Rove group running ad against Bustos (Comments now open - For real this time)
Saturday, Oct 13, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Independent expenditures against Democratic congressional candidate Cheri Bustos had already topped $2.1 million. And now Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS has weighed in with a new TV ad… I’m told that Crossroads has placed $540k in the Quad Cities, $174K in Rockford and $171K in Peoria, for a total of $885,000. But the Moline Dispatch reported today that they’re spending $749k. Either way, that ad will help to balance out the outside money spent against Republican incumbent Bobby Schilling, who has endured almost $2.3 million in spending against him, mainly from the DCCC, House Majority PAC and some unions. * Related…
- Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 12:42 pm:
Comments are finally open, so have at it, campers.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 2:41 pm:
It is a catchy ad. The HuffPost today discusses that a campaign error occurred when the AHA became “Obamacare”. Voters don’t like or even believe the claims. So painting Bustos with it is a sound strategy.
Rove, DCCC, RNC, whatever - the ad works on it’s own. Even if it was financed by wealthy pigeons, it works.
- western illinois - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 10:48 pm:
I still think Schillings ad wrapping her around Mr 26% hurt