Question of the day
Thursday, Oct 11, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * A new Tumblr site has been created called “Voter Shaming.” Here are a few of the posts… ![]()
* The Question: Any suggestions for future snarky “Voter Shaming” posts? Have fun, but keep it strictly Illinois-centric, please. Also, try to keep it current. Thanks.
- Oof - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:18 pm:
Wow. Just wow.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:20 pm:
Photo of the President’s supporters: “We met him at a Las Vegas fund raiser September 12!”
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:23 pm:
Photo of Plummer supporters: “It’s gonna be fun watching him grow up im DC.” “But hopefully not taller!”
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:23 pm:
How do I respond? I usually try to stay away from snark …
(picture, from behind of a golf cart, with clubs on the back … bumper sticker on the golf cart)
“Tom Cross for Speaker”
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:27 pm:
We like Pizza! - Schilling supporters
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:30 pm:
JJJ supporters: “After we vote for him we plan to gather at the edge of a cliff, and jump off!”
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:36 pm:
Photo of Dold and his mom: Moderates should vote for my son, who only supports 82% of the radical Republican agenda.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:38 pm:
Derrick Smith supporters - We’re voting for the guy who’s gonna have a term limit set by a federal judge.
- Southside cubs/gop fan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:38 pm:
Foster - we are voting to support the progress of women.
- train111 - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:39 pm:
Oberweis–Your going to drink your milk and like it this time!!!
I live in the Senate District he is running for. He is most likely to win this time around–fortunately or unfortunately depending on your views of him.
- x ace - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:43 pm:
Picture of bedraggled unemployed workers , Shimkus signs …
“We voted Shimkus thinking “Term Limit” promise meant he’d be gone not us !”
- unclesam - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:51 pm:
[picture of Quinn]
“If I’m out, then everyone is back in!”
- OneMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:56 pm:
Foster in front of a Map…
Hey they didn’t draw it for me but we don’t want to disappoint Mike Madigan, now do you..
Tammy Duckworth with a ‘thinking’ look on her face..
Just beat Joe Walsh, how hard could that be?
Every Democratic legislative candidate running on a ‘reform Springfield’ slogan… Standing by the state capitol
Just forget we run everything down here ok…
- OneMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:57 pm:
Every photo of a Democrat with Rod…
I have no idea who he is…
- OneMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:00 pm:
Derrick Smith ..
Well he is a Democrat, so I guess I will vote for him..
The triumph of the low information voter
Just trying to help promote day care
- OneMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:08 pm:
Ok, my bad not using the were voting format..
Were voting for the guy who gets on cable news all the time.
Democratic ‘Reform Springfield’ Leg candidates
Were voting for xyz, because they will be different, really…
Derrick Smith
We are voting for him because he is a Democrat and we always vote Democrat
Jason Plumber
We are voting for him because he is tall, we like tall…
Bill Foster
We are voting for Bill since he went to all that effort to chase the Democrat they had planned to run against Judy off…
- OneMan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:09 pm:
Bill Foster…
We are voting for Bill since spending so much of his own money to just end up a one term congressman seems sad…
- Shore - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:10 pm:
I’m voting for shriek, the congresswoman, not the film
My candidate spells SAT, ESAYTEE
My candidate could play defensive line for the bears
My candidate is proof harvard guys don’t always finish first
no legs, no campaign
My congressman isn’t just a member of hair club for men, he’s also the president (pictures pre and post hair enhancement)
my congressman has skin appeal
- wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:13 pm:
“We’re voting to stick it to public employee unions”
(works for just about any candidate)
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:25 pm:
Derrick Smith: “We’re voting for a record-breaking candidate!*”
*First to get kicked out of the General Assembly TWICE!
- orlkon - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:30 pm:
Quinn is in!
…For now!!
- reformer - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:44 pm:
Michelle Mussman
“Double-dipping at the public trough is outrageous” (when Republicans do it).
Pictures of City Water Dept. assistant supt. John D’Amico, Chicago cop Eddie Acevedo, Twp. Supervisor Al Riley, Twp Trustee Bob Rita, county employee Joe Lyons, etc. etc.
- Anonymice - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:59 pm:
It’s nominally 2000 years old and from Palestine, but you’ll never beat:
“Yes! We are all different!”
- zatoichi - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 2:03 pm:
Derrick Smith: Pension? He’s making side money.
- WhoKnew - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 2:19 pm:
Scherer with Blago:
What was she thinking!
- Cardinal fan - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 2:23 pm:
Natalie Manley “She’ll fight for you”
Skip Saviano “a ravioli in every pot”
- G'Kar - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 2:28 pm:
Photo of Schock from Men’s health
We are voting for Aaron because he looks like Tarzan.
- Irish - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 2:50 pm:
Series of pictures of Quinn.
1.Standing in front of Tamms with a sign “Everybody out no one left in!”
2. Facing press corps while unknown to him a group of state employees forms behind him. Quinn ” And for anyone to assassinate the character of another person is just wrong!”
3.Standing with Cat Workers on strike holding signs (We only want a minor wage increase and leave our insurance and pensions alone!)Quinn, “I support these workers of the Land of Lincoln in their fight to earn a living wage for their families.”
Main Caption - “We’re voting for ANYONE ELSE!”
- Irish - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 2:59 pm:
Another series of Pics.
Quinn speaking in front of IPI asking their support.
Quinn handing a handful of Franklins to the CEO of Sears and CME.
Quinn attacking State workers holding union signs.
Caption - “Democrat????”
- Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 3:18 pm:
Was Dr. Arie Friedman the first doctor to treat Sen. Mark Kirk’s stroke?
- Lil Enchilada - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 4:09 pm:
Schilling: No one puts (this) baby in a corner.
- been there - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 4:33 pm:
We’re voting to put the whole Berrios family on the Cook County payroll!
- been there - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 4:35 pm:
We’re voting for Quinn, to wipe out every pension but his!
- been there - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 4:41 pm:
We’re voting for Smith because he’s one of Jesse’s boys!
We’re voting for Rahm. to wipe out every pension but his!
- Emily Booth - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 4:57 pm:
This is pretty funny. I knew someone whose mother voted for Reagan because she thought he looked like a nice man. This makes me think of those kinds of voters.
- D.P. Gumby - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 5:02 pm:
Pix of Schock from Men’s Health-
“We’re voting for him cuz he’s ABSolutely Fabulous!”
- WazUp - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 5:05 pm:
“If nominated I will not run. If elected I’m going to take every freakin perk I can find”- Derick Smith
- WazUp - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 5:08 pm:
Yard Sign - “Honk if Rich Miller ran through your garden on a golf cart!”
- Wensicia - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 5:27 pm:
We’re voting for the man who supports more liberal points of view than his opponent…
Robert Dold
- walkinfool - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 5:29 pm:
pic of Matt Murphy voters:
“We love the way he just talks”
- Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 7:25 am:
“we’re re-electing Matt Murphy, again, so we can stop kicking the can down the road.”