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Monday, Oct 15, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yikes

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s campaign finances are the subject of a federal probe after the congressman allegedly improperly used campaign money to decorate his home, according to a new report.

The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday night that a federal probe into the congressman centers on whether Jackson improperly used campaign money to decorate his home.

The Chicago Sun-Times on Friday first reported that Jackson was under federal investigation, a probe that began before he took a leave from Congress in June to seek medical help. Ultimately, the Jacksons said he suffered from bipolar depression.

The Sun-Times reported that the investigation was being handled out of Washington D.C. and was an entirely new area of scrutiny and did not involve the sale of the U.S. Senate seat — a case involving Rod Blagojevich where Jackson’s name repeatedly came up. Spokespeople representing Jackson were not talking on Sunday.

* More

The probe prompted lawyers for Jackson to meet with federal prosecutors this week in an attempt to persuade them not to indict the congressman.

The sources said it was unclear whether Jackson, who has not been seen in his office for months, would be charged before the November election — a subject that was discussed between Jackson’s lawyers and the prosecutors this week. Jackson’s lawyers urged the prosecutors not to file charges before the election — but prosecutors refused to make any commitments, the sources familiar with the meeting said.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:14 am:

    Asking the “G” for a favor, especially to NOT indict because of campaigns and/or politics … yeah, not a good sign.

    This is a sad, sad tale.


    If anyone thinks going to the Mayo Clinic is a cover, and that Mayo is just going to let someone “hang” there … then you must not believe what everyone KNOWS that the Mayo Clinic’s reputation is far more important than shielding a Chicago Congressman.

    Junior has serious problems, and I am not talking about the “guys down the street.” Don’t believe me, fine, but not believing the Mayo Clinic … good luck with that one.

  2. - mokenavince - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:22 am:

    He will be indicted,his Disrtict will not be served and he will get paid till convicted.

    This has happened many other times.We get the
    government we diserve.

  3. - Meanderthal - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:23 am:

    If his physical and emotional problems are that severe, then he should not be running.

  4. - Shore - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:31 am:

    “He will be indicted,his Disrtict will not be served and he will get paid till convicted.” You really think house democrats are going to let an indicted member of congress who hasn’t shown up for work since early june with mental health issues continue to attend committee hearings? Do you have any idea what Fox and Drudge and the conservative media would be doing to them and this story right now if it were not 3 weeks until a presidential election? When the guy from Louisiana who the feds found $90k in his freezer got indicted he tried to continue to do his work, they stripped him of his committee assignments and he still showed up and just basically went to his office.

    “If his physical and emotional problems are that severe, then he should not be running.” They wheeled Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond to work in the senate when they were half dead for 10 years, never underestimate a congressional office’s ability to keep a legislator functioning in office.

  5. - langhorne - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:35 am:

    he has been absent for months. he should resign. of course he won’t, because of his vain belief that the people of the district need him. (and he needs a job)

    using campaign money for home decoration? too dumb for words. so i am sure it was just a misunderstanding. he thought those checks were for paint, carpet and draperies the citizens wanted him to have.

  6. - Steve Bartin - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:37 am:

    Before anyone gets bent out of shape: just a reminder, Eric Holder is the U.S. Attorney General. No U.S. Attorney can just indict a high ranking elected official. I bring this up because Eric Holder hasn’t prosecuted anyone at Lehman Brothers or John Corzine of MF Global fame. Eric Holder is the white collar criminal’s best friend and he has the track record to prove it. I’ll believe Jesse Jackson Jr. is indicted when he gets indicted : not media speculation. After all, being friends with Barack Obama means a lot to a guy like Eric Holder.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:41 am:

    ===No U.S. Attorney can just indict a high ranking elected official.===

    Dear Steve Bartin,



    Patrick Fitzgerald

  8. - Belle - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:41 am:

    Sandy and JJJ make plenty of money. If this is true-they are acting disgusting. He should have resigned from the race back in June when he first began feeeling poorly.
    I’m sorry that his distict has been put in this situation but my guess is that he is going down over some decorating bills. The pictures of the house that are shown on the news aren’t good enough to be going to jail over.

  9. - Shore - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:42 am:

    this is really going to help him. 2 women, 2 different nights at 2 bars drinking last week.

  10. - OneMan - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:47 am:

    Using campaign funds to decorate his home? Really? Something that stupid?

    Perhaps they were selling the house to pay for all the lawyers. If half the stuff is true between this and the Blago senate seat stuff he must be sending a couple of lawyers kids to college…

  11. - Steve Bartin - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:48 am:

    Oswego Willy

    If I didn’t make myself clear: Eric Holder has to approve Jesse Jackson Jr. being indicted. Just like Patrick Fitzgerald had to get approval from Washington to indict Blago and George Ryan.

  12. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:51 am:

    It’s been a long, strange trip that Trips and the federales have been on together.

    I thought it was curious that he didn’t get indicted for the Senate seat. Maybe it was a he/he said, sort of deal, and not a slam-dunk that the Justice Department likes.

    I also thought maybe he gave up a bigger fish, not an unheard of tactic in the dangerous waters of power politics.

    But once the feds are on you, they routinely start pulling tax returns and campaign finance reports, and start squaring income and lifestyle.

    When they don’t square, they start digging deeper.

    Ask Duke Cunningham, the mild-mannered Congressman who lived rent-free on the Potamac on a borrowed yacht named the “Duke-Stir” and made a million-dollar-killing peddling his California home — all thanks to Pentagon contractors.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 10:05 am:

    - Steve Bartin -,

    ===…The sources said it was unclear whether Jackson, who has not been seen in his office for months, would be charged before the November election — a subject that was discussed between Jackson’s lawyers and the prosecutors this week. …===

    Maybe I didn’t make my self clear, the question for me is WHEN, becasue WHEN is window dressing to an indictment.

    “IF” is my question for you…

    As IF is not in question, IF… Junior will get indicted seems to be answered …

    When the “G” and your lawyers are talking a time frame of an action … the action seem pretty clearly in sights OF happening!

    The US Attorney seems set to indict, according to the report i took from above, not from my personal specualtion… so to say No US Attorney can Indict … seems a bit too easy and lazy of a statement, given the information above.

    Sometimes the easiest of poitical reasons for action or inaction are not as easy when the lawyers are involved. However, to say NO US Attorney can or can’t … given the cited discussions … that avenue I am not traveling.

  14. - Steve Bartin - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 10:33 am:

    I guess we will find out if an indictment is going but, I reminder the media telling us that Jon Corzine was in big trouble… and look he’s not in jail. No matter what we say about Jesse Jackson Jr., Jon Corzine has stole more money in a short period of time with no consequences. Although Oswego Willy : I can’t hope helping you are right about things.

  15. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 10:49 am:

    –After all, being friends with Barack Obama means a lot to a guy like Eric Holder.–

    –Eric Holder has to approve Jesse Jackson Jr. being indicted. Just like Patrick Fitzgerald had to get approval from Washington to indict Blago and George Ryan.–

    Steve, you seem to have some very intimate insight here. Please tell us more.

    Just how good of friends are Obama and Trips? Hang out a lot, do they?

    You seem to suggest that their alleged friendship could cause Holder and/or the Justice Department to pull up short on an indictment.

    Does that really make any sense to you, at all? A month before a tight election?

    Is that how alleged political “friendships” work — a president would risk a devastating, potentially career-ending scandal for his alleged, damaged-goods “pal?”

    Must have been news to Bush water-carrier Sen. Ted Stevens when he was indicted by W’s Justice Department. Same with Dan Rostenkowski, when he was indicted by his very good friend’s George HW Bush’s Justice Department.

    As Harry Truman once said, “if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”

    And are you quite certain that Patrick Fitzgerald had to get the approval of John Ashcroft to indict George Ryan? Do you think John Ashcroft would have wanted to touch a case like that with a ten-foot pole?

    You’re obviously wired to the players and process here. Enlighten us as to the sources of your knowledge.

  16. - Cheswick - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 10:49 am:

    I hope he didn’t spend that money to decorate his Washington, D.C., house. Because, after having seen the pictures, it looks like it’s ready for an episode of Property Brothers.

  17. - walkinfool - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 11:07 am:

    Once the Feds are on you, your whole world is tilted against you. Normally accepted gray areas in tax filings and campaign reporting are painted black, phone calls become wire fraud, conversations become conspiracies, groups of acquaintances become RICO organizationa, friends and family members are threatened. There’s almost no way out, except for the truly pure.

    Obsessive cleanliness is de rigeur for the smart public servant.

  18. - mokenavince - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 11:20 am:


    When do you think he will come back to the House?
    Won’t he still get paid?Who’s going to cast his

  19. - Loop Lady - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 11:24 am:

    I do beleive that Jesse is ill, but to be frank, I know plenty of pols thar exhibit bipolar tendencies…anyway, he’s done.

    He most likely took campaign money for personal use, and that will do him in. The Jackson family is all about the Jackson family, and plenty of my friends in his district will not be sad to see him go.

    Too much political power concentrated in one family is never a good thing, especially for constituents.

    So long.

  20. - VanillaMan - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 11:25 am:

    Gus Savage
    Mel Reynolds
    Jesse Jr…

    2nd Congressional gets the worst, as usual.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 11:30 am:

    ===Although Oswego Willy : I can’t hope helping you are right about things.===

    I can only speculate that when it is reported more WHEN than IF … IF somehow gets thrown out as speculative.

  22. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 11:38 am:

    Shore, the Gawker story stinks. Two anonymous “independent” sources?

    Just what, exactly, is an “independent” source, anyway?

    And where are the photos for which Gawker is so famous?

    Are we to believe that someone with as much heat on him as Trips is out boozing with “women-other-than-his-wife” in a DC bar, on two different nights, and the smart phones aren’t snapping?

    No pictures? An incommunicado Congressman facing indictment? Named Jesse Jackson? In that town? In 2012?

    I guess Patrick Kane was just unlucky.

  23. - Loop Lady - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 11:46 am:

    Sad but true, VM…

  24. - Will Caskey - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 12:08 pm:

    Wordslinger, I too am saddened by the lack of photos. But let’s be optimists here: if he IS bar crawling with women other than his wife it’s not like he’s smart enough to stop or even change up his locations just because someone at Gawker noticed. I’m hopeful we shall yet get some solid visual media!

  25. - Cook County Commoner - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 12:17 pm:

    I have no doubt that Congressman Jackson, Jr. is ill. But I’m losing track of this story. Did the feds nab his moneyman Raghu Nayak before or after the hospitalization. And what about Nayak’s guy, Rajinder Bedi? He was in the fed tapes, wasn’t he? What’s he up to? In any event, it seems the curtain on the dramatic conclusion is beginning to open.

  26. - Wensicia - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 12:20 pm:

    I’m not unsympathetic to Jackson’s problems, but it seems awfully convenient at a time when he wants to stay out of the public eye and answer questions about the Congressional investigations. I’m especially disappointed when elected officials use age or medical conditions to delay or escape justice.

  27. - Shore - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 12:36 pm:

    The suntimes is reporting the gawker story now. People know who jesse jackson is in dc, he’s not exactly an unknown figure there. His personal travails and this investigation “in the late stages” are now ticking time bombs for democrats that every hour they are not diffused get louder and the chance for an explosion which could do serious damage to obama and the party as a whole-because you know foxnews and the conservative media will stick this on obama-gets worse.

    I could see a situation where he steps down either tomorrow night or friday/saturday night.

  28. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 12:49 pm:

    Shore, my comment was directed to the journalistic standards, or lack thereof, in the Gawker story.

    Two guys “saw” him in a bar does not a story make. Or shouldn’t. It may have been him. It may not have. But it ain’t a story.

    Where are the interviews with staff or regulars at the bar?

    Gawker’s credibility comes from photos and film. See Patrick Kane.

    Again, I find it hard to believe that everyone in the bar wasn’t snapping pics of Trips with their phones — over two nights. He’s big news these days.

    The Sun-Times running the Gawker story uncorroborated is pathetic. I guess there are no veterans from the City News Bureau there, anymore:

    “If your mother tells you she loves you, check it out.”

  29. - Nice Kid - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 1:03 pm:

    Rich, don’t you find it interesting that, on Friday, the Tribune implied that the door is still open for a Jackson endorsement, and as of this morning, the Tribune has said almost nothing about this latest scandal? I know they are in the tank for Jackson, but jeez!

  30. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 1:07 pm:

    ===I know they are in the tank for Jackson, but jeez!===

    It takes some sort of mind to believe that the news and editorial sections of Tribune are tanking for J3.

  31. - Nice Kid - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 1:10 pm:

    Then how do you explain it?

  32. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 1:46 pm:

    ===Then how do you explain it? ===

    Because they haven’t been able to nail it down themselves. It was a CST scoop which started all this. It’s typical Chicago newspaper behavior. Remove your tinfoil hat, please.

  33. - Oversight - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 1:59 pm:

    Oswego Willy
    Just reconfirming what was posted earlier. Yes, even a U.S. Attorney has to have the approval from the Attorney General to indict any elected official, federal, state or local. Pretty common knowledge for anyone who has practiced in the federal courtrooms but not known generally beyond that. If they say no. That is it, there is no appeal by the local U.S. Attorney. It is the same power that the USA has in other matters brought to him/her by federal investigators: IRS, FBI, etc. If the USA in a district says no to charges, that is it, they cannot appeal beyond the USA no matter how strongly they feel in a case.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 2:29 pm:

    - Oversight -,

    Thank you so much for the education. I am pretty sure … actually, I am quite sure … I was refferring to the post above, by - Steve Bartin - ’s assumption of the POLITICAL connection between Eric Holder, the US Attorney in DC, and Junior, and that THAT relationship dictates, in this very SPECIFIC instance, that the US Attorney “can’t” indict.

    Also …

    By citing Patrick Fitzgerald, working with 2 different Administrations, of two different parties, and not really finding it too difficult indicting political figures, be they of the same or different parties as - wordslinger - has pointed out very well above.

    Now, all that being said, if you want to take me to task for not having the “chain of command” in handing down indictments from the US Attorney, then I guess you are not reading what is being posted or your interpretaion of the SNARKY, ONE WORD, response I posted, under the political light I was responding to - Steve Bartin - to, then congratulations, you got my one word snarky response Spot ON!

    When I post my ===Really???=== on…

    “Lexus/Nexus for the Politcally Minded and Not Legally Correct, Per Se…Blog”

    Then your insightful interpretation of my One-Word mocking of the political reality of what a US attorney can do, versus the Legal, “the law is blind” and Fair, way the office works …

    Then ya got me!

    One word and you got all that from me … pretty doggone impressive!

  35. - Loop Lady - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 2:36 pm:

    Shore: Absolutely no way…he will go when/if he is forced to by Durbin et al or convicted…the Dems will not draw further national attention to this unsavoriness in BO’s backyard…innocent until proven guilty, remember?

  36. - Oversight - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 3:17 pm:

    Oswego a little sensitive today so everyone be kind and feign praise for his great wit.

  37. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 3:23 pm:

    So when they HAD to say something, JJJ was suffering from “exhaustion” (that old one ranks right up there with “spend more time with the family”). If by “exhaustion” we mean “Worry”, then he has plenty to be exhaused about.

  38. - OneMan - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 3:28 pm:

    Ok fine, lets say that Eric Holder has to give his ok..

    Anyone really think he (and the Obama administration) would want to deal with the blowback if it turned out they held fire until after election day? To protect JJJ, who is going to win re-election even if he was taken on a perp walk? Who is the definition of a safe seat?

    Give me a break…

    If you indict him now (assuming you can), yeah it gets some bad play, but you turn it around and say “Hey, he was from Chicago and we went after him”

    If you wait, you end up with a ton of bad press and an impact on the 2014 races around the country. The last thing you need is someone from the Justice Department in 6 months on 60 minutes saying “the administration said to hold off”

  39. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 3:31 pm:

    - Oversight -,

    Not at all sensitive.

    I think misinterpreting a post, then feeling the NEED to specifically make a point to lecture on the legal structure of the US Attorney’s Office, when references to “can” and “can’t” are politcal in scope and not legal in frame, yeah, I might take issue.

    Now, the “…be kind and feign praise …” part.

    If you are “new”, what makes this place so great is the back and forth of ideas, strategies, and policy, where we all can learn from one another. What doesn’t help is deciding to go interpret a post in a light that it was presented, and then thinking a “personal” lecture is necessary on the subject all the while this informative lecture has nothing to do with the intended purpose of the original post.

    While I appreciate the mocking retort to my response …if it’s all the same with you, I think I stand by response to you that you can find above.

    With kindest personal regards, I remain.

    Sincerely yours,

    Oswego Willy.

  40. - Hammer - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 3:46 pm:

    Oneman hits it on the head. Love him as some do 3J doesn’t add a whole lot to make him worth saving, sparing or jumping through slates for. If the feds want him, I don’t anyone will lose any sleep.

  41. - wishbone - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 3:47 pm:

    One silver lining (among many) is that maybe, just maybe, we will see the end of the south suburban airport boondoggle.

  42. - Rod - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 4:00 pm:

    If Rep Jackson is indicted just for improperly using campaign money to decorate his Dupont Circle DC home he will have dodged numerous bullets. If he is offered a chance to plead out just the campaign money violation in return for closing all other investigations that would be a great deal for him and his wife.

    So instead of trying to get the DOJ to delay an indictment until after November he should make the best deal he can and hope they show mercy because of his mental health issues. Sandi might also end up in trouble. Rep Jackson’s congressional campaign organization has paid his wife Sandi at least $247,500 just between 2001 and early 2009, including at least $95,000 after Sandra Jackson joined the Chicago City according to federal election records.

    Sandi has also been a long-time political consultant through her solely owned consulting firm J. Donatella & Associates. She recieved payments directly from Jesse Jr’s campaign fund to her using the names “Lee Stevens” or “Lee Steven.”

    Since Sandi is so deeply involved in Rep Jackson’s campaigns it would be hard to believe she isn’t going to get dragged into all of this too.

  43. - Madison - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 4:52 pm:

    I would be pretty depressed about it as well but…hey, it coulda been black helicopters instead? Look at the bright side tri-J.

  44. - Sue - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 6:14 pm:

    This stinks to high heaven- DOJ indicted Ted Stevens before his election and look what happened- it would be disgraceful for a Democratic AG to hold off indicting Jr, allow him to win and then indict him- Obama needs to think about the longer term consequences and give Holder his blessing to proceed immediately

  45. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 7:25 pm:

    –This stinks to high heaven- DOJ indicted Ted Stevens before his election and look what happened- it would be disgraceful for a Democratic AG to hold off indicting Jr, allow him to win and then indict him- Obama needs to think about the longer term consequences and give Holder his blessing to proceed immediatel–

    What’s your point, Never-Ending-Sentence?

    Someone out to get you?

    Another victim?

  46. - DuPage Dave - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 9:04 pm:

    Geez- speculation upon speculation today. Nobody knows what the prosecutors are thinking or what their timetable might be. Also, the election is only 22 days away. The paperwork alone might take that long.

  47. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 15, 12 @ 10:54 pm:

    This one’s pretty simple. If investigations and charges fail, start running ads that list what an opponent is buying with his campaign funds and at the end, ask whether the couple of hundred dollars you sent him for Botox and that cosmetic surgery wouldn’t have looked better on you or your spouse, whether that new couch (or something even more tasteful) wouldn’t have looked better in your family room, or whether you wouldn’t have preferred a lobster salad to that burger you wolfed down in the car as you were headed to your designated area at the crack of dawn to deliver his signs or post on that blog rather than leaving his highly-paid pros to do it for him.

    That should help re-prioritize both your budget allocations and free up quite a bit of time on tasks someone else is probably checking off of their personal “to do” list…and getting paid top dollar for.

    Sure, it’s probably going to lead to less “attractive,” more frazzled, and more shabbily attired pols, close friends, and family, but if they believe that’s all it really takes, they should probably just take a few acting, modelling, or dance classes anyway and head for New York or Hollywood to pursue their version of truth, justice, and the American way.

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