narrator: “Why is Cheri Bustos running a Chicago-style false attack ad on Bobby Schilling?”
Steve Ballard: “You forgot where you came from.”
Narrator: “But we know where this guy’s from. Bustos is using party bosses posing as local workers.
Hank Gray: “Why does Cheri Bustos have to go to Wrigley Field to raise campaign money? This is her district—here—not Chicago.
Randy Gebhardt: “Cheri Bustos is a tax-raiser. Like Bobby, I’m fed up with Washington.”
Jerry Schreiner: “What sets Bobby Schilling apart is that he’s one of us.”
Lori Rotz: “Leads by example. Go Bobby!”
Bobby Schilling: “I’m Bobby Schilling and I approved this message.”
That “Go Bobby!” line really works well. Your thoughts?
* Some background can be found in a recent letter to the editor from a Schilling fan…
OK, now the anti-Schilling ads are getting silly.
I just saw one in which Steve Ballard, former Rock Island County Democratic chairman and East Moline prison warden, is saying that he is disappointed in Rep. Bobby Schilling. What a joke! This is the same Steve Ballard who appointed the son of Phil Hare to be assistant prison warden, even though there was at least one more qualified candidate.
So, let’s line up all of the Rock Island County Democratic machine nepotists and let them testify how they don’t like Bobby Schilling, duh.
*** UPDATE 1 *** From the Schilling campaign…
The Democrats’ ad included Dave DeBaillie, a former Henry County Democratic Party Chairman, Steve Ballard (pictured), a former Rock Island County Democratic Party Chairman, Cecilia O’Brien, wife of former Chief of Staff to Rep. Phil Hare, and Derek Jones, a former staffer for Rep. Phil Hare.
*** UPDATE 2 *** From the DCCC…
Priceless: Tea Party Congressman Bobby Schilling Enlists Campaign Donor and Activist in Latest Bogus TV Ad
Reeling from attacks from his own constituents, Congressman Bobby Schilling enlisted one of his own campaign donors to appear in his newly released TV ad. Congressman Schilling actually accuses Democrats of “posing” as local workers in his new ad while at the same time defending himself with his own campaign donor, Jerry Schreiner. The same donor spoke on behalf of the Schilling campaign to the Quad Cities Argus Dispatch at a Schilling sponsored protest opposing raising the minimum wage.
“Could Congressman Bobby Schilling be any more desperate to change the subject from his record of voting to end the Medicare guarantee just to protect tax breaks for corporate outsourcers and millionaires?” asked Haley Morris of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “When his own constituents condemn his failed priorities in Washington, the best Congressman Bobby Schilling can do get his campaign donors to come to his defense.”
Jerry Schreiner Donated to Schilling. According to FEC reports, Schreiner gave $300 in May 2012, and $100 in June 2012. [FEC.gov, filed 7/15/12]
De gustibus, etc. Ads on process (where did you get your money?? Who appeared in that ad?? CHICAGO-STYLE POLITICS!!1!) are my least favorite, right down there with goofy-narrator ads.
Of course no has ever pursued the cranky opposition researcher vote so there’s also that.
the pizza thing he did with his hands is really good, he should make more use of that. In 2010 one of the most memorable ads was from the guy from Wisconsin who could walk on logs on the water and chop down trees. That kind of image sticks with people.
Also if everyone outside Chicago who whines that running ads attacking people are “Chicago-style” politics could please let campaigns in Chicago know, that would be great. Out of pure professional interest I’d rather “Chicago-style” resemble something other than “not run a campaign at all and put my hopes in a fictitious GOTV operation.”
Don’t forget that Cheri’s new ad “wrongly blames” the “Schilling team” for the NRCC country club ad.
- He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:14 am:
With all the attack ads, you wonder why anyone in their right mind would want to run for office. I am not just talking about this race but ALL the races.
When Schilling is heckled by an elitist pack of know it all as “pizza boy” too stupid or Tea Party addled to think, they are also insulting the people who want a guy in DC that is like them.
This is the House of Representatives, not the house of snotty professors, or the house of nannies. Sorry, but this is where you send pizza boys, ministers, funeral directors, bartenders and other average Joes and Janes. To represent average Joes and Janes.
Everyone likes pizza. You don’t mock pizzaria owners anymore than you mock bartenders. Maybe one day the US will create a House of Snotty Jerks, pretend we care about what they say, then fill it with folks who forgot where they came from, or think holding the right diploma makes them an expert in everything.
Until then, GO AVERAGE GUYS and GALS! Represent ME!
–When Schilling is heckled by an elitist pack of know it all as “pizza boy” too stupid or Tea Party addled to think, they are also insulting the people who want a guy in DC that is like them.–
Where do you see that?
Anyway, to the spot. I don’t know. I lived in the Quads for a few years and didn’t sense the anti-Chicago animus you find elsewhere. It’s a straight shot down I-88 or I-80 and a lot of folks go quite often.
Wrigley Field certainly was not unpopular. It’s not like the south suburbs where you pick up Sox fans or central and southern Illinois where the Cards are strong. The Quads are Cubs country.
yea, the wrigley shot was probably not that effective, and if Schilling has raised any money in Chicago, it’s stupid.
But the rest is great. Just how pathetic is your support when you can’t get an average Joe or Jane worker to appear in your ad.
- CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:47 am:
PizzaBobby just chalked up some right wing friend of business iron with the BigCAT handing out. They must be worried if the GOPies ae inventing awards for this guy.
Everytime I hear Chicago-style, all I think about is mustard, onions, relish, pickle, tomato and sport peppers with a dash of celery salt. No ketchup either, except on your fries.
I don’t think Chicago-style means what they think it means.
The Schilling ad with the regular people is pretty good, as dumb as the Wrigley Field hit seems to me when I’d imagine there’s quite a few Cubs fan in that district.
The U.S. Chamber ad for Bustos with their same old map background and the Mediscare stuff just seems like background noise though.
I agree with Rich- that ad is very powerful. Anytime you can show that someones grassroot support is propped up or staged you undercut their message. The tax raiser line hurts too.
The weirdest ad that I have heard during this cycle was a radio spot for Dee Beaubien trying to associate David McSweeney with Missouri US Senate candidate Todd Akin, the ad includes Akin’s infamous quote.
If Schilling has “one of the best TV ads of the season so far,” I’d suggest you haven’t seen many television spots!
Schilling is a “free fall” dropping 16 points in the past three weeks, and I really don’t see this ad stopping the bleeding. Fyrther, Northwestern Illinois voters have been saturated with negative ads for more than a year now (Iowa primary and Iowa general election). Compared to Romney’s anti-Newt Ginrich ads, the anti-Dave Lohesback ad (Somebody wake this guy up) and President Obama’s new two minute ad — Schilling’s ads are amateurish at best.
I have never liked ads/mailpieces that try to attack someone else’s ads/mailpiece unless that particular ad/mailpiece has just saturated the market. Otherwise you’re just reminding people what your opponent said so that you can tell them it isn’t true. Typically this type of “attack the attack” are done for emotional reasons on behalf of the candidate to make them feel better.
But again, I’m not in that district and don’t know how often the anti-Schilling ad is being run.
- Will Caskey - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:03 am:
De gustibus, etc. Ads on process (where did you get your money?? Who appeared in that ad?? CHICAGO-STYLE POLITICS!!1!) are my least favorite, right down there with goofy-narrator ads.
Of course no has ever pursued the cranky opposition researcher vote so there’s also that.
- Shore - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:03 am:
the pizza thing he did with his hands is really good, he should make more use of that. In 2010 one of the most memorable ads was from the guy from Wisconsin who could walk on logs on the water and chop down trees. That kind of image sticks with people.
- Will Caskey - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:08 am:
Also if everyone outside Chicago who whines that running ads attacking people are “Chicago-style” politics could please let campaigns in Chicago know, that would be great. Out of pure professional interest I’d rather “Chicago-style” resemble something other than “not run a campaign at all and put my hopes in a fictitious GOTV operation.”
- Arrogant - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:09 am:
Are Bustos and the Dems really that arrogant to think people wouldn’t notice?
Geez Louise…
- Arrogant - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:11 am:
Don’t forget that Cheri’s new ad “wrongly blames” the “Schilling team” for the NRCC country club ad.
- He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:14 am:
With all the attack ads, you wonder why anyone in their right mind would want to run for office. I am not just talking about this race but ALL the races.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:15 am:
When Schilling is heckled by an elitist pack of know it all as “pizza boy” too stupid or Tea Party addled to think, they are also insulting the people who want a guy in DC that is like them.
This is the House of Representatives, not the house of snotty professors, or the house of nannies. Sorry, but this is where you send pizza boys, ministers, funeral directors, bartenders and other average Joes and Janes. To represent average Joes and Janes.
Everyone likes pizza. You don’t mock pizzaria owners anymore than you mock bartenders. Maybe one day the US will create a House of Snotty Jerks, pretend we care about what they say, then fill it with folks who forgot where they came from, or think holding the right diploma makes them an expert in everything.
Until then, GO AVERAGE GUYS and GALS! Represent ME!
- Bitterman - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:30 am:
good ad….short, makes it’s point, fast defense and goes on offense.
- wordslinger - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:34 am:
–When Schilling is heckled by an elitist pack of know it all as “pizza boy” too stupid or Tea Party addled to think, they are also insulting the people who want a guy in DC that is like them.–
Where do you see that?
Anyway, to the spot. I don’t know. I lived in the Quads for a few years and didn’t sense the anti-Chicago animus you find elsewhere. It’s a straight shot down I-88 or I-80 and a lot of folks go quite often.
Wrigley Field certainly was not unpopular. It’s not like the south suburbs where you pick up Sox fans or central and southern Illinois where the Cards are strong. The Quads are Cubs country.
- Disconnect - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:43 am:
yea, the wrigley shot was probably not that effective, and if Schilling has raised any money in Chicago, it’s stupid.
But the rest is great. Just how pathetic is your support when you can’t get an average Joe or Jane worker to appear in your ad.
- CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:47 am:
PizzaBobby just chalked up some right wing friend of business iron with the BigCAT handing out. They must be worried if the GOPies ae inventing awards for this guy.
- Lil Enchilada - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:48 am:
Average Guys and Gals? They all own businesses in the QC area. Not one of them is an average worker then, are they?
- 47th Ward - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:53 am:
Everytime I hear Chicago-style, all I think about is mustard, onions, relish, pickle, tomato and sport peppers with a dash of celery salt. No ketchup either, except on your fries.
I don’t think Chicago-style means what they think it means.
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 11:54 am:
The Schilling ad with the regular people is pretty good, as dumb as the Wrigley Field hit seems to me when I’d imagine there’s quite a few Cubs fan in that district.
The U.S. Chamber ad for Bustos with their same old map background and the Mediscare stuff just seems like background noise though.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 12:02 pm:
===yea, the wrigley shot was probably not that effective===
101 losses.
Nuff said.
- Disconnect - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 12:09 pm:
Yeah rich, but at least we tied you guys for post season wins this year.
- Boone's is Back - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 12:40 pm:
I agree with Rich- that ad is very powerful. Anytime you can show that someones grassroot support is propped up or staged you undercut their message. The tax raiser line hurts too.
- Esquire - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 2:44 pm:
Schilling’s ad is a good one.
The weirdest ad that I have heard during this cycle was a radio spot for Dee Beaubien trying to associate David McSweeney with Missouri US Senate candidate Todd Akin, the ad includes Akin’s infamous quote.
- redrum - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 2:51 pm:
If Schilling has “one of the best TV ads of the season so far,” I’d suggest you haven’t seen many television spots!
Schilling is a “free fall” dropping 16 points in the past three weeks, and I really don’t see this ad stopping the bleeding. Fyrther, Northwestern Illinois voters have been saturated with negative ads for more than a year now (Iowa primary and Iowa general election). Compared to Romney’s anti-Newt Ginrich ads, the anti-Dave Lohesback ad (Somebody wake this guy up) and President Obama’s new two minute ad — Schilling’s ads are amateurish at best.
- Just Saying... - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 3:00 pm:
I have never liked ads/mailpieces that try to attack someone else’s ads/mailpiece unless that particular ad/mailpiece has just saturated the market. Otherwise you’re just reminding people what your opponent said so that you can tell them it isn’t true. Typically this type of “attack the attack” are done for emotional reasons on behalf of the candidate to make them feel better.
But again, I’m not in that district and don’t know how often the anti-Schilling ad is being run.
- G'Kar - Friday, Oct 5, 12 @ 3:07 pm:
No, 47th Ward, they are not complaining about Chicago style hotdogs, but Chicago style deep dish pizza!
I will say, though, it was a good ad.