Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » GOP wants Dem candidates to appear publicly with Madigan
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GOP wants Dem candidates to appear publicly with Madigan

Thursday, Oct 18, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady is offering to host “Meet Mike Madigan” sessions with voters for any Illinois Democratic candidates - if the candidate will appear publicly with Illinois House Speaker/Illinois Democratic Party Chairman/Father of the Illinois Attorney General Mike Madigan in their local district.

“If Democratic candidates take Mike Madigan’s campaign money, the least they can do is offer voters in their community an opportunity to meet with Mike Madigan,” said Brady. “With a 16% public approval rating, I’m sure voters have lots of things they’d like to ask – or tell - Madigan – if they had the chance.”

“Mike Madigan’s name is not on the ballot in most of the state, but the names of his enablers – his fellow Illinois Democrats who elect him Speaker and State Party Chairman – are on the ballot,” said Brady. “A vote for any Illinois Democrat is a vote for Mike Madigan, so all Illinois voters should have the opportunity to meet Mike Madigan before they cast their vote.”

“For those residents unable to attend the ‘Meet Mike Madigan’ sessions, we’ll take a photograph of Madigan alongside their local Democratic candidate and mail it to them – as well as to the local news media - along with information about Mike Madigan’s record,” Brady said.

Brady said that he would cater the “Meet Mike Madigan” sessions with sandwiches from the nearest Jimmy John’s.

“I know Jimmy John’s corporate office is leaving Illinois because of the 67% tax hike that Mike Madigan helped pass, but they still make tasty sandwiches faster than you can say ‘walking conflict of interest’ or ‘Fire Madigan,’” Brady said.

Kass’ column today
was essentially a rewrite of the GOP press release.



  1. - The Captain - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 9:59 am:

    “The ultimate indictment of our strategy was the strong support it generated from John Kass.” - 2012 IL GOP Tombstone

  2. - Colossus - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:00 am:

    If I were a donor to the IL GOP, I’d be livid at what they use that money for. I’d be mad enough to call up some buddies and make sure donations were dependent upon sensitive leadership.

    Flip Side:
    Since I’m not a donor to the IL GOP, keep it up, boys!

  3. - Lil Enchilada - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:02 am:

    I know people who actually think they are paying 67% more taxes, not 67% of what they were already being taxed.

    I don’t even like Jimmy Johns.


  4. - Yossarian Lives - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:04 am:

    I’m glad to see the ILGOP is so amused at its own silliness. It’s nice they’ve found ways to enjoy the election season.

  5. - Lou Lang Jr. - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:14 am:

    This is why the Illinois GOP is SOOOO Dominate in the political scene. My God, after this brilliant move by Brady, Cross should pick up another 12 seats minimum. GOP donors are getting way too much for the money they give. WOW!!!

  6. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:18 am:

    Well, I think they have a point, but it will not do much to give them a majority in either chamber, so, meh…this is how the Master plays the game, watch and learn…

  7. - Irish - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:19 am:

    Headline - “MJM counters with offer to do the same if IlGOP candidates will stand with the Koch Bros., Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, and members of the IPI.” (But first they have to convince Pat Quinn to get out of the picture.)

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:19 am:

    Man, that is some great snark! Who wrote that? I can’t compete with THAT!

    How’s that?

    That WAS a real press release? A real one. Paid ILGOP staff sent that out … as a real release.

    I amy have to give up. I can’t keep up.

    The old saying that “Truth is stranger than Fiction”… I can’t compete.

    And so there is no misunderstanding … I would spoof the ILGOP doing something this DOPEY …but the ILGOP appears to do things even more DOPEY than I can imagine… all by themselves.

    If this election goes badly for my party … will this be enough to make the necessary changes or … are we going to be saddled with Crazy Uncle Pat Brady Show, and the… Golf Stylings of Tom Cross, and the …”Guess the Senate GOP Leader” game?

    “Truth is stranger than fiction.” Mark Twain.

  9. - Eilean left - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:22 am:

    What other Democrat is running for speaker?

  10. - just sayin' - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:23 am:

    Wow Pat Brady’s obsession with Madigan is really going beyond kooky.

    Brady’s sounding more and more like one of those fringe types holed-up in his basement stockpiling food and ammo because the black president wants to give him more affordable healthcare.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:32 am:

    Hey …

    Maybe someone can help me … was it the HGOP, or was it the ILGOP, … after one of them had that “fundraiser” for Patrick John Ryan, to help him defeat MJM, how did that all go after, like … on Election Day? Well? Better?

    Did the ILGOP and the HGOP do all they could on Election Day to defeat MJM …

    That’s RIGHT! Tom Cross golfed that day, Illinois had the worst midterm gains in the entire country, and Pat Brady used that election to further is Crazy Uncle Pat obsession with MJM, while not inflicting any political losses on MJM.

    Is that right or am I just spitballing here again?

    With kindest personal regards, I remain.


    Oswego Willy

  12. - Anon - amiss - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:32 am:

    “What other Democrat is running for speaker?”

    I hear Derrick Smith is interested in the post.

  13. - Ready To Get Out - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:33 am:

    Different views of Pat Brady.

    Democrats: Amusement
    Republicans: Embarrassment
    Mine: Desperation

    And I don’t eat at Jimmy John’s either!

  14. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:35 am:

    Mike Madigan should take him up on his offer and do a “Meet Mike Madigan” small bucks fundraiser for young democrats with the food paid for by the republican party.

  15. - Nagidam - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:38 am:

    I realize there are quite a few people that like to throw a bunch af snark at Brady and the ILGOP. But, if this is such a looney idea you would guess that most of the State Reps outside of Chicago will jump at the chance to have the Speaker make a personal, public visit in their district. Ok Reps. Beiser & Vershore, here is your chance to go get a picture with Madigan and plaster that picture in all your next mailers. Kifowit, Beaubien, Drury, and all the other suburban candidates. Here is your chance to show those silly GOP’s that a cost shift supported by the Speaker is something good in your districts.

    I beleive the phrase we are looking for here is…Crickets.

  16. - too obvious - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:39 am:

    This from the same IL GOP that failed to even recruit a Republican to run against Madigan in his own district. Instead they bet everything on a crazy dishonest scheme where they recruited and backed a liberal Democrat in the primary. Tens of thousands of dollars wasted and the whole thing blew up in their faces. The scheme was exposed and their patsy was crushed at the polls.

    Whining is all that’s left now.

  17. - Anon - amiss - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:39 am:

    –Pat Brady used that election to further is Crazy Uncle Pat obsession with MJM, while not inflicting any political losses on MJM.–

    Willy, I’m sure that Mr. Brady would remind you that the HGOP beat Mark Walker in 2010 (and omit to tell you that they lost every other suburban race). First Arlington Heights - next the WORLD! LOL

  18. - Sir Reel - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:41 am:

    This all sounds great until the end where Brady offers to cater sandwiches from Jimmie Johns. One might get run over going to the event.

  19. - cassandra - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:42 am:

    This is why it is so irritating to live in Illinois from a political perspective, it’s rapidly becoming the ultimate one-party Democratic state in perpetuity. The Republicans can’t do anything about Madigan, his constituents will be voting him into office to the end of what will almost certainly be a long life (seniors are living longer these days, remember). Beyond, even, if they could.

    There are so many things the Republicans could devote their energies towards-budgets, pensions, appalling messes at agencies like DCFS and DHS, corruption, waste, Pat Quinn’s eternal chicken little playlets like the one that came to a boil at DCFS last week and his “fibs,” but no. Too boring? There must be something about being the eternal out-of-power party–collect the campaign cash but no responsibility maybe. An easy life.

  20. - anon - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:43 am:

    The IL GOP won’t have to spend a dime on this. With a 16% approval rating, who would be caught dead with Mike Madigan right now?

  21. - reformer - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:44 am:

    The GOP “Rod & Todd” campaign of 2008 failed.
    THe GOP bash Madigan campaign of 2010 failed.
    The GOP “Fire Madigan” campaign of 2012 will fail.
    What will be left in 2014?

  22. - Crime Fighter - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:46 am:

    What Irish said @ 10:19: ==”Headline - “MJM counters with offer to do the same if IlGOP candidates will stand with the Koch Bros., Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, and members of the IPI.” (But first they have to convince Pat Quinn to get out of the picture.)” ==

    Don’t forget the other “job creators” like the commercial club & civic committee robber barons, hedgies, anti-science goofs, anti-fact hucksters, and the bigoted tribbies… Careful what you ask for Brady.

  23. - Jerome Horwitz - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:48 am:

    It’s time for a change at the top of the IL GOP.

  24. - Lou Lang Jr. - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:49 am:

    Pat Brady + John Kass and the Trib =’s LOSERS

  25. - reformer - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:51 am:

    I think Democrats should follow your advice — as soon as Republicans pull out their old pictures standing next to George Ryan, Bill Cellini and Fsst Eddie V and plaster them in their mailers. Is it a deal?

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:52 am:

    ===Willy, I’m sure that Mr. Brady would remind you that the HGOP beat Mark Walker in 2010 (and omit to tell you that they lost every other suburban race). First Arlington Heights - next the WORLD! LOL ===

    I will say that having the state with the SMALLEST gains by a state’s GOP is something that is noteworthy!

    Wonder what those ILHGOP Freshman Reps. were thinking during their first HGOP Caucus …

    “This is IT?” Might be the first thought, but I am sure Rich will not allow me to post the other thoughts I think they had.

    Arlington Heights is a good start …being the worst state in GOP Midterm gains, a step BACK … the ying and yang I guess.

  27. - Will Caskey - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:54 am:

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I’ve worked in over twenty states across every region in the country, and I have never seen so much drama over the majority caucus leader of one state legislative chamber. And rightfully so: he’s just the speaker. I’ve worked for campaigns both allied with and in opposition to him, and I don’t see what the big deal is. Oh lord he is bringing bills up for votes and *spending money on campaigns*! The VERY IDEA!

    Only thing I can come up with is that Madigan is a stand-in for R complaints that they’re shut out of the state. Grow up and adjust to what voters want of go hawk your crap in a redder state, folks.

  28. - quincy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:54 am:

    What the Illinois Republican party needs to do is get Brady out of there and put someone in there that can think like Mike Madigan and find good candidates that can run in these racies. FIRE PAT BRADY

  29. - Shore - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 10:58 am:

    the tribune endorsed quite a few suburban democrats this morning. their most notable shot though was deservedly at elaine nekritz.

  30. - Nagidam - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:01 am:


    If you want to bring in indicted or convicted former Pols to this discussion I guess we can go down that path. I am pretty sure at the end of the day the line on the Dem side will be considerably longer than the line on the Repub side. I got a better idea, why don’t you go back and read all the snark thrown at Brady and understand the nature of this post. The comparison would be for a Repub candidate to stand next to Tom Cross or Pat Brady. I am pretty sure most of the Repub candidates already do embrace both of them and have them speak at their events. Nice try in deflecting attention from Madigan’s toxicity to Democrat candidates thou.

  31. - sal-says - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:09 am:

    And, I’d love to win a $50 million lottery, too. Good luck with that repubs. About the same chance for each.

    Kass? Typical. No surprises there, eh?

  32. - Eilean left - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:12 am:

    Pat Brady and Tom Cross represent the party of NO.No leadership, no ideas,no solutions,no bipartisanship,and no idea how to represent the majority of Illinoisans.It is time for both of them to go.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:17 am:

    ===I am pretty sure at the end of the day the line on the Dem side will be considerably longer than the line on the Repub side. I got a better idea, why don’t you go back and read all the snark thrown at Brady and understand the nature of this post. The comparison would be for a Repub candidate to stand next to Tom Cross or Pat Brady. I am pretty sure most of the Repub candidates already do embrace both of them and have them speak at their events. Nice try in deflecting attention from Madigan’s toxicity to Democrat candidates thou.===

    1) Asking who is more corrupt is like asking who is the tallest midget. At this point, both have their “poster children” and neither …NEITHER… is clean.

    2) I 100% understand the nature of the Press Releae and what snark I am posting and what you think it says about the Dems and the ILGOP leadership. I understand. I can read …

    I can also COUNT… like votes … and number of seats in each chamber … and understand the math of “majority” versus “minority” in number of seats. Honest, I can.

    So, Yeah! Wow, we got that Madigan, but good!! How that is going to help get that gavel back in the IL House … that is NOT lost on me.

    I am not deflecting what the Press Release says, I understand that doing Dopey things, without giving the ILGOP a chance to try to win is in of itself Dopey and should be pointed out.

    Ooohh, Burn! they got Madigan … I mean, Mr. Speaker …Mr. Speaker, today … and Mr. Speaker long after this goofy Press Release is forgotten … except by me when I want to point out ANOTHER Dopey Pat Brady “idea.”

  34. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:22 am:

    And remember death is not an option

    Jimmy Johns obsession


    Mike Madigan obsession

  35. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:23 am:

    I wish Jimmy John would just close up shop here altogether. He’s just revolting.

  36. - Lou Lang Jr. - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:34 am:

    Question of the day??
    More revolting? John Kass or Jimmy Johns?
    snark encouraged

  37. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:51 am:

    Perhaps it’s already been said, but, oh, I don’t know, maybe Speaker Madigan is a pretty busy guy and is just not available for many public appearances? I can’t imagine it would be too smart for a candidate like Dan Beiser or Sue Sherer or Stephanie Kifowit to publicly denounce Speaker Madigan and then privately tell him to go to hell if he offered to come to a fundraiser or a few press events. Just my thoughts.

  38. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:54 am:

    All this drama in the comments section!

    The ILGOP scored some major press in the largest newspaper in the State, using one of the most widely read columnists in the State, and it didn’t cost them one thin dime!

    If the length of the Speaker’s term, if wearing both hats as Speaker and as State Party Chairman, mean nothing, and if it is really a positive for the State, then all Democrats running for the State House should be lining up for the photo ops and free sandwiches.

    Or are all those candidates voting with their feet right now?

  39. - reformer - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:54 am:

    A question for our Republican friends:

    If the IL GOP suffers a debacle on election day, should the party leaders be held accountable or not?

  40. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:56 am:

    ===If the IL GOP suffers a debacle on election day, should the party leaders be held accountable or not?===

    For me, use the “Google Key” and you can see my thoughts on this.

    Shorthand? Yes, yes they all should.

  41. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 11:59 am:

    And for some context to my comments:

    I remember in 2007 and 2008 when Republicans refused to appear with President Bush. The difference between the two scenarios is that Bush was on his way out as President, but MJM still has a shelf-life and will continue as Speaker and head of the Democratic Party of Illinois for the foreseeable future.

  42. - OpenlineBlog - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:07 pm:

    We’ll pay for lunch if Madigan appears with his stooge candidate he’s running plus his hacks manipulating and spreading lies in the state rep race in Aurora, including Shaw Decremer, Will Cousineau, Julia Larkin, Princess Lisa and Lou Lang.

  43. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:07 pm:

    Take it easy on Pat Brady.

    In 2010, under his leadership, the state GOP leveraged the Blago scandal and poor economy to sweep scores of Dems out of the GA and defeat the once-thought-invincible Pat Quinn.

    Just like the GOP did around the rest of the country.

    How could you lose with Pat Brady and the intellectual foundation of that great writer, John Kass?

    I think Cassie is on to something. The Illinois GOP is very comfortable in its permanent minority status. They have no ambitions to sit at the grownups table.

    You get a few seats, some staff, some perks, go to some fundraisers, play some golf and have no responsibility for anything.

    Good work, if you can get it.

  44. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:17 pm:

    ==I’m sure that Mr. Brady would remind you that the HGOP beat Mark Walker in 2010==

    Walker beat himself by forgetting who got him elected in the first place.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:20 pm:

    - wordslinger -

    I know I am screaming in the darkness.

    I know this.

    I know that “Two Putt” Cross likes his perks, and his Staff …and the Political and Senoir Staff, they like their cushy minority status in the IL House, and they all like their jobs. I know, wordslinger.

    But, must you make me read that? Do you know the pain I feel when I read the observations you just posted, and the despair that falls upon me?

    I know you are right wordslinger, as you are way too often, and you pointed it out, and pointed out that Cassie pointed it out, and others before Cassie tell me all the same things.

    “Term Limit” Tom Cross evolved into “Minority Leader” Cross, and now “Two Putt” Tom Cross.

    I know.

    How the HGOP Caucus can look any Republican in the eye and say “honest, we are trying …our leader Tom Cross is trying … out Political Operations … are trying” is almost as sad as a Pat Brady Press Release.

  46. - Nagidam - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:37 pm:

    Reformer & Willy,

    The proof is in the pudding. If this is such a terrible idea then logically the reverse should be true for the Democrats. They should embrace Speaker Madigan and show those silly Repubs how valuable a commodity the Speaker would be if he appears with them publically. So, what say you Dem candidates?

    As for whether the Repub leaders should be tossed if there is a debacle on Election Day, let’s first discuss the political environment. We have Obama the hometown President on the top of the ticket, a 3 to 1 funding advantage, and a Democrat drawn map that removed 4 Republican incumbents in the House before the campaigns even began. So define debacle? Going from 54 seats to 48 thereby losing the gains from last term? Yes that would be a debacle. What do you call it if they lose 2? Should Madigan be removed if the Repubs keep their 54 or god forbid gain some seats? I eagerly await your reply.

  47. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:45 pm:

    ===We’ll pay for lunch if Madigan appears with his stooge candidate he’s running plus his hacks manipulating and spreading lies in the state rep race in Aurora, including Shaw Decremer, Will Cousineau, Julia Larkin, Princess Lisa and Lou Lang.

    You forgot to mention Jimmy Johns.

  48. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:48 pm:

    There’s something sweet and endearing to the child-like, innocent perspective employed by Patty, Johnny and the Tribbie edit board.

    They’ve taken a complex, confusing, complicated world and reduced all of its problems to the existence of one man (or two, if you throw Obama in the mix; Johnny doesn’t like him).

    Who wouldn’t want to be free of cognition?

    I bet after nap time, while they’re enjoying their juice boxes and pudding cups, Patty, Johnny and Brucey come up with AWESOME ideas about what they’d do if Mean Old Man Madigan weren’t around.

    Until then, enjoy your Hot Wheels, boys.

  49. - circular firing squad - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:50 pm:

    Gas is great
    He shows there is still a place for junior high poltical. tactics.
    word is kass on the radio is killing wls-am numbers and tribe circulation

  50. - reformer - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 12:58 pm:

    Shaw has been humiliating the House GOP for years, so it’s no wonder he isn’t popular among them.

    Four years ago Shaw took out Dep. Minority Leader Brent Hassert. Two years ago, in a bad eleciton year for Dems, he aborted the career of “the next Aaron Schock” in electing Michelle Mussman.

    Cross and Brady are no doubt pulling their hair out about which Democrats or Independent Shaw will get elected this year.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:00 pm:

    ===We have Obama the hometown President on the top of the ticket, a 3 to 1 funding advantage, and a Democrat drawn map that removed 4 Republican incumbents in the House before the campaigns even began.===


    MJM with a Republican leaning map for the House and a STRONGLY Republican leaning IL Senate map in the 1992 Re-map, lost the House Majority 1 …one … ONE CYCLE to Lee A. Daniels.

    Any Dopey converastion about “the map” or “Against us” really doesn’t deserve much of a response. If the Dems overcame it, why not Tom Cross? Does Michael J. Madigan?

    Further, after looking at Tom Cross GOLF last Election Day, and the Political Staff’s lack of using the resources available to to win … who would geive money to a Tom Cross, or Tom Cross’ Political Operation. the HGOP is lucky to have the funds they are getting at this rate, and with that track record.

    My criteria is the same as it ever was … get Veto-Proofed, either chamber … out they all go.

    If Tom Cross and Christine Radogno lose CLOSE to Veto-Proof, they should step down, but that would never happen. But, Veto-Proofed …either … both should be gone, Period.

    Did you hear that?

  52. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:02 pm:

    –We’ll pay for lunch if Madigan appears with his stooge candidate he’s running plus his hacks manipulating and spreading lies in the state rep race in Aurora, including Shaw Decremer, Will Cousineau, Julia Larkin, Princess Lisa and Lou Lang. –

    Is Princess Lisa a reference to the elected attorney general?

    The one who’s won three statewide elections, the last time with 65% of the vote?

    You might want to put that away.

    That sneering misogynistic stuff doesn’t go over so well in some circles, including among fathers, sons, husbands and brothers who love and admire the women in their lives.

  53. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:06 pm:

    ===and a Democrat drawn map===

    The HGOPs and the SGOPs can’t be blamed, but if Bill Brady had beaten Pat Quinn during the greatest GOP landslide since 1948 then you would’ve had at least a 50-50 chance of drawing the map yourselves.

    Right now, it’s just whining.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:08 pm:

    ===The one who’s won three statewide elections, the last time with 65% of the vote?===


    Name both the GOP candidates Lisa Beat for AG, after Joe Birkett???

    No Peeking!

    Princess Lisa? I guess the ILGOP bows down to her to? Look who ran and how they ran against YOUR Princess Lisa …Yeah, that is what I thought …

    Princess Lisa? Really??? Dopes!!!!

  55. - OpenlineBlog - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:08 pm:

    Wordslinger, yes, that’s Princess Lisa Madigan, who has been the so-called attorney general of a state suffering from an epidemic of corruption and who’s only qualification is her last name and holding press conferences.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:11 pm:

    ===The HGOPs and the SGOPs can’t be blamed, but if Bill Brady had beaten Pat Quinn during the greatest GOP landslide since 1948 then you would’ve had at least a 50-50 chance of drawing the map yourselves.===

    Spot on Rich!!!!

    But members of my party wanted to teach us all a lesson. They just forgot by not going full bore for Brady, they lost the last safety valve for the map. Never underestimate the ILGOP’s love to cut their nose to spite their face!

  57. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:20 pm:

    –Wordslinger, yes, that’s Princess Lisa Madigan, who has been the so-called attorney general of a state suffering from an epidemic of corruption and who’s only qualification is her last name and holding press conferences.–

    Gee whiz, I guess Illinois voters in three elections disagreed with you.

    Democracy can be such a bother.

    Psst, wanna know a secret? If you pile up 65% or 72% in a statewide election, you’re getting a lot of Republican voters.

    But keep up the Illinois GOP misogyny strategy, what with your “Princess Lisa,” or the “Dear Daddy” trash peddled by Big Brain Pat.

    That’s going swell. Beats working for a living.

  58. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:41 pm:

    Word and Willie got the knives out today. This is the funniest thread in a long time. Willie’s never gonna forget that golf game.

  59. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:42 pm:

    Seriously, you guys should take it on the road.

  60. - OpenlineBlog - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:44 pm:

    Wordslinger, voters put Blago in office twice and he’s in prison now. Illinois has elected a lot of incompetent people (Blago, Princess Lisa, Quinn).

  61. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:44 pm:

    This is like listening to Cubs fans talking about baseball.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:48 pm:

    ===This is like listening to Cubs fans talking about baseball. ===

    That was just plain MEAN!!!

    (softly) … but true.

    I will only go on the road as a team with - wordslinger -, Rich should to manage us, or at least get 10% at the door.

    That was one very astute observation about the ILGOP and the Cubs - Bill - …

    It’s true … and just mean.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 1:57 pm:

    ===Willie’s never gonna forget that golf game.===

    Anyone … ANY …ONE …who has put up Election Day yard signs at 4am, anyone … Dem … Repub … even Green party … who worked a precinct at 5am, rushing to get donuts for the Election Judges … Every … EVERY single 3pm runner… out in the precincts … scurring for voters …

    EVERY SINGLE PAID “VOLUNTEER” OF EITHER PARTY OR CAUCUS …who got yelled at for going out on a Friday night with a significant other instead of being at the campaign office … or HGOP Paid Volunteers… who Cross demmanded better numbers, more volunteers … better results …

    For everyone and all who work campaigns just because.

    Tom Cross gave you a ONE FINGER SALUTE golfing on Election Day … “Forget” you! … YOU do all the work … I can golf.

    That is why I will never, ever …EVER forget, or forgive.

    Attention all HGOP Staff “Volunteers” … who got yelled at during that campaing cycle … ridiculed … made to feel worthless at times … your leader …YOUR leader Golfed … don’t ever forget that.

    All HGOP staff …”Volunteers” right now … just remember … when its bleak … don’t worry, Tom Cross is THERE … for you … unless Medinah has the Ryder Cup pin placements available on Election Day … can’t miss that, eh Tom?

  64. - just sayin' - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 2:30 pm:

    Democrat Mike Madigan is too sucessful in advancing the Democrats’ agenda.

    Obviously the answer for Brady and Kass is to call the whaaaaaaaaaambulance.

  65. - Anon - amiss - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 2:31 pm:

    –The proof is in the pudding. If this is such a terrible idea then logically the reverse should be true for the Democrats. They should embrace Speaker Madigan and show those silly Repubs how valuable a commodity the Speaker would be if he appears with them publically. So, what say you Dem candidates?–

    You really miss the point. Its not a bad idea because the Speaker is so popular. Its a bad idea because, for the most part, people DONT CARE about who the Speaker is. This is about winning elections. Democrats have done it year in, year out.

    In 2010, the Republicans had their best shot at taking the House. They had money, they had decent candidates, they had the “Republican tide”, and some pretty favorable districts in which to run… BUT they lost many close and winnable races. They also decided to make Madigan an issue then back then.

    At the same time the HGOP was losing races, Congressional races trended to the GOP in the same areas where Dems won GA races.

    If the goal is to get people to dislike Madigan, this strategy seems to be working. If the goal is to win elections, the strategy IS NOT working.

  66. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 3:00 pm:

    From the House Journal, 97th GA, 1st Day:

    “Representative Tom Cross moved that Michael J. Madigan be elected Speaker by acclamation.

    Representative Madigan asked to be recorded as voting for Representative Cross.

    The Motion Prevailed.

    On the question of electing the Speaker of the House of the 97th General Assembly,
    Representative Madigan receives 115 votes.
    Representative Cross receives 1 vote.”

    Seriously. The only person that voted for Cross as Speaker was Madigan. (I know, I know, it’s a courtesy, its for show, but all the bluster PB is throwing out for the Republicans makes it look like they have no real positions.) It will be interesting to see if they do this again in January.

  67. - da staff - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 3:07 pm:

    Not only do voters not care who the Speaker is, I’m pretty sure they could give a hoot who the staffers are.

    @ Open- Say, I love Jimmy John’s. What if a bunch of old ex-staffers appear with even older senior staffers? Will you pay then also?

    Most don’t look as good as back in the day (females excluded) so I’m not sure about that photo…but if you insist

  68. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 3:37 pm:

    this post made my week…thanks bloggers…

  69. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 6:45 pm:

    Willy and word, AA has nothing more to add. You said everything worth saying.
    So for now:
    With warmest personal regards, I remain
    Sincerely yours,

  70. - Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 9:14 pm:

    Willy, for those of us who do not know, what is a “paid ‘volunteer’”?

  71. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 18, 12 @ 9:34 pm:


    Each Caucus has staff that is paid throughout the year to work on legislation … work with members of the Caucus … constituent service, … Elected Offical outreach …be part of the Caucus staff asisting the member to retain their seat.


    Come election time … these staffers take a “leave of absence”, getting off the government payroll, and severing all governmental ties. At the very same time, each Caucus’ Politcal arm does some hiring … turns out, those taking a “leave of absence” get hired by the political arms of the respective Caucuses.

    Those staffers are now “volunteering”, no one is making them take time off to work campaigns, and then those “volunteers” are paid out of campaign funds to offset the lost government wages.

    “Paid Staff Volunteers”

    No snark, and much respect for these “Paid Staff Volunteers”. They work ridiculous hours, away from family at times. They get no rest, they are usually the ones running the whole shop for the Caucus Leaders and most of the time, they do a credible job, if not an outstanding job most of the time.

    Those are the ones Tom Cross gave the Single Finger Salute … especially those that work for Tom Cross’ Political Shop.

    I feel sick for Cross’ “Paid Staff Volunteers”. Tom Cross, I hope, apologized to them after golfing. After no sleep for 4 days, including Election Day, that would be the least Tom Cross should have done.

    Did that help explain? Kinda gave you the short version, but that is the jist of who they are, and what they do. Lemme know if you need more.

    To ALL those guys, I for one salute you all, no matter which of the 4 Caucuses you are “Volunteering” for.

    Sincerely, and with RESPECT.

    Oswego Willy

  72. - Anonymous - Friday, Oct 19, 12 @ 12:49 am:

    =Those staffers are now “volunteering”, no one is making them take time off to work campaigns, and then those “volunteers” are paid out of campaign funds to offset the lost government wages.=

    Thank you, Willy. However, if they are getting paid, why are they called, and why do they call themselves, “volunteers”?

    It seems intentionally misleading, especially to those who are truly volunteering, i.e., not being paid for, I’d imagine, in some cases the same type of work.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 19, 12 @ 5:34 am:

    ===Thank you, Willy. However, if they are getting paid, why are they called, and why do they call themselves, “volunteers”?

    It seems intentionally misleading, especially to those who are truly volunteering, i.e., not being paid for, I’d imagine, in some cases the same type of work.===

    There is a “history” that goes into staff jumping “on and off” government and political payrolls, and further, the term “volunteer” in this instance refers to those staffers having the “free will” to “decide” to work on campaigns, not being “forced or compelled” to leave their government position to work on a campaign. They are “volunteering”, no one is making them work on campaigns.

    That is why quotation marks are used, at least by me and others. It is not intended to be misleading, but it is an “inside baseball” (and I hate saying that term, but I guess in this instance it helps in the terminology) practice and uing the term “Paid Staff Volunteers” is a tongue and cheek “nod” of who they are and what they do.

    If you felt it was misleading, I am sorry, I am just following the ironic protocal that has been used to describe them by a great number of political operatives that understand the jumping on and off payrolls.

    I hope that helps.

  74. - Anonymous - Friday, Oct 19, 12 @ 2:36 pm:

    Not your issue to apologize for, Willy. Thank you for explaining. The data certainly did help.

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