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The Madigan factor

Thursday, Oct 11, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The SJ-R endorsed a Republican House candidate today, and the reason appears to be Democratic candidate Sue Scherer’s position on House Speaker Michael Madigan

Scherer, a Decatur teacher who’s taking the school year off to campaign, has taken at least $248,000 from campaign committees controlled by House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, whose staff drew this district to elect a Democrat. The contributions alone raise serious questions about her independence.

But the mailers Scherer has allowed to be sent out on her behalf raise more than questions. They point to a person who has allowed her campaign to be dictated by Madigan campaign strategists — “the program,” as they like to call it.

Like every candidate this time of year, she talks about working with Republicans. But the mailers and the money strongly indicate that she would be a backbench legislator, casting votes to ensure Madigan is speaker for years to come.

Who will she vote for for speaker after getting all that Madigan money? The people of her district, she said, dodging the question.

If she’s a member of the House, Scherer will be asked to vote whether to pass rules that prevent the minority party from having its bills heard. She’ll be asked to vote whether to allow Madigan to bury such legislation. Democratic legislators, particularly those whose campaigns received aid from the speaker, seem to forget they were going to reach across the aisle when those votes are called. […]

Scherer seems well intentioned and talks passionately about education, a subject she knows well. But we cannot endorse someone who seems to think voters are stupid.

Give the Republicans credit, they’ve managed to inject the “Fire Madigan” theme into the race this year in a pretty big way. It’s effecting coverage of legislative races

In the campaign for the 84th state House seat, the name Michael Madigan keeps coming up.

The Republican running for the open seat in the newly drawn district, Pat Fee of Aurora, says Madigan must be replaced as speaker of the House before Illinois legislators from both parties will be able to work together on solutions to the state’s biggest problems. […]

“There will be no working together. He (Madigan) rules it the way he wants it ruled and this is where we are today,” Fee said. “What Michael Madigan wants to do is shift it (pension costs) over to the schools. Guess where that’s going? To the taxpayers. This can’t be. You’re a Michael Madigan-backed candidate, and are you going to vote for Michael Madigan to be speaker?”

In an endorsement interview and candidate questionnaire for the Daily Herald, Kifowit, 40, did not indicate if she would vote for Madigan as speaker. She said she is being supported by the Democratic Party, and campaign finance records submitted to the Illinois State Board of Elections show she has received donations from the Democratic Majority, the Democratic Party of Illinois and a $40,000 contribution from Friends of Michael J. Madigan.

* The Daily Herald’s editorial board appears to have bought almost all the way in to the GOP/Tribune’s anti-Madigan war. From its endorsement of David McSweeney over Dee Beaubien

Beaubien has been criticized for accepting money from House Speaker Michael Madigan and thereby beholding herself to him and Democrats. She responds that she has received money from independent Republicans as well. But the larger issue for us is her unwillingness to reveal which caucus she would align herself with in Springfield. Voters cannot know what they would get when she keeps her cards so close the vest.

* And Rep. Sid Mathias (R-Buffalo Grove) has a new TV ad which reminds voters that a vote for his opponent is a vote for Mike Madigan

There’s more, but you get the drift.


  1. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:10 am:

    Scherer barely beat former Fighting Illini linebacker Winston Taylor in the Dem primary 69 votes. Has Taylor ever endorsed Scherer? Wasn’t the Madigan factor an issue in the primary too?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:16 am:

    To change the conversation is good, to change the media perception is good … to change the voters …the proof will be in the pudding, and the exit polling and who and where the HGOP and the SGOP can and DO beat the Dems and MJM.

    I have dinged Pat Brady, the H&SGOP and the Illinois Republican Party for the “Fire Madigan” … strategy.

    You have to bring it home to make me admit I am wrong, however. You have the conversation in the media/editorial boards looking at things differently, your polling, so I hear, also has the Madigan armor denting … but will it result in wins? Will it result as the mitigating factor on Election Day? I am not sold on that, because there in no apparent aparatus coordinated to find where those “pluses” are … and to get them out.

    Three weeks, prove me worng. I won’t mind, honest.

  3. - The Captain - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:18 am:

    Here’s where this is shortsighted, voters want to hear solutions to the problems that make them angry, instead the Republicans are offering solutions to the problems that make Republicans angry. It may have limited success but this plan has a hard ceiling.

  4. - just sayin' - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:31 am:

    Voters need to be reminded that every GOP house member voted for Madigan as House Speaker. Was true for this most recent term and probably in the past.

    Tom Cross cast all the votes as part of a unanimous consent and there were no objections. Yeah they’ll say that was just a “courtesy” or a “formality” - but facts are facts. It’s a true statement.

    And if Madigan is so bad then why the “courtesy”? You can’t vote for the guy as Speaker and then whine constantly about him being Speaker. Just sayin’.

  5. - Been There - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:36 am:

    And Schackelford and Fee won’t be beholden to Cross? Of course Cross would change the rules so that the now minority democrats can still get their bills passed, right?. I would think even Sid will be pretty much beholden to Cross if he pulls off this election.
    If they don’t like the way the system is now then their focus should be more on changing it. Keep trying to get a constitutions convention. Or bring back three member districts. Something beside just whacking Madigan because he is the best at playing by what the rules are. I don’t blame Cross for using the point. That’s politics. But when the media buys into political junk like this they are being naive or lazy or both.

  6. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:36 am:

    I find the tone of the SJR endorsement hilarious.

    Apparently, after more than 180 years in Springfield, they’ve discovered there’s partisan politics in the GA.

    Did they ask the question as to whom Scherer would vote for Speaker with a straight face? Who’d they expect her to say — Henry Clay? Nick Longworth?

    You guys new in town?

  7. - GOTV - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:43 am:

    i have seen reports that the GOP coordinated campaign have made nearly 2 million voter id calls. sounds like a plan to me?

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:50 am:

    ===i have seen reports that the GOP coordinated campaign have made nearly 2 million voter id calls. sounds like a plan to me?===

    AND …they have an Election Day plan to get all those ID’d to the polls, right? That is NOT what I am hearing about Election Day …you can ID all day long … vote ‘em, then you got somethng … haven’t seen that happen in a LONG time, and looking at what is transpiring in campaigns in my neck of the woods on election day aparatus, not seeing it coming out then either.

    Prove me wrong come election day, I won’t mind…but lots there to show me voting them is not in the “plan”

  9. - walkinfool - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:57 am:

    The SJ-R editors should know better than to buy the Republican nonsense about Madigan preventing dissenting votes and preventing reaching across the aisle by his supported candidates. Those behaviors are entirely up to them, and have been fairly common among these “targets”. The Dem caucus members will often rally around a given bill despite Madigan’s personal opposition to it, and pass it on the floor. He has power, but is not all-powerful.

    Their comments about the House rules, which can and do bottle up most of the bills from both sides, avoids the reality that these rules were written and established by Republicans back when they were in charge. It’s always fun to talk to GOP House members and hear them complain about all their bills that Madigan held up, and then match them with the Dem members complaining about exactly the same thing, in the same numbers.

    The rules are due for a change, as outlined by Nekritz, IMHO.

    Lies, in this case about Madigan’s power and influence, will sway uninformed voters and editorial boards when repeated enough. Unfortunately Madigan’s reticent PR and press style don’t help correct the misinformation.

  10. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:09 pm:

    Somewhat related, was surprised to see a pro-Kathleen Willis/anti-Skip Saviano spot last night on the Yankees/Orioles broadcast on TBS.

    Can’t figure how that buy would be terribly effective. It covers the Comcast metro area, doesn’t it?

  11. - 1776 - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:27 pm:

    The SJR is hypocritical. They endorsed Manar yesterday in part because of his relationship and connections to Cullerton indicating its better to have someone in the majority party. So the connections are good in the Senate and bad in the House?

  12. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:27 pm:

    ===It covers the Comcast metro area, doesn’t it? ===

    Comcast targets very narrowly.

  13. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:49 pm:

    Agree, goofy editorial, especially in light of the contrary argument yesterday, as 1776 notes above.
    However, does anyone find Ms. S to be a particularly strong candidate or feel that she will be a good legislator?

  14. - bored now - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 12:53 pm:

    do voters outside of chicago know who is the speaker? not heavy partisans, but the casual voter who will make up 75 percent of the electorate this year. i’d love to see the numbers on that (this strikes me as another indication that the illinois republican party isn’t very serious)…

  15. - reformer - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 1:31 pm:

    An effective Mathias ad.

    I agree with “walkinfool” it’s worth recalling that Speaker Daniels brought in the infamous unanimous consent rule to move bills out of the Rules Committee. Madigan kept the rule, which was initially voted for by Bost, Cross and every member of the GOP caucus in 1995.

  16. - OurMagician - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 3:36 pm:

    Sue Scherer’s first issue on her ads is that she’ll make it harder for legislators is raise their own pay. That’s the #1 issue in Illinois right now?

  17. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 3:38 pm:

    ===That’s the #1 issue in Illinois right now? ===

    It polls quite well, I’m told. Also, too, no pensions for legislators.

  18. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 4:38 pm:

    No bread and water, and a few hours on the “rack” or the “cat-o’-nine-tails” per legislative session, would probably poll well also.

  19. - Anon - amiss - Thursday, Oct 11, 12 @ 11:41 pm:

    Lets look at the four races mentioned:

    Scherer is gonna beat Shackelford - Period.

    Kifowit seems to be doing quite well against Fee.

    Beaubien is going to lose to McSweeney. Not too big of a surprise in a HEAVILY Republican district.

    Sente is doing quite well against a very strong candidate in Mathias.

    So is Madigan going to play a big part in any of these races? I suspect not.

    When it comes down to it, it comes down to who outworks who. Who rings more doorbells - who gets their name out more - Who gets their message out more. That will determine who wins these races. If the races are within a point or two, I can see Madigan becoming a factor, but I really don’t see it being outcome determinative in these races.

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