Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Strong disapproval for Madigan, but lots have no opinion
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Strong disapproval for Madigan, but lots have no opinion

Friday, Oct 12, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune polled House Speaker Michael Madigan and found that a lot of people don’t really have much of an opinion on him

While 90 percent said they are familiar with Madigan, 40 percent didn’t have a favorable or unfavorable view of him, and 38 percent said they had no opinion on whether they approved of his job performance as speaker. […]

But even more than one-third of voters in the poll who identified themselves as Republicans said they had no view of Madigan or had no opinion on his job performance.

* More

Suburban voters held the most negative views of Madigan. Only 13 percent of voters in suburban Cook County and the Republican-leaning collar counties had a favorable impression of the Chicago Democrat. In contrast, 45 percent of voters in suburban Cook and 50 percent of collar county voters view him unfavorably. Once again, more than 3 in 10 voters had no opinion.

The suburban negatives grew harsher when respondents were asked about Madigan’s job performance. Fully 53 percent of voters in suburban Cook and 52 percent in collar counties voters disapproved.

Downstate, more than half of voters expressed no opinion on how they viewed Madigan, and 46 percent said they could not rate his job performance. Among those who expressed an opinion, more viewed him negatively than positively.

* Graphics

* Meanwhile, this is from Illinois Review

The United Republican Fund (URF) distributed their contribution to the “Fire Madigan” campaign being waged by the Illinois Republican Party today.

* The URF’s “contribution“…



  1. - John D. - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:14 am:

    That URF ad is funny… But I have to wonder how many people under the age of 30 even know who Stalin and Mao are.

  2. - Just Me - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:19 am:

    I have my issues with the Speaker, as I’m sure most who read this blog do, but comparing him to Stalin and Mao is unacceptable. Madigan isn’t a mass murderer.

  3. - wordslinger - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:20 am:

    Check out the Big Brains at the United Republican Fund. It’s a wonder Illinois citizens just don’t flock to their world view.

    Normally, I’d consider it a despicable act to compare an elected state official in the United States to genocidal Communist despots.

    But that crew ain’t normal. If you’re that warped and short on grey cells, I guess you can get by on a diminished capacity defense.

  4. - Kerfuffle - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:21 am:

    URF is way over the top on this one.

  5. - TJ - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:22 am:

    Well…. at least they had the good common sense to not break Godwin’s Law….

  6. - ,downstate commissionet - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:23 am:

    Pretty harsh comparison, unflattering picture. Typical dirt-throwing ad for this time of year.
    Didn’t realize that he had been in power that long, not even sure that I believe it.

    I can’t vote for or against him, because I don’t live in his district, so the ad is actually wasted on most of Illinois. There may be a SLIGHT chance for the repubs to retake the House, but Cross in control worries me more than Madigan…

  7. - Loop Lady - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:24 am:

    no, no, no, the only things Madigan kills are your bills and or your career…not fair…

  8. - Anon - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:27 am:

    When you cross into this territory you lose all credibility.

  9. - I'm Just Saying - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:27 am:

    I was going to say exactly what Wordslinger said, this is a bridge too far, this is why they are soooooooooooo successful in Illinois

  10. - Fight for Hinsdale - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:27 am:

    Is this “ad” hitting mailboxes anywhere or is it some cheap photoshop stunt just to put into an IR post so URF can pretend they are doing anything with all that donor money besides just larding up their own payroll?

  11. - Spliff - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:31 am:

    At least they didn’t use Hitler ….

  12. - Jim - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:34 am:

    That Republican ad stinks. How can the GOP compare Madigan to Stalin and Mao. I think the Republicans owe Stalin and Mao an apology.

  13. - wordslinger - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:36 am:

    –Typical dirt-throwing ad for this time of year.–

    What’s “typical” about it?

  14. - OneMan - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:43 am:

    But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao / You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow

    replaced with

    But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Madigan/ You’re just going to make sad again…

    You’re welcome URF, Rich knows where you can send my check….

  15. - J - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:46 am:

    Well, the polling results are pretty clear. The state Republican party still hasn’t damaged Madigan enough for him to be used statewide.

    He’s not in good shape in the good government, reformer suburbs, but he never was in good shape out there.

    At this point, the Speaker is still pretty far away from Nancy Pelosi levels.

  16. - Newsclown - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:47 am:

    Makes more sense to put Madigan’s face next to that of Steve Jobs, who was a genius as well as a complex personality with gifts as well as faults.

  17. - just sayin' - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 9:49 am:

    That URF thing is garbage. Beyond disgusting. When you compare your opponent to Mao and Stalin you’ve already lost the argument. Guess they didn’t include Hitler because he didn’t murder enough people to make the cut?

    Why would you stay in a state if you really thought a public official was comparable to 2 of the worst people in history? Why do some of these wackjobs hate Illinois so much?

  18. - Aaron - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 10:14 am:

    I guess Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar, George Ryan, and others are all party the Democratic now.

  19. - Aaron - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 10:14 am:

    part of*

  20. - Anonymous - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 10:24 am:

    The UFR poster is like the guy with a gun pointed at his own head saying “I’m going to blow your brains out!”

  21. - 47th Ward - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 10:41 am:

    The Madigan poll results have to be a little disconcerting for the Tribune. They’ve spent the past two years going after Madigan, blaming him for everything that is wrong with Illinois. Front page “exposes” with ominous sounding headlines, pointed editorials and extensive coverage of any and all controversies that can be tied to Madigan, and what do they have to show for it? Bupkis. People don’t really care.

    So it’s either evidence that fewer and fewer people are reading the Tribune, or that Madigan isn’t the bogeyman the Tribune is trying to make him out to be. Either way, it’s an epic fail by the Tribune.

  22. - walkinfool - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 10:42 am:

    I thought this ad had to be a joke. No one could take it seriously in any way.

    The comparisons are so ridiculous that only a crazy person could relate to them, even as hyperbole. And they are disgusting to anyone with a sense of history and human suffering.

    The numbers are wrong (typical for Republican ads at every level), and I thought we had some Republican Governors and Speakers during that time period.

  23. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 10:52 am:

    Illinois has had 1-party government since 1971?

    I guess I just hallucinated Big Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar and George Ryan.

  24. - in the know - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 11:25 am:

    Look, I’m a good GOPer, but seriously….comparing Madigan to two of the most ruthless genocidial dictators of the last century? Last I checked, Madigan has not killed millions of his own people. Its this kind of hyperbole that makes my party look ridiculous. Is he too powerful, sure, but have you seen the legislature he “leads”? I predict that someday we’ll all look back and say, “remember the good old days before the inmates took over the asylum”?

  25. - northfield - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 11:34 am:

    “Strong disapproval for Madigan, but lots have no opinion”

    To know him is to disapprove of him

  26. - too obvious - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 11:45 am:

    Disgraceful. This is why voters keep refusing to give power back to Republicans in Illinois no matter how badly the Dems screw up. This is a special kind of craziness that comes from the same kind of people still looking for the “real” birth certificate.

  27. - walkinfool - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 11:51 am:

    To have heard the partisan myths about Madigan, is to disapprove of what I think they mean.

  28. - Cook County Commoner - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 12:26 pm:

    Up in my area, I don’t think most people realize that Illinois has a bi-cameral legislature. I’m sure they don’t realize our beloved Rep. Lou Lang is one of Speaker Madigan’s Deputies. The only thing on the radar is the US Presidential race. The apathy once you get past the top of the ballot is remarkable. Still, that doesn’t justify this despicable ad. Besides, as someone above noted, I doubt most voters, certainly the younger ones, understand the implication of such a line-up ad. Maybe that’s the real tragedy here.

  29. - Cheswick - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 12:42 pm:

    Mike Madigan is one of about two Dems for whom I will stop what I’m doing to listen to. And I’m a Dem, myself.

  30. - downstate commissioner - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 1:43 pm:

    Wordslinger- “typical” it’s just another garbage ad that no one in their right mind is going to pay much attention to- it is over-the-top, but not any more than what some of the candidates have said…

  31. - Rufus - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 2:12 pm:

    Perhaps the Democrats could compare Romney to the robber barons on the late 19th century.

    - just say’n

  32. - Esquire - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 3:37 pm:

    It is a nice way to vent, but Madigan is accountable to no voters other than those in his securely Democratic district and ward.

    Unless the complainers can tie a candidate in competitive district to Madigan, there is no purpose served by such a gratuitous ad.

  33. - zatoichi - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 3:47 pm:

    The ad is a real stretch, but who is going to fire Madigan? GOP got a candidate with real chance to win in his district? Apparently not.

  34. - wordslinger - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 3:52 pm:

    –Wordslinger- “typical” it’s just another garbage ad that no one in their right mind is going to pay much attention to- it is over-the-top, but not any more than what some of the candidates have said…–


    Show me more ads that compare elected state officials in the United States to murderous Commie despots.

    I’m first-generation and I don’t put up with that stuff.

    My family members were invaded, they fought, they heard the jackboots and were arrested in the wee hours, they were sent to slave-camps, they were killed, in the field and on the sea, and they finally beat the 20th Century totalitarians.

    Then, they left to make a better life and a stand in the United States.

    So I take that vile URF stuff a little personally.

    You feeling me, brother? Murderous, Communist, cult-of-personality tyrannies and the United States? Not typical, cousin. Unbelievable.

    Seeing a difference?

    Over-the-top is not the phrase, not from any decent person’s point-of-view.

    The comparison from the URF is beyond stupid and despicable, but expected.

    Count me out for their vision for my parents adopted country and state, my community, my children and my grandchildren.

    My Old Timers had seen a lot and had a better idea when they hit Ellis Island in 1950 and they worked their lives knocking it out of the park.

    Let the URF enjoy life on the fringe, as the Eternal Whining Victims. But stay out of the grown-ups business.

    Madigan, warts and all, in a very tough business, is a lot more wicked smart, competent and decent compared to those URF knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers.

    I hope the URF keeps crawling out from under their rocks. That way, you know where to stomp.

    Any endorsements in the Congressional races in Illinois? I’m sure they’d be welcome. I’d like to know.

  35. - swede - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 5:06 pm:

    Mike Madigan won his District overwhemingly in the 2012 Primary against a no-name challenger financed by Jack Roeser. Further, if it was a popular opponent, he would have won big too. The fact is, the people in his District love him. Wonder why the Trib doesn’t poll the 13th Ward? Madigan has the best service office in Chicago in my opinion. I guess as Party Chairman, Madigan did not do a good job in keeping the legislature Democrat in 2010. Further, I guess his operation had nothing to do with helping a weak Democratic Governor (Quinn) get elected. All the states around Illinois…you name them…Ind, Mich, Wis, Ohio,all went Republican for their Governorhips and General Assembly. But Not Illinois. It’s pretty simple, and I chuckle in asking why the Tribune and the GOP want to get “get rid of Madigan.” Clearly with Madigan gone,the GOP will have a much better chance and probably will take over the General Assembly AND THE Governorship. He may me looking out for his own self interests—Illinois House—but his efforts and work ethic clearly is not recognized, applauded, and commended as it should be.

  36. - reformer - Friday, Oct 12, 12 @ 7:45 pm:

    WIth four in ten voters having no opinion of Madigan, that bodes poorly for the House GOP game plan of Fire Madigan. It won’t work any better than the Rod & Todd campaign of ‘08.

  37. - Palos Park Bob - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 8:37 am:

    Even as a Republican, I have to admit that URF, “For the Good of Illinois PAC” and Roesser’s “Illinois Renaissance PAC” are more than a little wacky.

    Take a look at their “endorsements”.

    There are 77 GOP state rep candidates (Tom Cross failed to recruit GOP House candidates in 41 of 118 races and isn’t even talking to half his candidates) and these “conservative” groups are only endorsing a handfull of GOP candidates and financially supporting even fewer.

    If he was running GOP candidates for each House seat, Madigan would’ve had to spend an additional $1-2 million to defend his turf. That’s money he can now redirect to other races.

    Can you imagine Madigan failing this way if he needed to change 6 seats to take over the House?

    C’mon, Tom. If you want to compete with the “Hardest working man in Illinois politics” (Mike Madigan), you’re going to have to get off the golf course and the country clubs and get down into the precincts!

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